Tag Archives: sanji


I’m sure everyone is familiar with the ongoing trend of OP characters giving us false explanations for in-universe events that they think they understand but don’t, with Oda leaving us on the assumption that Vegapunk will explain it properly. I believe this is the case for the explanation of Reverse Mountain too. Now, Nami’s explanation is surely a contributing factor to why water flows up the mountain but there is another effect at play

I believe that One Piece’s moon is in fact in geostationary orbit, exhibiting it’s entire gravitational force over a single point. Reverse mountain. This is the biggest contributing factor in the phenomenon of upward flowing water, and also explains why the rest of the world isn’t affected by regular tidal forces

But why is this relevant? First we’re gonna need some locations for the map points


Aside from excellent foreshadowing on the part of Oda this flag is also a vital clue. The World Government are aware of the road poneglyphs and Raftel, but are unable to reach it. The fact that they have been unable to reach it, even long before the beginning of the great pirate era and the rise of the Yonkou suggests that the poneglyphs were given to their enemies. So they likely also point to the nations of their enemies

One poneglyph on Zou, an independent nation isolated from humans. One in possession of Kaido, likely found in Wano, who are still independent of the World Government. Many have speculated that the unknown poneglyph is from Elbaf but I believe the Elbaf poneglyph is the one owned by Big Mom. The final poneglyph rests on the moon, and will be brought back by Eneru

Now let’s complete the map. But first, take a look at this


One thing is evident from this picture. There are many island combinations that take 2 from each half of the grand line or one from each of the 4 blues which lead to reverse mountain being the intersection point. Reverse mountain is commonly theorised to be the location of Raftel. Statistically speaking, it’s the location at the end of the grand line which is most likely to be the solution on a 2D map. But surely this makes it too easy? The solution can’t be something so simple as to be reached by anyone with a bit of basic logic?

And so we return to the moon. Instead of thinking of the map in 2 dimensions, try thinking of it in 3, with the moon as one of the points. Now lets take 2 nations from opposite sides of the grand line. Alabasta, who whilst being members of the World Government were likely allies of the AK given their refusal to move to Mariejois and ownership of a poneglyph, and either Wano or Baltigo, as both are likely roughly the right distance into the New World for this to work and aren’t WG islands. And finally, the reason for the theory of the geostationary moon, the final point is Fishman Island. Connect the dots in 3 dimensions on a globe. The line between Alabasta and Wano/ Baltigo cuts through the globe, meeting the line between the moon and Fishman Island at a point just beneath reverse mountain

Raftel is likely deep under water or underground, in what is essentially the exact opposite position to Fishman Island which rests 10,000 meters below sea level beneath Mariejois on the opposite side of the world.


    We all know that you can just steal a paper from people who wrote down what’s on poneglyphs, but what does Luffy think about it?
    He is not happy with that, given that he showed us his Donald Trump face.
    So, how can they steal poneglyphs? Can they just carry them? Well, I think there are 2 images that foreshadow this.
    First one:
    Wadatsumi is carrying a Poneglyph on his head.

    Second one:

    Look at the pattern on Luffy’s clothes – the Kozuki clan.

    But what kind of significance does the clothing bring, you may ask
    Well, try to remember who from Kozuki clan ate a very strange fruit, and since the day he ate that fruit, he could turn objects that are put on head into clothes.
    Still doesn’t ring a bell?
    This guy:

    They have a foolproof plan – they steal poneglyphs by literally wearing them, and then Kanjuro, with Usopp’s help, draws a new Poneglyph where the old one was so no one can suspect a thing! I think it’s a perfect scheme.

    *Theory by JewDoo

      Law And The Voice Of All Things

      After last chapters, many people in OP community started speculating that the fact Momonosuke is hearing a voice makes him somewhat related to the ability of hearing Voice of All Things!

      Most likely, the main hint is this panel, that may be a reference to Roger, the one we know for sure that had this ability:

      Actually, way ago (December 21, 2015), I’ve done a theory video in my channel exposing my ideas that Inuarashi and Nekomamushi knew Gol D. Roger, that we would have a Poneglyph in Zou and that most likely Roger was able to “hear” it.

      Seems like, maybe, some of my ideas can be proven right in the near future. If not, well, by the time it was a good theory xD, haha.

