Tag Archives: big mom


I’m sure everyone is familiar with the ongoing trend of OP characters giving us false explanations for in-universe events that they think they understand but don’t, with Oda leaving us on the assumption that Vegapunk will explain it properly. I believe this is the case for the explanation of Reverse Mountain too. Now, Nami’s explanation is surely a contributing factor to why water flows up the mountain but there is another effect at play

I believe that One Piece’s moon is in fact in geostationary orbit, exhibiting it’s entire gravitational force over a single point. Reverse mountain. This is the biggest contributing factor in the phenomenon of upward flowing water, and also explains why the rest of the world isn’t affected by regular tidal forces

But why is this relevant? First we’re gonna need some locations for the map points


Aside from excellent foreshadowing on the part of Oda this flag is also a vital clue. The World Government are aware of the road poneglyphs and Raftel, but are unable to reach it. The fact that they have been unable to reach it, even long before the beginning of the great pirate era and the rise of the Yonkou suggests that the poneglyphs were given to their enemies. So they likely also point to the nations of their enemies

One poneglyph on Zou, an independent nation isolated from humans. One in possession of Kaido, likely found in Wano, who are still independent of the World Government. Many have speculated that the unknown poneglyph is from Elbaf but I believe the Elbaf poneglyph is the one owned by Big Mom. The final poneglyph rests on the moon, and will be brought back by Eneru

Now let’s complete the map. But first, take a look at this


One thing is evident from this picture. There are many island combinations that take 2 from each half of the grand line or one from each of the 4 blues which lead to reverse mountain being the intersection point. Reverse mountain is commonly theorised to be the location of Raftel. Statistically speaking, it’s the location at the end of the grand line which is most likely to be the solution on a 2D map. But surely this makes it too easy? The solution can’t be something so simple as to be reached by anyone with a bit of basic logic?

And so we return to the moon. Instead of thinking of the map in 2 dimensions, try thinking of it in 3, with the moon as one of the points. Now lets take 2 nations from opposite sides of the grand line. Alabasta, who whilst being members of the World Government were likely allies of the AK given their refusal to move to Mariejois and ownership of a poneglyph, and either Wano or Baltigo, as both are likely roughly the right distance into the New World for this to work and aren’t WG islands. And finally, the reason for the theory of the geostationary moon, the final point is Fishman Island. Connect the dots in 3 dimensions on a globe. The line between Alabasta and Wano/ Baltigo cuts through the globe, meeting the line between the moon and Fishman Island at a point just beneath reverse mountain

Raftel is likely deep under water or underground, in what is essentially the exact opposite position to Fishman Island which rests 10,000 meters below sea level beneath Mariejois on the opposite side of the world.


    We learned five things in the last chapter:

    1) There are 4 Poneglyphs
    2) The 4 Poneglyphs together shows the location to Raftel
    2) Kaidou and Big Mam each has a poneglyph
    3) The Kozuki clan created the Poneglyphs
    4) Oden Kozuki, the father of Momonosuke, was a member of Gol D. Roger’s crew
    5) Oden Kozuki was executed by Kaidou and the Shogun of Wano.

    How is all of this connected? I’ll get straight to the point like I always do.

    It was said that the 4 yonkou were the ones closest to One Piece and it seems that was stated in a literal sense. WB and Shanks knows how to get to Raftel so the Red Poneglyphs are “worthless” and Kaidou and Big Mam each has one. Shanks does NOT have a red poneglyph.

    Kaidou stole a red poneglyph and Big Mam was ENTRUSTED with another by Roger himself. I’m not joking.

    The 4 Red Poneglyphs

    Oden Kozuki was a member of the Roger Pirates so of course he knows the history of the Void Century. With the new info that it was the Kozuki who made the Poneglyphs, it is blatantly apparent that Wano fought along side the Ancient Kingdom.

    As we know, the AK, which includes Wano, was defeated with Wano itself being split in two and half of it siding with the 20 Kingdoms, giving rise to the marines’ swordsmanship training and the Bald Gorosei.

    Being one of the AK’s strongest allies, Wano or just the Kouzuki clan, made the poneglyphs and 4 red ones detailing how to get to Raftel and they were given to 4 ally nations: Elbaf, an unknown place, Zou and of course Wano. I think the last red poneglyph is in Elbaf.

