Tag Archives: haki


If CP0’s main trio that we saw in Dressrosa has Devil Fruit abilities, there is no doubt these will be incredibly powerful powers. Afterall, given their role and likely amount of power as the ultimate shield for the Tenryuubito and Gorosei against external threats, it would be ludicrous to think they would have less powerful Devil Fruits. Of course there is the possibility that they do not possess Devil Fruits, but I find this unlikely.

One important thing to note is that AEGIS is a defensive ability that the Ancient Greek Gods possessed. This and other factors considered, I will rule out Logia Devil Fruit powers for the following reasons:

  • Rokushiki is most effectively used when a users body is enhanced, Logias do not do this, however, Paramecia can and Zoans always do
  • There is a limited number of Logia fruits Oda can use at this point

Now, as I said, as Rokushiki is a heavily body-dependent fighting style, the members of CP0 all likely have very powerful Kenbunshoku and Busoshoku Haki.

According to One Piece trivia, Oda has namedropped another Rokushiki technique called ‘Chokkai’, it’s name means ‘to bother’, although nothing more is known, whether Oda is joking or not is also questionable. If Oda is being truthful about this, having not seen this technique before, we will likely see CP0 using this. If Chokkai is real I suspect the technique will involve after images and immense speed the same way Rokuogan involved immense strength.

From what we know so far, this is a list of abilities they likely have:

  • Busoshoku Haki
  • Kenbunshoku Haki
  • Chokkai
  • Rokuogan
  • Kami-e
  • Geppo
  • Soru
  • Tekkai
  • Rankyaku
  • Shigan
  • Combination of Haki and Rokushiki

As for Devil Fruits:
Aegis to our best knowledge has three different possible source materials in Greek Mythology. There are three of these CP0 agents and therefore I believe that they each have a direct link to every singular part of Aegis.

The first instance will relate to this man:


Basilisk Mythical Zoan – Hebi Hebi no Mi Model: Basilisk
This is because, in myth, the shield first contained the skin and hair of a Gorgon, granting it incredible invulnerability as it could use Stone for protection and manipulate stone as well as turn enemies into stone. Although the ability to turn people into stone is taken by the Mero Mero no Mi and the Gorgon-based character is embodied in Hancock, a Basilisk Zoan is still very likely and powerful



  • Flight
  • Turn opponent to stone upon contact (not automatic)
  • Extra speed and agility
  • Size advantages
  • Greater muscular power
  • Regenerative ability to external wounds

Secondly, the right hand man from the long arm tribe:


Chimera Mythical Zoan – Neko Neko no Mi Model: Chimera
Legend also states that a Chimera-esque creature of unspecified appearance had formed a part of the Shields construction. The creature is likely strongly related to Chimera. Therefore it’s highly probable that Oda would use the actual Chimera for this guys powers



  • Flame breath
  • Poisonous bite from tail
  • Claws of incalculable strength (swords slashing?)
  • Horns of incalculable density
  • Enhanced speed
  • Enhanced strength and power

Lastly, the tallest of the three characters:


Iron Paramecia – Tetsu Tetsu no Mi
There was a giant killed by Athena called Pallas, and another called Asterus, both of whom had incredibly strong hyde/skin that was resistant to any mortal damage. At the time of the Greeks, Iron was the strongest metal discovered, hence this is a good choice. This guy is huge anyway and can be considered a symbolism the giants in question, his ability will greatly enhance his ability to defend himself



  • Enhanced defence (absolute defence? +Tekkai + Busoshoku Haki)
  • Greater muscular strength
  • Power and density increased greatly
  • Ability to create and manipulate pre-existing Iron
  • Slight magnetic properties

Well, whether I’m right or wrong, these guys are totally monstrous, but this is a little bit of fun, hope you enjoyed! Do you like these choices of Devil Fruit?

*Theory by L o g i a


    Doflamingo said that Luffy is bad at using his DF, so how would Luffy get better? Now before i go on, i am not going to say words like “awakening” however i can say that without a doubt, the what i am about to say next will probably be one of Luffy’s power ups.