      Anyway, one think that REALLY caught my attention and people aren’t commenting is Law’s expression while climbing the tree.

      Why is he so uneasy? So unconfortable? And why did Oda (which clearly is trying to faster the story’s pace) make sure he showed Law’s expression to us?

      Also, inside the tree, while everybody’s freaking out with Raizou, Law is still uneasy. It can be due to the awkward situation, but maybe not. Also, we can’t asure he’s looking at Raizo instead of the Poneglyph, which is supposed to be from where the “voice” comes

      Anyway, if Law can “hear” the the Voice of All Things too, it open possibilities:

      – Gol D Roger
      – Monkey D Luffy
      – Trafalgar D Water Law

      So…. does it means that this ability is related to the D clan?
      Anyway, Luffy never heard a Poneglyph (although he seems to have the ability to hear the Voice of All Things). Is this ability something that you awaken somehow or train, something like that?

      Second interesting topic: does this mean that Momonosuke (and the rest of the Kougetsu/Kouzuki family) is a D???

      Well… guess we’ll learn a little more about it all by the chapter that’s coming tomorrow.

      Thanks for reading

      *Theory by MarcoOPT


        After the recent chapter, many people believe that we will propably have a Jack vs Strawhats showdown and i am one of them!

        But, i still believe it’s gonna be a seperation between the strawhats!

        Luffy will take few people with him(I believe except for Pekoms, Raizou will join him as well) and Zoro with Law will prepare for the trip to Wano!

        However, there is a small obstacle… none other that Jack himself…! and i will explain why…

        We know that he went on a rescue mission to save Doflamingo from getting imprison!

        In addition, we know he is heading to Impel Down!

        Now, let’s look the map…

        As you can see,Impel Down is on the west while the strawhats are in the opposite direction(east/Zou).

        We know that Jack , managed to attack the marines before reaching Impel Down!

        Also, we know that he left the island the same day Doflamingo was defeated!That was 11 days ago…! And base on chapter 807(ten days ago) half of the strawhats reached Zou!

        So, if i have to take a guess… the distance at that time(It’s a moving island) between Dressrosa and Zou was approximately 1-2 days at most!(read chapter 807 , it will help you understand how many days has passed since entering the NW!Base on my calculations they are 14-15 days)

        Taken into consideration the analysis i just made, it’s highly possible that he managed to catch up with the navy really quick!

        If we also take into the account that the navy left Dressrosa the third day after the battle…!2

        It is beautifully adds up!

        In my opinion, Jack managed to catch up around here!

        In the proccess managed to sink two ships, but sustained some injuries and considered dead…

        However,he failed to retrieve doflamingo and base on the last chapter, he is alive and by the looks of it, he is been accompanied by a large fleet!

        So, guys let’s refresh our memory!

        What was his initial mission?
        To retrieve Raizou!
        And where he is now?
        He is on Zou!
        So, what he is going to do?
        He is going to complete, his unfinished mission!

        I think it’s a pretty logical way of thinking , don’t you think?

        Even if he wants to go somewhere else, he has to pass to Zou…!

        I think it’s very unlikely to move on , straight to Big Mom’s tea party… I doubt he even knows anything about it…

        Also, take note that the battle between him and the navy occured around 8 days ago(11-3=8…xD)!

        He had 8 whole days to rest,to heal,to prepair(fleet)and to travel back on Zou to put an end to his unfinished business!

        So, he must be pretty close to Zou!

        That means a SHOWDOWN!I can feel the hype!:)

        In my opinion, since there is the Sanji matter on one hand and the Jack matter on the other , they will have no choice but to split!

        But why split and not go all together to save Sanji?

        1.Luffy said he will go alone, although i doubt he will be completely alone… he will take at least two![Pekoms and Raizou(stealth)… they will sneak!]

        2.I think it was foreshadowed that, it’s going to be a match between Zoro vs Jack!
        a)They both are the right hand man of their captains!
        b)They both use swords as weapons
        c)When the minks were talking about Jack, Oda focused on Zoro twice for a reason!c011

        3.There is no way Zoro, will go after Sanji after making that speech1

        4.The strawhats befriended the minks and i don’t think they will leave them at their fate…Luffy will entrust Zoro with the mission to protect them any way he can!I believe Law will stay too, since his good friend Bepo is from Zou!Let’s not forget they are still many of them injured

        5.Lastly… maybe one of the biggest mysteries… the moon!
        We have yet to be relieved , what happens when the full moon is out!

