Tag Archives: sanji



As you know Nami has consistently been fighting with the clima-tact, however i do not believe the clima-tact has reached it’s final form yet. That is why i believe Nami well gain an ultimate clima-tact.

Well i have had 2 ideas

  • The ability to create iron clouds and merge them with her thunder clouds, to create a destructive lightning-

-Ohm’s weapon is made of iron cloudsword


  • She breaks up her new clima-tact; and straps each piece to her body. When this happens, she will be able to release thunder clouds just by moving; however she will gain a lightning tolerance and won’t be affected by the shock. She will then use fishman karate to manipulate the clouds.

I personally think both of these would be good clima-tact power-ups, since they would require little to no charge up time; something that all her attacks need.

This clima-tact works by Nami breaking up a clima-tact(not the clima-tact she currently has) then strapping each piece to her body. With this she will be able to create different clouds depending on how she moves her body. She can then use fishman karate to create different techniques such as tornadoes, hurricanes and lightning punches

I believe this would be a good power up for Nami for a couple of reasons.

  1. She doesn’t need a huge distance to be effective- for most of her attacks, she needs to keep a distance since it takes a few seconds to create lightning and in those seconds she is very vulnerable. But with the new clima-tact, she won’t need to run away from her opponents to gain distance. Rather she could run towards her opponent; by moving her body she would create more thunderclouds around her, she could then use fishman karate to use enel-like techniques by launching all the lightning clouds at her opponents.
  2. Would increase hand to hand combat, Nami is really bad at this so it would help her a lot; it would also allow her to use CoA more effectively

This clima-tact works by creating island clouds inside itself, compressing the island clouds; then creating iron clouds, which can be turned into thunder-iron clouds to give them lightning properties. How would she make a clima-tact like this? Well if you didn’t know, island clouds are created by sea stone 

This leads me to believe that she will get a sea stone clima-tact. I believe this is very likely because the SMILE factory is coated in sea stone and when it’s destroyed Franky will most likely take that sea stone to make weapons. I also believe she will use a breath dial, as sea stone only creates island clouds when a certain compound is released due to high temperatures. With this sea stone clima-tact, she will be able to create large amounts of island clouds rapidly. Then due to the narrow space inside the clima-tact, these island clouds would be compressed and turned into iron clouds. She could then spin the iron clouds rapidly to turn them into iron-storm clouds that shoot lightning.
Here are just some of the techniques that she could do with this:

  • iron-lightning blasts; same thing as her wind gusts, but with iron lightning instead.
  • iron-lightning sword; creates a long sword with iron lightning that can be used to fight with
  • iron-lightning island; creates an entire sky island of iron lightning; she could use her clima-tact to launch this island at opponents
  • iron-lightning tornado; creates a tornado of iron lightning. Imagine a regular tornado, then image what would happen if the air inside that tornado was as hard as lightning and shot out electricity

*Theory by Monkey D Theories



    I would first like to state that there are a few things that make the StrawHat Grand Fleet different then most fleets we’ve seen so far

    1- They don’t stay together the entire time, each division of Luffy’s fleet travels the New World on their own adventures which will help them develop in different ways.

    2- They all joined Luffy not out of fear but out of respect

    3- A lot of the individual captains/commanders have their own goals/dreams, they might not be as big or important as the straw hats but they are dreams

    1 Cavendish wants to be a star and a great pirate known all over the world
    2 Bartholomeo wants to be of use to Luffy and help him and the crew in every way
    3 Sai wants to raise the happo navy to greatness
    4 Ideo wants to be a great fighter kinda like Ussop wants to be brave warrior
    5 Hajrudin wants to rebuild the giant pirate crew
    6 Leo and co want to help Ussop and Luffy as much as Bartolomeo
    7 Orlumbus seems to love adventure like Luffy

