Tag Archives: zoro

Reasons why Caesar Clown will be the next Nakama! Theory


-Most people hate Caesar Clown because he is evil, but I will explain why this is justified later on

-He seems too obvious, since he’s been in plain sight. But this is hiding in plain sight. Oda also said @old Jump Fiesta interview (2009ish) that the next strawhat would be past enemy 

-He is hated by some of the strawhats, especially Chopper (abusing medication)

-Good reasons to dislike Caesar, but the question is “Can he be redeemed”. I think he definitely can. but before that…

Reasons Caesar makes incredible sense

-He has nowhere to go or be safe. He has nobody who trusts him, and all the Yonkou are after him and his weapons/chemicals. Can’t become ally member

-Caesar has a dream, much like the other strawhats. He wants to surpass Vegapunk and become the best scientist. This is why he harms people carelessly

-Was an enemy, like Robin, Nami, Franky, Usopp. Doubted them initially, but it reinforces how much we like them

-He sort of fits in, and has shown a variety of other emotions aside from just being a psychopath. (Ex: embarrassed by chopper, play-fighting, sanji)

-Strawhats do not have a scientist or logia yet

-Caesar is a representation of Vegapunk (Luffy = Roger, Chopper = Hililuk and Crocus, Sanji = Zeff, Usopp = Yasopp)

-Caesar connects everyone else’s abilites (missing piece to a puzzle)
~Finish Sunny with chemicals instead of Cola (Create pluton) sort of like Enel’s electricity
~Help Chopper with medication (with chemicals and drugs)
~Help Franky by replacing cola (Or can help make cola through sugar chemical) and Franky wants to follow Vegapunks dream
~Help Usopp make pesticides and growth hormones for plants
~Provide flames and gas for Sanji’s cooking
~Something stupid for Luffy, like fireworks or cooking meat with flames.

-Very powerful (Top 5 in strawhats) he has poison, flames, air, many other elements other logias are limited to loads of potential

-Potential interest in ancient weapons, since he creates his own weapons
-Foreshadowing: Got symbol of the Strawhats (Chinese Zodiac signs)

-Connects to my next point: knows the secrets of SMILE and shinokuni/gas weapons. stopped gas on mink island

If you are still mad about his evil acts, here’s how he can redeem himself:

-If you supported Monet, then you should by default support Caesar cuz she was evil as well

-Since his dream is to become the best scientist, he was doing it in a bad way due to bad influences (Doffy).

-Never killed people for fun, he believed it was necessary for him dream, and only viewed people as test subjects

-Luffy and the strawhats have brought him humility, like with Big Mom, so now he is beginning to know human emotions and fear.

-Similar to other strawhats:
~Zoro cut down people for their bounties
~Robin betrayed many people and didn’t care if people died as long as she learned about history
~Nami stole from people to help her village
~Franky stole fortune from Luffy and beat up Usopp to build his dream ship
Ultimately Luffy saved them and gave them a better way to achieve his dream, like he will do with Caesar.

-Chopper seems most mad at him. But Chopper was the same, he experimented with monster point drugs and hurt people without realizing it, like Caesar

-Caesar can help get rid of all the weapons he created, and eventually make the crew like him by changing as a person and achieving his dream in a dif way

-Caesar never got a flashback, so he can have a very sad past that justifies his initial crazy nature.

-He will achieve his dream just like the rest of the strawhats by becoming best scientist, stopping his chem weapons, and learning about ancient tech.

*Theory by OneWorldHD

    Important News about One Piece Film Gold Revealed!

    First of all, here is a new character design for One Piece Film Gold. His name is Gildo Tesoro (ギルド・テゾーロ).


    Tesoro says, “It’s show time!”
    He is responsible for the largest entertainment city in the world. The city is also a “ship” where Straw hats are heading for.

    “What is waiting there? Eternal dream or unfathomed darkness…?”
    The length of the golden ship/city is 10 kilometers. It is acknowledged by World Government as an independent nation.


      Why is Mihawk the “Strongest” Swordsman

      True to his epithet, “Hawk Eyes”, Dracule Mihawk has exceptional eyesight, able to easily track Luffy’s high-speed Gear Second movements, and strike with extreme precision, releasing a long-range slash at him while there was a chaotic battlefront of New World pirates and Marine officers between them.

