“A wandering vagabond or a man standing firm by his convictions? Its easy to tell the two apart.”


Kuzan is a man who is standing firm by his convictions and he is executing his lazy justice as we speak. Before I say anything else, please know that Kuzan is NOT a revolutionary….yet. If he was then how do you explain this?


Why tell Smoker to warn Sakazuki about Doflamingo? Kuzan has no reason to do that if he was a revolutionary, as that would make Sakazuki and the WG his enemy.

Kuzan is quite the mysterious man and after his defeat by Akainu for the position of Fleet Admiral, he resigned from the marines and disappeared. Its quite obvious however, that he is still perusing his own justice.


That justice has apparently made him an acquaintance of Blackbeard.


Simply put, Kuzan is a member of the Blackbeard Pirates.

In order to even find Blackbeard however, Kuzan had to get involved in the underground to find out his alias.


But as you know, Kuzan isn’t exactly unknown. Everyone knows that he is a former admiral so no one would dare reveal any infortation to him, fearing for their own safety so how did Kuzan get the info exactly?

He forced the info out of people with pain and fear and completed dirty tasks for others.


It isn’t unlike Kuzan to resort to such dark tactics and deeds. When he first meet the SH pirates, he tried to kill Nico Robin. He would’ve done it too if it weren’t for Luffy. He also tried to kill Luffy in Marineford.

Now then, we know that Kuzan is a member of the BB pirates by why did he show up on Punk Hazard in the first place?


Kuzan was on a mission to capture Caesar Clown for Blackbeard. Blackbeard wants control of the SMILE production program.

Do you really think Blackbeard would let a former admiral just waltz into his crew without some proof of loyalty? In order to make sure that Kuzan is serious, Blackbeard ordered Kuzan to capture Caesar for him, but Caesar was already gone and on his way to Dressrosa.

Kuzan informed Blackbeard of the current situation but Blackbeard was still confident, as word in the underground said that Doflamingo is hosting a tournament and the winner gets the Mera Mera no mi. With this, Kuzan was teamed with Jesus Burgess. Kuzan’s mission was to once again capture Caesar and Burgess’ mission was to get the Mera and steal all of the SMILES in Dressrosa.

Burgess is halfway done with his mission.


In that bag are all the SMILES Burgess stole from the factory.

Kuzan however will once again fail in his mission but this time, it will be intentionally. The Sunny Team is currently being chased by the Big Mam pirates and Kuzan will secretly help them escape by freezing the waters and stopping Big Mam’s ship in its tracks. For Kuzan, Caesar being in the hands of the SHs is better than Big Mam or Blackbeard.

After that is done, Kuzan will save Jeusu Burgess and they will make their way back


Kuzan may or may not have a confrontation with Sabo.

The big question is why is Kuzan getting involved with Blackbeard in the first place? Kuzan wants to investigate the secret of Blackbeard eating two devil fruits and how he is executing his devil fruit hunt.

Kuzan’s questions will be answered in the Kaidou arc when Blackbeard kills Kaidou and transfers his devil fruit to Stronger(Doc Q’s horse). It will also be in this arc where Kuzan learns that the WG were trading weapons with Kaidou and Kuzan will lose all motivation to help the WG in any way.

After the Kaidou arc, Kuzan will once again disappear, resurfacing during the World Government Takeover.

Kuzan was asked by Dragon years ago to joined the revolutionaries but he declined, believing the a rebellion was too extreme and thought he could change the WG from the inside. However, not only does Kuzan no longer have any pull with the WG, he believes a takeover is going to far and that justice will never be realized if the current WG exist. He will join the revolutionaries and the info he has gained about Blackbeard will be quite helpful.


In the center of the WG takeover will be the SH pirates and Kuzan will save them from Akainu’s meteor volcano by freezing mid air. He will reveal himself as a new revolutionary with other revs backing him, holding off Akainu’s fleet while the SHs make it to Dragon.

*Theory by Vandenreich