Tag Archives: ANIMAL REALM​


I was re watching some of Zoro’s moves, and i found one that was particularly interesting

This move was called “crossing of six paths”, i found this very interesting so i did a bit of research and found this
The six paths of desire in Buddhism; in Buddhism, there are 6 specific realms of that people can be reincarnated into(plz correct me if i am wrong, as i am not a buddhist). I believe that these 6 realms are the basis for Zoro’s attacks. In this theory i will explain exactly in what Zoro unlocked and will unlock these powers specific too each realm and what his final power will be


The human realm is the realm where humans live, pretty self explanatory right? Well i believe this realm is represented by Zoro’s basic sword skills that he learned from Koshiro



This is the realm that is characterized by instinct and lack of morality; these moves are represented by Zoro’s animal attacks, this is also partially represented by Zoro’s vicious aura in battle
I believe that these attacks will be greatly enhanced in the future; i could easily see slashes that he makes with animal attacks actually taking the form of the animal he is envisioning
This would be a lot like Lucci’s rankyaku gaichou; when Lucci made a rankyaku, it took the shape of a bird. I could see Zoro doing something similar where he uses tiger hunt, but instead of going close up and hitting the attack, he makes a Mihawk-style slash with his swords. This slash then takes the form of a tiger and homes in on his opponent


Do i even have to say it? This realm is obviously the inspiration for this technique
This realm is characterized by a selfish ego, competitiveness, and the need to be superior to all things. In this realm, the experience is a slave to his delusions; i believe that this means that Zoro may be consumed by his kitetsu, i believe this will mean that he will lose all morality and care for his nakama and maybe even quit the crew just too pursue his dream of WGSM. Zoro’s consumption by the kitetsu will also represent the HUNGER REALM as it is represented by lack of willpower and the disregard of everything except the fulfillment of one’s desires


This realm is characterized by anger, hatred, rage, and the need for destruction. I am not going to go too deep into this(now), but i believe that this realm could be represented by an “enraged asura”, which would be triggered by either Zoro opening his eye(assuming it has some power) or getting a stronger kitetsu. This power would put zoro in an enraged state, possibly in a fight between him and the 7th shichibukai after learning that it was him who killed Kuina(idk but i have heard that theory a lot)


This state is represented by one’s desires being fulfilled and a short feeling of intense joy. I believe this could be a powerup obtained by use of the wado ichimunji; with this power up i believe zoro will be able to turn into the hindu gods of agni and indra .


Now as i said, the 6 paths are inspirations for Zoro’s powers in battle; however their are 4 more realms in Buddhism(however i believe these are spiritual and you cannot be reincarnated into these realms, again i don’t know much as i am not a buddhist so please correct me if i am wrong), i believe that these realms will represent personal changes that Zoro will/have go/gone through

  • Learning
    Learning is a condition in which one seeks some skill, lasting truth or self-improvement through the teachings of others. To access this realm, the experiencer must first develop the desire to gain wisdom and insight into the true nature of all things, free from delusion. This realm is characterized by the seeking of truth and wisdom through external sources, e.g. other people and pre-recorded information (usually texts).This condition is comparable to the state of the Śrāvakabuddha.
  • Realization
    Realization is a state in which one discovers a partial truth through one’s own observations, efforts and concentration. Usually to access this realm the experiencer must first have decided external sources are inferior to internal sources, e.g. his/her own mind. This realm is characterized by the seeking of truth and wisdom through direct internal perception.This condition is comparable to the state of the Pratyekabuddha.The two above realms are collectively known as ‘the two vehicles’. Even though these realms are based upon the desire to increase wisdom and insight, ego is still present, as these desires are primarily self-oriented.
  • Bodhisattvahood
    Bodhisattvahood is a condition in which one not only aspires for personal enlightenment but also devotes oneself to relieving the sufferings of others through compassionate and truly altruistic actions, e.g. helping others. This realm is characterized by the feeling that happiness achieved through the benefit of others is superior to happiness achieved through the benefit of only the self.This condition is that of a Bodhisattva.
  • Buddhahood
    Buddhahood is the highest of the Ten Worlds, a condition of pure, indestructible happiness which is not dependent on one’s circumstances. The experiencer is totally free from all delusion, suffering and anger. It is a condition of perfect and absolute freedom, characterized by boundless wisdom, courage, compassion and life force. This realm is difficult to describe and is generally only obtained through the direct internal perception of the realm of realization. This realm is characterized by not being shifted into lower realms due to external sources, and the non-reliance on external sources for happiness. This realm is manifested outwardly through the actions of the realm of bodhisattvahood.This condition is that of a fully enlightened Buddha.

After Zoro reaches Buddhahood, i believe Zoro will finally be at peace with himself; he will be a haki master, and enlightened to the nature of his world. When this happens i believe zoro will be able to use his final power up. Remember his attack, crossing of six paths? Well i believe that could be foreshadowing of Zoro’s final power up. As i said, Zoro will be a Buddha; meaning he will be in a state of complete awakening. I believe that this could mean that he has fully mastered his haki, as well as the techniques that are based on the 6 paths; when this happens i believe Zoro will learn how to “cross” the six paths and combine all his techniques in perfect harmony, when he is in this state i believe he will look something like this( he probably won’t have 1000 arms, he may just stick with 6 but i could see him having more)
[​IMG]I believe he will be able to project his aura into a shape a Bodhisattva with swords, and fight kinda like Netero from HxH; he could also summon a dark Buddha

*Theory By knaal