Wano Prediction/Jinbe Cover Story Theory

Short theory I have that ties in with the One Piece Project/All Blue Theory. There practically little evidence for this so don’t be too harsh.

We know very little about Wano expect it is a country Oda has based off Japan. The women don’t dress scandalous and the men are powerful samurai warriors.

Wano_Country_InfoboxOne thing I found interesting is that the World Government stays away from them out of fear.

I predict that Wano has a specific code built into their law to stay away from the World Government and to be aggressive against them. Why? Joy Boy told them to.

Joy Boy obviously had ties to the ancient kingdom and was some sort of leader to them if he specifically wrote letters to all of Fishman Island in poneglyph form. I believe Joy Boy had allies all over the New World and when the Ancient Kingdom was destroyed He was able to send messages to them. The people may have forgotten about the Ancient Kingdom after they were destroyed just like the Fishman did, but a secret message remained for their leaders and the tradition carried on. Just like King Neptune protect Noah out of tradition, the Shonen or Feudal Lord of Wano knows that his kingdom shouldn’t have ties to the World Government.

Fast foreward to Jinbe’s cover story, Jinbe gets a poneglyph. The island he gets it from has some Japanese style architecture? Seen here:,_Knight_of_the_Sea?file=Chapter_762.png

I think the poneglyph will have ties to Wano Country and include something similar to what I have described above.

The fortune teller on Fishman Island predicted that Luffy would destroy Fishman Island one day. The One Piece Project theory says that Luffy will destroy Fishman Island in order to create the All Blue and start a massive world war. The people of Wano will be another one of Luffy’s allies to the final war because of the poneglyph and their customs. Their people will join Luffy in defeating the World Government.

TL;DR A Wano Poneglyph written by Joy Boy told the people of Wano to be hostile against the World Government. Wano will join Luffy’s final war against the WG once he is pirate king.

*Theory by OptFire


    This is my first theory, It’s quite short but I hope you enjoy.

    Well I thought about Aokiji’s ice for a while and I realized that we’ve never seen his ice being turned into a liquid and it would be just weird of he is made out of his own weakness.
    His ice just emits a constant stream of vapor.


    The only ice with the same properties I know of is Dry ice.


    Other than water, Dry ice is made out of Co2 and it sublimes at −78.5 °C, which means it turns immediately from a solid to vapor.

    This also makes him a far greater deal, since Dry ice is way cooler than normal ice.
    It can cause severe frostbites and it stays solid for a longer period.

    Though the question remains if the snow on Punk Hazard is made out of Dry ice also…

    *Theory by SolidEye


      Many of you believe that Roger doesn’t have a devil fruit and that he uses only haki..well i will assure you that he has one.

      Before i get to his devil fruit.. do you remember the scene when Garp talks about Roger.. he said “Roger was naive and straightforward like a child, but he’d change in a sort of demon if someone hurts his crew,he’d become violent when angry and he was short-tempered and selfish

      Do you maybe know who else is like this – not Luffy, but someone from real life(almost) – he appears in One Piece.. i think you will never remember it.. it’s this guy



      Now you may Roger is Klabautermann? No.. that’s stupid, but what Garp said is clearly a foreshadow.. childish, naive, short-tempered and is a demon – what we saw is not Klabautermann’s real form

      So what is Roger ? ..well Roger is Hödekin or has is Hödekin-Hödekin zoan.. both Hödekin and Klabautermann are Kobolds
      Why do i believe that he is the same thing as Klabautermann is.. well Hödekin is known to had a big mustache, red hat and red coat and was tall


      “He could turn into some sort of demon“-Garp… Hodekin and most of Kobolds are known to be childish which Roger is as said by Garp and Kobolds always took form of a human.. but almost never their real form in front of somebody.. and their real form is a demon..a nd whoever saw their real form would die – this would explain why mostly no one ever saw his true form – because everyone who fought him either died or Roger didn’t have to use his final form

      Hodekin also seems like a helpful spirit, but in the end, he turns out to be DEVIL..or D like Roger


      You probably remember this scene.. and you know that either Garp or Roger turned off the lamp that was shining there.. but after it turned off, how did it turn back on?