    The 4 red poneglyphs show the location to Raftel when the 4 of them are deciphered meaning, Gol D Roger used the Voice of All Things to follow its guidance leading him to Raftel, implying that the red poneglyphs are not in the WG’s hands.

    Roger’s crew scattered after Raftel was discovered and one of the red poneglyphs ending up in the protection a former Roger Pirate or ally: Big Mam.

    Kaidou, Wano and the Red Poneglyph

    Why would the Shogun of Wano joined Kaidou and murder Oden Kozuki? Because Oden was deemed a traitor.

    Wano used to be under the protection of WB(after he saved it from Kaidou) but after the death of WB, Kaidou returned. This time however, things would be different. Why? Because Oden Kozuki told the Wano Shogun some info of the Void Century and I believe they were trusted friends.

    Like the other Roger pirates, Oden was awaiting Roger’s successor but when Oden told his friend the Shogun about the history, the Shogun was pissed. Not only was the pissed upset at what he heard, he was filled with greed and wanted to more. The Shogun of Wano wanted a war; a war where Wano can get its revenge on this world of lies and a sense of greed for getting ultimate power.

    Oden was of course against the Shogun’s irrational behavior but there was someone invading them that shared the shogun’s ideals:

    100 Beast Kaidou

    Kaidou thinks the world is hollow and should perish. He wants to engulf the world in the greatest war ever and the Shogun had similar motives(also, Kaidou’s wanting to commit suicide for his failures is similar to samurai committing suicide when shamed). Things got worse when the Shogun sided with Kaidou and told the beast what he knew. Yes people…Kaidou knows some of the history too. He knows what the Shogun knows. This made Kaidou want the Red Poneglyph by any means thanks to Whitebeard himself.

    Kaidou recalled that WB said that whoever finds the OP would cause the world to be engulfed in a war and with the Red Poneglyph that is a key to Raftel’s location is in his possession, he goal is one step closer.

    However, Kaidou can’t do a thing with the Kozuki clan. The Shogun and Kaidou thinks the members of the Kozuki clan(Momo, Kinemon, Kajnuro and Raizou) can somehow decipher the red poneglyph. This is one for the reasons the fled Wano for Zou and also how Kaidou knew to send Jack specifically to Zou. Both Kaiodu and the Shogun want to know what the red poneglyphs says.

    For a second scenario, the shogun could just be a coward and decided to join the winning side.

    Big Mam, Roger and the Red Poneglyph

    First of all, how does Nekomunashi know that Big Mam has a red poneglyph?

    I think Big Mam was a former member or at least an ally of the Roger Pirates. Why? A few reasons…

    In previous theories, I came to the conclusion that the Ancient Kingdom and the D clan is based off South America or at least, the mythical cities of South America.

    Big Mam also has connections to WB who was a friend of Zou and Wano.

    Nothing concrete, I this is the reason why I think Big Mam was either entrusted with or was able to get her hands a Red Poneglyph. I also think that this is the reason Germa 66 are going business with her; they want that poneglyph. It also increase the chances of Big Mam becoming an ally of Luffy since he seemingly has Kaidou AND half of Wano after his head.

    -Roger dies
    -Kaidou invades Wano
    -WB(who Roger told everything about Raftel), chased Kaidou away to Wano his territory.
    -Big Mam gets her hands on a Ted Poneglyph
    -WB dies and Kaidou returns to Wano
    -Big Mam makes deals with Germa 66 over the Red Poneglyph
    -The Shogun sides with Kaidou and tries to froce the Kozuki to decipher the red poneglyph
    -Oden dies(with a smile? a ‘D’)? to let his son and retainers escape
    -The Kozuki clan flee to Zou for assistance and shelter
    -Jack arrives at Zou to retrieve Raizou

    *Theory by Vandenreich


      Jerma 66, or Warmonger, is an evil ‘mythical’ army lead by Sanji’s family, the Vinsmokes, with Sanji’s father being the head. They are most likely very powerful, seeing Nami’s reaction. She viewed it as ‘a load of crap’, meaning that Jerma 66 was so crazy it almost seemed like the organization was sculpted out of a tall tale.


