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One Piece AMV – No Plan B


    In this theory i’ll be explaining my thoughts on Green Bull who is yet to make a proper appareance in One Piece. Before i start with Green Bull i’ll have to go to the old admirals first and explain my thoughts on them. Because of this the theory is going to be abit longer then i wanted but i think its crucial to my ideas on Green Bull which is why i kept it in. Don’t let the lenght scare you away though because i believe its an enjoyable read which hopefully wont leave you as confused as luffy.

    First the Admirals before the timeskip.

    Lets start with Aokiji, who we meet the first time at Long-Long Island. His name translates to Blue Pheasant and he has the ice-ice fruit.

    The next admiral we meet is Kizaru, who we meet at Shabondy Archipelago. His name translates to Yellow Monkey and he has the light-light fruit.

    The last admiral we meet pre-timeskip is Akainu, who we meet at the Marineford war. His name translates to Red Dog and he has the magma-magma fruit.

    Now i believe the names have an extra meaning. Lets start again with Aokiji (Blue Pheasant).

    Blue is a link to his power, the ice ice fruit, but it can also be a link to the blue sea (pirates). Aokiji was the only admiral pre-timeskip who fought with the strawhats because they were pirates (as main reason). It is hidden abit by the fact he wanted to deal with Nico Robin and later Spandam using his golden den-den-mushi to trigger the buster call. The Nico Robin factor was for Aokiji something from the past. He had tried to let her escape in Ohara but she was spotted and got the bounty on her head at an early age. After twenty years on the run he thought she just wanted to die so he decided to put everything about Ohara to an end. The whole enies lobby thing was mainly CP9 and not Aokiji. Later he’s on Garp’s ship when Garp attacks the Strawhats when they leave Water Seven and he helps confirm that they escaped.

    Now next is Kizaru (Yellow Monkey).

    Yellow can be linked to the heavens (Celestial Dragons). When Luffy punched a Celestial Dragon it was Kizaru who volunteered to go deal with him and the other pirates at the human shop.

    This was his main reason to go after them. When he meets Luffy again in the Marineford war he tells him that the Celestial Dragons have been clamoring for Luffy’s arrest.

    Last is Akainu (Red Dog). Red can be linked to the Red Line (Revolutionaries). Squardo reveals after he stabbed Whitebeard that Akainu is a member of the rebel faction.
    I believe this is the faction of the Marines that deal with the Revolutionaries. This is further hinted at him (Akainu) knowing about the relation between Dragon and Luffy before its announced in the war.

    This is also his main reason for going after Luffy.

    Some small notes about the animal parts.
    – Pheasants are groundliving birds like for example chickens. This could link at Aokiji traveling by bike.
    – Monkeys live in groups. This could link to how Kizaru works together with his nephew: Sentomaru.
    – Dogs are very loyal. This could link to how Akainu places Justice above all. He’s loyal to the values the Marines stand for.

    Now the admirals after the timeskip.

    Now after the timeskip Akainu became fleet admiral, Aokiji left and 2 new admirals were drafted Fujitora (Purple Tiger) and Ryokugyu (Green Bull). We meet Fujitora (Purple Tiger) for the first time in Dressrosa.

    From the way he is dressed we could speculate that he is from Wano Kuni. This gives more meaning to what Doflamingo said about the ‘World Military Draft’.

    Brook explained that Wano Kuni isn’t affiliated with the world government and that their samurai swordsmen are so strong that not even the Marines go near there.

    So it is abit strange to see an Admiral come from there. Fujitora (Purple Tiger) explained that he wants to abolish the Royal Warlod system which is most likely his reason for joining the Marines in the first place. The World Military Draft gave him the opportunity to not only join the Marines but also to become an Admiral. This gives him influence in the Marines and also the Reverie with which he can strive to his goal (abolishment of the Royal Warlord system).

    Now if we apply the previous format to his name (Purple Tiger) then Purple can link to countries not affiliated with the World Goverment. Also Tigers are solitary but social creatures. This means that they hunt alone but can sleep in the same location as others from their species (Well males usually avoid each other but a male can have an overlapping territory with a female). This could link to how Fujitora does his own thing, even if that means disobeying orders.