    Now what i believe Luffy needs is: 100% control of elasticity without with his DF alone(no haki should be needed).
    Now there are a few things i want to say when talking about elasticity; first, what is elasticity? Well elasticity is the tendency of an object to return to it’s original state after deformation; so let me paint a picture for you

    • high elasticity- this is basically vulcanized rubber [​IMG] now, i’m not saying that Luffy will ever vulcanize his body(imo it’s unlikely); but i do believe he will be able to make is body as elastic as vulcanized rubber with his DF, and make his body as hard as vulcanized rubber with haki
    • low elasticity- when he stretches his body, instead of his body reshaping it just remains stretched at max potential, Luffy could become like slime. HOWEVER i highly highly highly highly highly highly(okay i think you get the point know) doubt that he will ever become a logia. I don’t believe he will become a liquid, but rather a a semi solid. He will not be able to detach parts of his body, however his body would be so stretched out that he would act like a liquid in almost every way apart from being able to separate his body(he cannot separate ). I believe Luffy needs to work more on being less elastic as it is a skill he seems to lack

    But can’t Luffy already do this? Well he can control elasticity like this to a degree, however it is evident that he has not mastered this ability, he cannot use bounceman without haki.

    What can Luffy do with this? Welll here’s just one technique i came up with that would really help Luffy out(forgive the bad art, i’m not good at drawing on my computer)
    Gomu Gomu no Sword; with this technique, Luffy reduces the elasticity in his bones, he then reshapes his hand into a sword. Once the hand is reshaped, Luffy then uses haki on the hand to make it hard, he also increases elasticity so that his sword doesn’t change shape. This would be a very good technique as it would give him more options in battle, which is very good as it gives him ways to counter certain fighting styles and moves.

    But what about the gear? Yes i’ll get to that next

    GEAR 5

    Now i believe this gear will focus completely on manipulating elasticity. But first what will it be? Well i believe it will be skin balloon, now their is enough evidence to back this up so i won’t discuss it any further.


    Well as i said; G5 will be haki, DF awakening, and skin balloon. But what techniques will luffy use with this? Well I believe their will be 2 forms to G5. Those being:

    • fatman
    • burnman

    Allow me to explain


    As we know, all of Luffy’s gears are based on things Luffy has encountered in his life. So what will G5 be based off of? I believe it will be based on the techniques of these 2 men
    So here’s what I am thinking:

    • Luffy inflates his skin; and becomes as big as Sengoku
    • now he will control elasticity to control his shape
    • this form will give him insane defense as Luffy could control the elasticity in his skin to make him almost invulnerable to most(if not all) non DF/non sea stone attacks

    Why use skin balloon when you can use bone and muscle? What’s the point of skin balloon? Well i think many of you believe that skin balloon is just Luffy enlarging his whole body, but i have a different idea. I believe fatman will be a lot like titan transformations in Attack on Titan

    I believe fatman will look something like this

    Luffy’s skin will be as big as Sengoku’s body; however Luffy’s organs, muscles, and bones will stay their regular size. Because of this, Luffy will be able to act a lot like Pica; if someone hit’s his skin balloon, he takes very little damage since he can freely move his real body around in the skin balloon. However he will take damage if his muscles, bones, and organs are damaged

    I believe this form will be based on low elasticity. So how will this help him? Well here is just a thought on what i think controlling elasticity could do

    So say this picture represents Luffy’s arm after he uses skin balloon, now by controlling elasticity i believe he will do something like this

    Now if you are confused by my shitty drawing skills, this is basically what i am talking about

    • Luffy will decrease the elasticity in certain parts of his skin to reshape parts of his skin into new limbs

    Now if Luffy uses this power at full potential, he would probably look a lot like this
    Luffy would reshape the skin in his body into thousands of new arms. this could be used to defend against enemies that would use luffy’s huge size in fatman to outmaneuver him. Furthermore this could also be used to create the ultimate gatling; we all know that Luffy probably has a move called “kong gatling” which is a gatling version of kong gun that would deal massive damage to opponents. Now with fatman, Luffy could do a “thousand arm gatling” that would be him using kong gatling in each of his arms