    Now their potential growth is the main point of this theory

    But first i want to bring up one of my theories on kings haki and haki in general. Now i believe the reason why we have not seen a Marine or any strong member of a Yonko’s crew with king haki is because they serve under someone, kings do not serve others. Also ranking systems are in almost every crew or organization in One Piece except the Straw Hats. In this way the Straw Hats are all on equal ground with Luffy, they do not shy from making their opinion known like in most crews, Luffy has been shown to take their advice when making important decisions like with Ussop on Water 7 and Sanji here on Zou.
    With this freedom i believe that the Straw Hats and fleet members are not limited in how strong their haki can be trained and developed. I believe that the fear to constantly please and obey Yonkos like Big Mom and Kadio limits the overall power of someones haki because haki is a form of willpower and fear weakens willpower. In saying that I do not believe Yonko crew members are weak just not as strong as there maximum potential. The Straw Hats and fleet do not serve Luffy like most fleets serve there captains, they assist Luffy in his quest to become pirate king, this change in mind set can cause many of the main fighters to develop new attacks and unlock higher levels of haki like with Ussop when unlocked his coO haki.

    Sai could improve his dragon drill tech adding the power to his staff gain kings haki like Chinjao.
    What if Hakuba is Cavendish’s personal haki demon like the Zoro has and he learned to control him?
    Barto could learn to crate more then one barrier and shape them into weapons animals or other shapes..
    Others could develop spiritual power up like Sanji’s fire, Brook’s ice, Fishman Karate and unknown tech

    Please let me know what you think below

    *Theory by alwaysrollinup


      There have been alot of good theories about Big Mom’s devil fruit being either related to Witch-Craft or Acid but i wanted to go a litle bit deeper and share my ideas.

      I agree with the idea that Big Mom’s power is witch-craft related but there are a couple of things i havent seen anyone talk about. I would like to start off with Big Mom’s ship.

      The singing head looks like a cookie in my opinion. And its something Oda has hinted at before. Take a look at this Panel from Fishman Island.

      Now if we talk about living cookies then ofcourse we have to link that to the Gingerbread man.

      This picture from Shrek was the best i could find.

      I believe Big Mom’s ability lets her turn Sweets, Cookies and Candies into living objects. This is similar to how Brook’s devil fruit works.

      His soul emits a powerful “substance”-like energy which allows him to live. I believe Big Mom can also emit a substance-like energy which is her drool.

      With this she can turn candies alive (if it enters the candy for example) which would explain her eating her crew (which were basicly candies or cookies). If we look at the panel where she eats them we have the crunching sounds (her eating cookies) and we see small parts falling down.

      This substance, lets say her magic drool for now, comes from her stomach, which could be a witch’s cauldron.

      Since Big Mom’s is most likely a paramecia this would fit in nicely.

      Now this magic drool can also function without entering something and i believe Oda drew it next to the three-eyed girl.

      (just a small note on the side: If the three-eyed girl is pudding it might be she is a adopted daughter and gets married against her will. It would be something a evil witch would do in my opinion, kidnapping kids, forcefully adopt them and them marry them off to increase her own influence. Which would basicly make pudding a hostage and Sanji the prince on white horse which goes to save her but thats a different topic).

      Now if we take it the Blob thing (Magic Drool) is Big Mom’s power then we could also bring Ceasar into the mix. As we know Ceasar was asked to do research for Big Mom but he blew the funds somewhere else.

      On Punk Hazard he had multiple things going on. First the SAD which is used to make Smiley Devil Fruits. Secondly the kids who he tried to turn into giants. And at last he had the gas weapon. Now the Sad was for Doflamingo, which later went to Kaido. The kids were basicly a old research project from Vegapunk for the World Government, which Ceasar made his own to proof he was better. And we know Jack bought his gas weapon in the past. Now Ceasar said he blew the funds somewhere else which means he didnt do the research Big Mom asked him to do. So what did she want him to research? I believe Big Mom was interested in the old version of the gas weapon. Ceasar used this version to destroy Punk Hazard four years ago.

      Smiley was also made out of Blobs (really dont have a better word for it sorry).