    Its been quite a long theory already but now we get to the part of Ryokugyu (Green Bull). We dont know wether Ryokugyu (Green Bull) is male or female so for this part i will adress him/her as he/him. Lets use the same format again (seperating the names) and start with the ‘Green’ part. I’ve seen a couple of theories that link his power to either trees (nature), radio-activity or time manipulation. But when i think of the colour green i think of healing (mainly because off all the hours i spent playing Pokemon when i was a kid). Because of this i believe his function before becoming an Admiral was a doctor, probably a Marine one. We know that the Marines have a Medical Centre.

    If we take it that this is the case we can also speculate about his home country which would be most likely Drum Kingdom. Drum Kingdom was formerly renowned for its doctors and medical knowledge but when Wapol became king he made that law which only allowed the 20 doctors in the palace to stay.

    All the other doctors were exiled from the country. There are some hints that could link Green Bull to Drum Kingdom such as Dalton having the cow-cow fruit model Bison

    and also Dr.Kureha has been shown wearing a shirt with a bull on it.

    If we continue with the format then next is the ‘Bull’ part. The most common known thing about bulls is that they go mental when they see the colour red. This could link to Ryokugyu (Green Bull) having a berserker ability where he looses control over himself and devestates everything close by.

    I want to link this to Chopper and his Monster point. Chopper studied under Dr.Kureha and invented the rumble balls. When he took three of these he lost control over his devil fruit and went on a rampage abit like a berserker. This could prove an important hint. How exactly did Chopper invent those Rumble Balls? He could have made them from scratch ofcourse but if we take it that Green Bull came from Drum Kingdom then he could have also used previous research that already existed and made the Rumble Balls from that research. If for example Green Bull was afraid of his own power and the fact he looses his mind whenever it activates then he could have tried researching a way to stop this berserk ability.

    With the new admirals (Kizaru, Fujitora and Ryokugyu) we no longer have the logia theme which the old admirals had. Fujitora is a paramecia (since Blackbeard has the gravity logia) so its likely that Ryokugyu is a zoan. I believe he researched the Zoan fruit to explore the posibilities of stopping the berserk effect and left the research behind when he was exiled from Drum Kingdom (gave the research to Dr.Kureha most likely). Later Chopper found that research and made the Rumble Balls. After his exile Ryokugyu, still afraid of his power, joined the Marines hoping that if he could not be cured they atleast could keep him in check. With the ‘World Military Draft’ Akainu forced him to become an Admiral because even if he looses control with his ability he is still insanely powerful.

    Now i have saved the best for last and that is his devil fruit. If Chopper used his research for the rumble balls then it is likely they have a similar kind of Zoan devil fruit and that is the human-human fruit. I believe Ryokugyu (Green Bull) has the human-human fruit model: Monster/Berserker/Hulk.

    With it he transforms into a monstrosity with insane physical abilities but he also looses control of his mind (like the real hulk). As an Admiral i believe he orders all his troops as far away from him before he activates his devil fruit (this would give some cool panels). The drawback from this might be that he can’t use Haki while in berserker mode which would make him useless against logia but still insanely effective against paramecia and zoans.

    – Admiral names could hide hints to their affiliation and powers.
    – Green Bull was a doctor from Drum Kingdom and later for the Marines.
    – He has the human-human fruit model: Monster/Beserker/Hulk (one of these most likely)
    – His fruit brings him into a berserker rage where he looses his mind, afraid of this ability he wanted to cure himself so did alot of research on the human-human fruit (later gave this research to Dr.Kureha upon his exile).
    – Chopper used this research to make the Rumble Balls.

    *Theory by FrankyG

      Has anyone else noticed how Luffy’s body looked like his Devil fruit when he transformed into Gear 4th?



        Alright, I would like to premise this theory first with a statement that I always thought that Luffy and his allies would ultimately clash with the World Government and the Marines at the final war (excluding the final battle with Blackbeard)

        But, some developments happened along the way and kinda made me think of possibilities so, I would get this out of the way immediately:

        The Marines (at least some of them) would breakaway from the World Government and execute a Coup d’Etat.

        Now this faction would be very different from the Revolutionaries.

        The Revolutionaries wanted to overthrow the government and got no problem affiliating themselves with outside forces like Pirates.

        But the Breakaway Marines (we will refer to them as X-Marines) are the guys who still detest pirates, the same way they detest the World Government.