    This is a pic of how Luffy in fatman mode would use gatling

    First he focuses all the air and into the skin near his fists; this means that he is no longer protected by his skin balloon, but rather he 2 huge skin balloons near his fists. He then reshapes all the skin near his fists into their own fists; this means that Luffy will have thousands of fists made of skin growing off his hands; when using gatling, he will make each and every one of these fists use kong gatling


    As i said before; Luffy will have a problem with speed when he is using fatman. So how will he fix this? Well i believe he will take his body to the absolute limit. He will do this by using all of his haki, combined with his physical strength to compress the all the air inside of fatman into a body the size of Luffy. By doing this Luffy will have to go full body CoA; however his skin will actually begin tearing from the pressure, his skin would also be heated up to insanely high temperatures do to the cells in his skin overworking. This would cause parts of his skin to begin to burn up, making Luffy’s skin look something like this
    So what will burnman be like:

    • Luffy will now be as tall as Doflamingo
    • his skin would be completely covered in armament; but of few of these spots on Luffy’s skin would be burning do to the heat
    • he would now be extremely heavy, but be small in comparison
    • Luffy will now be able to go fast, while keeping the same power as fatman
    • this form will be based on high elasticity; because of the insane elasticity Luffy’s body will be at, Luffy’s body would act almost as if he was vulcanized(he would not be vulcanized, but he would be as elastic as vulcanized rubber)

    How would burnman fight? Well here’s what i am thinking:

    • he would do techniques like kong gun and leo bazooka still; however due to the insane amount of pressure Luffy would be containing, when he contracts his fist, the air would burn up almost instantly. When Luffy releases the punch, his attack would look almost like a hiken(but it would be stronger). Just one kong gun in burman-mode could potentially take out an island
    • Luffy would be fast and heavy at the same time; meaning he would have insane momentum with his punches
    • due to Luffy’s skin being full of highly compressed gasses, even someone like Zoro would have a hard time trying to cut Luffy

    *Theory by Monkey D Theories


      This is gonna be a pet project of mine where I make a detailed analysis of what technique(s) in the One Piece world is perfect for one individual character at a time. Looking at things such as fixing weaknesses in a character’s fighting style, theorizing on potential abilities the user is not tapping into with their DF etc. All in an effort to try and get as close to the max potential for a character and things we may see being used by these characters when they reappear.

      The Strawhats have been done to death, and I will do one of them every once and awhile (Probably not the DF users too much) but just in honour of the Year of Sanji that is on the horizon, I would like to start with the badass martial artist of the crew. Don’t expect many strawhats after the first few that I want to talk about, because like I said, they have been done to death. Alright that’s enough intro let’s get to it.



      Sanji, the awesome kick fighter of the crew. Master of the Black Leg Style, and creator of the Diable Jamble technique, Sanji imo has always been a cool character who hasn’t reached his full potential yet. With the Year of Sanji on the way, that may start to change so he can finally reach levels where he can take on Kizaru at the end of the series, because that would be awesome.


      1. Black Leg Style :- A strong 100% kick based fighting style that is designed to protect the user’s hands from fighting to prevent damage. Primarily to allow the user to be a chef.
      2. Diable Jamble :- Using high speed rotation to create friction that builds up heat around the focal point, adding fire and heat to the user’s normal technique. Perfect for breaking through Tekkai. I’ll get into why later.
      3. Haki :- Will specialize in Observation according to Oda, so that’s guaranteed to be his strongest colour. Will have armaments as well.
      4. Speed :- Probably the fastest member at base, with only Luffy surpassing using Gears.
      5. Geppou :- Learned skill from CP9
      6. General superhuman stats to varying degrees in all other areas.


      1. Lacking in durability a tad, as seen when Vergo almost broke his leg.
      2. Lacking in physical power comparatively speaking when compared to the other members of the Monster Trio
      3. Still inexperienced with haki
      4. Lack of ranged attacks, very close quarter oriented fighter.

      I think this is a huge clue as to the type of final antagonists Sanji will face. He either faces someone who uses a unique type of martial arts, such as Kurobo(Fishman Karate), Jyabura(Tekkai Kenpo), Wanze (Ramen Kenpo), Bon Clay(Okama Kenpo) or he faces someone who has a really strong armour/body, Pearl(Iron armour) or Absalom(Animal skin body).