      Well this is where Roger’s devil fruit comes in.. Kobalds are known to be sometimes good and sometimes bad – some say they can be Light in the darkness and Darkness in the light (i think he could turn invisible by taking out the light..which would also explain why no one ever saw his true form)
      Also i believe that Roger didn’t rely on this powers very much, except when he is really angry or when he is 1 v infinite enemies – so his crew wouldn’t see him

      I think this was shown to be a little foreshadow for his full potential haki(that picture up there).. i think that full potential haki will be in combination with devil fruit(it can be achieved even without devil fruit).. so i think Roger used “small” conqueror haki on Garp so he could push him over the edge so Garp will keep his child safe – even though Garp was already going to do that..

      You remember that Roger said to Rayleigh “I’m not dying,partner”.. i believe he is still alive as a spirit and he is at the Raftel.. now i always go between Joy Boy’s brother ,Gaban(i will explain at the end) or Roger to be on last island.. but in this theory i will go with Roger, because of few reasons – first i will tell you that Oda is fan of Jules Verne who wrote book “20,000 thousand leagues under the sea” – fishman island..and i think he will use other 3 books i mentioned in my last theories.. but for Roger he will use “A mysterious island”
      In that book, main characters meet Captain Nemo, who reveals them his identity.. at the end, captain Nemo dies.. i believe that Roger still lives and waits for that someone(as Whitebeard said – and that one is not Blackbeard) on the last island.. and when that someone comes to Roger..Roger will give him something – either ancient weapon,his ship or some parts for Pluton.. but the thing i believe that Roger will give is that.. he will teach Luffy how to Conquer Darkness and Light – Roger knew how to conquer his devil fruit and with that to conquer light and darkness.. why i believe it ?

      Because Luffy who is based on Sun Wukong – he pulled staff that no one else could EVER.. Luffy will pull off something that no one ever could(will learn 2 conqueror hakis).. he will be able to use two or maybe even three(Monkey D. Dragon’s) conqueror haki’s at the same time.. so Luffy vs Blackbeard will be ultimate battle 3 conqueror haki’s vs 3 devil fruits.. but Luffy can conquer darkness so he will in the end barely win – i think Luffy will be able to conquer his darkness and Blackbeard will consume himself with his darkness

      At the end i said i will explain why i think Gaban will be at last island – in book Journey to the Center of the Earth,main characters meet one guy at the entrance to the center of the earth and when main characters go up from center to the Earth through volcano – reverse mountain,one guy return to his home,which is close to North pole – in one piece it will be south pole which is last island of one piece)

      Hope you liked it and that this makes sense

      *Theory by Cleveland



        So there has been many speculations as to why Shanks visited Foosha Village, and triggered the fateful encounter with Luffy.

        I’ve have read through countless theories, and although some seem plausible, I would like to give my input as to why I believe Shanks went to Dawn Island…..The reason for that being, is that is because that is where Gol D. Rogers body is buried. I also believe Shanks went there for two reasons!

        1) Shanks wanted to pay respect to Rogers grave.

        2) Shanks went there to return the Straw Hat to Rogers grave!

        Why would Shanks do that though? Roger gave him the Straw Hat for a reason, so why would Shanks go to return it? We will get to that in a minute, but first…..How did Roger’s body get to Dawn Island? Well I believe Garp is the one who brought it there. After Roger was executed, I believe Garp asked Kong (Who was F. Admiral at the time) If he could be allowed to be the one to bury Roger’s body. Since Garp is the “Hero of the Marines” and Roger’s greatest rival, I believe that is more than enough reason for Kong to allow Garp to take Roger’s body….Especially since Kong seems to hold Garp in high regards.

        Now onto why Shanks went to Foosha to return the Straw Hat to Roger’s grave….I believe it is because, Roger said the same thing to Shanks, that Shanks said to Luffy when he gave him the Hat. Him and Shanks made a promise that Shanks would take care of his Straw Hat, and to come return it to him, when Shanks has made a name for himself, and became a big named pirate.

        That also answers another question that has been on everyones mind…..When did Shanks become a yonko! I believe Shanks became a Yonko right before he went to Foosha Village. After Shanks became a Yonko, he headed to Foosha Village to fullfil his promise to Roger, and thats when he met Luffy! Remember Whitebeards words when him and Shanks talked? About how he was shocked that a man as powerful as Shanks came back from East Blue missing an Arm, and his signature Straw Hat? I think that was a hint Shanks because a Yonko around the time he visited Dawn Island!