        There are several instances in the manga why this thought came to my mind.

        First is the apparent disappointment of the Fleet Admiral over the decision of the World Government.

        Second is the desire of Admiral Fujitora to defy the government privateers called “Shichibukai” system and his obvious disdain for the World Government.

        Now, the other reasons I have are just a speculations, but I believe I got good grounds for it..currently in Zou arc, some parts of Sanji’s backstory had been revealed, and it was said that this “Vinsmoke Family”, which Sanji is a relative of, leads a group called “Warhouse / Germa Double Six”

        Now with the involvement of Capone “Gang” Bege, who obviously had been inspired from Al Capone, a famous Mafia Leader, it would be fair to assume that Capone was hired to bring the news to Sanji by another Mafia Group.

        Which is kinda confirmed in a way because they are said to be a “Family of Assassins”, well either way, moving on….

        With “Germa 66” name as well, I would assume that Oda used this name in order to reference a group/organization from the movie “Kill Bill”, by Quentin Tarantino (Oda loves Tarantino Films)

        The Crazy 88, which is led by a Mafia Leader / Underworld Leader.

        (wouldnt be surprised if the Vinsmokes hide their faces like this to hide the eyebrows. LOL.)

        I’ll dive into this topic in another theory (and Germa 66 connection to a card game), but lets just say, the head of Vinsmoke Family lured Sanji into doing what he wants by using someone Sanji loves as a bait.

        The point i’m trying to make (which is kinda confusing coz I rambled on) is that the Vinsmoke Family is a Mafia Family.

        I’ll just get straight to the point.

        Each of the Gorosei leads their own organizations, so that makes it 5 organizations including the Germa 66 and Cipher Pol.

        Simply said, in the game of chess, those 5 organizations are the real “guys” of the World Government.

        The Marines?: Pawns, disposable pawns who always get fronted in battle and dont know the real “identities” of the World Government, especially the Gorosei.

        So I believe some Marines would breakaway from the World Government and start a new faction.

        So in the final war, we have:

        1. The Strawhat Pirates and its Grand Fleet.
        2. The Blackbeard Pirates and its Grand Fleet.
        3. The World Government (Science Division, Germa 66, Cipher Pol etc.)
        4. X-Marines.

        And yes, I don’t believe the Red Hair Pirates and the Revolutionaries would be there for the Final War…

        *Theory by beck



          I would first like to state that there are a few things that make the StrawHat Grand Fleet different then most fleets we’ve seen so far

          1- They don’t stay together the entire time, each division of Luffy’s fleet travels the New World on their own adventures which will help them develop in different ways.

          2- They all joined Luffy not out of fear but out of respect

          3- A lot of the individual captains/commanders have their own goals/dreams, they might not be as big or important as the straw hats but they are dreams

          1 Cavendish wants to be a star and a great pirate known all over the world
          2 Bartholomeo wants to be of use to Luffy and help him and the crew in every way
          3 Sai wants to raise the happo navy to greatness
          4 Ideo wants to be a great fighter kinda like Ussop wants to be brave warrior
          5 Hajrudin wants to rebuild the giant pirate crew
          6 Leo and co want to help Ussop and Luffy as much as Bartolomeo
          7 Orlumbus seems to love adventure like Luffy

          Now their potential growth is the main point of this theory

          But first i want to bring up one of my theories on kings haki and haki in general. Now i believe the reason why we have not seen a Marine or any strong member of a Yonko’s crew with king haki is because they serve under someone, kings do not serve others. Also ranking systems are in almost every crew or organization in One Piece except the Straw Hats. In this way the Straw Hats are all on equal ground with Luffy, they do not shy from making their opinion known like in most crews, Luffy has been shown to take their advice when making important decisions like with Ussop on Water 7 and Sanji here on Zou.
          With this freedom i believe that the Straw Hats and fleet members are not limited in how strong their haki can be trained and developed. I believe that the fear to constantly please and obey Yonkos like Big Mom and Kadio limits the overall power of someones haki because haki is a form of willpower and fear weakens willpower. In saying that I do not believe Yonko crew members are weak just not as strong as there maximum potential. The Straw Hats and fleet do not serve Luffy like most fleets serve there captains, they assist Luffy in his quest to become pirate king, this change in mind set can cause many of the main fighters to develop new attacks and unlock higher levels of haki like with Ussop when unlocked his coO haki.