      Pearl in particular foreshadowed a LOT of Sanji’s current techniques and he’s easy to forget because of how long ago he was. He even had a technique that cloaked himself in fire. He may be foreshadowing my matchup with a Diamond fruit using Burgess at the end of the series. Yet another precious stone that can be used. So now that we have that out of the way, let’s get into the skills that Sanji will pick up
      that are perfectly crafted to assist him.


      This is the martial arts version of the air slash that swordsmen use. And it is unique way of Oda giving martial artists, ranged techniques. This technique in particular is pretty essential for Sanji’s fighting style. It gives him range, and he specifically can draw even greater potential out of this move than we have seen so far because his entire fighting style is focused on his legs. He may already have the capability to use this technique.

      What makes this technique particularly deadly in the hands of Sanji is Diable Jamble. Could he create a flaming kick slash? That is the question. On the surface the answer is no. To ignite the air requires a ridiculously hot heat source and one that is constantly producing heat.

      We all want Sanji to get hotter, but spinning more, or spinning faster will never get you there. Friction is a very labour intensive way to generate heat. The more friction, the more heat that is lost to the surroundings. In fact, it is a very inefficient way. So even if Sanji were to spin a lot faster, initially he may gain some heat, but he’ll lose it just as fast. Not just to the friction, but also to the temperature gradient he would be creating between his leg (the source) and the atmosphere around him.
      The hotter something is, the faster it loses heat to its environment.

      Therefore, Sanji’s current method of generating Diable Jamble will eventually be antiquated, incapable of developing any further beyond its max point. And I’d say, not efficient enough heat wise to creating a flaming Rankyaku.

      However, as for basic Rankyaku, I’d expect Sanji to be able to pull that off in his sleep.
      So we have out first likely technique.



      Diable Jamble is an amazing technique. And its usefulness is largley overshadowed by the fire aspect. But where Diable really shines is transfer of thermal energy. Heat, is basically measured by how much motion is ongoing in a body of matter.

      That’s why thermal durability is in many ways more impressive than physical durability. To be resistant to heat, one’s own molecules have to resist absorbing thermal energy from any heat source. Naturally, bodies made of flesh don’t have such impressive qualities. It’s why Diable Jabmle ate through Tekkai like butter, as that technique is the physical reinforcement of the body through extreme tensing. But Diable Jamble transfers thermal energy to its target, giving the atoms more energy that they have to move around more, forcibly undoing the tension Tekkai created. This is probably one of my favourite powerups any Strawhat has ever had it’s awesome.

      However, in light of the activation limitations I outlined above, if Sanji is gonna reach a higher level of Diable Jamble, he will probably need to create a new way to activate the technique that doesn’t involve friction against the environment in any capacity (air or water). The best way would be somehow to generate the heat internally and let it radiate outwards. (Well the best way is to get some kind of DF, but I’m not going there. I don’t think anyone thinks Sanji is gonna get a DF). So how does Sanji create more intense heat for his Diable Jamble? The answer was just revealed in the recent Dressrosa Arc.


      The practitioners of Hasshoken have a remarkable technique. Technically, it’s not even remotely possible physically without destroying yourself. What they have done, is learned to oscillate their molecules around a fixed position without losing form to such a high degree that they can can produce vibrational waves, that radiate outwards and cause the molecules of rigid objects like metal, to fracture and fall apart.

      Anything that doesn’t oscillate well internally is likely to fall apart under the strain of these waves. In many ways it’s brilliant and might be the coolest martial arts in the series, behind Rokushiki. At least imo.
      But what does this have to do with Diable Jamble? Vibrations. Vibrations don’t only produce force, high enough vibration produce HEAT.

      If you think about it, heat is just the sensation produced by the motion of atoms of matter. Furthermore, heat is really impossible without two things; Matter and Motion. By vibrating, Sanji could completely change his Diable Jamble activation. He won’t have to spin at all. He’d just have to vibrate his leg and it will heat up, much more evenly and less wasteful as well. And he could keep the vibrations going at will, so he won’t be constantly losing heat with Diable Jamble after he activates it. After all, once the friction is done, the technique only last a short while after.

