I am an Electrical Engineer, that’s why Captain Kid’s DF ability always attract me.
This Theory is about Captain Kid’s Devil Fruit’s true power & it’s potential.


Captain Kid possesses a DF power connected to Magnetism.
We know that he can pull or repls certain materials (iron,nickol).
But this is all he can do? My answer is No !
is one of the nature element & very powerful element.
So, let’s start with meaning of magnet-
Magnet- Magnets r the objects that generate a magmatic field, a force that either pull or repels certain material.

What is the difference between Fujitora’s Gravity and Kid’s magnetism ?
Gravity is universal force. It pull objects regardless of with what material it is made of
Magnetic Force created by & only acts on moving charges.
It means Admiral Fujitoras DF ability is superior to Kids DF ability.

Effect of Magnetism-
Strong magnetic field can affect human orgains. Specially Brain, Nervous System & Blood.

So, finally What is the true power of his DF. And potential of Captain Kid’s Devil Fruit ?

  • He can create Magnetic Field up to certain Space.
  • In this MF he can either pull or repls material (like iron & nickol)

And now true potential of his Devil fruit.

  • In his MF he can “Break your nervous system“. Because MF causes electrical current inside the body.
  • Brainwashing- MF can impair the brains ability to make moral decisions. Means he can manuplate you just like when you watch 3D movies.
  • Control your Blood- In humans blood have iron.And strong MF is enough to suck the iron right out of hemoglobin. If he increase MF upto 100k Telsa (actually 100k telsa is too much)
  • Affect on DNA- Strong MFs are genotoxic, they break up DNA
  • Affect Brain- He can disrupt electrical firing in the brain & flow of blood. And result is painful of death.
    Means using his DF ability he can send his apponent to Coma without touching him. Or manuplate him.
  • Control of Magnetic Field- Before timeskip he was able to create MF. But what is next? Is to control his MF. Then,
  1. He can change the MF of any Island.(ex: Punk Hazard)
  2. Can remove the MF of the island (Dressrossa in Bird Cage). Without MF eternal post is usless. No one can reach to his hideout by ship. No one can make contact with den den mushi without his permission.

Also using his DF ability electrical Sparks emit from his hands. So his ability may resemble to electromagnet, hence chance of above possibiltes are high.

Similarity between Kid & Law’s power-
Without performing Room Law can’t use his DF ability. Same for Kid, without MF he can’t pull or reple Metal & will not able to use any technique.

Kid’s DF power Strong against- Radiation. With increasing telsa (unit) of MF he can decrease the effect of radiation. Or change the course/path of radiational beam. He can create strong MF surrounding his body to survive against radical blast.

*Theory by Xlaw


  1. dunno man, i think he only can control metal. what you say is too deep and i think oda won’t take into that level (nervous system, brain, etc) oda made luffy into rubber is so he can make luffy beat the enemies in funny ways

  2. That’s one helluva theory, dude! You should transmit il to Oda sensei! 😉

  3. If i ONCE MORE have to read that Blood would be magnetic i really am gonna explode!!! BLOOD IS NOT IRON!!! Same as fucking Rust! Rust is Ironoxide, Ironoxide is NOT FERROMAGNETIC AT ALL!!! Same goes for blood!

    Also your scientific knowledge is so weak, first research magnetism and then make up stories!

  4. Mechanical Eng’r here.
    Correct me if I’m wrong but to do all these effects you need mega strong MF..Earth is a giant magnet itself, and is producing large scale of Magnetic field; how come we are not affected the ways you thought of and written here. Kidd supposedly can’t create that MF greater than the One Piece World has.

    Oda doesn’t give many OP skills like that on a single DF power. Perhaps, Electromagnetism is probably the best Oda can give to Kidd. I also thought of that EM thing before.

    Btw, I thought it was just a typo error, but you missed 3 times the right unit of MF, Mr Elec. Eng’r. 😀

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