      In addition, he is also a talented teacher: after training Zoro for two years, he accomplished more than the dojo had achieved in the many years Zoro had trained there (though it helped that Zoro’s skills were already greatly developed by the time he became Mihawk’s disciple). Zoro himself even admitted that even after training with Mihawk during the entirety of the (time-skip), while talking down to Pica, an elite officer of the former Donquixote Pirates, that he (Zoro) is still not anywhere near Mihawk’s level of skill with swordsmanship, further attesting to Mihawk’s combat and fighting prowess.



      Mihawk’s strength is so great that Don Krieg accuses him of having the power of a Devil Fruit. While it has not yet been confirmed that he does not, the Databooks indicate that his abilities are from pure skill and power. This makes Mihawk the only known Shichibukai whose strength is based solely on human abilities (Jinbe being a Fishman).

      His first demonstration of power was defeating all but one of Don Krieg’s fleet of 50 ships and 5,000 men by himself just before a storm struck. Perhaps the most accurate and evident demonstration of his incredible power is the fact that he has remained unharmed during the whole series thus far.

      He is shown to have a strong will as he was able to resist Luffy’s Haki and be one of the few to still be able fight despite others around him falling unconscious. He also has great mental strength, shown when he is not one of the men to fall for the charms of Boa Hancock while most men easily fall for the pirate empress’ beauty and turned to stone.

      Mihawk travels around in a coffin-shaped raft with two green-flamed candles, a single black sail, and a single seat. The fact that he can traverse the unforgiving oceans, as well as the Grand Line itself, in such a meager craft is yet another testament to his abilities.

      The fact that Mihawk used to be a rival of one of the Yonko implies that Mihawk might be one of the strongest characters in the series.

      Although he has never been seen resorting to physical combat outside of swordplay, his fortitude suggests that he naturally possesses superhuman strength and resilience, as he applied tremendous strength behind all of his swings, enough to split battleships and a mountain of ice with ease. Additionally, during his duel with Zoro, he was capable of effortlessly fending off his own superhuman strength with only one arm.

      It is especially worth noting that, during the Battle of Marineford, while the Whitebeard Pirates (one of the strongest pirate crews in the world, with top members Whitebeard and Ace being killed, Marco being heavily-wounded and Jozu losing his right arm), the Marine Admirals (with Akainu taking a severe beating from Whitebeard’s attacks and Aokiji being harmed for the first time in the whole series) and the Shichibukai (with Moriah, Kuma, Teach and former members Crocodile and Jinbe being heavily-wounded) had very difficult battles, Mihawk had remained truly unscathed through the whole conflict.

      Because of his status, defeating him is Roronoa Zoro’s ultimate goal. Mihawk also seems to have great strength, as he was able to stop Zoro, a formidable swordsman with great mastery and enormous strength even to launch entire buildings and destroy them with powerful slashes, with only a single dagger, and handling it with just one hand.

      In terms of combat, Mihawk is the single greatest swordsman alive in the One Piece world, naturally commenting on his immense mastery of swordsmanship: back in the East Blue Saga (where Zoro, while at his weakest in the storyline, was still notorious across that entire stretch of ocean as the “Pirate Hunter” and had effectively mastered both “Santoryu” and “Nitoryu” fighting styles), he was capable of effortlessly defeating a three sword-wielding Zoro with the single “crucifix” knife, his Kogatana, hung around his neck disguised as a pendant, generally used as a dinner knife.

      He has been known to have frequently fought with Shanks when they were younger. He is also skilled at teaching, as he was shown to have taught Zoro quite extensively during their two years together.

      Mihawk demonstrates an immense skill in swordsmanship especially in reference to his Yoru. Having the abilities to slice and destroy entire fleets of ships or giant icebergs and yet graceful enough to deflect the course of bullets with only a slight touch. He is also able to cut through steel with ease and rapidity, as demonstrated with the steel-bodied Mr. 1, whom even Zoro struggled to beat.

        Sanji, Zoro, Franky & Shakuyaku Historical Connections


        Francois L’Olonnais: (1635-1668) was a French buccaneer, pirate and privateer who attacked Spanish ships and towns in the 1660’s. His hatred for the Spanish was legendary and he was known as a particularly bloodthirsty and ruthless pirate. After two or three expeditions, the Governor of Tortuga gave him his own ship. L’Olonnais, now a captain, continued attacking Spanish shipping and acquired a reputation for cruelty so great that the Spanish often preferred to die fighting than to suffer torture as one of his captives.