      With this skill, and using it in his own way, Sanji will actually be able to achieve higher levels of heat, as he’d be able to produce a steady ignition source at all times so long as he could keep the vibrations going. While at the same time, when not needed, just adding vibrations to his regular Diable Jamble adds another layer of penetration that makes his attacks deadly.

      This also gives Sanji a unique way of breaking down even the toughest of defenses. Through constant pressuring with attacks imbued with both heat and molecular vibration, every time his kick hits an object it becomes progressively weaker and will be almost guaranteed to fall apart. A full course of Sanji cooking.

      This martial art is thus perfect for giving Sanji the skill to ascend to even greater heights both in his fighting techniques as well as haki. I’m 100% sure he will gain this skill.



      How hot can Sanji then go with technique? How hot does he need to go? It’s an interesting question. But it depends the opponents he will face. If he has to beat Diamond, he would need to go past 3550 degrees celsius. In perspective the surface of the sun is around 5500 degrees celsius, so he’s not far off at that stage.

      It would be amazing to see Sanji reach the temperature of the sun and melt the ground and shit as he walks. The sky is the limit. What we have to balance however is how does he avoid hurting himself with these techniques? Well, the only option is Armament haki, but special clothes may also end up being necessary depending how hot he goes to. We know that Marigold used her haki to protect her while she set herself on fire, so we can only guess haki would be involved in protection from the heat for Sanji.

      Just a note on Sanji’s haki. Oda has taken the fun out of speculating on this area by basically confirming Sanji will specialize in CoO, which is great because that was my prediction all the way back during the break after chapter 597. To fight Kizaru however, Sanji’s speed needs to be absurd. Observation can only take you so far.


      It’s simple, Sanji has to find a way to use his immense leg strength to push the boundaries of some speed technique to a new level to take on Kizaru. Soru being the number one candidate with it’s acceleration technique of kicking the ground over 10 times in an instant. But what if you pushed that number even further. 20+, 50+ 100+ times at the starting moment could produced speeds well beyond what Soru does.

      On the other end of the spectrum it could be something new entirely, that doesn’t use kicks. Maybe some kind of muscular manipulation technique that produces one big burst instead of multiple rapid ones. Like Urouge’s bulk up or Lao G’s cellular energy store thingamajig. Maybe this technique will be bolstered by Fighting Cuisine and strengthen the body to store that kind of energy. Either way, Sanji will likely be the fastest non DF user in the world by the end of the series. Which is mighty fine and I can’t wait to see it.


      So we have CP9 techniques, with Hasshoken, and haki and new heat techniques all wrapped up into one. I’m sure you can tell I didn’t bother going in depth into things like Haki because it felt obvious to me at least where these skills were heading. It’s also too universal, you could lap it on anyone. Alternatively, I focused on the likekly more unique skills Sanji would end up acquiring.

      Now we have all of compiled, what are you ideas on what skills Sanji will develop?



        After reading the recent chapter 809 and getting a closer look at the “Gifters” and their abilities I had this thought. To me it’s seems as if the ability to turn your hand or part of your body into a creature like the Gifters can seems likely to be the work of smile, aka artificial devil fruits. Instead of a full animal transformation where you become the animal, the smile animal “becomes you”, or part of you.

        This is when I got the idea, does that mean you can eat more then one artificial devil fruit? Since when you eat a normal Zoan you become the animal, and obviously you can’t become two different animals at once which is why the fruits fight inside and it kills you. But since smile fruits only turn part of you into an animal it might be possible to eat multiple, depending on if you have the will (Haki) to control multiple. So here’s my theory, kaido didn’t eat a mythical Zoan fruit, he ait 100 smile! This is very reminiscent of the time luffy absorbed 100 of moriahs shadows and became nightmare luffy. They said you can only fit a couple shadows in at a time, but since luffys will power (Haki) was so high he was able to absorb 100 shadows! This could be forshadowing to Kaido. Kaido is known as the “100 beast Kaido” and I don’t think that’s due to some mythical Zoan he has, but the 100 beasts in the smiles he ait.
        Imagine if Kaido could turn his arms into 100 different beasts, all because of his massive Haki.
        Kaido also has a tattoo on his arm much like all the “Gifters” do, who can turn their arms into beasts which hints Kaido has a similar ability and and artificial fruit instead of a real one. I think it would fit his character quite well and would be pretty epic. Being able to control and eat 100 smiles sounds like something he would do and would completely explain his epithet “one hundred beast” Kaido.
        Just an idea and would love to hear yalls thoughts!

