Tag Archives: Monkey D. Dragon


In this theory I will discuss about the CP0 and Straw Hats in the EOS.


Cipher Pol Zero of the World Government

Let’s talk about the ending of One Piece, the war on Marijoies. In this war, the Straw Hat crew and many allies will face against the Government; from the Cipher Pols to the Fleet Admiral Sakazuki. Many think that the CP0 will face against these guys


But I actually believe the CP0 true enemies will be against Dragon and the rest of the RA

The reason why I think the Straw Hats won’t battle them is because they already are dealing with many enemies. The CP0 are destined to be extreme powerhouses and definitely ensure their enemies much trouble, correct? Well, why would Oda design them to have a battle with the Straw Hats. With the battle against Kaido and the Yonkou coming up, where are we going to get time for a full-out brawl between the Straw Hats and CP0. And, because of the CP0 speculated-power, we’re going to most likely need a whole arc for the straw hats to battle them. Wouldn’t that destroy the whole time flow of the series?

I think the CP0’s strengths will probably be hinted soon in the series, but a battle from them will be fully shown with the RA in the final war.

So basically I think that the SH will be fighting in the war, and then Dragon will come and blow away a CP (The agent could be leaping up to Luffy, and then Dragon attacks him right before Luffy gets hit) like very far away with a super attack. This will give time for Luffy to talk to Dragon and then Dragon to quickly show his son his powers in a super battle against the CP. While he does that the things will continue normally and etc. There will most likely be more than just 3 CP0 agents, so they might have battles with every member of the RA. Or Dragon might take them all on and unleash his full capability and also show the power of CP, and maybe some other people will help Dragon out because CP have to be very powerful.

Maybe Dragon will fight against a Gorosei or Fleet Admiral. But we all want Luffy to fight Sakazuki, right?

*Theory by Red Beard


    The Revolutionary Army is comprised of many characters whom have an animal theme. Based upon this observation, I will explain who could join the army in future if they haven’t joined already, and also explain what to expect from some characters in future. This theory is purely speculation and is highly controversial in places as I know many people are divided on some of the matters I will write about below.

    So far, we have been introduced to nine named members of the Revolutionary Army and we have seen two unnamed members of the Revolutionary Army who frequently appear around Dragon. There are also a grand total of eleven characters who may also join in future or already have joined over the course of the timeskip.

    Monkey D. Dragon:


    This is one of the more obvious cases. Monkey D. Dragon, unsurprisingly is Dragon themed. His character design features sharp, defined and bold facial features, giving him a dragon-esque appearance. His subordinate and most probable apprentice and student; Sabo fights using “claws” and has Dragon based attacks like “Dragons Breath”, and most likely learnt his fighting style from Dragon himself. Dragon’s ship is enveloped by two Chinese Dragons, one on either side, slicked down the sides of the boat and he draws many parallels to Chinese Dragons in a sense that he can most probably control the weather through unknown means, as seen in Loguetown and Grey Terminal.

    Terry Gilteo:


    We don’t know much about Terry, but he’s clearly Kangaroo themed based upon his head dress/hat thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a member of the Long-Leg tribe and/or a Kangaroo Zoan fruit user

    Bartholomew Kuma:


    Bartholomew Kuma is bear themed. Kuma translates into Bear, and Bartholomew Kuma has an appearance similar to one. He has Bear ears and an incredible bulk for a torso. He also stands at 6 meters + in height. Although that’s a huge exaggeration of a Bear’s height, some species of bear (in fact, most large species) can stand over 3 meters tall when on their hind legs. His height is another parallel. The greatest similarity of all though is obviously the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi. This gave Kuma paws, like a Bear. Kuma’s face also parallels a Bears. His square skull draws similarity to a characteristic Bear snout (most commonly seen in Brown, Grizzly and Honey Bears).

    Emporio Ivankov:


    Possibly the hardest to parallel. Ivankov is themed on Cows. His tattoo has horns, like a Bull, and he is of gigantic proportions yet again. His chunky physique bares a slight, although weak parallel. Emporio’s transgender transformations and abilities can be seen as a representation for homosexuality, which is amusingly quite common in cattle.



    Inazuma is themed as a Lobster. Many would say a crab, but due to his fine-dining theme, and always drinking Wine, I would say a Lobster as a more luxuriant alternative to Crab meat. His scissors and ability represent the pincers of a Lobster, while his coat colours (Orange and White) are the colours of a cooked lobster.



