Tag Archives: zoro


I shall be going into further detail as to why devil fruit users sink in water and the secret of seastone.

As you obviously know, devil fruit users sink in water but what you may not know is that water doesn’t neutralize devil fruit powers.

Luffy’s stretched arm was underwater but shouldn’t it have neutralize his powers and cause his arm to retract? There is also this:

Aokiji fell into the water but inside of his power being neutralized, he used his ice to make it to the surface.

Here, Luffy is completely submerged in water but he cold still stretch.

Water simply weakens devil fruits but still why? There is also the fact that seastone COMPLETELY neutralizes devil fruits powers but it has the “essence of the sea.” Also, unlike water, when DF users wear seastone, they can still move.

What is the “essence of the sea”?

Gravitation or more simply, Gravity.

Kaku said he felt a “gravitational force” coming from the devil fruits.

At first you would he meant it as an expression, but Kaku’s senses are quite good which made me think that he meant it literally. He was able to feel Zoro’s demon spirit.

Law felt a similar force coming from seastone.

The main reason I believe gravity is why devil fruit users sink and has their powers neutralized by seastone is none other than Marshall D. Teach, better known as Blackbeard.

“Darkness” is gravitation and everyone knows what the special ability of the Darkness fruit is……

Neutralizing devil fruits powers via physical contact.

Now then, the tricky part was finding the actual relationship between water and gravity as a lot of factors fall into play such as mass, pressure and density. There is also the fact that there is less gravity underwater so get ready for a science trip.

Blackbeard’s darkness is a black hole.

A black hole pulls an object in and once inside, the object is crushed under the immense gravity or pressure.

Seawater is more dense than fresh water(because of salt) so its easier for a human to float, but seawater has more pressure than fresh water as you go deeper. This is referred to as specific gravity, which is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density (mass of the same unit volume) of a reference substance.

The devil fruits contain the souls of people who lived in space. Space has less pressure and gravity(compared to Earth or Vearth). On Earth, gravity gives weight to physical objects and causes the tides so naturally, the souls of the space people should feel extra pressure. Gravity has an infinite range, and it cannot be absorbed, transformed, or shielded against. When submerged underwater, the souls would feel even more pressure.

It is also worth noting that the Darkness fruit was the first devil fruit to exist and it has power over gravitation and every devil fruit afterwards gave off a gravitational force. Seastone has a gravitational force similar to a black hole so like the Darkness fruit, it “sucks in ” devil fruit power and neutralizes it(cause of the immense pressure it puts on devil fruit souls).

Lets sum up everything. The devil fruit soul is like a parasite and the devil fruit user is a host. In a way, the parasite and the host share the same body.

Water- When in water, the host and the parasite feel pressure(the parasite even more so) but since they share the same body, the host feels the same effects of the parasite but can still use his/her abilities
(because its only a little pressure).

Pretty much, Blackbeard is walking seastone as they have the same effects on DF users. On the surface, they focus entirely on the parasite and uses the effects of a black hole and apply immense pressure on it. The parasite is suppressed while the host is just fine which is why they are able to move with seastone cuffs. Remember when Blackbeard black vortex against Ace? Ace felt pressure and was sucked in but when BB grabbed Acehe was fine, but the “parasite” was not. Why? Because BB’s body is still a black hole(when he uses his ability, he simply brings the black hole to the surface to affect people).

*Theory by Vandenreich

    Romantic Relationships in One Piece

    Myth: X character in One Piece is in love with X other character in One Piece.

    Fact: It is not uncommon to see pairings mentioned like Luffy x Nami, Luffy x Boa Hancock, Sanji x Nami, Zoro x Nico Robin,  however some fans try to force the speculation into fact when it is not.

    Fans love to fantasize about possible character couples.


    When asked if there would be romance in One Piece in a SBS letter, Eiichiro Oda replied “they are in love with adventure”. There are no hints released in the manga itself. There exist minor love stories such as Kyros and Scarlett’s love story and certain relationships have been addressed (such as Piiman, Tamanegi and Ninjin mentioning how Usopp is a “lucky man” to have somebody as Kaya) but they are rather minor and no major relationship has been officially confirmed. As such, most love referencing comes in the form of perverted comments from one character to the other. Oda said that since this is a shonen manga, there is practically no romance (with a few exceptions, such as married couples, etc.) Not counting Sanji’s feelings towards almost every female being in existence, Oda took eleven years to introduce any form at all – Boa Hancock’s love for Luffy. However this is considered to be a one-sided romance solely intended for humor as Luffy does not have those same feelings for Hancock, having turned down her marriage proposal several times in the past. Oda also mentioned in one of the SBS that One piece is manga targeted at young boys, therefore there will be no romance between the straw hat crew.