        I think i gave you some solid points!

        To move on with the last part of my theory!

        The last part of this theory will be a speculation, but if you think about it , it will might make some sense!

        I think in this fight we will have a Law and Zoro vs Jack battle, like we had the Law and Luffy combination against Doflamingo!
        So, this combination could be turn out to be true!

        Also, they are similar in personalities…both badass,cool,serious and bloodthirsty when they fight!

        In my opinion, this duo will be amazing!

        To conclude, i think we will have a big revelation regarding Zoro’s past from the moment he will release his demonic spirit!
        Yes, i think this will be the fight that we will see him go all out!

        This will be the moment when Zoro will trully connect to Wano and it will ignite his desire to go to Wano even more and learn about his past and lineage!

        I don’t know how the fight will turn out… but i believe , during this fight Jack will tell him about his demonic/cursed clan or lineage and to how he might connect to one of his future enemies!

        I hope you enjoyed my theory

        *Theory by EpicListening

        You can also watch the videotheory here:


          Here’s another one for ya guys: Big Mom could have the Spider Spider Fruit.


          This whole Idea started from the fact that CHARLOTTE’S Web is about a spider that has the same name as BIG MOM. Then I started thinking and researching on spiders more and found some interesting connections. Let me show you them:

          Spiders can lay more than 500 eggs.
          -good reason why Big Mom has 35 daughters

          Spiders eat insects but do not eat plants
          -Big Mom, since she has massive power as a Yonko, might see humans as “insects”. And she doesnt eat “vegetables(plants)”, only sweets.

          Interesting enough, i found out that female spiders eat their mates even while mating.
          -It Explains why she eats her own kind. Humans.

          Spiders can use VENOM
          -Big Mom’s nasty ass saliva could be mixed with the venom and acid in her body. So that stuff is probably DEADLY. Watch out for the big mom. All she has to do is drool on you and you’re dead. A YONKO’s power.

          Now I didnt say anything about “webs”. I just said that she has the “spider” fruit because I really don’t want her to be another doflamingo.

          I don’t know much about card games, but everyone that has owned a windows xp should know the game, Spider Solitaire.
          -Oda seems to be using card games in the story now. Maybe Big Mom could’ve came from this. Who knows?

          Anyways, thanks for reading. Please tell me what you think down below.

          *Theory by Icecream001


            Recently we were introduced to the Kougetsu family, which was re-named the “Kouzuki” family.

            Kou + Getsu = Deep Red/Crimson + Moon

            Kou + Zuki = Light + Moon

            However, with deeper searches, I found out that Kou also means “Scarlet”:

            Kou + Zuki = Scarlet/Light + Moon


            Notice how Kouzuki/Kougetsu are both associated with the Moon.

            The Red Poneglyph & The Kouzuki Family Crest

            Seeing as how Kouzuki can mean “Scarlet Moon”, and scarlet is a deep red colour, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Kouzuki family were the ones who were involved with the creation/placing of the Red Poneglyph in Zou.

            If this were true, then it would mean that they had strong links with the Ancient Kingdom.

            Interestingly, the colour red is usually affiliated with happiness in Japanese culture, unlike Western culture where it represents negativity (danger, death etc…)

            So what if the Red Poneglyph doesn’t tell us of any thing bad, but rather, something good:
            I was thinking that it might’ve talked about how the Kouzuki & Minks became united due to the AK helping out. Just speculation though.

            We also know that Wano has no links with the World Government, its fighters being so strong that they even scare away marines.

            This would mean that during the Void Century, the 20 Kingdoms were perhaps unable to invade and destroy Wano Kingdom – thus the Wano may know a lot about the happenings of that time since they survived.


            Luffy interested?
            Luffy rarely ever cares for such things.
            Usually he starts snoring, picking his nose, or outright says he doesn’t care.

            It’s interesting that Oda chose to show Luffy being actually interested in what “Kouzuki” is.

            Most of us can agree by now that the Ancient Kingdom was probably alien in origin, possibly coming from the moon.
            “D. = Half-Moon Theory”

            Clover’s Illustration Of The Ancient Kingdom


            Look at this:


            Don’t the 8 balls surrounding the bigger ball at the centre of the crane resemble the 8 phases of the Moon around Earth?