    Sabo, as previously explained is also based on a Dragon. He’s more of a European Dragon whilst Mr Monkey D. is an Oriental Dragon. As stated earlier, Sabo fights using Dragon based attacks. In Western culture, especially Middle-Aged Central Europe, Dragons were consistently described as having fire-breathing abilities and metallic, impenetrable scales (paralleling the pipe and powerful Busoshoku Haki).

    Bunny Joe:


    Like Terry, we know very little of him, except from his association with Robin and his high ranking position. He is obviously Rabbit themed based upon his name and fluffy hair. He may have a Rabbit Zoan fruit.



    She is obviously based on Koala bears. Not just due to name though: Koala’s are pacifists, and do a lot to avoid conflict or danger: Koala, as a child was incredibly submissive to Fishman demands, this portrays immense fear and avoidance of danger. Koala bears are also highly susceptible to learnt behaviours, which is exactly how she behaved during Jinbe’s flashback.



    Obviously, Hack is based upon fish. Due to his ability to use Fishman Karate and being a Fishman.

    Now, it’s clear there’s an animal theme. Oda loves to use animal themes and has created many characters following such a theme. Including the original Shichibukai and the Admirals. There are 10 characters we have seen that I believe could join or rather, would join the Revolutionary Army. Namely, these are Kuzan, Crocodile, Bon Kurei, Lucci, Kaku, Khalifa, Blueno, Jyabura, Fukuro and Kumadori. It’s important to note that none of these characters have clear affiliations, although we do know they are all unaligned with the World Government.



    Aokiji, meaning Blue Pheasant, is evidently themed on Pheasants. The calming colour blue and his Ice powers from the Hie Hie no Mi also indicate a desire for pacifism and peace, this can be symbolised through birds that have traditionally been viewed this way in many cultures.

    I believe Kuzan could join or has joined the Revolutionary army due to his defection from the Marines, although still believing in justice as he explained to Smoker. He acknowledges corruption within the World Government and it is possible he sees the best way to deal with it as a revolution. His association with the Blackbeard Pirates and the fact he can’t be trusted proves he is not a member, but simply working alongside them. The Revolutionary Army runs and operates underground, and does associate with Pirates (as seen with Kuma). Likewise, Kuzan is seemingly operating in the underground trade and as people know only rumours of his activities, including one of the worlds best connected people (Doflamingo), it’s clear he is sworn to secrecy and could easily already be a Revolutionary Commander of the same rank as Sabo.



    His name is a giveaway here. He is Crocodile themed. His association with sand through his Suna Suna no Mi can bring about the resemblance to Nile Crocodiles. Crocodile also had pet Bananadiles back in the Alabasta Arc.

    Crocodile could easily have joined the Revolutionary Army with Daz bones. They lacked any affiliations after their defection from the Shichibukai and their escape from Impel Down. To boot, his deep ties with Ivankov, probably being an extensive influence on his past, as well as Crocodile’s grattitude to Luffy for helping to break him out of Impel Down leads me to believe Crocodile could have easily been coerced into a Commander position of the Revolutionary Army.

    Bon Kurei:


    Bon chan is based upon Swans. He dances and uses a lot of ballet based moves, due to the popular Ballet Dances to songs like ‘Swan Lake’, ballet is heavily linked to Swans and elegance. Bon also has a pair of swans on his shoulders.

    He may have joined the revolutionary army to follow his idol, Ivankov. Although he’s still stuck in Impel Down right now as seen in his Cover Story page, he could well break out and join the revolutionaries. He also has deepest respect and great friendship between Luffy, and could use Dragon as a way to meet his friend once more. To further strengthen this, he may simply be loyal to Luffy and therefore loyal to Dragon.

    CP9 members are animal themed, based upon appearance and Zoan fruits. The obvious ones are Rob Lucci and his Leopard Zoan, Khalifa and her Sheep based Awa Awa no Mi techniques, Jyabura and his Wolf Zoan, Kaku and his Giraffe Zoan. The remaining members, Kumadori, Blueno and Fukuro have similar appearances to Lions, Bison and Owls respectively, and even specialise in techniques based upon those animals, including hair control and Fukuro’s airborne fighting being his specialty. Nero, their newest recruit also happened to look like a Weasel, he even had an alias as ‘The Weasel’.