        Madame Cheng: She challenged the empires of the time, such as the British, Portuguese and the Qing dynasty. Undefeated, she would become one of China and Asia’s strongest pirates, and one of world history’s most powerful pirates. She was also one of the few pirate captains to retire from piracy. Ching Shih went back to Canton with her young son and opened a gambling house.

        “Red Legs” Greaves: When he was a boy, his parents died in slavery the master shortly after,  and the orphaned boy was sold to another man who was claimed to have been violent and to have often beaten Greaves as a teenager. He escapes his servitude and successfully managed to swim across a bay stowing away on a what he thought was a merchant ship ship preparing to leave Barbados, it was a pirate ship. He signed up.Eventually became Captain, fought and beat the other captain.Greaves rewrote the Ship’s Articles, specifically prohibiting the mistreatment of prisoners and allowing the surrender of merchant captains during battle. Throughout the decade, Greaves found great success as well as gaining a reputation as an honorable captain widely known for his humane treatment of prisoners and never participating in the raiding of poor coastal villages. Greaves was able to retire from piracy and settled down to the life of a gentleman farmer.

        Cutty Sark: A British Clipper ship she was one of the last tea clippers to be built and one of the fastest, coming at the end of a long period of design development which halted as sailing ships gave way to steam propulsion. The Cutty Sark was destined for the tea trade, then an intensely competitive race across the globe from China to London. Cutty Sark was ordered by shipping magnate John Willis, who operated a shipping company founded by his father.This was a highly competitive price for an experimental, state-of-the-art vessel, and for a customer requiring the highest standards. Payment would be made in seven installments as the ship progressed, but with a penalty of £5 for every day the ship was late.

          Straw Hat Pirates’ Dreams

          Monkey D. Luffy
          – Luffy`s dream is to become the Pirate King like Gol D Roger. He started dreaming when he was a child in the East Blue which is his home town. His idol is pirate Shanks which eventually became one of the pirate’s Emperor.
          Roronoa Zoro
          – Zoro’s dream is to become the world’s greatest swordsman. His dream started when he was a child where he can’t beat his childhood rival opponent. In order to achieve it he needs to compete to all swordsman in the world and beat them all. He is also dreaming to defeat the Swordsman king Dracule Mihawk in order to become the world’s greatest swordsman. 
          Black Leg Sanji
          – Sanji’s dream is to find the legendary place All Blue. In this place all the fishes and ocean creatures have gathered. His dream started when he was a child and trapped in a huge stone in the middle of the ocean.
          Cat Burglar Nami
          – Nami’s dream is to create the map of the whole world. In order to fulfill her dream she needs to travel in the whole world with his nakama(friends).
          Sniper King Sogeking (Ussop)
          – Ussop’s dream is to become a brave warrior of the sea like his father and to become the Sniper King of the world in order to help his captain to achieve his dream. 
          Devil Child Nico Robin
          – Robin’s dream is to find the Rio Poneglyph which tells the true history of the One Piece world including the void century(900 years from now). She is also continuing the research of her teacher Clover from his hometown.
          Tony Tony Chopper
          – Chopper’s dream is to become a great doctor that can cure and heal any diseases in the world and to travel with his friend around the world.
          Cyborg Franky
          -Franky’s dream is to build his dream ship and travel until the end of the Grand Line. His dream ship can overcome any battles and adventure where ever they are. 
          Humming Brook
          -Brooks ambition is to help his captain achieve his dream and to return in his hometown to meet his pet Laboon which is a whale. 
          Credits : TWG

            Kaido has a Dragon Devil Fruit

            Shortly after the Straw Hats’ arrival in Dressrosa, Luffy had tried to fly Momonosuke because of the flying ability that Momonosuke had displayed and used unconsciously to save both Luffy and himself from remaining in the pit wherein Luffy first stumbled upon him

            , but Momonosuke dreadfully and loudly rejected the idea of flying ‘again’ through the ‘skies’ despite having no memory of the time when he had flown out of the pit together with Luffy, wherein there was no ‘sky’.

            While he was about to shout his rejection of such idea, Momonosuke was recalling somebody’s hand reaching out to grab him.

