Tag Archives: celestial dragon


As many of you guys know, One Piece is pretty notable to alluding to various real world elements, and the Christian religion is not shy of being picked at as a resource for One Piece’s story. From Kuma’s bible, the angel races, mentions of “God,” Devil Fruits themselves, and the Adam and Eve trees, One Piece has a TON of references to the Bible.

Now, let’s break down these elements, and how it potentially could lead to some answers for some of the various mysteries of the series.

The Bible & the Angel Race

Introduced as Kuma’s book, many people outright presume it’s a random Biblical reference. Anime/manga tends to use Biblical elements just for their aesthetics with no real meaning behind it. But what’s interesting about this Bible isn’t the Biblical element itself, but rather what’s on the over on it. Recognize those wing patterns? No?

It’s the wings of the three angel races! (fourth one is covered up, but what could it mean?) Sandora on the top left, Birka on the top right, and Skypeia on the bottom right.

As we all know, the angel races come from a kingdom called Birka on the moon. This took place years before the Void Century, as Shandora was around for over 1000 years in of itself (and who knows the timespan between the two occurrences).Anyone who is familiar with the Bible or Christianity should know where I might be going with this. But basically I think it’s very viable that the Bible in One Piece having the wings of the three angel races is a BIG hint of what went on in the ancient world of One Piece. In Christianity it’s often thought that God is made up for three parts “The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.” It’s not always viewed that way, but with the idea that God being three parts of one whole is something a lot of Christians believe in, and is a very popular concept in fictional settings as well.

What if the three angels in these wall paintings represent the three parts of God?

Let’s take the story of Genesis and put One Piece elements into it, and you’ll see what I’m getting at:

In the beginning, there was nothing but a Blue Sea.
God said let there be light, and the Sky was born.
From the Sky he created the Earth, and it was good.
Then from the Earth He created mankind.

Look at the above image again, and look on the platform the angels are on. On the outside, it’s very grassy, but on the inside there was weird tube-like structures with eye-like orbs in them

The Angels terraformed the Blue Sea.
To be specific, the Blue Plant. You know all of those strange weather anomalies in the series? The artificial design of the Red Line? The fact that a Sky Sea exists?! The existence of the Grand Line in what could be the equator of the World? Terraforming, which is something that in many science-fiction stories has ranged from gone terribly wrong to near perfect.But like all truths, in time it got twisted and changed into something completely different, and it became something of a much larger tale. One that continues with…

Adam and Eve

Continuing the story of Genesis, God creates the first man Adam, and creates him a wife Eve. In Genesis, Eve is tempted by a snake to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree, and she does, becoming the first sinner. Who was this snake? While it’s never specified in Genesis itself, it’s commonly thought of as being the Devil himself.How does this apply to One Piece? As far as we know, not much other than names. There’s the Adam tree which houses what’s likely the strongest wood in the entire world, and the Eve tree which provides light and air itself to the denizens of Fishman Island as well as serve as the base of Shaboady. Then there’s the Devil Fruits, which is a whole ‘nother beast one can tackle. But going off on how the possibility of the Angel races descent to the Blue Sea applies to the story of Genesis in the Bible, why can’t all of these elements be linked together?

Let’s add a bit to this One Piece Genesis story…

But the Earth He created was not good for mankind.
Then God created Paradise, and in Paradise He created Adam and Eve
so man may flourish in God’s light and live in harmony

Basically, in consolation for doing a pretty shoddy job terraforming the planet, the Angels planted the trees Adam and Eve across the Grand Line (aka “Paradise”) to give back to them what they have lost. Adam provided wood for strong housing and sailing to deal with the weather, and Eve provided light to the people of the sea. This area became known as “Paradise” because of this, and the Grand Line became a peaceful place with multiple kingdoms developing over the course of thousands of years.

However this didn’t last long…

Devil Fruits

In the story of Genesis, the Devil appears to Eve at the Forbidden Tree, and sways her into eating of the fruit to become “like gods.” Eve eats the fruit, and God gets mad at her sin and curses both Adam and Eve to a life of sin and death.Aside from “Devil Fruit” being a literal reference to this story, we know little to nothing about them to suggest this could be the origins of them. However Devil Fruits could still fit into this One Piece Genesis story quite easily. Oda likes to do things with a twist afterall, so to continue…

However to live in peace and harmony, mankind was to
stay away from the forbidden Devil Fruit of the Eve tree.
But mankind’s curiosity and temptation grew, and at the
top of the tree, they ate the fruit and became like God.
God was angry, and punished mankind by cursing the
Devil Fruit with hatred of the Blue Sea.

What could a story like this imply? Well for one, the Eve tree as we know outside of being a source of life and air for Fishman Island, is also noted as being the “boss” of the Mangrove of Shaboady. Linking Eve to the Devil Fruits makes a lot of sense going by the Biblical story, and all good things tend to alternatively have a bad side to them.

What if the Eve tree was so strong, it created these “Devil Fruits” that gave mankind demonic-like powers to give them the ability to to becomes “god-like”? Who in the series actively struts around claiming they’re gods?

The Celestial Dragons

What if the ancestors of the Celestial Dragons rebelled against the three Angel races? They attained great power given to them by the Angels, and they used it against them. This caused mankind to go above God himself, and they ruled over the Blue Sea. After this, the three Angel races separated to different parts of the world, with the Shandorans in particular settling on a remote island.