            Defo interesting. Another link with the Moon.

            Furthermore, the crane crest may be based on the real life Daimyo crane crest:


            I found out that it’s also the symbol for the Japan Airlines:


            Could the Kouzuki’s Kamon represent freedom?
            The red represents happiness.

            Additionally, the Tsuru Kamon (Crane Family Crest) is usually affiliated with royalty in Japan.

            Look at this:

            There are several Crane-Kamons on Luffy’s kimono – could this have been a foreshadowing of the Kouzuki, or also, have been a foreshadowing of Luffy being of royalty.

            It’s a common theory that Luffy is descended from Joy Boy (King of the AK), and thus is of royalty.

            If we dig deeper, it could be a link between the D. People (AK People) and the Kouzuki.

            Since the Crane-Kamon is common in Japan, it could just be a coincidence.
            But we know that Oda doesn’t add things for nothing.


            Remember this?

            How about this?


            Seems familiar.

            Seeing as how the first symbol represents the Celestial Dragons, could the second symbol represent the Ancient Kingdom?
            Or more particularly, an important ‘sub’-symbol of the Ancient Kingdom.

            Seeing the links between the Kouzuki Family and the Ancient Kingdom, I wouldn’t be surprised if the main royalty (Oden & Momo) of the Kouzuki Family are actually D. in origin.
            By D. I mean being descendants of the Ancient Kingdom.

            As we know, the Ancient Kingdom had a unity of different countries (e.g. Fishman Island, Shandora etc…), so since the Kouzuki were likely part of that unity, their main royalty could’ve been related to them.

            Momonosuke, like his father, can hear the “Voice Of All Things” (perhaps Law too since he’s drawn silent in the same row), and Neko & Inua say that someone else they remember could too.
            It could’ve been Roger.

            Seeing as so far all of those who could hear the Voice Of All Things are D. People (descendants of the AK), then perhaps the main royalty of the Kouzuki Family are descendants too.

            8 Races = 8 Balls

            Here we see 9 different Races.
            But since the Fishmen and Merfolk live together, we can count this as 8.

            If not the moon phases, could the 8 small balls in the crest be a reference to these 8 ‘Races’.

            This is all speculation though, as so far we haven’t gotten too much info on the Kouzuki Family.

            *Theory by Saffron Kaizoku

              Kuma’s Intention

              Myth: Kuma separated the Straw Hat Pirates so they can become stronger.


              Fact: The full reason behind Kuma separating the Straw Hat Pirates is still unknown though a great deal of evidence seems to point to this myth being proven at least partially true.

              By Chapter 591, it was revealed that Kuma wished to save the Straw Hats. Sentomaru also stated that the user of the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi can control where to send people, which was also proven by the fact that Perona was sent to a dark castle like she wanted. The Straw Hats then landed on suspiciously convenient spots (like Zoro ending up on Mihawk’s island and Nami on an island dedicated to studying the weather). This evidence strongly supports the myth’s veracity. Even so, until it is confirmed, this cannot be taken as a fact.


                I shall be going into further detail as to why devil fruit users sink in water and the secret of seastone.

                As you obviously know, devil fruit users sink in water but what you may not know is that water doesn’t neutralize devil fruit powers.

                Luffy’s stretched arm was underwater but shouldn’t it have neutralize his powers and cause his arm to retract? There is also this:

                Aokiji fell into the water but inside of his power being neutralized, he used his ice to make it to the surface.

                Here, Luffy is completely submerged in water but he cold still stretch.

                Water simply weakens devil fruits but still why? There is also the fact that seastone COMPLETELY neutralizes devil fruits powers but it has the “essence of the sea.” Also, unlike water, when DF users wear seastone, they can still move.

                What is the “essence of the sea”?

                Gravitation or more simply, Gravity.

                Kaku said he felt a “gravitational force” coming from the devil fruits.

                At first you would he meant it as an expression, but Kaku’s senses are quite good which made me think that he meant it literally. He was able to feel Zoro’s demon spirit.

                Law felt a similar force coming from seastone.

                The main reason I believe gravity is why devil fruit users sink and has their powers neutralized by seastone is none other than Marshall D. Teach, better known as Blackbeard.

