Rayleigh’s disciple

*Theory by Oz

I have a theory regarding Mihawk being Rayleigh’s disciple.13RayleighMihawk-1

Both being very good swordsmen (one of them even the best in the world) is kind of a hint for me. And it would explain two still unknown things:
1. How the friendship between Shanks and Mihawk developed (Shanks, too, being a swordsman) maybe they were both his disciples at the same time.
2. Zoro’s scar on his eye. We know that Zoro’s and Rayleigh’s scar might have the same reason, which would be the training of observation haki. And after the War of the Best at Marineford, Zoro became Mihawk’s disciple. Mihawk knew of that technique to train the haki of observation because he saw it from Rayleigh. Mihawk having the hawkeyes did not have to train his observation haki but he showed that technique to Zoro.
It’s just a theory though, I don’t have any kind of proof. But I would like to read your comments about it. ^ ^

(you can send your argumented theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])


    (you can send your argumented theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])

    We would assume they both have a similar scar because they are swordsmen and therefore a situation where you eye is likely to get slashed is presented to them more frequently.

    It might be that they ‘voluntarily’ have a scar on their eye as a way to purposely hinder themselves in order to train better (as stated by Celestial D. Dragon in many theories that zoro is training his CoO & hence his left eye is closed)

    Also it is most likely just another sort of parallel between Luffy and Roger’s crews. Either that or Oda thought they would look cool as fuck with scars on their eyes.

    But now look at this below pic of Rayleigh.


    Rayleigh unleashes Conqueror’s haki from eye with scar.

    Could it be another parallel thing between Rayleigh & Zoro.That they are both prominent CoC user & their eye with scar is dominant in using CoC.


    It is almost certain that Zoro might awaken Conqueror’s haki in future.So I’m guessing like Rayleigh ,will eye with scar of Zoro play imp role in CoC.


    Oda just showed Rayleigh using scarred eye for CoC, to make it look badass .

    Please note eyes play important role in Conqueror’s haki. Almost all character have been unleashing CoC from eyes. Kings use expression of dominance dictated through their eyes to rule over weak willed.

    What do you think about?

    *All rights go to blaze

      Doflamingo’s Eyes Theory

      (you can send your argumented theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])

      We already know that Oda for some reason not showing Doflamingo without his shades. We recently got a glimpse of Doflamingo’s right eye but Oda again covered his left eye with shade.


      My theory is that Doflamingo is born with a medical condition which caused blindness in his left eye and for some reason cannot be fixed.
      Above is a Doflamingo’s jolly roger which have a line across its left eye which can be thought as a eye patch covering his blind eye. Until now every pirate group’s jolly roger has attributes of that group’s captain and i think it proves that he is indeed blind in his left eye.
      Doflamingo’s father intend to get away from mariejois for good reasons but there may be more to it. Since Celestial Dragons see themselves as gods, they do not want to have anyone who have physical disabilities from birth to be a CD, because that contradict their belief of them being gods (since gods have no weakness) and there may a unspoken rule to kill them at the time of birth.
      But Doflamingo’s father cannot kill (because of his own ideals) his son and hid his son blindness from other CD’s using shades. Doflamingo’s family for some reason (Doflamingo’s father thought he may fail to hide his son weakness because Doflamingo is growing and it’s time to start to go to school!!?) intend to get away from mariejois to save Doflamingo.
      (Naturally Doflamingo is unaware of all this)
      After that we all know the history. Up until now we haven’t seen doflamingo showing any weakness except his cockiness (even luffy had to follow a plan to just punch him). So, him being blind can attribute to some weakness in his battle and can contribute to his defeat.

      *theory made by RAN

      What do you think about this theory? ^ ^

        How dangerous are Enel’s electrical attacks?

        (you can send your argumented theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])

        Let’s examine Enel’s goro goro no mi attacks and the nature of electricity.


        The Physics:
        To really understand how Enel’s electric attacks affected the Straw Hats, we’ll have to start with a mini lesson on the nature of electricity. Now, Enel’s attacks which hit you with millions of volts may sound absurdly crazy. After all, your standard AA batteries only supply a measly 1.5 volts. But then again, a tabletop Van-DeGraff generator can hit you with 100,000 volts. Hell, even a well placed socks-on-carpet induced static shock can carry around 40,000V. These can definitely hurt a bit (or a lot), but they certainly won’t kill you. Why is that?