      Notice their choice of words. She says ‘make believe’, with Pekoms telling her it does indeed exist. It most be widely known, and to assuage normal people’s fears, someone has been telling them it is make believe and a myth.
      The influence that they have is massive. They can easily get the WG to give/change bounties. This in my opinion can only mean two things.
      1. They have something the WG wants.
      2. The WG acknowledges them as a threat and gives them what they want before they lash out against them.
      What I am trying to make out of this is that Jerma 66 is a crazy strong organization that is feared by the WG and is powerful enough to be considered a myth.
      Now, to Capone. Capone has been in Big Mom’s ranks for an unknown amount of time. He is the leader of the Fire Tank Pirates, as well as a Mafia Boss. I have previously theorized about him betraying Big Mom, and I’ve been starting to think about a few things. What does Big Mom want that Capone have, or what she may have that Capone will want in the future? I think Jerma 66 may possibly hold the key to that.
      Right now we do not know much about Jerma 66 other than what we have already been presented in earlier chapters. But, I am leaning towards Jerma 66 having something the WG wants, since they would have to be absurdly powerful to rival them. I started thinking about the wedding/tea party. We don’t know much about the tea party, but I am assuming that they would be lavish parties that took a long amount of time to plan. Capone may have join once he heard that Jerma 66 may soon be affiliated with Big Mom.
      What does Capone want from Jerma? He may want to take over and use it to ascend to a higher ranking in the pirate world, or they may have something they have.

      *Theory by Fishman Ibra


        During the development of this new chapter (Chapter 814), I think its becoming clearer on how to kinda assume some things for the future of the story regarding Kaido and Big Mom.

        In this chapter, there was a certain scene that gave a good feel of the status of the strawhats, specifically the scene where Zoro and Luffy argued about on whether going to rescue Sanji or not.

        I think that Strawhats would get a vote off (Luffy and Zoro would have a big rift) and the Strawhats would split with one team going to Wano-Kuni and the other group rescuing Sanji, of course, this group is Luffy’s.

        If im gonna give a guess on who goes with Zoro and who goes with Luffy, of course the ones that goes with Zoro are the reasonable ones, the more practical ones (you already can sense it with their dialouges last chapter)

        Zoro = Robin, Ussop and Brook.

        While the guys who would go with Luffy’s group are the emotional first ones.

        Luffy = Nami, Chopper and Franky

        And THIS division is actually really interesting.


        First of all, please take at look at the possible group of Zoro which would go through the original mission and go to Wano-Kuni.

        Of course, its never more obvious that they also are going to Kaido’s path.

        Nevermind that for now and focus here, Zoro is gonna be with Robin, Ussop and Brook.

        They are going to Wano-Kuni, and it seems that Zoro’s group references some yokais

        Robin = Robin actually got a lot of possible yokai reference, i’ll just leave it like that.
        Ussop = tengu
        Brook = gashadokuro

        Well of course Zoro is a samurai, and along with Kinemon, Momonosuke and Kanjuuro.

        The question is, who would accompany Zoro’s group?

        Obviously, the clear guys are Law and the Heart Pirates.

        It’s also interesting to note that Fujitora might possibly be in Wano-Kuni (and Jack, Sengoku and Tsuru as well) who also are referenced after some very japanese stuff.

        The possible opponent in wano-kuni? = Kaido or Jack.

        Wano-Kuni would be the biggest spotlight of Zoro. and he would get the first crack against Kaido.

        Which other guy would go with Zoro’s group?



        Now let’s focus on Luffy’s group.

        More than referencing the guys in Luffy’s group, in this group, i believe this determines which people would tag along their group….which some of them also would be involved in Wano-Kuni arc.

        Let’s get this out of the way first, Bonney & X-Drake would appear in this Sanji arc. at least what i believe….because of Big Mom.

        Nami = Absalom & Tashigi
        Franky = Vegapunk
        Luffy = Smoker & Moriah
        Chopper = Hogback & Vegapunk

        Zou would be the biggest spotlight of Sanji and he would get the first crack against Big Mom.


        Basically the point im making is that i believe Luffy would take a backseat in this Big Mom/Kaido mess and that Zoro and Sanji would shine in these arcs…especially the first parts of the arcs.

        (although at the end Luffy would be the one to end them dont get me wrong, and i believe their alliance will grow with 2 more people with X-Drake & Bonney)

        *Theory by beck



          In this theory I will be discussing the possible events of Sanji’s solo arc, the whole deal with Big Mom and these weird thing called “Tea Party”
          So first, let’s start with this line:

          And this one too:

          If you guys, noticed, Akainu and Brook both mentioned they had “a chill run down their spine”, i’ll just be straightforward about it.