      Hey guys, here’s my take on the Red Poneglyph!

      Something that has been curious to me for several chapters now is why exactly is Momo sick? It has been stated that he “doesn’t feel well” and has been in his room almost since arriving on Zou.

      As they head toward whale tree, Oda specifically writes that Momo is still feeling “terrible“.

      Kinemon suggests to Momo “wait at the bottom”. Perhaps this indicates that he is feeling worse as he heads closer to the whale tree.

      Here’s where it get’s juicy.

      Momo says that the closer he gets to whale tree, the more he can hear this “loud voice”. Kinemon comments that Momo is much like his Father and Neko and Inu bring up another person who is “much the same”.

      I really think this voice Momo hears is the “voice of all things”. It is very conspicuous that only Momo can hear this voice, given Franky possesses “super hearing”. Neither the minks nor the Samurai are very surprised. Perhaps this suggests others have heard this same “loud voice” as they approach whale tree.

      This is a voice that only Momo, his father and the “other man” can hear.

      The “other man” is heavily hinted to be Gol D. Roger.


      Remember, Gol D. Roger “found the text and followed it’s guidance”. This implies at some point he would have come across this new Red Poneglyph on Zou, giving him the opportunity to here its “voice”.

      Note, it’s not until they are inside the tree that Nami can hear Raizou’s screams. This heavily suggests that the voice Momo can hear is not the screams of the ninja.

      I am sure Momo can hear the voice of all things!!! And this ability allows him to hear the voice of the Poneglyph on zou and it’s voice is a voice that makes him feel physically ill.

      And we learn that this poneglyph Momo can hear has a “different purpose” than the others.

      To further my suspicions about Momo, he is not shown at all inside the Poneglyph chamber. This next chapter Momo will reveal that he can hear what the Poneglyph is saying, i’m sure.

      So… What could this Poneglyph be saying??

      It’s story makes Momo “uneasy” to the point that he feels “sick”. It’s also colored “deep red”. Perhaps you could even describe it as blood red…

      I think that this red Poneglyph is a poneglyph that describes a story of death. Could it be a gruesome battle during the void century? Some catastrophe? Perhaps it may just be a representation of the many lives lost during the course of the void century.

      My favorite idea, however, is that the Red Poneglyph specifically tells the sad story of Wano Kuni during the void century. Whereas most poneglyphs focus on the Ancient Kingdom and the general history of the void century. I think this is Wano’s Poneglyph.

      It’s hard to be sure exactly though, but for sure, this Poneglyph does not contain good news.

      Let me know what you think!

      *Theory by Joy_Boy


        We see in that panel, that someone from the ship, that saved Sanji said: “I must’ve heard them during the storm 3 months ago. Now there are some things I gotta mention.

        How can you hear somebody through a storm? A storm should be to loud, especially from range.

        They didn’t mention a fight between pirates, therefore I assume it was in range.

        Now look at Vito’s sign:

        Doesn’t it resemble a bat?

        Wings, ears and tail. The second arrow is the steak, that got pierced through Dracula’s heart.

        I assume this, because Vito and Dracula lookalike.

        I know he is based on another person, but he doesn’t look like the person he’s based on.

        So I assume his look got based off of Dracula and resembles his Devil Fruit Powers

        Now this is how I am connecting this. A bat is able to send ultrasonic waves and the sounds will reflect back through echoes. I assume Whit was on that ship, that saved Sanji and that he ate the Bato Bato No Mi, model Vampire. I will write later about his Devil Fruit Powers in this theory.

        We also know from one of the newest chapters, that Sanji would get a present box with someone’s head into it. Vito told Sanji something, that made Sanji come with them. I assume he told him, that he knows about Zeff and that Zeff’s head would be in that present box. There was even one panel, where it got stated that:

        “It could even be someone from the Barriete Restaurant”, and why would Oda include this?

        It has to have some reason in my opinion.

