Tag Archives: kinemon


We all know that you can just steal a paper from people who wrote down what’s on poneglyphs, but what does Luffy think about it?
He is not happy with that, given that he showed us his Donald Trump face.
So, how can they steal poneglyphs? Can they just carry them? Well, I think there are 2 images that foreshadow this.
First one:
Wadatsumi is carrying a Poneglyph on his head.

Second one:

Look at the pattern on Luffy’s clothes – the Kozuki clan.

But what kind of significance does the clothing bring, you may ask
Well, try to remember who from Kozuki clan ate a very strange fruit, and since the day he ate that fruit, he could turn objects that are put on head into clothes.
Still doesn’t ring a bell?
This guy:

They have a foolproof plan – they steal poneglyphs by literally wearing them, and then Kanjuro, with Usopp’s help, draws a new Poneglyph where the old one was so no one can suspect a thing! I think it’s a perfect scheme.

*Theory by JewDoo

    Law And The Voice Of All Things

    After last chapters, many people in OP community started speculating that the fact Momonosuke is hearing a voice makes him somewhat related to the ability of hearing Voice of All Things!

    Most likely, the main hint is this panel, that may be a reference to Roger, the one we know for sure that had this ability:

    Actually, way ago (December 21, 2015), I’ve done a theory video in my channel exposing my ideas that Inuarashi and Nekomamushi knew Gol D. Roger, that we would have a Poneglyph in Zou and that most likely Roger was able to “hear” it.

    Seems like, maybe, some of my ideas can be proven right in the near future. If not, well, by the time it was a good theory xD, haha.

    Anyway, one think that REALLY caught my attention and people aren’t commenting is Law’s expression while climbing the tree.

    Why is he so uneasy? So unconfortable? And why did Oda (which clearly is trying to faster the story’s pace) make sure he showed Law’s expression to us?

    Also, inside the tree, while everybody’s freaking out with Raizou, Law is still uneasy. It can be due to the awkward situation, but maybe not. Also, we can’t asure he’s looking at Raizo instead of the Poneglyph, which is supposed to be from where the “voice” comes

    Anyway, if Law can “hear” the the Voice of All Things too, it open possibilities:

    – Gol D Roger
    – Monkey D Luffy
    – Trafalgar D Water Law

    So…. does it means that this ability is related to the D clan?
    Anyway, Luffy never heard a Poneglyph (although he seems to have the ability to hear the Voice of All Things). Is this ability something that you awaken somehow or train, something like that?

    Second interesting topic: does this mean that Momonosuke (and the rest of the Kougetsu/Kouzuki family) is a D???

    Well… guess we’ll learn a little more about it all by the chapter that’s coming tomorrow.

    Thanks for reading

    *Theory by MarcoOPT


      Hey guys, here’s my take on the Red Poneglyph!

      Something that has been curious to me for several chapters now is why exactly is Momo sick? It has been stated that he “doesn’t feel well” and has been in his room almost since arriving on Zou.

      As they head toward whale tree, Oda specifically writes that Momo is still feeling “terrible“.

      Kinemon suggests to Momo “wait at the bottom”. Perhaps this indicates that he is feeling worse as he heads closer to the whale tree.

      Here’s where it get’s juicy.

      Momo says that the closer he gets to whale tree, the more he can hear this “loud voice”. Kinemon comments that Momo is much like his Father and Neko and Inu bring up another person who is “much the same”.

      I really think this voice Momo hears is the “voice of all things”. It is very conspicuous that only Momo can hear this voice, given Franky possesses “super hearing”. Neither the minks nor the Samurai are very surprised. Perhaps this suggests others have heard this same “loud voice” as they approach whale tree.

      This is a voice that only Momo, his father and the “other man” can hear.

      The “other man” is heavily hinted to be Gol D. Roger.


      Remember, Gol D. Roger “found the text and followed it’s guidance”. This implies at some point he would have come across this new Red Poneglyph on Zou, giving him the opportunity to here its “voice”.

      Note, it’s not until they are inside the tree that Nami can hear Raizou’s screams. This heavily suggests that the voice Momo can hear is not the screams of the ninja.