          I believe Akainu is referring to Bonney being Big Mom’s daughter. (Akainu have no idea about the wedding) and this indicates that Bonney seemed to have already been caught by the Marines before.

          While Brook was referring to his familiarity to the Vinsmoke Family, a famous Mafia group.

          And this Vinsmoke Family, I believe is led by the blonde guy, from the Gorosei.

          Remember that Brook is around 90 years old, so this means that whoever this Vinsmoke is should be around for quite a few decades in power.

          Which by logical assumption is the Gorosei.

          And both of them (Sanji and Bonney), had been wanted all along by both the World Government and the Charlotte Family for one and one thing only.

          A Marriage.

          Sanji and Bonney are “supposed” to be wed by the Vinsmoke and Charlotte Family, it’s the reason why Bonney currently hiding right now.

          So reason why I said “supposedly” is because right now, Bonney is not gonna marry Sanji, but the 35th daughter of Big Mom.

          Pudding, which I suppose is this girl.

          It’s probably safe to assume that Big Mom’s “daughters” aren’t biological. come on.

          Well, I assume the “Mafia” identity of the Gorosei is most probably a secret to marines, so they wouldn’t know it, I believe this marriage would start a “secret” alliance between the Charlotte Family and the Gorosei.

          As I said before in my previous theories, I said that Kaido is actually “secretly” affiliated with the World Government as well, and I think the Gorosei are trying to do the same thing with Big Mom.

          The World Government using Doflamingo and Caesar to ally with Kaido, while they are using “Marriage” to ally with Big Mom.

          I’ll just stop here coz this is not my main theory.


          Anyway, I’ll assume that Bonney probably ran away from Big Mom after she was forced to marry someone (probably a Tenryuubito) because it’s Ace’s “D” (if you know what I mean) who Bonney really likes to get.

          So after Bonney ran away, Pudding was next in line.

          Now some backstory speculation, the Mafia Gorosei impregnated a woman in North Blue (Roger did that, so its open season) and of course their son turned out to be Sanji.

          In order to keep them separated (because he is a douchebag who dont care about having a son) the Mafia Gorosei sent Sanji to East Blue , while her mom stayed in Marijoies (or North Blue)

          Obviously by crossing over Red Line, a feat only someone like a resident of Marijoies could perform.

          Probably Capone just joined Big Mom Pirates in order to find Sanji because he is actually either a subordinate or an ally group of the Vinsmoke Family.

          Personally, I believe Capone and Crocodile are the real partners and Capone is just tasked in finding Sanji and Crocodile in finding Bonney.

          Of course i’m inclined to think that them two got their own Mafia Group apart from Vinsmokes.


          Alright, so let’s now discuss what I think would happen in Sanji’s Arc. (Assuming he gets one)

          Firstly, I dont believe Sanji would get saved by the Strawhats (that’s so Robin) and secondly, Luffy and Zoro already expressed their full trust in Sanji.

          What I think would happen, is that these 2 arcs (Sanji’s Arc and Zou Arc) would be told interchangeably at the same time, in which both parties would lead to Wano-Kuni Arc.

          And ultimately to the fall of Kaido.

          There’s no doubt in my mind now that Big Mom’s pirate crew, will end up being an ally of the Strawhat Grand Fleet after the Sanji Arc.

          And this same Sanji Arc would bring back and introduce some big time players, as well as the Zou Arc.

          Rather than going rounds in circles, i’ll just provide you on who I think would be the characters that would comprise of Sanji’s team:

          1. Black Leg Sanji
          2. Smoker
          3. Tashigi
          4. Absalom
          5. Gecko Moriah
          6. Jewelrey Bonney
          7. X-Drake
          8. Jinbe
          9. Pekoms
          10. Pudding
          11. Crocodile

          These are people who would get introduced and re-introduced in Sanji’s Arc:
          1. Dr. Vegapunk
          2. Sentoumaru
          3. Big Mom (obviously)
          4. Pudding (obviously too)
          5. Admiral Kizaru
          6. Capone Bege
          7. Crocodile
          8. The Blonde Gorosei

          Caesar would be taken away by Admiral Kizaru, while Vegapunk will reveal himself as one of the Revolutionary Leaders and leave the World Government.

          The end of this arc would be Big Mom ending up as an ally of Sanji and the Strawhat Pirates.