        We also know, that Zeff is most likely the only person, that Sanji really cares about, when it comes to “real family.” He didn’t grow up with the Vinsmokes. The panel also mentioned, that it could be one of the Okama, but I don’t think, that Sanji cares, that much about them as we’ve seen. I also think, that Sanji trusts Luffy enough, that he can protects his crew. I really think, that Zeff is the reason.

        Now let’s get to Vito’s Devil Fruit Powers.

        As I’ve already mentioned he has Vampire Abilities and resembles a vampire(mainly Dracula), from his look.

        He has black fingernails.

        He wears sunglasses, which protect him from the sun.

        He has a long tongue.

        He is also called the “Monster Gun”, and Vampires were known to be monsters.

        Furthermore vampires were able to use telekinesis. Look at the sound effect of the pistol. Its the sound effect when a thing starts to move. He also makes the same hand pose as a telekinesis user.

        He can also use magic, like vampires could.

        His hands are very large and Vampires hands were also very large.

        Chopper clearly stated, that he thought, that there were only “two enemies.” And let’s be honest here. Chopper is not, that weak, that he can get overwhelmed that easily. It was a sneaky overwhelming. Its strange, that Vito just appears and disappears in all of the panels.

        Either he was a bat and transformed back behind Chopper and Nami or he was hiding in the dust, because
        Vampires could do these two things, but there was no steam before they went into Capone’s body, so I would delete the second possibility.

        Or there is even the possibility, that he was very fast, because Vampires have superhuman speed and that might also be the reason how Chopper didn’t see him coming.

        Sanji called himself “the hunter”, if you remember it. He already hunted a wolf and next time he will fight against Vito and hunt a Vampire. Werewolfs and Vampires are both mythical creatures, that got hunted.

        Now you might argue, that Jyabura is not a “werewolf”, but I don’t think it has to be necessarily a werewolf, if we clearly get a connection there. Or maybe Jyabura can transform into a werewolf, when he improves his Devil Fruit Powers. Maybe his Zoan is capable of more wolf forms, when we see him the next time.

        We have only seen Rob Lucci changing the forms of his Devil Fruits. Jyabura could’ve learned it too.

        I think, that Vito is from Big Mom’s Crew, because of some reason:

        Vito is only the “advisor”, of the Firetank Pirates.

        I haven’t seen any crew yet with an advisor role yet and an advisor role wouldn’t make sense anyways
        because why does someone gets called an advisor in a crew? Sanji makes smart things too, does that make him the advisor? I think “advisor”, is meant as cooperating with somebody.

        Big Mom allies abnormal Crew Mates and Vito is abnormal if he resembles a vampire.

        I think Vito will fight against Sanji, because:

        Vampires have superhuman speed = Sanji’s specialty is speed and observation Haki.

        Vampires could also transform into a hybrid form, that flies = Sanji uses Sky Walk.

        Sanji hunted a wolf and called himself “the hunter”, and he will also hunt a vampire.

        They both seem to be the smart ones as we know about Sanji’s doings (Mr.Prince, Arc Maxim etc.)

        I assume Vito is very smart too, because he has an advisor role. And he seems very smart as from the things he did (blackmailing Sanji, overwhelming Chopper and Nami to get Sanji into Capone’s deal etc.)

        Sanji would improve much in observation Haki in that fight and also overall combat ability. I think from all the things I’ve mentioned before Sanji is the perfect opponent against Vito.

        Imagine an enemy, who has good observation Haki, who can fly, who has some nice quick gun moves, who’s very fast against Sanji.

        Thanks for checking out my theory

        *Theory by OnePieceHD


          When I was going through all colored cover pages, some of the pages got my attention. Those pages had “SH with Samurai costume”. So I searched all cover pages and arranged in chapter vise.

          In Chapter 70 cover page, left bottom, below Usopp, there is a face. When I see that face, suddenly I remembered “Kin’emon” face.

          Oda already designed or thought of samurai in his mind.

          After in Chapter 310 cover page, right bottom of page. I saw “SHIBARAKU” word. So I searched it. But that searched result shocked me.

          Shibaraku is among the most popular pieces in the classical Japanese dance-drama. The plot centers around the figure of Kamakura Gongorō Kagemasa, who has become the stereotypical bombastic hero of the classical Japanese dance-drama, with red-and-white striped makeup and strong, energetic movement. The historical Kamakura Kagemasa is famous for his bravery for having continued to fight after losing an eye in battle in the Gosannen War (1083-1087).