        *Theory by Gambia’s Grandma

          The Three Great Weapons & One Piece Universe Theory


          We know the name of the three great weapons, and they are:

          1) Pluton 2) Poseidon 3) Uranus

          It’s been confirmed that Pluton is a ship and Poseidon is the Mermaid Princess, but Uranus is up-in-the-air as it were, and that is the main point I wanted to talk about.

          To give a brief history of these mythological gods:

          • Pluton (or Pluto) is the god of death. To traverse his domain, one needs to ride with Charon on the river Styx to get to the judgement place. He is one of the three great god brothers in Greek mythology.
          • Poseidon is the god of the sea. He rules all things in the water, can communicate with all forms of creatures there, and in general is just the most powerful being in the sea. He is one of the three great god brothers in Greek mythology.
          • Uranus, along with Gaea, is the creator of the world. He was overthrown by his children, the Titans (mostly because he hated them) in collusion with their other brothers, the Cyclops and the Hekatonkheires. After he was castrated, the world was filled with all manner of creatures, the Giants, the Furies, etc. He is NOT one of the three great god brothers, but their ancestor.

          Now, the last part should be a bit odd, because it doesn’t fit into the theme of the weapons being named after the god brothers and each having their own domain: Zeus controls the skies, Poseidon controls the seas, and Pluton controls the underworld. This is an important point, however, since the domains are STILL split up:

          • Uranus is the Sky
          • Poseidon rules the Seas
          • Pluton rules the Underworld

          And so, to connect this to One Piece, we have to consider certain aspects of this:

          • Pluton is a large Ship that can destroy Islands.
          • Poseidon is the Mermaid Princess who controls the Sea Kings and all creatures below it.
          • Uranus is ?

          Pluton and Poseidon have clear, direct parallels to their Greek roots, so on that basis I think Uranus must also have the same roots in Greek mythology.

          I also want to take note, that Pluton was essentially created on an island in the Grand Line and Poseidon was a power that manifested in the Mermaid Princess, and both of these are powers that existed in their respective realms (i.e. the realms Greek mythology would have them exist). On that important note, I think Uranus is in one of the Sky Islands.

          Another thing to note, is that Uranus mixing with Gaea lead to the creation of all the exotic creatures in the world. However, in the One Piece universe, we don’t have too many nuanced creatures besides Giants. Except, its not realistic for the power of Uranus to be “control the Giants” because that contradicts Uranus’ personality: he hated all his own offspring.

          So here’s my theory on Uranus, and in extension, where Raftel is, why no one has ever reached there besides Gol D Roger, and why the World Government was able to overthrow the previous civilization:

          DISCLAIMER: at a certain point, this will obviously become guesstimates because the future parts are contingent on the previous parts happening which could also not happen

          • Uranus is not a ship, or person, or anything like that, but is actually a tree in one of the Sky Islands which “drops” the Devil Fruits onto either the ground or on one of the lower Sky Islands. It is the highest Sky Island, from that logic, so it can “drop” its fruits anywhere. This is supported by a small point:

          All the devil fruits in the world have been accounted for.

          This is, from a logical perspective, an impossible thing to catalog. Even if you got all the devil fruit users named, how do you know that there aren’t other devil fruits available that no one has ever been able to arrive at? The only way to do that is if you knew the total amount of fruits a priori (before the fact).

          • And this is the part where I guess that the Sky Island Uranus is on is actually called Raftel.