      Now what if Big Mom wanted Ceasar to give her power extra functions like for example the exploding when in contact with fire. We know Big Mom’s crew watched the experiment.

      And when Ceasar was defeated they called Big Mom. But it could also have been because they figured he had not worked on her research orders but instead improved the weapon to turn into gas. This would explain them coming after Ceasar in Dressrosa.

      These are just my thoughts on how Big Mom’s fruit might work. There are alot of things that can be linked to witch-craft but if Big Mom is a paramecia then it should still have something to do with her body. Her being able to food into living things might explain also why she wants candy so much. She can turn them into her own litle army just how Kaido is making a Zoan army. We know Blackbeard is out there hunting devil fruits and to make up the balance i believe Shanks is recruiting powerful Haki users like for example Rocksta who we saw with Whitebeard.

      Hope you enjoyed the read!

      *Theory by FrankyG

        Jewelry Bonney and Big Mom

        Many people think that Bonney may be Big Mom’s daughter and I agree. Like Lola and Purin, being named similarly to sweet foods: Lolly and Pudding, Bonney is also named similarly to a sweet food. Jewelry Bonney’s name can actually be phonetically pronounced by Japanese people as:
        ‘Jujubes Bonney’. Jujubes are French Candy/Sweets , fitting the French theme of the Big Mom Pirates. Also, another French sweet food, Bonbon – is similar to her name. Her name clearly fits.

        Bonney has bright red lips similar to Lola and Big Mom, whom are likely her relatives. They all have pink hair and all of them can eat excessive amounts of food as well as ALL THREE of them having the same heart shaped lips! She has also been shown on a Cake Island/Ship, likely associating her with Big Mom.

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          Reasons why Caesar Clown will be the next Nakama! Theory


          -Most people hate Caesar Clown because he is evil, but I will explain why this is justified later on

          -He seems too obvious, since he’s been in plain sight. But this is hiding in plain sight. Oda also said @old Jump Fiesta interview (2009ish) that the next strawhat would be past enemy 

          -He is hated by some of the strawhats, especially Chopper (abusing medication)

          -Good reasons to dislike Caesar, but the question is “Can he be redeemed”. I think he definitely can. but before that…

          Reasons Caesar makes incredible sense

          -He has nowhere to go or be safe. He has nobody who trusts him, and all the Yonkou are after him and his weapons/chemicals. Can’t become ally member

          -Caesar has a dream, much like the other strawhats. He wants to surpass Vegapunk and become the best scientist. This is why he harms people carelessly

          -Was an enemy, like Robin, Nami, Franky, Usopp. Doubted them initially, but it reinforces how much we like them

          -He sort of fits in, and has shown a variety of other emotions aside from just being a psychopath. (Ex: embarrassed by chopper, play-fighting, sanji)

          -Strawhats do not have a scientist or logia yet

          -Caesar is a representation of Vegapunk (Luffy = Roger, Chopper = Hililuk and Crocus, Sanji = Zeff, Usopp = Yasopp)

          -Caesar connects everyone else’s abilites (missing piece to a puzzle)
          ~Finish Sunny with chemicals instead of Cola (Create pluton) sort of like Enel’s electricity
          ~Help Chopper with medication (with chemicals and drugs)
          ~Help Franky by replacing cola (Or can help make cola through sugar chemical) and Franky wants to follow Vegapunks dream
          ~Help Usopp make pesticides and growth hormones for plants
          ~Provide flames and gas for Sanji’s cooking
          ~Something stupid for Luffy, like fireworks or cooking meat with flames.

          -Very powerful (Top 5 in strawhats) he has poison, flames, air, many other elements other logias are limited to loads of potential

          -Potential interest in ancient weapons, since he creates his own weapons
          -Foreshadowing: Got symbol of the Strawhats (Chinese Zodiac signs)

          -Connects to my next point: knows the secrets of SMILE and shinokuni/gas weapons. stopped gas on mink island

          If you are still mad about his evil acts, here’s how he can redeem himself:

          -If you supported Monet, then you should by default support Caesar cuz she was evil as well

          -Since his dream is to become the best scientist, he was doing it in a bad way due to bad influences (Doffy).