          Kamakura Kagemasa lost one eye in Gosannen War. Zoro also have scan on his Left eye. Zoro may not lost his eyes but his eye is definitely injured from someone. Oda may have taken only plot of this Shibaraku play and adding his own idea and creativity, story may be different. Or Zoro may open his left eye while battling with enemy in Wano kingdom and he may eventually lose his eyesJust my prediction according to the source of SHIBARAKU play).


          Kamakura Gongorō Kagemasa (鎌倉権五郎景政) (born 1069) was a samurai descended from the Taira clan, who fought for theMinamoto clan in the Gosannen War of Japan’s Heian period. He is famous for having continued to fight after losing an eye in battle during that war.

          We still yet to know full background of Zoro, since some people are saying, “He is the incarnation of Ryuma”. So, Zoro might have been a descended from one of the clan’s in Wano Kingdom.

          Now we will talk about Gosannen war. The Gosannen War was part of a long struggle for power within the warrior clans of the time.

          So lets assume that, “Wano kingdom will be having Power struggle between clan’s and one of the clan approached Kaido for support since wano Kingdom is not under WG. When KAIDO came to wano, he will defeat other clan members and finally he will cheat the clan which hired him. So after that Kaido will take control of Wano kingdom.”

          Let’s continue with our SHIBARAKU drama – The climactic moment of this dram takes place when a goodly samurai is being assaulted by a number of villains. Kagemasa shouts “Shibaraku!” (Stop a moment!) loudly from behind a curtain (agemaku) and then steps out onto the hanamichi (a raised platform extending through the audience to the stage) in magnificent costume and makeup. Arriving at the stage, he sits on a stool (aibiki) and, in a special kind of monologue called tsurane, explains his story. He then drives the villains off.

          We already know that, Kaido’s men’s are chasing that Kagetsu Clan members with Kin’emon, Momonoske and Kanjuru. As per current situation, SH will divide as two group and one group with Luffy will head for “Whalecake Island”. Another group having Zoro will advance to Wano kingdom.

          Oda again, foreshadow the fighting between Zoro and Wano clan members.

          In Chapter 526, We can see. Tiger and Dragon are seeing each other with killing intent.


          Through Kin’emon, Oda again foreshadow the fight in chapter 816.

          Last but not least:

          -In chapter 547 cover page. We can see all the pirates in Samurai costume, who are all escaped from Impel Down. We may expect Crocodile and Mr 1 inwano kingdom as well as Jinbe(we need new member to fight with Kaido).

          -In chapter 582 cover page. While SH are playing game, we can see a cat wearing thrown in cover page. It indicates “Master Nekomamushi”. He may eventually join SH for his revenge.

          -In Chapter 710 cover page. Usopp and Chopper are in different costume. Especially Usopp(in old man costume). Usopp may use this costume in Wano Kingdom for hiding himself, like in Water 7 how he used a mask.
          [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
          *Theory by Go D. Po



            As you know Nami has consistently been fighting with the clima-tact, however i do not believe the clima-tact has reached it’s final form yet. That is why i believe Nami well gain an ultimate clima-tact.

            Well i have had 2 ideas

            • The ability to create iron clouds and merge them with her thunder clouds, to create a destructive lightning-

            -Ohm’s weapon is made of iron cloudsword


            • She breaks up her new clima-tact; and straps each piece to her body. When this happens, she will be able to release thunder clouds just by moving; however she will gain a lightning tolerance and won’t be affected by the shock. She will then use fishman karate to manipulate the clouds.

            I personally think both of these would be good clima-tact power-ups, since they would require little to no charge up time; something that all her attacks need.

            This clima-tact works by Nami breaking up a clima-tact(not the clima-tact she currently has) then strapping each piece to her body. With this she will be able to create different clouds depending on how she moves her body. She can then use fishman karate to create different techniques such as tornadoes, hurricanes and lightning punches

            I believe this would be a good power up for Nami for a couple of reasons.