            That event from his memory appears to be the cause of his aviophobia(fear of flying). The person from his flashback is suggested to have a flying ability, and the Dragon Devil Fruit possesses a flying ability.

            When Momo was loudly rejecting the idea of flying again, his father was composedly listening to what was happening with no sign of surprise. This indicates that his father is aware of the misfortune that befell Momo. This further suggests that this had happened long before both Momo’s consumption of an artificial Dragon Devil Fruit and their separate arrivals in PH.

            At Punk Hazard, Kinemon both exhibited great abhorrence of ‘dragons’ and confirmed to Brook that he has a ‘personal vendetta’ against them. I do not think that such hatred and vendetta could develop from having his ‘lower third’ attached to a dragon (the first dragon that greeted Luffy, Zoro, Usopp and Robin when they first set foot on the blazing half of Punk Hazard) since it is normally IMPOSSIBLE for one to confirm by only his lower third the nature of the being or thing to which it (his lower third) was attached.

            Kinemon also showed great detestation of ‘pirates’ when sanji had first introduced himself and the rest of his group to him as pirates.

            After Momo had consumed Vegapunk’s artificial Dragon Devil Fruit and successfully managed to escape his pursuers at Punk Hazard, he found himself facing a mirror. Upon looking at the reflection of his dragon form on the mirror, he paled and shouted a loud scream. This appears to be a phobic reaction to dragons.

            When Luffy and Momo were stranded in that pit, Luffy introduced himself to Momo as the man who will become the pirate king. Upon hearing that, Momo had become fidgety and nervous and gave a description of ‘pirates’ that matches Kaido’s description. This could suggest that Momo met Kaido in person, and his nervousness could be due to the fear he harbours about Kaido due to a certain event/ events.

            When Kaido’s underling was trying to update kaido with the news of Joker’s defeat, he was looking toward the sky, which means that he believed that Kaido was in the sky, if not on the apex of some mountain.

            In that very chapter, Kaido reached sky island with neither the company nor the knowledge of his crew members.

            It was shown to us that Drake and several other crew members of Kaido were talking about the news whereas Kaido himself was on the sky island.

            It was therefore evident that such method of attaining sky island is strictly related to his abilities.

            In this week’s chapter it was revealed to us, along with his identity, that Kaido has the strongest body structure you could find in all the living things that swim, crawl and fly this earth. Dragons are known to possess such attributes as robust scales that could withstand blades and spears that aim to penetrate their skin as well as wings that allow them to fly and reach such altitudes. Since Kaido’s body was described to be immune to blades and spears that aimed to penetrate it, from this aspect his attributes strongly support the idea that he possesses the Dragon Devil Fruit.

            After Caesar’s downfall at Luffy’s hands, Kinemon told his son, in the middle of their meal, to trust that ‘they’ are all right.

            My theory is that ‘they’ refers to the people from Wa. To be worried about their safety means that they are going through some kind of crisis. A crisis of this level that affects an entire nation whose citizens are so strong inasmuch as not even the marines can go near them can only be caused by one of the four emperors.

            When the Straw Hats, Law and the samurai had left Punk Hazard and were heading to Dressrosa, Law revealed Kaido’s epithet. Upon hearing that, Momo and Kinemon both showed expressions fear and shock. When asked by Zoro what was wrong, Kinemon untruthfully replied that nothing was wrong.

            Right after Kinemon had untruthfully answered Zoro that nothing was wrong, he reacted frightfully to the dragon form of his own child and started nervously asking about his (Momo’s) whereabouts. Kinemon’s mind should have been preoccupied by the dragon next to him, but the very sight of that dragon triggered feelings of worry about his son’s whereabouts.

            Afterwards, when everyone was gathered and having dinner, Kinemon revealed to them that they were ‘chased’ by people whose identity he wished not to reveal(probably for the safety of the people who aided him recover both his body portions and his son – the Straw Hats).

            In both instances Kinemon concealed matters connected to kaido. In this week’s chapter we discover that Kaido’s goons were ‘chasing’ the ‘samurai’.

            This establishes another strong connection between Kaido and the people of Wa. My theory is that Kinemon’s group was chased by Kaido’s goons when they were trying to go to Zo. And the crisis that befell Wa had been caused by Kaido.

