Haki Theory

(you can send your argumented theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])


This is a theory about haki. I believe that there are more than three kinds of haki. It feels fairly obvious really, it seems so strange that a “natural” force like haki would be so tightly divided into three neat categories. No, I believe the three forms of haki we know now are just the most common, and the most predictable. The other forms are, I believe, so rare that any person with a rare haki type is basically unique, the chance of two people with the same rare haki type appearing is really low. This makes rare hakis much more unpredictable than other forces (like normal haki, devil fruits, rokushiki etc) and thus we should be seeing more of them in the New World. And I believe we have.

My theory is based on the idea that those rare versions of haki are somewhat variations of the main three ones. The reason I think that is because of the two most obvious examples of rare haki we’ve seen in the series: Jango’s hypnosis and Miss Goldenweek’s drawings. Both of these seem related to Conqueror’s haki, as they’re about affecting the minds of others, but in more precise and “weaker” ways than conqueror’s haki that just makes people faint. Note that none of these people have real Conqueror’s haki, nor are very powerful fighters, but I don’t see how that’s a problem; Aisa’s a good example of character who was simply born with excellent haki without any exceptional other skills. I see no reason these rarer haki types should be any different.

One of the reasons I think these skills are a kind of haki is because of one of Oda’s SBS, where he was asked if Miss Goldenweek’s power came from a devil fruit. He stated that that wasn’t the case, but refused to go into further detail. This seems to imply that it’s a kind of power that hasn’t been described yet, but will probably get explained at some point.

I believe there’s another good example of a rare haki we’ve seen quite recently: Doffy’s “pace”. Again, this seems like a variation of conqueror’s haki and a very subtle yet effective one. Since we’ve already seen it being very effective against Luffy, I believe it will play a critical role in their fight. My guess is that a chapter will end with Luffy being almost controlled by Doffy’s pace, only for the next chapter to contain a Rayleigh flashback of him explaining about rarer haki types and how to counter them. If they exist, it would be nuts of Rayleigh not to prepare Luffy for them, especially if they’re more common in the New World.

Speaking of Rayleigh: Another example of a rare haki type candidate is Roger, whose ability to “hear the voice of all things” sounds a lot like a variation of observation haki to me. Also, I believe there’s a good candidate for a variation on armament haki: Zoro’s Asura. This creates a nice parallell with how Zoro’s observation and armament haki was initially shown in Alabasta but not fully explained, only to get very well explained a long time later.

TLDR: There are many rare kinds of haki, including Doffy’s “pace” and it’ll be important in Luffy’s fight.

*All rights go to Trasteby


  1. we don’t know for sure if roger could hear things because of some kind of observation haki or devil fruit (I personally think that it might be a DF because I don’t see how someone could hear lifeless things). Although I think tha Jango has a special ability (hypnotizing weak enemies) it might be a kind of haki. I don’t think that Aisa uses a rare kind of haki, because haki translates as the power of the spirit, that means that you don’t have to use matterial (swords, in aisas case paints) to attack. As we have seen Aisa uses some kind of paints in order her attacks to be effective. But since Oda has stated his opinion on aisa i can not claim that her powers come from a devil fruit (sorry for my english)….

    • as what rayleigh said to luffy you can use haki to your weapon for example, smoker’s staff-thing is filled with haki when fighting against vergo and vice versa.

  2. What do you think about kinemon and he’s ”fire” sword or like luffy’s making the hikken no Ace
    maybe there are some kind of ”elemental haki”

  3. tha Jango power has nothing to do with haki.. Oda said that his power is from a mushroom that grew on his chin.. that gave him such hypsnotizing power.

  4. Some thing like that… check wiki

  5. Strawhatpuffy

    I agree with you in your theory but some of the supporting references you stated were not ideal. Jango’s abilty can’t be classified as Haki. Though, your theory is good. There’s more to Haki than those 3 classified because they have been in the half of the world or at the beginning in the new world. They need to power up more if they want to claim their respective dreams. But i think Luffy has a special ability/Haki just like roger’s, the ability to hear the SEA KINGS, as shown in the Fishman Arc. And i would like to see more clash of Conqueror’s haki user0s.

  6. Roger’s ability of hearing things and writing on the poneglyph when no one could read them, these are interesting things. Also, Luffy and Rogers both heard Sea kings talk during the mermaid island arc, so that might be a different kind of haki as well. And there should be another haki which only D could use. Theories after all.

  7. Portgas D. Ace

    We haven’t seen that much of conquerors haki yet and I think the reactions of the high-tiers at marineford (when luffy uses CoC at the war) were totally over the top if the only thing you can do with it is letting the fodder faint… I think there won’t be another haki type, it will be more like higher levels of CoC.

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