    They have reason to join the Revolutionary Army as they became wanted after their failures in the Ennies Lobby arc. Thus, they defected. Being chased by the World Government as seen in their cover story, they could resort to taking down their enemies through allegiance to the World Governments bitter and most powerful enemy: the Revolutionary Army. The Revolutionary Army would also prove the ultimate form of protection, and would allow them to continue pursuing their form of justice against pirates. Their association and allegiance would result in Revolutionary Army soldiers not just knowing Fishman Karate, but also Rokushiki.

    Conclusion: It’s likely that CP9, Crocodile (and co), and Kuzan are all members of the Revolutionary Army. It’s also highly likely that Bon Kurei will escape Impel Down somehow and join the Revolutionaries

    *Theory by L o g i a

      Revolutionary Army & The Cuban Revolution – Theory


      I want to speak about a thought I had. It’s about the similarities between the Revolutionary Army and the Cuban Revolution.

      First about their leaders:

      On one side, we have Monkey D. Dragon and on the other, we have Che Guevara.

      These are my thoughts about them:

      –         Similar appearance,

      –         Both are directly against the government,

      –         Both travelled in their early years,

      –         They both saw the suffer of the people caused by the government(s)

      –         Both had fights in other countries. Che in Bolivia, Congo and some others, and Dragon succeeded in South Blue, has his base in the Grandline, and now Sabo appeared in the New World (I expect Dragon to be in the New World too).

      –         Their followers were imprisoned, after fights: many cuban rebels were captured and many others killed. In addition, in One Piece we saw Ivankov and Inazuma being in Impel Down.

      Other hints despite their leaders are:

      –         The new cuban government (after the revolution) accepted sexually different oriented people, in One Piece we have the “Okamas” which were suppressed by the government before (Ivankov in Impel Down).

      –         Che was raised christian, and Dragon had Kuma as a friend.

      These are the parallels, I hope you enjoyed my theory and I hope for some feedback.

      *Theory by Daniel Lippert

        Dragon’s Past – Admiral Monkey D. Dragon Theory


        Oda likes to use myths, legends and fables, e.g. “fable” backwards = Elbaf. In chinese mythology, there are said to be 4 seas: North, South, East and West
        Those 4 seas are represented by four colors: Yellow, Blue, White and Red
        They have also been represented by different animals over the time including a Monkey, a Bird, a Dragon, and a Dog

        This of course screams:

        A north sea with a yellow monkey = Admiral Kizaru
        A south sea with a blue bird = Admiral Aokiji
        A west sea with a red dog = Admiral Akainu

        -> That would leave the East Sea = Admiral White Dragon (Shiroryu)

        There is a similar myth that supports this:

        The myth is about a king who had 4 loyal followers: One had the shape of a bird, the 2nd the shape of a monkey, the 3rd the shape of a dog, and the last the shape of a pheasant. Some day, the bird realized how evil the king was, so he left his king, but not without letting the other followers know the truth. To his disappointment, the dog was too loyal to his king, the monkey was an idiot and he couldn’t understand what’s going on, and the pheasant was simply too lazy to do something.

        Now all this resembles the Admirals in One Piece a lot. The colours + the animals + the attitudes! (This time, the bird = dragon)

        I believe that Sakazuki’s loyalty to the Navy and the Absolute Justice, Borsalino’s (pretended) goofiness, and Aokiji’s laziness are taken from those myths, hence I believe that the White Dragon, who saw the truth about the evil of his king, is Monkey D. Dragon, Admiral Monkey D. Dragon, with the person of the “King” being taken by the institution of World Government.

        Growing up as the son of the famous and renowned Marine officer Monkey D. Garp, combined with the experiences of racism, humiliation and discrimination he made while living on Dawn Island, it’s plausible that Dragon joined the Marine or the WG with hopes of changing the world. But he had to realize (like the Dragon in the myth), that the WG is too evil, too set in their ways, and that the system couldnt be changed. He deserted his position, formed the Revolutionaries and dedicated 100% of his effort to achieving his goal: Changing the world, changing the system, erasing racism, discrimination and humiliation from the world.

        I say “dedicate 100%”, because he didnt even take care of his own son, or he wasn’t able to take care of him.

        Whatever the case may be, something must have happened in his life, to trigger a young man to abandon his former life and to start a life of secrecy and rebellion. And since love & romance are not a big subject in One Piece at all, I doubt that his Wife (Luffy’s Mom) or even Garp’s Wife (Dragon’s own Mom) have much to do with this. I believe the evil of the WG, that he experienced at first hand, triggered Dragon’s decision to start a revolution.

        What do you think about Dragon’s Past?

        *Theory by Gobee129