In this theory I’m going to compare the SH to some people in the old generation but are still active. Once these certain people die/quit/etc I believe the Straw Hat I describe will take something similar to their role. This will be very weird, trust me


Monkey D Luffy is the new Roger, old Pirate king

I think this because, well, you know of course. Luffy carries on Rogers will, and becomes the new Pirate King. No trouble there..


Roronoa Zoro is the new ..Dracule Mihawk Silvers Rayleigh

Mihawk because of the World’s greatest swordsman. Rayleigh cause he’ll be the pirate kings right hand man. Many think he’ll awaken CoC Haki once he opens his left eye. I think that could be a possibility. Most likely after beating Mihawk or Shiliew, he’ll become the WGS.


Sanji could be the new .. Red Leg Zeff Monkey D. Dragon

Yes, you saw it correctly. Monkey D Dragon. Now, put down your pitchforks. Remember this scene:


Now I believe Oda put that for a reason. This could be major foreshadowing for around the end of the series. And Dragon is currently the most feared man, so Sanji taking his place is like being the new Dragon. Plus, many theories of Sanji being a Noble or a Celestial Dragon could affect the outcome of his future. Red Leg Zeff was put because, well, both cooks, same fighting style, the basic stuff. But I don’t think Sanji will have that revolutionary army and stuff like that. I think he’ll be feared for something.. Maybe his heritage?


Franky, Cutty Flam as the new Dr. Vegapunk

It was between Vegapunk or, Ceaser Clown. But CC is too much of a jerk and not at all like Franky. And Dr. Vegapunk is a similar scientist type engineer like Franky. This could be possible. But we don’t know much about Vegapunk and there could be some other people from Roger’s crew that could fit in. And Franky being the new Vegapunk would actually be really awesome.


Nico Robin as the new Dr. Clover

I chose this and not her mom because we don’t know much about Olivia, and I didn’t choose Kuma cause they’re nothing alike. Clover was the major archaelogist in Ohara, and Robin could carry on his will and surpass him, aiding the future Pirate King. A great fit.


Brook as the new ..Brook

Brook was already from the elder times, and is not really similar to anyone else. Brook will be his own man and continue on with his own goals. GO BROOK!


Usopp as the new Shanks Noland Yasopp or Buggy

Montblanc Usopp? Seems Plausible. Usopp is very similar to Noland, and his lies are all becoming true. He could actually be the Usoland. Shanks was just a cabin boy, but became a very strong person. Usopp could awaken CoC and become like Shanks. The usopp pirates and Usopp leaving them is similar to Shanks leaving Luffy and giving him his straw hat. Usopp and Yasopp are both excellent snipers; though Usopp will get stronger and surpass him. Buggy and Usopp both have great luck and have very similar personalities. Both make themselves seem super powerful, but actually aren’t as powerful as they boast. Lol.


Tony Tony Chopper as the new Dr Hiluluk

Chopper will carry his will of becoming an amazing doctor, who can cure any disease.


Nami as the new Boa Hancock

Both are pretty tough females and very pretty, and they do show off their body most of the time. Both have a deep love for something (Money, Luffy) and both are overall very similar. I don’t think Nami has CoC and will be a Warlord as well as an ex-slave, but might have a similar role at the EOS as Hancock does. Nami could become the most tough navigator and female in One Piece. I can see Nami becoming a queen-type person. Oh and if Nami becomes the head of Amazon Lily at sometime that’ll be hilarious.

Law = Whitebeard
Kid = Shiki
Thousand Sunny = Oro Jackson
Coby and Smoker are hard ones, but I think Smoker will join the SH.

*Theory by Red Beard


  1. coby = garp?
    only basing on the fact that roger and Garp had fought a lot and nearly killed each other, but they never did. similarly, Luffy and Coby are really good friends although they are on different sides of the battlefield, they will never try to kill each other because of their friendship (maybe like Garp n PK?). also, PK trusted Garp with his kid and i believe Coby will do the same for Luffy

  2. Coby will be Garp and Smoker = Sengoku!

  3. you say that because of their resemblance to the older generation or their capacity too? (sorry for the bad english)

  4. Lord. L. Kabah

    Nami was a slave too, for Arlong. and the quest to draw all the maps she must to conquer her dream, will literally take her all around the world, eventually she might be called ‘the most beautyful woman in the seas’.

  5. Jack Stamper

    Obviously, Smoker will be the next Garp. The toughest, unorthodox Marine Soldier, always hunting for the king of pirates.

  6. Well.. this is stupid

  7. Seriously people you guys really think Nami is or can be equivalent to Boa [-_-]
    And Coby is gonna be the new Garp whereas for Smoker, he will eventually join the rev.

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