          -Never killed people for fun, he believed it was necessary for him dream, and only viewed people as test subjects

          -Luffy and the strawhats have brought him humility, like with Big Mom, so now he is beginning to know human emotions and fear.

          -Similar to other strawhats:
          ~Zoro cut down people for their bounties
          ~Robin betrayed many people and didn’t care if people died as long as she learned about history
          ~Nami stole from people to help her village
          ~Franky stole fortune from Luffy and beat up Usopp to build his dream ship
          Ultimately Luffy saved them and gave them a better way to achieve his dream, like he will do with Caesar.

          -Chopper seems most mad at him. But Chopper was the same, he experimented with monster point drugs and hurt people without realizing it, like Caesar

          -Caesar can help get rid of all the weapons he created, and eventually make the crew like him by changing as a person and achieving his dream in a dif way

          -Caesar never got a flashback, so he can have a very sad past that justifies his initial crazy nature.

          -He will achieve his dream just like the rest of the strawhats by becoming best scientist, stopping his chem weapons, and learning about ancient tech.

          *Theory by OneWorldHD

            Important News about One Piece Film Gold Revealed!

            First of all, here is a new character design for One Piece Film Gold. His name is Gildo Tesoro (ギルド・テゾーロ).


            Tesoro says, “It’s show time!”
            He is responsible for the largest entertainment city in the world. The city is also a “ship” where Straw hats are heading for.

            “What is waiting there? Eternal dream or unfathomed darkness…?”
            The length of the golden ship/city is 10 kilometers. It is acknowledged by World Government as an independent nation.


              Sanji, Zoro, Franky & Shakuyaku Historical Connections


              Francois L’Olonnais: (1635-1668) was a French buccaneer, pirate and privateer who attacked Spanish ships and towns in the 1660’s. His hatred for the Spanish was legendary and he was known as a particularly bloodthirsty and ruthless pirate. After two or three expeditions, the Governor of Tortuga gave him his own ship. L’Olonnais, now a captain, continued attacking Spanish shipping and acquired a reputation for cruelty so great that the Spanish often preferred to die fighting than to suffer torture as one of his captives.

              Madame Cheng: She challenged the empires of the time, such as the British, Portuguese and the Qing dynasty. Undefeated, she would become one of China and Asia’s strongest pirates, and one of world history’s most powerful pirates. She was also one of the few pirate captains to retire from piracy. Ching Shih went back to Canton with her young son and opened a gambling house.

              “Red Legs” Greaves: When he was a boy, his parents died in slavery the master shortly after,  and the orphaned boy was sold to another man who was claimed to have been violent and to have often beaten Greaves as a teenager. He escapes his servitude and successfully managed to swim across a bay stowing away on a what he thought was a merchant ship ship preparing to leave Barbados, it was a pirate ship. He signed up.Eventually became Captain, fought and beat the other captain.Greaves rewrote the Ship’s Articles, specifically prohibiting the mistreatment of prisoners and allowing the surrender of merchant captains during battle. Throughout the decade, Greaves found great success as well as gaining a reputation as an honorable captain widely known for his humane treatment of prisoners and never participating in the raiding of poor coastal villages. Greaves was able to retire from piracy and settled down to the life of a gentleman farmer.

              Cutty Sark: A British Clipper ship she was one of the last tea clippers to be built and one of the fastest, coming at the end of a long period of design development which halted as sailing ships gave way to steam propulsion. The Cutty Sark was destined for the tea trade, then an intensely competitive race across the globe from China to London. Cutty Sark was ordered by shipping magnate John Willis, who operated a shipping company founded by his father.This was a highly competitive price for an experimental, state-of-the-art vessel, and for a customer requiring the highest standards. Payment would be made in seven installments as the ship progressed, but with a penalty of £5 for every day the ship was late.

                Sensational revelations from Oda about Sanji & StrawHats!!!