        The most common answer you’ll hear is “It’s not the voltage that kills you, it’s the current!”. I don’t want to say this answer is wrong, because there is some truth to it….kind of….. At best, it’s partially right, at worst it’s horribly misleading. Okay, okay, let me back up for a second. It’s true, static shocks come with a huge voltage, and a tiny current. But here’s the thing, current and voltage are inexorably linked together by this thing called Ohm’s law. Ohm’s law says that voltage is equal to the current times the resistance of the system. V=I*R. Rearranged, the current is equal to the Voltage divided by the resistance. I=V/R. But humans have a pretty consistent resistance which means the only way you can deliver a shock with a bigger current is to raise the voltage. Put more simply, since I=V/R and R must stay constant, the only way to make I bigger is to make V bigger. Conversely, if you deliver a shock with a bigger current, you must have upped the voltage as well! so if the current kills you doesn’t the voltage kill you too??? See, it’s misleading. But I’m here to clear this all up.

        When people bring up the “It’s not the voltage, it’s the current” thing they usually refer to something like a wall outlet, which can kill you under the right circumstances, but only has about 120 volts. Given the large resistance of the human body (around 1000 Ohms), outlets can only deliver a current of around .12Amps. Going back to our previous case with static electricity, you’re getting a peak shock of 10,000/1000=10A which is way more than our wall socket. What gives!!??

        Okay , here’s the secret: TIME. You see, current is a description of electric current flowing per second. When discussing lethality, quoting a current is basically useless without also including HOW LONG THE CURRENT WAS APPLIED. Looking back to our static shock example, that huge current of 10A was applied for a little less than a millionth of a second. That’s less than 1 micro second in science terms. On the other hand, something like a wall socket will supply a current for as long as you’re in contact with it. Furthermore, given the nature of our nervous systems, you’re likely to clamp down on whatever is shocking you: maintaining contact. So this relatively small current is applied for a much longer time which leads to a much higher volume of electric charge transferred through your body.

        To sum this up in a nice little package, we can look at the total ENERGY transferred from the shocking source to you. To do this, we just look at the power (V * I) which gives us watts, and multiply that by the total time the shock was applied. For our static shock this gives us a total energy of about (100,000V) * 10A * (10-7 S)= .1 Joule. On the other hand, if you’re shocked by your wall outlet for about 1 second, you’re getting hit by about (120V) * .12 * 1 = 14.4. Typical sources cite about 5 Joules as the requirement to kill you which illustrates why a static shock probably won’t kill you but an outlet certainly could. Now, these are absurdly simplified calculations for discussing resultant current, discharge times, and overall lethality of an electric shock. Simply take this as a basic conceptual guideline.

        So the next time you hear from someone that “it’s not the voltage that kills you, it’s the current!” you can (politely of course) let them know that it really comes down to the total energy delivered in the shock which often has more to do with the duration than voltage or amperage.

        One Piece:
        Okay, so how does this apply to the world of One Piece? As I discussed above the key to determining the lethally of Enel’s shocks lies the duration of each attack. The problem here is that the original source material, the manga, gives little clue to the passage of time and the anime is notorious for being very liberal with time. Enel’s goro goro no mi, the thunder fruit, gives Enel’s power a connection to lightning. Not just electricity, but specifically with lightning. Since this would technically make all of his attacks some form of lighting, I’m going to use lighting as the basis for his attack duration.

        Lighting isn’t composed of a single strike but rather a series of strokes and return strokes as the clouds and ground reach electrostatic equilibrium. However, the bulk of the energy is transferred in a single stroke of about 30 microseconds. In one of his first attacks that he names a voltage, Enel hits Gan Fall with 30,000 Volts. Using 1000 Ohms as a standard human resistance, we get a total energy transfer of V * I * T= V * V * T / R = (30,000,0002 ) * 3 * 10-5 / 1000 = 2.7 * 107 Joules. This is a pretty monstrous transfer of energy. At this point I could try to rationalize this some more; discussing the lower air pressure on skypeia, path the charge took, clothing, ect. but in reality I don’t think I can explain this one away. Put simply, by real world terms, Enel’s attacks would kill just about anyone. But what about Luffy?

        As we all know Luffy is a rubber man. That means in assigning a resistance value we have to treat him as rubber. The resistance coefficient of rubber is about 1013 ; about a billion times larger than water. However to assign it a resistance value in Ohms, we have to take into account the volume of substance the current is flowing through. To make things simple I’ll just say the path the current wooed take is through 2/3 the total volume of a human body worth of rubber. This gives .07 * (2/3) * 1013 = 4.6 * 1011 Ohms. This is about 100 million times the resistance of a normal human. Doing the same calculations with Enel’s “200 Million volt Vari” attack, we get (200,000,0002 ) * 3 * 10-5 / 4.6 * 1011 = 2.6 Joules which is definitely less lethal dose of 5 Joules.