          This might seem totally random, but I actually have a reason for this:

          Sky Islands are remarkably hard to arrive at, not just for the route to get there but because even getting the Sky Island on your map requires A LOT OF LUCK. Think about Luffy getting on Skypiea: this feat was just pure luck that his compass started to point up. This normally never happens, which is why we didn’t see other pirates on Skypiea besides the people who already lived there, because it just so hard to get there. If Raftel was on the sea, then why wouldn’t some person just randomly get Raftel as their next destination point? It only seems logical that when people normally do get Raftel in their destination point, it seems like their compass is just dead.

          Which, also being a pure guess, gets me the next point:

          • Raftel is an Island that moves.

          If Raftel were just a Sky Island that stayed put, it would be easy for some people who did get Raftel on their maps to consider Raftel a Sky Island and go there and find Gol D Roger’s treasure. This hasn’t happened, so Raftel must have another layer of complexity the likes which has never been seen. Additionally, because Devil Fruits can be found anywhere, Raftel must be floating if Uranus is on it so that Devil Fruits can be found anywhere.

          Additionally, from all this, the treasure that Gol D Roger held was not a huge pile of booty. I can only assume this, because no major pirate or the Marines (who have the infrastructure) have been randomly digging in any of the islands. Not a single person, in fact, has been shown “treasure hunting.” For instance, what if Luffy found out that One Piece, the treasure, was in Log Town? That would be crazy stupid, because you actually would never have had to cross the Grand Line to find One Piece. People assume that One Piece should be very difficult to get to, but what if it was just a simple place to be? Additionally, how much wealth would really be in One Piece? Let’s say One Piece was worth 10 Billion Beri. Well, who wouldn’t have noticed Gol D Roger depositing large amounts of treasure onto an island that he stayed on for a while? Shanks and Buggy would surely have known about the treasure of One Piece and Buggy would definitely have taken a part of the treasure for himself after Roger died. But Buggy didn’t, in fact, Buggy doesn’t give two shits about finding One Piece, and I can only find a reason for that if:

          • One Piece isn’t the name of the treasure he had, but it is the name of the PAST CIVILIZATION found in the poneglyphs.

          That’s the only sensible way that Gol D Roger would have found both the True History and also One Piece on the same journey.

          • This next prediction has no rhyme or reason, but it is my guess as to how the World Government toppled “One Piece”: the World Government used Haki to defend against the Devil Fruit Users, they sent Posiedon to the seas also through Haki and Devil Fruits they had, and forced Pluton away by using a combination of Devil Fruits and Haki users.

          *Theory by Manlymysteriousman

            Zoro and Sanji Haki Theory

            (you can send your theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])

            Oda said in an SBS that Zoro would specialize in CoA (Busoshoku) Haki and that Sanji would specialize in CoO (Kenbunshoku) Haki. I think the reason for this has to do with their different types of training during the 2 year time-skip. If you think about it, it was only Zoro, Mihawk, and Perona on Kuraigana Island. Based on what we have seen from him throughout the series (presumably not willing to fight Shanks because Shanks only has one arm), Mihawk values honorable battles, so it is likely that he and Zoro trained one-on-one together in such a way where Zoro did not need to fear for his life or keep his guard up when they were not training. Since he is the current greatest swordsman in the world, Mihawk’s attacks are probably insanely powerful and more than likely infused with Armament Haki (unless he held back). Therefore, Zoro had no choice but to focus on his own Armament Haki growth in order to cope with Mihawk’s attacks, and to avoid his swords from breaking.

            However, on Momoiro Island (Kamabbaka Kingdom), Sanji was being chased day and night for 2 years by Okamas. He had to constantly keep his guard up and avoid being ambushed by the seemingly endless droves of Okamas. It’s safe to say that these Okamas were nothing compared to Mihawk, so we saw Sanji’s physical growth in a different way as he became faster and developed moves like Blue Walk and Sky Walk. Sanji had to focus on his Observation Haki growth in order to sense the presence and intentions of an entire island that was his enemy. Now, I’m not trying to say that Sanji now has this ridiculous Observation Haki that can sense everything. I just mean he needed Observation Haki more than Armament Haki in his situation. Same as Zoro needing Armament Haki more than Observation Haki in his situation.