        I believe he saw Roger’s will in Luffy and the uncanny resemblance that Luffy shared with Roger, and instead of leaving the Straw Hat at Roger’s grave, he decided he was going to leave the Straw Hat, with the kid who he believes inherited Roger’s will, and the man believes Roger was waiting for! In a sense, Shanks has fulfilled his promise to Roger, by returning the Straw Hat to the kid who will one day carry Roger’s will, and in turn, by making the same promise with Luffy, he would ensure that Luffy would follow the path of being a pirate, and fulfill his role that Roger believed he would!

        The reason why I hightlight the word promise, is because it is a major theme within One Piece…..And so far every promise we have seen so far, has been linked back to Luffy…..He fulfilled the promise of Calgara to Montblan Noland, by ringing the Golden Bell, signaling to Noland’s ancestor, Cricket the location of Sky island. I believe Luffy will fulfill the promise Joy Boy made to Poseidon, by bringing all the Fishman to the surface via the Noah. So it makes sense that if Shanks made a promise with Roger, that Luffy will be linked to that promise as well!

        Fate is also a major theme within One Piece, and I believe Roger was fated to be buried on Dawn Island, which would in turn, bring Shanks to the Island….So in a sense, Roger was in fact the one who found the man he was waiting for, and set him on the path of fulfilling his role of finding Raftel, and the One Piece..

        *Theory by Celestial D. Dragon


          True power of Busoshoku Haki.

          This is a theory about what i think CoA is capable of.

          Everybody already knows that Busoshoku can be used to bypass DFs, project a force as an offense or defence or used to coat things for offense or defence.

          When it is trained enough, one can visibly show their haki, this technique is called CoA. Vergo mastered his CoA by obtaining full body arnament but my question is, did he really master it?

          I think it can be taken way deeper than it has been shown.

          There are people i speculate who have taken it higher than Vergo; Garp, Roger, Zephyr, Kong, and etc but there are two that i believe have truly mastered it.

          Rayleigh and Shanks

          ONE.PIECE.full.432781 []

          Rayleigh has the epithet “Dark King”. I dont think he is evil or was a king, i think this was a reference to his CoA. He was given the title as the king of Busoshoku, a worthy title for the 2nd in command to the Pirate King.

          Shanks being part of Rogers crew it is very pausible that Rayliegh would have taught him to use haki. Shanks crew seems to represent normal humans and uninterested in DFs. He has no DF, one arm, and made Yonko status. Shanks has to have strong haki.

          I strongly believe that in present time Shanks is the strongest being alive and has the best haki of anything/anyone breathing.

          I think Shanks and Rayleigh have taken CoA further than anybody else in the series.

          Now im going to explain what i think their CoA should be able to do.

          Remember when the Admirals projected haki to deflect Whitebeards quake? The full extent of this power could projecting black barriers that work similar to Bartolomeos fruit. See? CoA has the power of an entire DF. This can be taken further by projecting things more creative than barriers, like shapes. Depending on how much imagination you have or how smart you are is what makes this power even more powerful.

          Remember when Rayliegh knocked out the elephant with a blue projection? Another thing i think a master of CoA can do is produce waves that look like Ki blast. This can be taken further by making something that is similar to a Rasengan. I believe this would be a great Naruto reference, something Oda is bound to do since he and Kishimoto are so close. It also would be a quick and easy way to destroy Logia users.

          The final and most deadly of the things i think that Busoskoku can do is to fill the air and the ground with it. That would give the user the basic intimidation/fainting powers of Haoshoku because Busoahoku haki that strong could have that effect, almost like physically and mentally smothering the person and will give the user the basic kenbunshoku power to sense the presence of others because they would be literally moving through the users Busoshoku, an extension of themselves.

          Allo of these powers are extensions of full body CoA.

          So i believe CoA masters can construct and erect things that are dependant on their will, project it as energy waves, and copy the basic forms of the other two types of haki.

          *Theory by AnonymousStrawHat

            SANJI’S NEW POWER UP

            Okay guys I think we can all agree that Sanji has something up his sleeve that will help him catch up to the insane power we’ve seen Luffy and Zoro display. There have been many theories as to what it is and I’ve had my own theory in my head for about a year so I decided I’d give my two cents.