            Kaido is the only one that could have breached the strong security of Wa and did what was done to Momo by his flying abilities. This explains Momo’s accurate description of Kaido, his phobic reaction to dragons, and the fear he harbours about him from the event that caused him aviophobia. This also explains Kinemon’s ‘personal vendetta’ against ‘dragons’, his feelings of worry about the whereabouts of his child that surfaced at the sight of a dragon, and his strong dislike of ‘pirates’ because it is only natural for one to develop such feelings after having his son exposed to such traumatic experience and his country exposed to such crisis (conquest of Wa).

            Let’s also not dismiss that Gear 4 was conceived to combat celestial/ flying enemies too.

            These are my thoughts for why Kaido must possess the dragon ability.

            Thank you for reading.

            *Theory by Australopithecus


              I’ve noticed a pattern here, I’ll just get to it.
              One of Kaido’s elite 3 executives (The Calamities, which there is a boardgame with the same name) is Jack, many of us theorized that Jack has a card theme, named after the card.

              But what about others? Well, Sheepshead is apparently also a card game, and his power is a pun of his name.

              Even Ginrummy is named after the card game of the same name.

              We’ve also seen other references, including Doflamingo, an ally of Kaido being called Joker (Because perhaps he is a key card of Kaido’s?).

              So due to that I think that the other 2 calamities will be “Queen” and “King”, even though it’s possible that Kaido himself is “King” due to his epithet.

              So that means that perhaps the third calamity would have a different name, that’s because I doubt “Ace” will be used.

              Among the interesting names that might be used by Oda (And therefore might dictate their characters) includes:
              *Napoleon (No need to explain)
              *Bacon (Perhaps a Pig Zoan fighting with a frying pan lol)

              But one of the most interesting details I’ve noticed is the game Pedro.
              So, will Pedro betray the Mink Tribe? Does he have anything to do with Kaido?
              Also, remember that somehow Jack knew Raizo was supposed to be in Zou and somehow got it it (Which is nearly impossible because no log pose points there), so is Pedro on Jack’s and Kaido’s side?
              He does seem to be particularly hostile towards the Strawhats so it’s not that farfetched in my opinion.

              So, what do you think?

              *Theory by Jewish Kaizoku


                Hello everyone! I’m here today with a theory on Blackbeard’s Body Structure, his DF and so on and so forth. Let’s get started!

                • The first point I would like to start off with is of Blackbeard as a kid, it might be far fetched but here goes. I think Teach might have suffered from a mental disorder, basically split personalities which confused him at a young age since he couldn’t comprehend it and left him depressed as we see above. He might have been born with split personalities or may have retained it through severe trauma as a child. This could also explain why he can wield 2 or more DF’s. His split personality counts as multiple people which acts as a loophole for being able to use more than 1 DF. He may switch to his other personality to use the Gura Gura No Mi, and go back to original mindset when using the Yami Yami No Mi.


                • Another character I’d like to mention is Shinobu Sensui from Yu Yu Hakusho. His mental disorder is later mentioned later on but basically he has 7 split personalities with different abilities. His Red personality in general is the more aggressive one and he forms a machine gun of some sort around his hand when this personality takes over. How does this relate to Blackbeard you might ask? Well what if he uses 2 DF in a way similar to how Sensui gains alternate skills with each personality. Lets say Blackbeard’s main personality wields the Yami Yami No Mi and on the other hand, one of his split personalities is counted as another person in whole and controls the Gura Gura No Mi. In accord to his body structure, this might also explain why he can take hits so well and has different reactions to pain on certain occasions. For example lets say one personality when getting attacked tanks the hit and doesn’t think much of it. While another one of his personalities overreacts when hit and flails around for a slight moment.


                • Now this next point is for the people who are skeptical on my second point of how one personality holds the Yami & the other wields the Gura. Maybe Blackbeard learned how to control his multi personalities in a way similar to Sensui? Sensui could communicate with his other personalities without them taking over at any point in time unless the main personality gave the others his approval. Maybe Blackbeard can switch between personalities at will or keep a certain level of balance/synchronization between the 2 to dual wield both of them at once in certain instances?