      I am sure Momo can hear the voice of all things!!! And this ability allows him to hear the voice of the Poneglyph on zou and it’s voice is a voice that makes him feel physically ill.

      And we learn that this poneglyph Momo can hear has a “different purpose” than the others.

      To further my suspicions about Momo, he is not shown at all inside the Poneglyph chamber. This next chapter Momo will reveal that he can hear what the Poneglyph is saying, i’m sure.

      So… What could this Poneglyph be saying??

      It’s story makes Momo “uneasy” to the point that he feels “sick”. It’s also colored “deep red”. Perhaps you could even describe it as blood red…

      I think that this red Poneglyph is a poneglyph that describes a story of death. Could it be a gruesome battle during the void century? Some catastrophe? Perhaps it may just be a representation of the many lives lost during the course of the void century.

      My favorite idea, however, is that the Red Poneglyph specifically tells the sad story of Wano Kuni during the void century. Whereas most poneglyphs focus on the Ancient Kingdom and the general history of the void century. I think this is Wano’s Poneglyph.

      It’s hard to be sure exactly though, but for sure, this Poneglyph does not contain good news.

      Let me know what you think!

      *Theory by Joy_Boy

        Kaido has a Dragon Devil Fruit

        Shortly after the Straw Hats’ arrival in Dressrosa, Luffy had tried to fly Momonosuke because of the flying ability that Momonosuke had displayed and used unconsciously to save both Luffy and himself from remaining in the pit wherein Luffy first stumbled upon him

        , but Momonosuke dreadfully and loudly rejected the idea of flying ‘again’ through the ‘skies’ despite having no memory of the time when he had flown out of the pit together with Luffy, wherein there was no ‘sky’.

        While he was about to shout his rejection of such idea, Momonosuke was recalling somebody’s hand reaching out to grab him.

        That event from his memory appears to be the cause of his aviophobia(fear of flying). The person from his flashback is suggested to have a flying ability, and the Dragon Devil Fruit possesses a flying ability.

        When Momo was loudly rejecting the idea of flying again, his father was composedly listening to what was happening with no sign of surprise. This indicates that his father is aware of the misfortune that befell Momo. This further suggests that this had happened long before both Momo’s consumption of an artificial Dragon Devil Fruit and their separate arrivals in PH.

        At Punk Hazard, Kinemon both exhibited great abhorrence of ‘dragons’ and confirmed to Brook that he has a ‘personal vendetta’ against them. I do not think that such hatred and vendetta could develop from having his ‘lower third’ attached to a dragon (the first dragon that greeted Luffy, Zoro, Usopp and Robin when they first set foot on the blazing half of Punk Hazard) since it is normally IMPOSSIBLE for one to confirm by only his lower third the nature of the being or thing to which it (his lower third) was attached.

        Kinemon also showed great detestation of ‘pirates’ when sanji had first introduced himself and the rest of his group to him as pirates.

        After Momo had consumed Vegapunk’s artificial Dragon Devil Fruit and successfully managed to escape his pursuers at Punk Hazard, he found himself facing a mirror. Upon looking at the reflection of his dragon form on the mirror, he paled and shouted a loud scream. This appears to be a phobic reaction to dragons.

        When Luffy and Momo were stranded in that pit, Luffy introduced himself to Momo as the man who will become the pirate king. Upon hearing that, Momo had become fidgety and nervous and gave a description of ‘pirates’ that matches Kaido’s description. This could suggest that Momo met Kaido in person, and his nervousness could be due to the fear he harbours about Kaido due to a certain event/ events.

        When Kaido’s underling was trying to update kaido with the news of Joker’s defeat, he was looking toward the sky, which means that he believed that Kaido was in the sky, if not on the apex of some mountain.

        In that very chapter, Kaido reached sky island with neither the company nor the knowledge of his crew members.

        It was shown to us that Drake and several other crew members of Kaido were talking about the news whereas Kaido himself was on the sky island.

        It was therefore evident that such method of attaining sky island is strictly related to his abilities.