            First I’ll discuss what the technique is:
            We’ve seen Oda draw from different mythologies for ideas and my theory has to do with Christian Mythology, specifically the works of Dante and his Inferno. First let’s talk about his current power up.


            Diable Jambe is French for Devil leg and involves fire based attacks which makes sense because when you think of the Devil you think of hell and fire. Some of Sanji’s new attacks draw inspiration from this idea and the fact that he just spent 2 years in his own personal hell of Okama land.

            So now that that’s been established lets go back to Dante. Anybody who’s ever read Inferno(or seen the Impel Down Arc for that matter) will know that fire and brimstone isn’t all there is to Hell. The lowest level of Hell is actually a frozen wasteland saved for the worst sinners in history. Brutus, Judas, and even Satan himself are imprisoned in ice there.


            So fire isn’t the only thing associated with Hell and Satan. You also have ice.
            I believe that Sanji unlocked Diable Jambe back at Enies Lobby because he was going through the Hell of losing his friends. Then during the timeskip Sanji descended into another level of Hell(as he had now lost all of his friends and was stranded in the worst possible place he could imagine) and discovered the ability to use a freezing leg to attack.
            I believe this new technique would be called Cocyte Jambe, Cocyte is French for Cocytus which is the name of the frozen lake in which Satan is trapped.

            Now I’ll discuss the nature of this new power-up.
            First is how he’ll activate it
            I think the way he would activate it would be similar to how he activates Diable Jambe. He will begin to spin at incredibly high speeds but instead of creating friction for his down leg, he will extend his other leg which will in turn cause his foot to spin much faster because of centrifugal force. This speed will have the wind blowing at it so fast that the air will get colder and his leg will start to freeze over(One Piece physics everybody). This will create an icy shell around his leg which he will attack with.

            The advantages of having an icy leg would first be that all of his attacks would be extremely cold and would partially freeze his enemies. Also his leg would now be much harder because it is covered in ice which will add more power to each kick.

            Having the option of fire or ice to attack with will give Sanji greater versatility as he may face opponents who can handle the heat but not the cold and vice versa. As far as power goes, on its own it would be just as powerful as Diable. The real power comes when he uses them together. One leg each.

            Now you’re probably thinking that if he used them together then it would just even out the temperature and make it less effective. That’s if he used them at the exact same time. Now if he used them back to back with slight intervals, that’s a different story. I’ll explain

            The Characteristics of life are as follows:
            composed of one or more cells
            undergo metabolism
            maintain homeostasis
            can grow
            respond to stimuli
            can reproduce
            through evolution, adapt to their environment in successive generations

            Now pay attention to homeostasis
            If you took the time to read that then good for you, if not, I’ll summarize.
            Homeostasis is the property of a system in which variables are regulated so that internal conditions remain stable and relatively constant. Examples of homeostasis include the regulation of temperature and the balance between acidity and alkalinity. It is a process that maintains the stability of the human body’s internal environment in response to changes in external conditions.

            If Sanji were to kick an enemy with a fiery leg and burn him, then before the body can react to the heat he kicks him with a freezing foot and and freezes the burned tissue then that tissue is now much more damaged than it would have been had he just burned it or just freezed it. When you get a burn or frostbite you are supposed to slowly and steadily return that tissue to its proper temperature, when the change is instantaneous the tissue will be severely damaged.

            Not only this but the body will also try to adapt to changes in temperature but will be unable to react quick enough meaning that it will be warming itself up from the freezing as Sanji is burning it, and cooling itself down as Sanji is freezing it. This will increase the damage done by each attack as he now has his opponents body systems working against them and the more he attacked the more the damage he causes will increase.

            Eventually because of its inability to maintain homeostasis the opponent’s body will suffer from what is called Homeostatic Imbalance and its systems will start to shut down which can incapacitate a person or even cause death.

            So that’s my theory. I believe Sanji will develop a Freezing leg technique called Cocyte Jambe which will give him much more versatility in combat and when used in conjunction with Diable Jambe will allow Sanji to attack person in a way that destroys the body from the inside out as well as outside in.

            This idea has been on my mind for a while so let me know what you guys think.

            *Theory by Samurai Jack


              By “more important”, I mean that some of the coliseum fighters are SOME kind of role instead of just being……there. I’ll only talk about a few of them.