        I’m pretty happy with this. Sure, Enel’s attacks should have killed every non-rubber human, but keeping in line with some very simplified physics calculations, it looks like Luffy really would be immune to even Enel’s strongest attacks! That’s awesome!!!

        TL;DR In the real world, Enel’s attacks would kill everyone except for Luffy. Luffy would actually be fine.

        *All rights go to CygX-1

          800 years has passed, a pirate named Gol D. Roger successfully reached Raftel and discovered the true history

          (you can send your argumented theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])

          This is what Gol D. Roger discovered in Raftel!


          Once there was a Kingdom on the moon that had advance science technology and its name was Beerka. The people of Beerka could make robots and dials (the things that they use in skypia). However, they migrate to the blue planet because they ran out of resources (the blue planet is earth, and if you see the comic cuts with ”Enel” in it when he goes to the moon, you can see writings that say people of Beerka migrated to the blue planet because of lack of resources). The ship schematic that the people of Beerka used to migrate is probably the one that Tom (Franky’s dad) had. When the people from the moon (Beerka) came down to earth, they accepted everyone to join and use their technology in peace and soon developed into a huge Kingdom. However, a secret organization wanted to take the power and authority of the Beerka for themselves and started a war. The Beerka developed three ancient weapons to win the war. The weapons are named the ”Pluton”, ”Poseidon” and ”Uranus”. Pluton runs underneath the ocean floor to change the tides of the sea to make a shied against enemy ships. ”Poseidon” ”Princess Shirahoshi” her ability to summon ”Sea Kings”. Finally Uranus is a dangerous weapon which can be used to rule the world or, in the wrong hands, destroy it. But as of yet, absolutely nothing else is known about it. It was first mentioned during Nico Robin’s conversation with King Neptune, when she says there are three ancient weapons that bear the names of ‘gods’. Later on traces of Pluton’s drilling underground builds up due to undersea volcano eruptions and becomes the “Red Line”. Furthermore, The ”Calm Belt” and the ”Grand Line are formed which divided the ocean into four. Poseidon is a cannon made from fairy bass (sand from the moon). The sand from the moon has a tendency of coagulating sea water and the solid form of sea water made from the moon sand was used as the cannon ball. Later on, the cannon balls that were used during the war sank into the ocean floor and became ores called ”Sea stones” (the stones that devil fruit users are weak against). Even with these extraordinary weapons, the people from the moon lost the war after 100 years of fighting. They conceal the three weapons (Pluton, Poseidon and Uranus) so the secret organization couldn’t use it for themselves. The survivors of the people of the moon hide away from the secret organization and take the shape of the half moon ”D” to use as their middle name. (this explains people with ”D” named) The secret organization that betrayed and destroyed the people of the moon name themselves “World Government” and started a project to hide their wrongdoings.

          1. they erase the 100 years of history of the war (the 100 years of history (the void century) that Robin wants to find)

          2. They send 20 soldiers to the moon to erase any trace or evidence of the people of the moon. (the 20 soldiers that were sent to the moon are later called world nobles and their offspring are treated like kings. this also explains why world nobles always wear space suits.

          The survivors of the people of the moon make a small Island called ”Raftel” which Gol D. Roger reveals it to Edward Newgate while they drink. The survivors hide in Raftel so that the secret organization won’t find them. One Piece is in this island and ”Gol D. Roger” was the only person to find the island. The reason that the ”D” people are not on the island, is because the people of the moon wanted the world to know the evil deeds done by the government. They made poneglyphs (bits and parts of the 100 years of history) and placed it all around the world and sent out a selected number of their own people (D’s) to find it and let the world know the truth. They call it ”The Will Of D”The people of Ohara were the last people who could read the ”poneglyphs”, but they were all killed by the world government. There were only one child who survived, her name was ”Nico Robin”. – The Beerka’s (people of the moon) make one final secret weapon while they are on the island of Raftel. This ancient weapon’s ability is to take the four seperate seas that were divided by Pluton, and turn it back in to one huge ocean (AKA ALL BLUE (the ocean sanji always dreams of). because of its ability to turn the world upside down, which will bring the four sea’s in to one, that weapon is called “ONE PIECE”. 800 years has passed, a pirate named Roger successfully reached Raftel and discovered the true history. He knows exactly what to do, but unfortunately his body didn’t allow him to… he had this incurable disease, remember? whereas the project needs a lot of power and time to complete, 2 things that Roger didn’t have time. Therefore, he decided to create The Golden Age of Piracy instead, hoping that there will appear someone who is strong and righteous enough to complete the massage in his place. Who will be that ‘someone’? I think we all know the answer.