                “Darkness” is gravitation and everyone knows what the special ability of the Darkness fruit is……

                Neutralizing devil fruits powers via physical contact.

                Now then, the tricky part was finding the actual relationship between water and gravity as a lot of factors fall into play such as mass, pressure and density. There is also the fact that there is less gravity underwater so get ready for a science trip.

                Blackbeard’s darkness is a black hole.

                A black hole pulls an object in and once inside, the object is crushed under the immense gravity or pressure.

                Seawater is more dense than fresh water(because of salt) so its easier for a human to float, but seawater has more pressure than fresh water as you go deeper. This is referred to as specific gravity, which is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density (mass of the same unit volume) of a reference substance.

                The devil fruits contain the souls of people who lived in space. Space has less pressure and gravity(compared to Earth or Vearth). On Earth, gravity gives weight to physical objects and causes the tides so naturally, the souls of the space people should feel extra pressure. Gravity has an infinite range, and it cannot be absorbed, transformed, or shielded against. When submerged underwater, the souls would feel even more pressure.

                It is also worth noting that the Darkness fruit was the first devil fruit to exist and it has power over gravitation and every devil fruit afterwards gave off a gravitational force. Seastone has a gravitational force similar to a black hole so like the Darkness fruit, it “sucks in ” devil fruit power and neutralizes it(cause of the immense pressure it puts on devil fruit souls).

                Lets sum up everything. The devil fruit soul is like a parasite and the devil fruit user is a host. In a way, the parasite and the host share the same body.

                Water- When in water, the host and the parasite feel pressure(the parasite even more so) but since they share the same body, the host feels the same effects of the parasite but can still use his/her abilities
                (because its only a little pressure).

                Pretty much, Blackbeard is walking seastone as they have the same effects on DF users. On the surface, they focus entirely on the parasite and uses the effects of a black hole and apply immense pressure on it. The parasite is suppressed while the host is just fine which is why they are able to move with seastone cuffs. Remember when Blackbeard black vortex against Ace? Ace felt pressure and was sucked in but when BB grabbed Acehe was fine, but the “parasite” was not. Why? Because BB’s body is still a black hole(when he uses his ability, he simply brings the black hole to the surface to affect people).

                *Theory by Vandenreich

                  Romantic Relationships in One Piece

                  Myth: X character in One Piece is in love with X other character in One Piece.

                  Fact: It is not uncommon to see pairings mentioned like Luffy x Nami, Luffy x Boa Hancock, Sanji x Nami, Zoro x Nico Robin,  however some fans try to force the speculation into fact when it is not.

                  Fans love to fantasize about possible character couples.


                  When asked if there would be romance in One Piece in a SBS letter, Eiichiro Oda replied “they are in love with adventure”. There are no hints released in the manga itself. There exist minor love stories such as Kyros and Scarlett’s love story and certain relationships have been addressed (such as Piiman, Tamanegi and Ninjin mentioning how Usopp is a “lucky man” to have somebody as Kaya) but they are rather minor and no major relationship has been officially confirmed. As such, most love referencing comes in the form of perverted comments from one character to the other. Oda said that since this is a shonen manga, there is practically no romance (with a few exceptions, such as married couples, etc.) Not counting Sanji’s feelings towards almost every female being in existence, Oda took eleven years to introduce any form at all – Boa Hancock’s love for Luffy. However this is considered to be a one-sided romance solely intended for humor as Luffy does not have those same feelings for Hancock, having turned down her marriage proposal several times in the past. Oda also mentioned in one of the SBS that One piece is manga targeted at young boys, therefore there will be no romance between the straw hat crew.


                    We see in that panel, that someone from the ship, that saved Sanji said: “I must’ve heard them during the storm 3 months ago. Now there are some things I gotta mention.

                    How can you hear somebody through a storm? A storm should be to loud, especially from range.

                    They didn’t mention a fight between pirates, therefore I assume it was in range.

                    Now look at Vito’s sign:

                    Doesn’t it resemble a bat?

                    Wings, ears and tail. The second arrow is the steak, that got pierced through Dracula’s heart.

                    I assume this, because Vito and Dracula lookalike.

                    I know he is based on another person, but he doesn’t look like the person he’s based on.