But there’s one more thing, but I’d like to put this Genesis story together, with one final touch…

In the beginning, there was nothing but a Blue Sea.
God said let there be light, and the Sky was born.
From the Sky he created the Earth, and it was good.
Then from the Earth He created mankind.
But the Earth He created was not good for mankind.
Then God created Paradise, and in Paradise He created Adam
and Eve so man may flourish in God’s light and live in harmony.
However to live in peace and harmony, mankind was to
stay away from the forbidden Devil Fruit of the Eve tree.
But mankind’s curiosity and temptation grew, and at the
top of the tree, they ate the fruit and became like God.
God was angry, and punished mankind by cursing the
Devil Fruit with hatred of the Blue Sea.
Regardless, mankind became like God
And He did not find this good, and secluded
himself away in shame, never to be seen.

Many moons later, a Kingdom appeared.
This Kingdom inherited the will of God,
and wanted nothing but peace and harmony in the world.
However mankind did not see them as good,
and punished them with their mighty power
erasing them from history itself.

As for the Ancient Kingdom itself, that’s an entirely different story and who knows where Oda will go with that one as well as the Will of D. I know this is a bit fanfictiony but I just wanted to propose a possibility of how something like the One Piece world came into existence.

*Theory by Big One


    I think some of you people forgot that Celestial Dragons and Gorosei posses some kind of national treasure
    What could it be ?

    I really couldn’t find any clue about this national treasure,so i will say my opinions
    Some say it is eternal log pose to Raftel..which is stupid because then why don’t World Government take that and go get it,some say it’s location of One Piece,again it’s weird,some say it’s key of Uranus(to use Uranus you have to have a key) or even Uranus,which might be,but still we don’t know anything about Uranus – some say that Uranus has teleportation power,it could be,but Uranus has to have some powers that can destroy the world,so maybe with that key it could teleport you anywhere and destroy a lot

    Anyway let’s start with Celestial Dragons..why are the people afraid of them and why does the World Government even listen to them..they’re weak and useless..but what if it is not the case and they don’t listen to them because they are descendents of creators of WG..what if they posses some kind of weapon that could easily destroy the world

    That national treasure could also be Egg Roger had,but i doubt that because that would mean he had to get it on Mariejois and Gorosei would probably attack him and he would die

    Which leaves me now for the last opinion..Tree of life
    We already saw Tree of Adam and Tree of Knowledge – and it’s said that Trees in Eden are Gods treasure – his garden..also Tree of Adam is called Treasure Tree of Adam
    Tree of life grows fruit every 10 years and when you eat it,it will grant you immortality
    Doflamingo knew about this and used it somehow to escape from Mariejois – he said he would destroy the tree if they don’t let him go away – there was no fruit on it so he couldn’t eat it from it,my guess is that he returned to Mariejois to eat it and gain immortality,but he failed(he also asked from Law for immortality) – also he said when people find out about this it will shake up the world – when people find about it everyone would try to gain the immortality,which would cause chaos
    – fruit to live 1000 years
    It’s said that National treasure when used with Ope Ope no Mi could grant the ability to destroy the world – Ope Ope no Mi is one of the devil fruits which reduces persons life – with that tree,user could use Ope infinite time without dying which would be crazy strong – i think Ope Ope no Mi is first devil fruit to be ever created and originally was supposed to be used with Tree of Life
    Also Tree of Life is a forbidden tree – no one is allowed to eat from it
    Gorosei are immortal because they ate from the tree because to World Government they represent Gods
    The devil would be the “D” and they tried to tricked someone to bring them that fruit..
    that person was Joy Boy
    But instead he ate from the tree and returned to “D”‘s and said he ate it,so D’s made him their king..king of ancient kingdom – in this case D represent the Devils and Joy Boy represents the Eve and my guess would be Joy Boy had a brother who represents the Adam – Joy Boy is younger one
    Now God was angered and he wanted to banish them from that world – Gods(WG) tried to kill Joy Boy(note-war didn’t start because of the tree,war was lasting even before that),but it was impossible and war was lasting too long and Ancient Kingdom decided to make weapons – Joy Boy was smart,they used it and had more chances of winning the war,but something happened…Joy Boy’s brother died..or he thought so..which made Joy Boy have feelings like he doesn’t care anymore and it made him lose the war and the result would be everyone he knows death..Joy Boy later apologized to Poseidon for failing and that it was his mistake that his emotions overtook him..and Joy Boy was captured and is still held there somewhere by Gorosei,but before he was captured he made another weapon that would revive everyone who died because of him..but he couldn’t use it,he didn’t have the last piece of it,the One Piece
    As i said his brother was dead,but he wasn’t actually,he was captured and he escaped..later he also ate fruit from the tree and hid himself on the island called Raftel and he is now there protecting the weapon created by his brother and Joy Boy’s brother is the Rio Poneglyph and he created every other poneglyph – except Joy Boy’s one – Roger could’ve used the weapon to revive everyone,but it would only cause WG to find out about location of Raftel and it would cause another war which would result in death of everyone,again – first he needed to find every ancient weapon,but he didn’t have every one of them and to find every other ancient weapon it would take him some time,which he didn’t have

    I believe Luffy will find one of the ancient weapons,but as he is reckless he will revive everyone from the ancient kingdom,which would cause huge war..later Poseidon will come which would be second weapon and if Elbaf theory is true – that they have Uranus ..they will come too with that weapon
    Ending of One Piece will be Joy Boy apologizing to his people and thanking Luffy
    and there will be a black screen that will say 500 years later – Usopp telling the stories to kids :)

    Sorry for the long post..i hope you liked this,if it makes any sense..and also tell me what you think that Mariejois’s National Treasure is

    *Theory by Doctor Room