                Oda made a comment on the manga’s future in Jump Festa 2016 which was held on 19/20 December:

                “My readers ask me “When will Sanji appear?” again and again these days. Hirata-san (Sanji’s voice actor) also asks me “When the heck will Sanji appear?”

                Next year is Sanji’s year!

                Finally it’s time to reveal the mystery about Sanji’s birth! The Straw Hats who didn’t made much appearances in Dressrosa Arc will have many highlights next year.”

                This means awesome moments for Sanji, Nami, Brook and Chopper! I’m now seriously hyped for 2016! *__*

                  Straw Hat Pirates’ Dreams

                  Monkey D. Luffy
                  – Luffy`s dream is to become the Pirate King like Gol D Roger. He started dreaming when he was a child in the East Blue which is his home town. His idol is pirate Shanks which eventually became one of the pirate’s Emperor.
                  Roronoa Zoro
                  – Zoro’s dream is to become the world’s greatest swordsman. His dream started when he was a child where he can’t beat his childhood rival opponent. In order to achieve it he needs to compete to all swordsman in the world and beat them all. He is also dreaming to defeat the Swordsman king Dracule Mihawk in order to become the world’s greatest swordsman. 
                  Black Leg Sanji
                  – Sanji’s dream is to find the legendary place All Blue. In this place all the fishes and ocean creatures have gathered. His dream started when he was a child and trapped in a huge stone in the middle of the ocean.
                  Cat Burglar Nami
                  – Nami’s dream is to create the map of the whole world. In order to fulfill her dream she needs to travel in the whole world with his nakama(friends).
                  Sniper King Sogeking (Ussop)
                  – Ussop’s dream is to become a brave warrior of the sea like his father and to become the Sniper King of the world in order to help his captain to achieve his dream. 
                  Devil Child Nico Robin
                  – Robin’s dream is to find the Rio Poneglyph which tells the true history of the One Piece world including the void century(900 years from now). She is also continuing the research of her teacher Clover from his hometown.
                  Tony Tony Chopper
                  – Chopper’s dream is to become a great doctor that can cure and heal any diseases in the world and to travel with his friend around the world.
                  Cyborg Franky
                  -Franky’s dream is to build his dream ship and travel until the end of the Grand Line. His dream ship can overcome any battles and adventure where ever they are. 
                  Humming Brook
                  -Brooks ambition is to help his captain achieve his dream and to return in his hometown to meet his pet Laboon which is a whale. 
                  Credits : TWG

                    KAIDO PIRATES THEORY

                    I’ve noticed a pattern here, I’ll just get to it.
                    One of Kaido’s elite 3 executives (The Calamities, which there is a boardgame with the same name) is Jack, many of us theorized that Jack has a card theme, named after the card.

                    But what about others? Well, Sheepshead is apparently also a card game, and his power is a pun of his name.

                    Even Ginrummy is named after the card game of the same name.

                    We’ve also seen other references, including Doflamingo, an ally of Kaido being called Joker (Because perhaps he is a key card of Kaido’s?).

                    So due to that I think that the other 2 calamities will be “Queen” and “King”, even though it’s possible that Kaido himself is “King” due to his epithet.

                    So that means that perhaps the third calamity would have a different name, that’s because I doubt “Ace” will be used.

                    Among the interesting names that might be used by Oda (And therefore might dictate their characters) includes:
                    *Napoleon (No need to explain)
                    *Bacon (Perhaps a Pig Zoan fighting with a frying pan lol)

                    But one of the most interesting details I’ve noticed is the game Pedro.
                    So, will Pedro betray the Mink Tribe? Does he have anything to do with Kaido?
                    Also, remember that somehow Jack knew Raizo was supposed to be in Zou and somehow got it it (Which is nearly impossible because no log pose points there), so is Pedro on Jack’s and Kaido’s side?
                    He does seem to be particularly hostile towards the Strawhats so it’s not that farfetched in my opinion.

                    So, what do you think?

                    *Theory by Jewish Kaizoku