            It can be argued that Zoro needed Observation Haki too since last time he fought Mihawk he couldn’t even land a hit and Mihawk beat him with a small dagger, but I still think Armament Haki would be more necessary than Observation Haki if he was training with Mihawk.

            TL;DR: Sanji specializes in Observation Haki because his training required him to focus on surviving/running as opposed to fighting, whereas Zoro specializes in Armament Haki because his training required him to focus on reinforcing his swords against Mihawk’s strong attacks.

            *Theory made by Dereshishishi

            What do you think about?

              Gear Forth Theory

              *Theory by Fawzi Stun

              As the one piece story keeps advancing many things of significant importance have been introduced to the story gradually from least to most important.
              As Luffy’s crew keeps advancing in Grandline, they have been facing enemies of equivalent to slightly higher power and strength thus contributing to the crew’s development and improvement.
              Luffy in particular as the protagonist of the story is the one which his development was the most apparent of all the crew members.

              Gear 1 :It started with his basic devil fruit fighting phase which only requires brute force and his members extension.
              Gear 2: where he activated his brain for the first time ever (by accident ) and activated the second phase of his devil fruit abilities which introduce speed + accuracy + brute force
              Now after that some “serious contenders” came to surface where the above was not sufficient to take them down ( Large opponents , numerous opponents ) so Luffy thought a new ability to take down both Large and Numerous opponents ( Giants , Marines when they attack , and very upsetting people who just he can’t stand ) take them down once and for all as fast as it gets.
              Gear 3: this technique i believe he developed from the Gomu Gomu no Fusen ( i can make my body large, great maybe with some concentration i can make an arm or a leg big enough to fight with ) so this technique was mainly aimed to take down strong opponents so what it developed was brute strength
              At start it was difficult to keep it more than 2 or 3 times in a fight and could only make his arm big then his leg then both arms.
              The development is clear and as i said aparent
              Now in the New World he learnt the Haki and combined it with his devil fruit ability even if it is not fully developed he is significantly strong but i doubt he could take down an admiral or even one of Black Beard commanders without reaching the brink of death , and with the Yonko level of power he has no chance

              So where is this going , what are the prospect to win against the upcoming monsters ( Big Mom , kaido , Black Beard , Marine Admiral and even the Gorosei )?

              Gear 4: this phase Luffy will integrate all what he have learnt up far and combine it to make himself a GIANT
              Yes Gear 4 will be luffy fully getting his body to a giant mode improving thus his Brute Force tremendously and with use of Haki ( infinite number of Elephant Gun )

              Why a Giant? I think Oda made a mistake when he introduced Gear 2 without any previous information and for me it looked like he just came up with it on the moment when he realized that he couldn’t beat CP9 without a power up
              What did Oda do next? He never made the same mistake again each member new technique had a ” prologue ”
              For those who saw the episodes after they came out of Fish Island he met a person who could change her body’s from very small to Giant big and she went in Luffy and since he is rubber she made him a Giant so he could fight difficult opponents.


              I said this because a form like that is needed because he will for sure meet a giant who uses Haki , forget admirals he could not even scratch him even if Luffy had stronger Haki.

              What do you think about?

              (you can send your argumented theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])

                Rayleigh’s disciple

                *Theory by Oz

                I have a theory regarding Mihawk being Rayleigh’s disciple.13RayleighMihawk-1

                Both being very good swordsmen (one of them even the best in the world) is kind of a hint for me. And it would explain two still unknown things:
                1. How the friendship between Shanks and Mihawk developed (Shanks, too, being a swordsman) maybe they were both his disciples at the same time.
                2. Zoro’s scar on his eye. We know that Zoro’s and Rayleigh’s scar might have the same reason, which would be the training of observation haki. And after the War of the Best at Marineford, Zoro became Mihawk’s disciple. Mihawk knew of that technique to train the haki of observation because he saw it from Rayleigh. Mihawk having the hawkeyes did not have to train his observation haki but he showed that technique to Zoro.
                It’s just a theory though, I don’t have any kind of proof. But I would like to read your comments about it. ^ ^

                (you can send your argumented theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])