        In this week’s chapter it was revealed to us, along with his identity, that Kaido has the strongest body structure you could find in all the living things that swim, crawl and fly this earth. Dragons are known to possess such attributes as robust scales that could withstand blades and spears that aim to penetrate their skin as well as wings that allow them to fly and reach such altitudes. Since Kaido’s body was described to be immune to blades and spears that aimed to penetrate it, from this aspect his attributes strongly support the idea that he possesses the Dragon Devil Fruit.

        After Caesar’s downfall at Luffy’s hands, Kinemon told his son, in the middle of their meal, to trust that ‘they’ are all right.

        My theory is that ‘they’ refers to the people from Wa. To be worried about their safety means that they are going through some kind of crisis. A crisis of this level that affects an entire nation whose citizens are so strong inasmuch as not even the marines can go near them can only be caused by one of the four emperors.

        When the Straw Hats, Law and the samurai had left Punk Hazard and were heading to Dressrosa, Law revealed Kaido’s epithet. Upon hearing that, Momo and Kinemon both showed expressions fear and shock. When asked by Zoro what was wrong, Kinemon untruthfully replied that nothing was wrong.

        Right after Kinemon had untruthfully answered Zoro that nothing was wrong, he reacted frightfully to the dragon form of his own child and started nervously asking about his (Momo’s) whereabouts. Kinemon’s mind should have been preoccupied by the dragon next to him, but the very sight of that dragon triggered feelings of worry about his son’s whereabouts.

        Afterwards, when everyone was gathered and having dinner, Kinemon revealed to them that they were ‘chased’ by people whose identity he wished not to reveal(probably for the safety of the people who aided him recover both his body portions and his son – the Straw Hats).

        In both instances Kinemon concealed matters connected to kaido. In this week’s chapter we discover that Kaido’s goons were ‘chasing’ the ‘samurai’.

        This establishes another strong connection between Kaido and the people of Wa. My theory is that Kinemon’s group was chased by Kaido’s goons when they were trying to go to Zo. And the crisis that befell Wa had been caused by Kaido.

        Kaido is the only one that could have breached the strong security of Wa and did what was done to Momo by his flying abilities. This explains Momo’s accurate description of Kaido, his phobic reaction to dragons, and the fear he harbours about him from the event that caused him aviophobia. This also explains Kinemon’s ‘personal vendetta’ against ‘dragons’, his feelings of worry about the whereabouts of his child that surfaced at the sight of a dragon, and his strong dislike of ‘pirates’ because it is only natural for one to develop such feelings after having his son exposed to such traumatic experience and his country exposed to such crisis (conquest of Wa).

        Let’s also not dismiss that Gear 4 was conceived to combat celestial/ flying enemies too.

        These are my thoughts for why Kaido must possess the dragon ability.

        Thank you for reading.

        *Theory by Australopithecus

          Kaido has a Dragon Devil Fruit

          Shortly after the Straw Hats’ arrival in Dressrosa, Luffy had tried to fly Momonosuke because of the flying ability that Momonosuke had displayed and used unconsciously to save both Luffy and himself from remaining in the pit wherein Luffy first stumbled upon him

          , but Momonosuke dreadfully and loudly rejected the idea of flying ‘again’ through the ‘skies’ despite having no memory of the time when he had flown out of the pit together with Luffy, wherein there was no ‘sky’.

          While he was about to shout his rejection of such idea, Momonosuke was recalling somebody’s hand reaching out to grab him.

          That event from his memory appears to be the cause of his aviophobia(fear of flying). The person from his flashback is suggested to have a flying ability, and the Dragon Devil Fruit possesses a flying ability.

          When Momo was loudly rejecting the idea of flying again, his father was composedly listening to what was happening with no sign of surprise. This indicates that his father is aware of the misfortune that befell Momo. This further suggests that this had happened long before both Momo’s consumption of an artificial Dragon Devil Fruit and their separate arrivals in PH.

          At Punk Hazard, Kinemon both exhibited great abhorrence of ‘dragons’ and confirmed to Brook that he has a ‘personal vendetta’ against them. I do not think that such hatred and vendetta could develop from having his ‘lower third’ attached to a dragon (the first dragon that greeted Luffy, Zoro, Usopp and Robin when they first set foot on the blazing half of Punk Hazard) since it is normally IMPOSSIBLE for one to confirm by only his lower third the nature of the being or thing to which it (his lower third) was attached.