          I dont know if this is the actual truth but nonetheless it has intrigued my imagination.

          *All rights go to the maker of this theory

            Haki Theory

            (you can send your argumented theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])


            This is a theory about haki. I believe that there are more than three kinds of haki. It feels fairly obvious really, it seems so strange that a “natural” force like haki would be so tightly divided into three neat categories. No, I believe the three forms of haki we know now are just the most common, and the most predictable. The other forms are, I believe, so rare that any person with a rare haki type is basically unique, the chance of two people with the same rare haki type appearing is really low. This makes rare hakis much more unpredictable than other forces (like normal haki, devil fruits, rokushiki etc) and thus we should be seeing more of them in the New World. And I believe we have.

            My theory is based on the idea that those rare versions of haki are somewhat variations of the main three ones. The reason I think that is because of the two most obvious examples of rare haki we’ve seen in the series: Jango’s hypnosis and Miss Goldenweek’s drawings. Both of these seem related to Conqueror’s haki, as they’re about affecting the minds of others, but in more precise and “weaker” ways than conqueror’s haki that just makes people faint. Note that none of these people have real Conqueror’s haki, nor are very powerful fighters, but I don’t see how that’s a problem; Aisa’s a good example of character who was simply born with excellent haki without any exceptional other skills. I see no reason these rarer haki types should be any different.

            One of the reasons I think these skills are a kind of haki is because of one of Oda’s SBS, where he was asked if Miss Goldenweek’s power came from a devil fruit. He stated that that wasn’t the case, but refused to go into further detail. This seems to imply that it’s a kind of power that hasn’t been described yet, but will probably get explained at some point.

            I believe there’s another good example of a rare haki we’ve seen quite recently: Doffy’s “pace”. Again, this seems like a variation of conqueror’s haki and a very subtle yet effective one. Since we’ve already seen it being very effective against Luffy, I believe it will play a critical role in their fight. My guess is that a chapter will end with Luffy being almost controlled by Doffy’s pace, only for the next chapter to contain a Rayleigh flashback of him explaining about rarer haki types and how to counter them. If they exist, it would be nuts of Rayleigh not to prepare Luffy for them, especially if they’re more common in the New World.

            Speaking of Rayleigh: Another example of a rare haki type candidate is Roger, whose ability to “hear the voice of all things” sounds a lot like a variation of observation haki to me. Also, I believe there’s a good candidate for a variation on armament haki: Zoro’s Asura. This creates a nice parallell with how Zoro’s observation and armament haki was initially shown in Alabasta but not fully explained, only to get very well explained a long time later.

            TLDR: There are many rare kinds of haki, including Doffy’s “pace” and it’ll be important in Luffy’s fight.

            *All rights go to Trasteby

              Reason behind the “D”

              *Theory by Fylx

              (you can send your argumented theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])


              The “D” in for example Monkey D Luffy stands for the will of D but why D? The celestial dragons said that they were gods because of they created the world. They also said the one with the letter “D” in the name are devils and pure evil. Why? The word Devil makes me think of something else, Devil fruit. When you eat a Devil fruit you gain the power of the Devil and if someone with the will of D is a devil? What does that mean? It’s now the real Theory begins. No one knows what happend during the void century and how the will of D started. Perhaps it was a man during the void century that started everything? A man that was so evil and mean that everyone called him Devil. Just like people call Luffy now for Monkey “Strawhat” Luffy people perhaps called this man for Lastname “Devil” Firstname or even Lastname “D” Firstname to make his nickname shorter. He had the strongest devilfruit in the world. The power of all devilfruit and therefore the name devilfruit was born. If you eat a devilfruit you had the same power as that man, “the devil”. He was so evil that even his children and children’s children were called Devil. Even everyone that was somehow related to this man was called Devil or D for short. After a while This man died and his Devilfruit was “Reborn”. I think that Devilfuit is OnePiece. That devilfruit is what Gol D Roger found. The Devilfruit of the first man with the will of D.
              Perhaps the D kingdom is where everyone that was related had to move to because they were not welcome anywhere else.

              What do you think of this theory? Do you support it?