              Obviously the coliseum fighters are gonna help the SHs fight Kaido, but what about their roles aside from that?


              King Elizabello II


              He is a KING. Simply put, his kingdom will be in the service of the SHs and he will participate in the Reverie.

              Brawling King Ideo


              This guy knows a thing or two about group battles.



              He is also very fixated on getting stronger. He brought this up multiple times.


              Ideo is the UNDERGROUND Boxing champion. Underground boxing is no different from illegal street fighting as people die. Ideo probably trains in a boxing school and is always getting into “wars” with other illegal schools engaging in no holds barred brawls.

              Point is that Ideo know a bit about the underground and will be of help to the SHs when they are forced to lay low during the WG takeover. His underground dueling arenas can help the SHs get stronger and Black Leg Sanji will be their representative when it comes to keeping tabs on underground affairs and changes on the surface. Ideo will teach Sanji the Destruction Cannon.

              Grand Admiral Orlumbus


              “TEN HUT!!!!!!”(love this guy)




              Orlumbus is known as “the Massacre Ruler” and the “Made Up Explorer.” Orlumbus is a grand fleet admiral that acts like an explorer group but is actually a mercenary group.


              However, Orlumbus is an explorer at heart. He carries a whip and seems to fight animals on a regular.


              I believe this guy has experience on Zou. Zou means Zoo(which contains animals of course) and is Oz spelled backwards. Oz is a mystical land that contains strange creatures. What strange creatures does Zou have? Minkmen. Orlumbus’ fleet is anchored in Zou.

              Also, Orlumbus is based off Christopher Colombus.

              *Theory by Vandenreich

                WHAT IS RYUSOKEN?


                As many of you know, Sengoku has the hito hito no mi model daibutsu and is the former marine fleet admiral. But we really haven’t seen too much on the hito hito no mi model daibutsu; so here is my theory on its true power.

                WHAT IS HIS POWERS
                Well i believe that his powers are based on iddhi, superhuman buddhist powers that one can obtain by mediation and its hindu equivilant siddhi


                Anyways what i’m saying is his powers are based on buddhist myths and miracles

                The elephant story
                As the Buddha gathered more and more followers, stories spread of his miracles, which mixed the marvelous with the mundane. One story tells how 500 pieces of firewood split at the Buddha’s command. In another, a mad elephant charged wildly down a street forcing everyone to flee. Only the Buddha remained, quietly waiting. The elephant, overcome by the Buddha’s radiant kindness, knelt before him, and the Buddha patted his leathery trunk.”
                This is a story about how the buddha encountered a raging elephant, but used his powers to make it knee before him. Sound familiar? Yes, this power sounds a lot like CoC. This leads me to the conclusion that Sengoku has CoC

                Siddhi and iddhi
                As i stated these are hindu and buddhist powers that one can obtain through meditation, something that the Buddha was well known for so here are a few powers that i picked that would work well for Sengoku (read the wikipedia link to know about all siddhi and iddhi powers)

                • replicate and project bodily-images of oneself ; i believe this power may work like cloning
                • flight
                • pass through solid objects,-maybe logia like abilities?
                  • Aṇimā: reducing one’s body even to the size of an atom
                  • Mahima: expanding one’s body to an infinitely large size-could these powers be why sengoku can become a giant?
                  • Garima: becoming infinitely heavy
                  • Laghima: becoming almost weightless-like miss valentine?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                *Theory by knaal



                  So as the name and the picture suggests this is a theory on Rayleigh’s powers…
                  As we all know Rayleigh’s alias is the Dark King. My theory is that he got this name by his top of world(once upon a time, now weakend due to old age) CoA:hardening(maybe stronger than or epual to the pk).
                  You can see the toughness of his haki in instances like in the fight with Kizaru he coated his sword in CoA so that it wont get cut by Kizaru’s sword(since it is concentrated beam of lighting so it works like laser)

                  and also the speed at which he came to kick Kizaru from attacking Zoro was also achieved by using CoA on his feet and then kicking the ground (like instant movement in uq holder or negima if you know about those two)

                  in the gif above it shows the dust rising from his feet…
                  also when he came to Marineford shot bullets with bare hands and then shattering the cannonballs although this can be acheived by the kuja also,the speciality of Rayleigh lies in shooting multiple bullets with accuracy and CoA embbedded into them


                  so instead of a baseless statement that “the demon” resides in Rayleigh I suppose he was called the Dark King because he had insane CoA: hardening levels like being able to put three layers on top of his body or atleast he was the first person who introduced the common world to “hardening” or CoA since haki was developed by the kujas. As we have seen in the series the marines don’t tend to change peoples titles such as Zoro is still called pirate hunter even though he is a pirate and he never actually intended to be a pirate hunter.So Rayleigh was also given the name Dark king by some dumbass marine or commoner cause he was black(no racism intended)