          Kinemon also showed great detestation of ‘pirates’ when sanji had first introduced himself and the rest of his group to him as pirates.

          After Momo had consumed Vegapunk’s artificial Dragon Devil Fruit and successfully managed to escape his pursuers at Punk Hazard, he found himself facing a mirror. Upon looking at the reflection of his dragon form on the mirror, he paled and shouted a loud scream. This appears to be a phobic reaction to dragons.

          When Luffy and Momo were stranded in that pit, Luffy introduced himself to Momo as the man who will become the pirate king. Upon hearing that, Momo had become fidgety and nervous and gave a description of ‘pirates’ that matches Kaido’s description. This could suggest that Momo met Kaido in person, and his nervousness could be due to the fear he harbours about Kaido due to a certain event/ events.

          When Kaido’s underling was trying to update kaido with the news of Joker’s defeat, he was looking toward the sky, which means that he believed that Kaido was in the sky, if not on the apex of some mountain.

          In that very chapter, Kaido reached sky island with neither the company nor the knowledge of his crew members.

          It was shown to us that Drake and several other crew members of Kaido were talking about the news whereas Kaido himself was on the sky island.

          It was therefore evident that such method of attaining sky island is strictly related to his abilities.

          In this week’s chapter it was revealed to us, along with his identity, that Kaido has the strongest body structure you could find in all the living things that swim, crawl and fly this earth. Dragons are known to possess such attributes as robust scales that could withstand blades and spears that aim to penetrate their skin as well as wings that allow them to fly and reach such altitudes. Since Kaido’s body was described to be immune to blades and spears that aimed to penetrate it, from this aspect his attributes strongly support the idea that he possesses the Dragon Devil Fruit.

          After Caesar’s downfall at Luffy’s hands, Kinemon told his son, in the middle of their meal, to trust that ‘they’ are all right.

          My theory is that ‘they’ refers to the people from Wa. To be worried about their safety means that they are going through some kind of crisis. A crisis of this level that affects an entire nation whose citizens are so strong inasmuch as not even the marines can go near them can only be caused by one of the four emperors.

          When the Straw Hats, Law and the samurai had left Punk Hazard and were heading to Dressrosa, Law revealed Kaido’s epithet. Upon hearing that, Momo and Kinemon both showed expressions of fear and shock. When asked by Zoro what was wrong, Kinemon untruthfully replied that nothing was wrong.

          Right after Kinemon had untruthfully answered Zoro that nothing was wrong, he reacted frightfully to the dragon form of his own child and started nervously asking about his (Momo’s) whereabouts. Kinemon’s mind should have been preoccupied by the dragon next to him, but the very sight of that dragon triggered feelings of worry about his son’s whereabouts.

          Afterwards, when everyone was gathered and having dinner, Kinemon revealed to them that they were ‘chased’ by people whose identity he wished not to reveal(probably for the safety of the people who aided him recover both his body portions and his son – the Straw Hats).

          In both instances Kinemon concealed matters connected to kaido. In this week’s chapter we discover that Kaido’s goons were ‘chasing’ the ‘samurai’.

          This establishes another strong connection between Kaido and the people of Wa. My theory is that Kinemon’s group was chased by Kaido’s goons when they were trying to go to Zo. And the crisis that befell Wa had been caused by Kaido.

          Kaido is the only one that could have breached the strong security of Wa and did what was done to Momo by his flying abilities. This explains Momo’s accurate description of Kaido, his phobic reaction to dragons, and the fear he harbours about him from the event that caused him aviophobia. This also explains Kinemon’s ‘personal vendetta’ against ‘dragons’, his feelings of worry about the whereabouts of his child that surfaced at the sight of a dragon, and his strong dislike of ‘pirates’ because it is only natural for one to develop such feelings after having his son exposed to such traumatic experience and his country exposed to such crisis (conquest of Wa).

          Let’s also not dismiss that Gear 4 was conceived to combat celestial/ flying enemies too.

          These are my thoughts for why Kaido must possess the dragon ability.

          Thank you for reading.

          *Theory by Australopithecus