                Sanji’s Diable Jambe (Theory)

                *Theory by Rei Sasuke

                (you can send your argumented theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])

                Dials are strange, mysterious devices made from the remains of particular shellfish, which have the ability to store energy and matter. Though they originate from Skypiea. There are many types of Dials that store various things depending on their type.


                Dials store energy and matter itself, usually by that particular type of energy or matter being absorbed by a tiny hole or holes on one side of the Dial and content can be released by pressing the apex on the other side of the Dial. Dials are capable of letting the energy out in different amounts. Some use their contents all in one blast, such as Impact Dials, Axe Dials etc., while others are capable of storing multiple uses within their contents until it runs out, such as the Flame Dial, which then has to be refilled with that content for the dial to be used again. On sky islands,weapons are upgraded, or even combined, with Dials. This creates incredibly powerful weapons. We all know Ussopp created 2 types of weapons with dials, Kabuto his slinger, and Nami’s clima tact because her ability is to study weather changes. What if Ussopp or Sanji himself have modified two type of dials within his indestructible shoes by combining flame dial with heat dial to create “diable jambe”?! Think about it, no one has the ability to spin so fast to make leg burn on fire, neither other cooks. Sabo is nr 2 revolutionary chief and couldn’t do that, but he is much stronger than Sanji. Why? Because only the strawhats knew about dials and saw them and used them. One question, did we ever see sanji use diable jame without the shoes? No because they absorb the shock by Sanji’s powerfull kicks and release the energy in pure flame. Sanji used the diable jambe at the Ennies lobby arc, after the skypie arc was finished. and he being a chief is used to contact with fire so he by the time passed managed to use the diable jame properly and to level up the technique. Think about it…



                  Theory on the most possible “Power-Ups” Straw Hat Crew can get..

                  (you can send your argumented theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])


                  SH crew might have reached their DF power limits but, there’s a set of Techniques which will make them more Powerful and also Aid their DF Abilities.
                  I think you all know it already.. it’s Rokushiki!
                  With Sanji and Luffy having already mastered a few of them, it’s most plausible most of the SH crew will learn them and Master them.
                  Here’s who will master in what [Note: Luffy and Sanji have already mastered..]:

                  Luffy: Soru.
                  Sanji: Geppo and Rankyaku.
                  Zoro: Tekkai.
                  Robin: Shigan [Just think about it, she could literally pop out two hands on her opponents and perform shigan out of no-where.. too OP].
                  Nami and Ussop: Kami-e. Why? They are the ones who try avoiding the Fight. This technique specializes in dodging and running away.
                  Chopper: Maybe Tekkai/Kami-e.. don’t know.. Rankyaku/Geppo is also a strong possiblity with Jump Point and all..

                  Rokuogan: Don’t think anyone would be actually able to pull this one off as it requires a lot of Practice[Maybe Robin after she learned all of the Techniques, highly unlikely though..]

                  I think Soru can be learned by all of them(except Franky as he is heavy and all..)

                  I am betting on them learning the Rokushiki sooner or later. It’s the only Type of “Power-Up” besides Haki and DFs.

                  What do you think, possible or not?

                  *All rights go to DarkBlaze99

                    One Piece Theory

                    *Theory by Anirudh Srivatsaa
                    (you can send your argumented theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])
                     I Think that One Piece is a collection of information about what happened in the void century and a weapon to destroy the world government(which will also involve destruction of Marie Jois, Red Line, automatically Fishman Island).
                    This is because the world government destroyed the D Kingdom(which was previously mentioned in the anime).

                    Revenge of the D’s :
                    So the D’s left a weapon for its successors to destroy the world government. Hence after learning that the world government destroyed the D kingdom the remaining D’s could go and attack the government with the weapon’s left by their ancestors.
                    Origins of its name:
                    The Name One Piece could mean that the last remaining piece of the D kingdom. That one power packed piece which contains everything that a D must know. A piece which tells the D’s about their past. A piece which would help the D’s avenge their past and create a peaceful future.
                    So that’s why Roger said that only a true D can find one piece.
                    The fortune teller at Fishman Island:
                    So the fortune teller at Fishman Island could be correct when she said Luffy would destroy Fishman Island,because destruction of the red line(which is a part of destruction of MarieJois) will lead to the destruction of Fishman Island.
                    What the Weapon could be:
                    The weapon could probably be the strongest Devil Fruit(or A piece,’One Piece’ of the Strongest ever devil fruit) which will help Luffy destroy the world government.
                    What do you think of this theory? Do you support it?