          Sanji’s team would come with him in Wano and merge with Luffy’s team.

          While in Wano, Fujitora, Sengoku and Tsuru would also be involved. Ryukogyu would be introduced.

          I actually have a scenario in mind but I know Oda-sensei would think of something better so I just left things like this.

          *Theory by beck

            SANJI AND PURIN

            As we know, Sanji’s last name is Vinsmoke. Vin is the French term for “Wine”, seeing as Sanji is a high-class cook, and Smoke is pretty self-explanatory. The Vinsmoke family is obviously a noble family because:
            1. Sanji is wanted only alive
            2. He’s having an arranged marriage, a custom that is practiced by rich and noble families

            He is also the youngest of three. I’m assuming his two older siblings are male, and their names are Ichiji and Niji.

            Ichi = 1
            Ni = 2
            San = 3


            Now, moving on to Purin. My prediction is that she’s the three-eyed woman on Big Mom’s ship, due to the fact that the “San” in Sanji’s name translates to 3.

            Does that mean Sanji and Purin will get married? I highly doubt it, because that means he will have to remain loyal to her, and it’s too early in the series for him to stop flirting with every woman he meets. It would also ruin the adventures of the Straw Hats, because Sanji will either leave for good and live with Purin, or Purin will join the crew. I’m almost certain that Luffy and the others will crash the wedding and save Sanji, sort of like the Strong World scenario with Nami.

            That’s all I have to say. What do you guys think? Any feedback is welcome

            *Theory by Dead-0r-A1ive

              Another foreshadowing of Oda?

              Chapter 124 Page 1. Sanji carrying a suitcase having the words “The Secret” and number 1830 while pointing to a sign board with the name Tsuru, who could be Vice Admiral Tsuru who was stationed at North Blue 13 years ago, where Sanji is born. Could this mean Tsuru know about Sanji’s past and Vinsmoke family? Oh, and the chapter name “This Tea is Really Delicious”




                The Straw Hat Grand Fleet Finally To Use!!!

                So people,I’m finally back at theorizing,and I have a hyped one this time,about the Straw Hat Grand Fleet.

                Maybe it’s too early for the Fleet to be used,but after the marriage of Sanji being thrown at us,and the fact that it will be with a member of the Big Mom pirates and family,to save Sanji the 8 members of the Straw Hat pirates won’t be enough.And for such a important thing as rescueing a nakama, Luffy won’t hesitate on using every and each help possible. 
                Big Mom herself is a monster and she probably has a good amount of commanders who are very powerfull too,besides other strong members and all her fleet that will most likely be present for such an important occasion as a marriege,so the SH will need allies,if not the whole fleet,”just” the minks,cause like Capone said,the minks are right now allies.
                The minks like we saw,are strong enough to fight Jack and his underlings plus his help,so I think that if not the whole fleet,they might be enough.

                And to close this theory down,it’s quite possible that the Minks join the Grand Fleet and here are some reasons:

                1. They may be a country instead of a pirate crew,but they have zero ties to the World Govermnent
                2. The Minks have a huge debt to the Straw Hats,so no better way to pay then help rescue Sanji and the SH in future occasion by joining their Fleet
                3. Nekomamushi and Inuarashi were once pirates.
                4. Those two are powerfull enough to fight Jack head on and have real chances of winning.

                *Theory by Pedro5822

                  Who is allied with whom and who is against whom? Here is the Answer!!

                  Are you a little confused about the recent events in the New World? You can no longer tell who is allied with whom and who is against whom? Here is the solution! Two explanatory pages from the last issue of Weekly Shonen Jump!


                  *Here is the Translation:

                  Kaido and Doflamingo had business dealings.

                  Law and Doflamingo are connected by fate.

                  Law/Luffy crushed Doflamingo.

                  Law/Luffy targeting Kaido.

                  Drake is under the umbrella (?) of Kaido. (Note the question mark).

                  Luffy has respect/promise towards Shanks.

                  Luffy and Big Mom are antagonistic towards each other.

                  Capone is under the umbrella of Big Mom.

                  Kid/Apoo/Hawkins targeting Shanks.

                  Kid/Apoo/Hawkins battled/at war/hostile towards Kaido.

                  Weevil targeting Blackbeard.

                  Kuzan collaborating with Blackbeard? (Note the question mark).

                  Kuzan and Sakazuki are antagonistic towards eachother.