                • Another theory is solely based on the Yami Yami No Mi alone and the nature of black holes in general. We know that Black Holes absorb matter, even light particles can’t escape dark matter. What if instead of Blackbeard eating the Gura Gura No Mi after taking it out of Whitebeard’s body, the Yami Yami No Mi absorbed it and was still somehow able to fully use it’s powers but as a trade off he can only use it with his left hand and can no longer use the Yami Yami No Mi in that hand. We know the Yami nullifies the abilities of all DF’s, it would make sense that it can nullify it to a point where it wouldn’t be a threat on the body of the wielder if they have already eaten a DF but can still take control of it’s powers to a certain extent.

                I don’t know how Luffy & Zoro were able to detect that, I hope we get a flashback on this when the time comes for more BB in the future.

                Then we have BB’s Jolly Roger with 3 skulls on it, in my opinion this foreshadows his multiple personalities along with his plan to get a 3rd DF in the future.

                That’s the end of my theory, I hope you enjoyed it since it’s my first!

                *Theory by Ace D. Sosa

                  Could it be?

                  Kuina had come to the conclusion that Zoro would soon pass her in skill and strength. This is because she believed that boys grow up to be stronger than girls, and she noticed just how much Zoro had already caught up to her current skills. So, when she started growing breasts, she became discouraged. Zoro then told her that if he ever beat her, it was because of his skills. The fact that he was a boy and she was a girl did not matter. It was his goal to be as good as her. They promised that one of them would become the greatest swordsman in the world.

                  However, the day after making their vow, Zoro learned she had fallen down the stairs while trying to get a sharpening block and died. Zoro was angry with her, accusing her of running away from their promise. Finally, Zoro asked her father for the honor of taking the Wado Ichimonji with him. With this, Zoro promised to fulfill their shared dream of becoming the greatest swordsman to fruition and developed Santoryu so that he could wield both Kuina’s sword and his own.


                    ZOU, THE LIVING PONEGLYPH

                    I made a couple conclusions after thinking about last chapter:

                    – Unless Oda is being a massive troll, we can assume Sanji got captured in some way.

                    – It’s confirmed that Jack is no longer on Zou.
                    – The Mink (other than the guards) seemed rather relaxed. That leaves me to believe that there is no IMENENT threat to them as of right now. Also meaning there is no major antagonist on the island at this very moment.
                    – Chopper was dressed up as a King and the Strawhats were welcomed like royalty with banquet and all.

                    Following these conclusions i started thinking about what is left to do on Zou. Zou seems like too unique of an island to just hop on, find out about Sanji, and then hop off to go find him. Even if Nami presumes Sanji is dead instead of just captured, Luffy and Zoro (we all know Zoro and Sanji secretly have a bromance) would leave for revenge immediately imo.

                    So there’s no threat or antagonist right now and when everyone is filled in about Sanji next chapter the Strawhats won’t have time to celebrate with the Mink for too long. Is that all there will be to Zou?

                    My answer is no and here is why i think why:

                    I think Zou, or Zunisha, is a living poneglyph. Not like any other poneglyph where text is inscribed into a special rock/stone. The “poneglyph” im talking about is Zunisha’s memory. Zunisha is a ancient elephant that lived over a thousand years. As everyone concluded by now, Zunisha was around during the void century 800 years ago. It experienced what happened during that time. Specifically what happened to the Minkmen during this age.

                    One of the characteristics of elephants is that they have an amazing memory. I’d say this is needed if u want to recall something that happened 800 years ago. Is it a coincedence that the ancient creature who was around during the void century, also has this characteristic unique to it’s species? It might be, but i’d like to think not.

                    So poneglyphs are normally Robin’s specialty, but in this case it’s time for Chopper to shine. Chopper hasn’t really had much spotlight in the New World. The only thing of importance he has done in the NW is taking care of the kids on Punk Hazard. I think it’s about time for him to get a moment of great significance.

                    As we all know, Chopper can talk to animals. Correct me if i’m wrong here, but i believe Chopper is the only creature in the One Piece world that can communicate with ALL other living creatures. That also means he is the only one who could translate between animals and humans or translate from Zunisha to Robin and the rest. Is it a coincedence that the only one who could possibly translate Zunisha’s memories is a Strawhat? Maybe, but the coincedences are stacking up.

                    I even believe it’s possible that Chopper has already spoken to or translated for Zunisha and that’s the reason why Chopper is dressed as a King.

                    *Theory by Arasys