          Sai could improve his dragon drill tech adding the power to his staff gain kings haki like Chinjao.
          What if Hakuba is Cavendish’s personal haki demon like the Zoro has and he learned to control him?
          Barto could learn to crate more then one barrier and shape them into weapons animals or other shapes..
          Others could develop spiritual power up like Sanji’s fire, Brook’s ice, Fishman Karate and unknown tech

          Please let me know what you think below

          *Theory by alwaysrollinup

            8 Things You Should Know About Sir Crocodile


            First of all Croocodile is the first Logia-user that Luffy defeated.

            Miss Goldenweek’s Rainbow Color Trap reveals that his dream was to become the Pirate King.


            The soundtrack playing during Crocodile’s defeat is Dvorak’s New World Symphony, specifically the 4th movement, “Allegro con fuoco”. It was the third time in the anime when a piece of classical music was played in the anime (The first being Buggy and Gaimon’s farewell, during which Chopin’s Etude in E Major played, the second beingDr. Hiluluk’s last speech, during which Ave Maria was played and the fourth being when the zombies claimed Absalom as their leader, with Ludwig van Beethoven’s rendition of Ode to Joy).

            It was noted that if the World Government had known Crocodile was head of Baroque Works, his bounty would be at least Beli162,000,000.

            Crocodile is the first Shichibukai to be defeated by Luffy.

            Crocodile is the only one of the original Shichibukai to possess a Logia Devil Fruit.

            Crocodile shares some similarities with Doflamingo:

            They are both former Shichibukai.

            They both are/were leaders of a powerful criminal organization with several Devil Fruit users.

            Crocodile was the main antagonist of the second saga of Part 1 (Baroque Works Saga), while Doflamingo was the main antagonist of the second saga of Part 2 (Pirate Alliance Saga).

            They both are Devil Fruit users and have mastered their powers to high levels and both are aware that Devil Fruit powers can be awakened (in fact Crocodile was the first character to mention the concept of a Devil Fruit being awakened when he explained the Jailer Beastswhere Awakened Zoan Devil Fruit users while Doflamingo is the first Awakened ParameciaDevil Fruit user to be shown).

            They both use coats as their common clothes.

            They both were present at Roger’s execution.

            They both aimed to control a whole country (with Doflamingo having succeeded).

            They both contrabanded illegal sustances (Dance Powder and SAD).

            Both characters’ defeats at the hands of Monkey D. Luffy seem to mirror each other:

            Luffy defeated Crocodile by blasting through Crocodile’s single attack with a barrage of punches, launching him through an underground cavern and into the air.

            Luffy defeated Doflamingo by countering a large group of Doflamingo’s attacks with one powerful punch, launching him through the air and into an underground cavern.

            In the 5th Japanese Fan Poll, Crocodile is ranked the 15th most popular character in One Piece, making him the 2nd most popular of the original Shichibukai, the 3rd overall, and the most popular antagonist in the series. Coincidentally, 15 is the same spot he occupied in the first poll he was in.


              There have been alot of good theories about Big Mom’s devil fruit being either related to Witch-Craft or Acid but i wanted to go a litle bit deeper and share my ideas.

              I agree with the idea that Big Mom’s power is witch-craft related but there are a couple of things i havent seen anyone talk about. I would like to start off with Big Mom’s ship.

              The singing head looks like a cookie in my opinion. And its something Oda has hinted at before. Take a look at this Panel from Fishman Island.

              Now if we talk about living cookies then ofcourse we have to link that to the Gingerbread man.

              This picture from Shrek was the best i could find.

              I believe Big Mom’s ability lets her turn Sweets, Cookies and Candies into living objects. This is similar to how Brook’s devil fruit works.

              His soul emits a powerful “substance”-like energy which allows him to live. I believe Big Mom can also emit a substance-like energy which is her drool.

              With this she can turn candies alive (if it enters the candy for example) which would explain her eating her crew (which were basicly candies or cookies). If we look at the panel where she eats them we have the crunching sounds (her eating cookies) and we see small parts falling down.

              This substance, lets say her magic drool for now, comes from her stomach, which could be a witch’s cauldron.

              Since Big Mom’s is most likely a paramecia this would fit in nicely.