            1. She doesn’t need a huge distance to be effective- for most of her attacks, she needs to keep a distance since it takes a few seconds to create lightning and in those seconds she is very vulnerable. But with the new clima-tact, she won’t need to run away from her opponents to gain distance. Rather she could run towards her opponent; by moving her body she would create more thunderclouds around her, she could then use fishman karate to use enel-like techniques by launching all the lightning clouds at her opponents.
            2. Would increase hand to hand combat, Nami is really bad at this so it would help her a lot; it would also allow her to use CoA more effectively

            This clima-tact works by creating island clouds inside itself, compressing the island clouds; then creating iron clouds, which can be turned into thunder-iron clouds to give them lightning properties. How would she make a clima-tact like this? Well if you didn’t know, island clouds are created by sea stone 

            This leads me to believe that she will get a sea stone clima-tact. I believe this is very likely because the SMILE factory is coated in sea stone and when it’s destroyed Franky will most likely take that sea stone to make weapons. I also believe she will use a breath dial, as sea stone only creates island clouds when a certain compound is released due to high temperatures. With this sea stone clima-tact, she will be able to create large amounts of island clouds rapidly. Then due to the narrow space inside the clima-tact, these island clouds would be compressed and turned into iron clouds. She could then spin the iron clouds rapidly to turn them into iron-storm clouds that shoot lightning.
            Here are just some of the techniques that she could do with this:

            • iron-lightning blasts; same thing as her wind gusts, but with iron lightning instead.
            • iron-lightning sword; creates a long sword with iron lightning that can be used to fight with
            • iron-lightning island; creates an entire sky island of iron lightning; she could use her clima-tact to launch this island at opponents
            • iron-lightning tornado; creates a tornado of iron lightning. Imagine a regular tornado, then image what would happen if the air inside that tornado was as hard as lightning and shot out electricity

            *Theory by Monkey D Theories



              I would first like to state that there are a few things that make the StrawHat Grand Fleet different then most fleets we’ve seen so far

              1- They don’t stay together the entire time, each division of Luffy’s fleet travels the New World on their own adventures which will help them develop in different ways.

              2- They all joined Luffy not out of fear but out of respect

              3- A lot of the individual captains/commanders have their own goals/dreams, they might not be as big or important as the straw hats but they are dreams

              1 Cavendish wants to be a star and a great pirate known all over the world
              2 Bartholomeo wants to be of use to Luffy and help him and the crew in every way
              3 Sai wants to raise the happo navy to greatness
              4 Ideo wants to be a great fighter kinda like Ussop wants to be brave warrior
              5 Hajrudin wants to rebuild the giant pirate crew
              6 Leo and co want to help Ussop and Luffy as much as Bartolomeo
              7 Orlumbus seems to love adventure like Luffy

              Now their potential growth is the main point of this theory

              But first i want to bring up one of my theories on kings haki and haki in general. Now i believe the reason why we have not seen a Marine or any strong member of a Yonko’s crew with king haki is because they serve under someone, kings do not serve others. Also ranking systems are in almost every crew or organization in One Piece except the Straw Hats. In this way the Straw Hats are all on equal ground with Luffy, they do not shy from making their opinion known like in most crews, Luffy has been shown to take their advice when making important decisions like with Ussop on Water 7 and Sanji here on Zou.
              With this freedom i believe that the Straw Hats and fleet members are not limited in how strong their haki can be trained and developed. I believe that the fear to constantly please and obey Yonkos like Big Mom and Kadio limits the overall power of someones haki because haki is a form of willpower and fear weakens willpower. In saying that I do not believe Yonko crew members are weak just not as strong as there maximum potential. The Straw Hats and fleet do not serve Luffy like most fleets serve there captains, they assist Luffy in his quest to become pirate king, this change in mind set can cause many of the main fighters to develop new attacks and unlock higher levels of haki like with Ussop when unlocked his coO haki.

              Sai could improve his dragon drill tech adding the power to his staff gain kings haki like Chinjao.
              What if Hakuba is Cavendish’s personal haki demon like the Zoro has and he learned to control him?
              Barto could learn to crate more then one barrier and shape them into weapons animals or other shapes..
              Others could develop spiritual power up like Sanji’s fire, Brook’s ice, Fishman Karate and unknown tech

              Please let me know what you think below

              *Theory by alwaysrollinup


                There have been alot of good theories about Big Mom’s devil fruit being either related to Witch-Craft or Acid but i wanted to go a litle bit deeper and share my ideas.

                I agree with the idea that Big Mom’s power is witch-craft related but there are a couple of things i havent seen anyone talk about. I would like to start off with Big Mom’s ship.

                The singing head looks like a cookie in my opinion. And its something Oda has hinted at before. Take a look at this Panel from Fishman Island.

                Now if we talk about living cookies then ofcourse we have to link that to the Gingerbread man.