                  *Theory by gamergautham


                    In this theory I’m going to compare the SH to some people in the old generation but are still active. Once these certain people die/quit/etc I believe the Straw Hat I describe will take something similar to their role. This will be very weird, trust me


                    Monkey D Luffy is the new Roger, old Pirate king

                    I think this because, well, you know of course. Luffy carries on Rogers will, and becomes the new Pirate King. No trouble there..


                    Roronoa Zoro is the new ..Dracule Mihawk Silvers Rayleigh

                    Mihawk because of the World’s greatest swordsman. Rayleigh cause he’ll be the pirate kings right hand man. Many think he’ll awaken CoC Haki once he opens his left eye. I think that could be a possibility. Most likely after beating Mihawk or Shiliew, he’ll become the WGS.


                    Sanji could be the new .. Red Leg Zeff Monkey D. Dragon

                    Yes, you saw it correctly. Monkey D Dragon. Now, put down your pitchforks. Remember this scene:


                    Now I believe Oda put that for a reason. This could be major foreshadowing for around the end of the series. And Dragon is currently the most feared man, so Sanji taking his place is like being the new Dragon. Plus, many theories of Sanji being a Noble or a Celestial Dragon could affect the outcome of his future. Red Leg Zeff was put because, well, both cooks, same fighting style, the basic stuff. But I don’t think Sanji will have that revolutionary army and stuff like that. I think he’ll be feared for something.. Maybe his heritage?


                    Franky, Cutty Flam as the new Dr. Vegapunk

                    It was between Vegapunk or, Ceaser Clown. But CC is too much of a jerk and not at all like Franky. And Dr. Vegapunk is a similar scientist type engineer like Franky. This could be possible. But we don’t know much about Vegapunk and there could be some other people from Roger’s crew that could fit in. And Franky being the new Vegapunk would actually be really awesome.


                    Nico Robin as the new Dr. Clover

                    I chose this and not her mom because we don’t know much about Olivia, and I didn’t choose Kuma cause they’re nothing alike. Clover was the major archaelogist in Ohara, and Robin could carry on his will and surpass him, aiding the future Pirate King. A great fit.


                    Brook as the new ..Brook

                    Brook was already from the elder times, and is not really similar to anyone else. Brook will be his own man and continue on with his own goals. GO BROOK!


                    Usopp as the new Shanks Noland Yasopp or Buggy

                    Montblanc Usopp? Seems Plausible. Usopp is very similar to Noland, and his lies are all becoming true. He could actually be the Usoland. Shanks was just a cabin boy, but became a very strong person. Usopp could awaken CoC and become like Shanks. The usopp pirates and Usopp leaving them is similar to Shanks leaving Luffy and giving him his straw hat. Usopp and Yasopp are both excellent snipers; though Usopp will get stronger and surpass him. Buggy and Usopp both have great luck and have very similar personalities. Both make themselves seem super powerful, but actually aren’t as powerful as they boast. Lol.


                    Tony Tony Chopper as the new Dr Hiluluk

                    Chopper will carry his will of becoming an amazing doctor, who can cure any disease.


                    Nami as the new Boa Hancock

                    Both are pretty tough females and very pretty, and they do show off their body most of the time. Both have a deep love for something (Money, Luffy) and both are overall very similar. I don’t think Nami has CoC and will be a Warlord as well as an ex-slave, but might have a similar role at the EOS as Hancock does. Nami could become the most tough navigator and female in One Piece. I can see Nami becoming a queen-type person. Oh and if Nami becomes the head of Amazon Lily at sometime that’ll be hilarious.

                    Law = Whitebeard
                    Kid = Shiki
                    Thousand Sunny = Oro Jackson
                    Coby and Smoker are hard ones, but I think Smoker will join the SH.

                    *Theory by Red Beard