                  Sakazuki hunting/searching for Bonney.

                  Blackbeard heading to Rev. HQ? (Note the question mark).


                    First of all , I will start with the card theme Oda has been following since the Dressrosa arc and is keeping it going until Zou arc.So here are the card types used in Dressrosa.
                    We got the top executives representing card types , while Doflamingo represents a specific card – The Joker.
                    Moving on to the Zou arc , we find out Kaido’s first mate named Jack and another ally named Scotch, both taking inspiration from the famous game Blackjack.Furthermore , the card theme continues with Sheepshead and Ginrummy that are widely known card games too.So , I will let you know a thought of mine that you will understand later on in the theory:X-Drake represents the King , while Bonney represents the Queen in the card theme.Before you jump into the conclusion that this theory is bad ( Sad Face Here ) let me explain myself.

                    Jack takes inspiration from an infamous Pirate named Calico Jack.Calico Jack was famous for the fact that he had 2 females in his crew.One of the 2 females was named Anne Bonney.That’s why I think there will definitely be an interaction between Bonnet and Jack and generally the Beasts Pirates.We know X-Drake is already with them so he has already interacted with them.But is the name connection enough for Bonney to have an interaction with Jack and Kaido?For those who believe it isn’t then let me show you something.
                    Remember when Bonney somehow escaped from the Marines and was shown in a Winter Island?
                    I do believe this island is the island where X-Drake was seen too.I think that this is the place they agreed to meet each other at a pre-timeskip interraction probably.

                    In the title I imply they are trying to blackmail Kaido.But they are obviously a lot weaker than him.What could they know or have , that would be enough to threaten Kaido?

                    I do believe Bonney realised the secret to Kaido’s immortality , due to the fact that she also has age-related powers.Something that is also related to the card theme is a gamble.
                    I will now make a hypothetical gamble.This is pure speculation:
                    X-Drake lets Kaido know that Bonney realised his secret to immortality and , if X-Drake doesn’t return to her in some hours (which would mean Kaido killed him ) Bonney will let the other Yonko know the secret and hunt him down.So it is very risky because Kaido could actually kill X-Drake.

                    But still , you have to be wondering what do these two Supernovas want to achieve?I do believe they will make Kaido go after a specific Yonko.This Yonko will be Big Mam.

                    Bonney parallels Big Mam.She is the Big Mam of the New Era.They will take her down and Bonney will become one of the Yonko in her place.
                    I think this is the PERFECT thing to happen.Luffy is in a war with both Big Mam and Kaido.By starting a war between Big Mam and Kaido , Luffy can find them both in one place.It would be a war equivalent to that of the Marineford.Two of the Yonko and 5 Supernova (Luffy Zoro Law X-Drake and Bonney) clashing.

                    Now you might be wondering what will happen to X-Drake.Why would he let Bonney become one of the Yonko instead of him?

                    First of all , X-Drake doesn’t want to become the Pirate King.Take a look at his Jolly Roger.

                    It has no skull.It is extremely weird for a pirate not to have a skull on his Jolly Roger.I think this implies he has another ultimate goal , which isn’t becoming the Pirate King but instead it is protesting against the World Government as he even quitted his positiong as a Rear Admiral.
                    Moreover his nickname is “Red Flag” , flag that nowadays represents the revolutionaries and those who do not comply with the Government’s doings.
                    What could have cause his hatred?I think that the origin of his hatred rises from the Pacifista experiments.
                    Pacifistas are made from people that were alive , as they have blood behind the armour.
                    X-Drake didn’t approve of these violent experiments and left the Marines becoming a Pirate in order to show his disapproval.

                    So , I do believe he will stay with Bonney until the final war.Till then , I think he will have turned into a really infamous pirate and will definitely pose a threat for the Marines.In the final war he will definitely show his disapproval of the techniques the Marines adopted and he will have great influence on the War.

                    Bonney and X-Drake will be protected by Kaido , as it is another thing they asked him to do so that they do not reveal his secret.

                    Bonney and X-Drake formed an alliance and due to Bonney’s powers they are blackmailing Kaido.They ask him to take down Big Mam and in a huge war where the Strawhats will be involved , Big Mam will fall and Bonney will become on of the Yonko.X-Drake will remain with her until the final war , where he will show he disapproves of the Marines’ actions.

                    *Theory by Usopp Haoshoku Haki