                This picture from Shrek was the best i could find.

                I believe Big Mom’s ability lets her turn Sweets, Cookies and Candies into living objects. This is similar to how Brook’s devil fruit works.

                His soul emits a powerful “substance”-like energy which allows him to live. I believe Big Mom can also emit a substance-like energy which is her drool.

                With this she can turn candies alive (if it enters the candy for example) which would explain her eating her crew (which were basicly candies or cookies). If we look at the panel where she eats them we have the crunching sounds (her eating cookies) and we see small parts falling down.

                This substance, lets say her magic drool for now, comes from her stomach, which could be a witch’s cauldron.

                Since Big Mom’s is most likely a paramecia this would fit in nicely.

                Now this magic drool can also function without entering something and i believe Oda drew it next to the three-eyed girl.

                (just a small note on the side: If the three-eyed girl is pudding it might be she is a adopted daughter and gets married against her will. It would be something a evil witch would do in my opinion, kidnapping kids, forcefully adopt them and them marry them off to increase her own influence. Which would basicly make pudding a hostage and Sanji the prince on white horse which goes to save her but thats a different topic).

                Now if we take it the Blob thing (Magic Drool) is Big Mom’s power then we could also bring Ceasar into the mix. As we know Ceasar was asked to do research for Big Mom but he blew the funds somewhere else.

                On Punk Hazard he had multiple things going on. First the SAD which is used to make Smiley Devil Fruits. Secondly the kids who he tried to turn into giants. And at last he had the gas weapon. Now the Sad was for Doflamingo, which later went to Kaido. The kids were basicly a old research project from Vegapunk for the World Government, which Ceasar made his own to proof he was better. And we know Jack bought his gas weapon in the past. Now Ceasar said he blew the funds somewhere else which means he didnt do the research Big Mom asked him to do. So what did she want him to research? I believe Big Mom was interested in the old version of the gas weapon. Ceasar used this version to destroy Punk Hazard four years ago.

                Smiley was also made out of Blobs (really dont have a better word for it sorry).

                Now what if Big Mom wanted Ceasar to give her power extra functions like for example the exploding when in contact with fire. We know Big Mom’s crew watched the experiment.

                And when Ceasar was defeated they called Big Mom. But it could also have been because they figured he had not worked on her research orders but instead improved the weapon to turn into gas. This would explain them coming after Ceasar in Dressrosa.

                These are just my thoughts on how Big Mom’s fruit might work. There are alot of things that can be linked to witch-craft but if Big Mom is a paramecia then it should still have something to do with her body. Her being able to food into living things might explain also why she wants candy so much. She can turn them into her own litle army just how Kaido is making a Zoan army. We know Blackbeard is out there hunting devil fruits and to make up the balance i believe Shanks is recruiting powerful Haki users like for example Rocksta who we saw with Whitebeard.

                Hope you enjoyed the read!

                *Theory by FrankyG

                  Oda surprises us again!

                  *Chapter 814 Spoilers


                  So many of our latest suspicions were correct in that the Vinsmokes are prominent figures in the underworld. And a twist..they are assassins!! Now we know what the Vinsmokes are. But for them to be only a family of assassins and wield enough power to get an only alive poster for Sanji shows how powerful the head of the family is. And that also means Sanji has two older siblings who must be powerful as well.

                  My fascinations from this chapter are:

                  1. Why is a family able to have the WG’s and the Yonko’s co-operation at the same time? It’s unprecedented as far as I know.
                  2. Why are the WG even co-operating with assassins when they have the Cipher Pol at their disposal?
                  3. Cipher Pol don’t seem to be related to the Vinsmokes, Sanji didn’t recognize them at Water 7 or seem to be familiar with them.

                  Ultimately, just who are the Vinsmokes and why are they so powerful? They’re playing both sides. Perhaps, they’re Black Mailing the WG?

                    THE GREATEST SWORDSMAN

                    Mihawk has never even once won a duel against Shanks – what makes Shanks the actual greatest swordsman, he just never really cared about titles, makes Mihawk really frustrated.


                    Things got worse when Shanks lost his arm; to Mihawk, even though he trained so much, if he wins, it wouldn’t be fair anymore.

                    That’s why he was so bored, wandering through the seas – no one was strong enough – until he found Zoro.
                    He recognizes that Zoro has talent and ambition – Zoro could be the one to make him feel alive again.