                    So I assume his look got based off of Dracula and resembles his Devil Fruit Powers

                    Now this is how I am connecting this. A bat is able to send ultrasonic waves and the sounds will reflect back through echoes. I assume Whit was on that ship, that saved Sanji and that he ate the Bato Bato No Mi, model Vampire. I will write later about his Devil Fruit Powers in this theory.

                    We also know from one of the newest chapters, that Sanji would get a present box with someone’s head into it. Vito told Sanji something, that made Sanji come with them. I assume he told him, that he knows about Zeff and that Zeff’s head would be in that present box. There was even one panel, where it got stated that:

                    “It could even be someone from the Barriete Restaurant”, and why would Oda include this?

                    It has to have some reason in my opinion.

                    We also know, that Zeff is most likely the only person, that Sanji really cares about, when it comes to “real family.” He didn’t grow up with the Vinsmokes. The panel also mentioned, that it could be one of the Okama, but I don’t think, that Sanji cares, that much about them as we’ve seen. I also think, that Sanji trusts Luffy enough, that he can protects his crew. I really think, that Zeff is the reason.

                    Now let’s get to Vito’s Devil Fruit Powers.

                    As I’ve already mentioned he has Vampire Abilities and resembles a vampire(mainly Dracula), from his look.

                    He has black fingernails.

                    He wears sunglasses, which protect him from the sun.

                    He has a long tongue.

                    He is also called the “Monster Gun”, and Vampires were known to be monsters.

                    Furthermore vampires were able to use telekinesis. Look at the sound effect of the pistol. Its the sound effect when a thing starts to move. He also makes the same hand pose as a telekinesis user.

                    He can also use magic, like vampires could.

                    His hands are very large and Vampires hands were also very large.

                    Chopper clearly stated, that he thought, that there were only “two enemies.” And let’s be honest here. Chopper is not, that weak, that he can get overwhelmed that easily. It was a sneaky overwhelming. Its strange, that Vito just appears and disappears in all of the panels.

                    Either he was a bat and transformed back behind Chopper and Nami or he was hiding in the dust, because
                    Vampires could do these two things, but there was no steam before they went into Capone’s body, so I would delete the second possibility.

                    Or there is even the possibility, that he was very fast, because Vampires have superhuman speed and that might also be the reason how Chopper didn’t see him coming.

                    Sanji called himself “the hunter”, if you remember it. He already hunted a wolf and next time he will fight against Vito and hunt a Vampire. Werewolfs and Vampires are both mythical creatures, that got hunted.

                    Now you might argue, that Jyabura is not a “werewolf”, but I don’t think it has to be necessarily a werewolf, if we clearly get a connection there. Or maybe Jyabura can transform into a werewolf, when he improves his Devil Fruit Powers. Maybe his Zoan is capable of more wolf forms, when we see him the next time.

                    We have only seen Rob Lucci changing the forms of his Devil Fruits. Jyabura could’ve learned it too.

                    I think, that Vito is from Big Mom’s Crew, because of some reason:

                    Vito is only the “advisor”, of the Firetank Pirates.

                    I haven’t seen any crew yet with an advisor role yet and an advisor role wouldn’t make sense anyways
                    because why does someone gets called an advisor in a crew? Sanji makes smart things too, does that make him the advisor? I think “advisor”, is meant as cooperating with somebody.

                    Big Mom allies abnormal Crew Mates and Vito is abnormal if he resembles a vampire.

                    I think Vito will fight against Sanji, because:

                    Vampires have superhuman speed = Sanji’s specialty is speed and observation Haki.

                    Vampires could also transform into a hybrid form, that flies = Sanji uses Sky Walk.

                    Sanji hunted a wolf and called himself “the hunter”, and he will also hunt a vampire.

                    They both seem to be the smart ones as we know about Sanji’s doings (Mr.Prince, Arc Maxim etc.)

                    I assume Vito is very smart too, because he has an advisor role. And he seems very smart as from the things he did (blackmailing Sanji, overwhelming Chopper and Nami to get Sanji into Capone’s deal etc.)

                    Sanji would improve much in observation Haki in that fight and also overall combat ability. I think from all the things I’ve mentioned before Sanji is the perfect opponent against Vito.

                    Imagine an enemy, who has good observation Haki, who can fly, who has some nice quick gun moves, who’s very fast against Sanji.

                    Thanks for checking out my theory

                    *Theory by OnePieceHD