              Now this magic drool can also function without entering something and i believe Oda drew it next to the three-eyed girl.

              (just a small note on the side: If the three-eyed girl is pudding it might be she is a adopted daughter and gets married against her will. It would be something a evil witch would do in my opinion, kidnapping kids, forcefully adopt them and them marry them off to increase her own influence. Which would basicly make pudding a hostage and Sanji the prince on white horse which goes to save her but thats a different topic).

              Now if we take it the Blob thing (Magic Drool) is Big Mom’s power then we could also bring Ceasar into the mix. As we know Ceasar was asked to do research for Big Mom but he blew the funds somewhere else.

              On Punk Hazard he had multiple things going on. First the SAD which is used to make Smiley Devil Fruits. Secondly the kids who he tried to turn into giants. And at last he had the gas weapon. Now the Sad was for Doflamingo, which later went to Kaido. The kids were basicly a old research project from Vegapunk for the World Government, which Ceasar made his own to proof he was better. And we know Jack bought his gas weapon in the past. Now Ceasar said he blew the funds somewhere else which means he didnt do the research Big Mom asked him to do. So what did she want him to research? I believe Big Mom was interested in the old version of the gas weapon. Ceasar used this version to destroy Punk Hazard four years ago.

              Smiley was also made out of Blobs (really dont have a better word for it sorry).

              Now what if Big Mom wanted Ceasar to give her power extra functions like for example the exploding when in contact with fire. We know Big Mom’s crew watched the experiment.

              And when Ceasar was defeated they called Big Mom. But it could also have been because they figured he had not worked on her research orders but instead improved the weapon to turn into gas. This would explain them coming after Ceasar in Dressrosa.

              These are just my thoughts on how Big Mom’s fruit might work. There are alot of things that can be linked to witch-craft but if Big Mom is a paramecia then it should still have something to do with her body. Her being able to food into living things might explain also why she wants candy so much. She can turn them into her own litle army just how Kaido is making a Zoan army. We know Blackbeard is out there hunting devil fruits and to make up the balance i believe Shanks is recruiting powerful Haki users like for example Rocksta who we saw with Whitebeard.

              Hope you enjoyed the read!

              *Theory by FrankyG

                Luffy just doesn’t give a damn since 1997! :-DDDDDDD

                *Chapter 815 Spoilers


                  New details about Vinsmoke Family and more

                  *Chapter 815 Spoilers

                  Mind-blowing chapter!

                  1- Vinsmoke hype! Sanji’s dad as the head of “a mythical evil army“. This family’s got some sinister and powerful history (probably a long-standing partnership with the WG). Can’t wait to know what they want to gain from the political marriage and why.

                  2- Big Mom herself. Some tend to disregard or rank her as the weakest of the Yonkous, but she is slowly proving it wrong. Connections that go as far as the East Blue from the New World (and that fast)? That’s freakin crazy. I also love Pekoms speech on power. Very impactful.



                  This changes everything. It’s BM cleaning her hands off the Strawhats, implying she’s no longer a threat as urgent as Kaido. She’s not gonna pit herself between the alliance and another Yonkou and was only after Sanji from the very beginning. It was contrary to Zoro’s worst case scenario and the SHs and co. could very well concentrate all their power and strategy on their upcoming fight with Kaido. The question is, will they?

                  4- Luffy’s awesome sense as a captain. He clearly wants everybody to back off and take care of everything by himself because it will reduce the risks involved in retrieving Sanji. And I seriously like the fact that he’s taking his time to listen to everyone and consider it seriously (damn the one when he was listening to Law was the best) even if it’s contrary to his impulsive character.

                  5- The Samurais. Finally a plot progression on this department. As much as the Sanji hype consumes my being, I can’t wait for what will happen now that they’ve finally set foot on Zou.

                  Honorable Mentions: Nekomamushi being cute/awesome, Franky’s hairstyle (the best so far), Heart Pirates dynamic w/ their captain and last but not the least….


                    There’s no way to refuse Big Mom’s Tea Party invitation!

                    *Chapter 815 Spoilers



                    The head-in-the box thing reminded me of that scene with Brad Pitt from Seven Deadly Sins. ‘WHAT’S IN THE BOX!?’ O.o

                    What if Sanji refused to go and received Chef Zeff’s head??!