Tag Archives: devil


Many of you believe that Roger doesn’t have a devil fruit and that he uses only haki..well i will assure you that he has one.

Before i get to his devil fruit.. do you remember the scene when Garp talks about Roger.. he said “Roger was naive and straightforward like a child, but he’d change in a sort of demon if someone hurts his crew,he’d become violent when angry and he was short-tempered and selfish

Do you maybe know who else is like this – not Luffy, but someone from real life(almost) – he appears in One Piece.. i think you will never remember it.. it’s this guy



Now you may think..wtf..so Roger is Klabautermann? No.. that’s stupid, but what Garp said is clearly a foreshadow.. childish, naive, short-tempered and is a demon – what we saw is not Klabautermann’s real form

So what is Roger ? ..well Roger is Hödekin or has is Hödekin-Hödekin zoan.. both Hödekin and Klabautermann are Kobolds
Why do i believe that he is the same thing as Klabautermann is.. well Hödekin is known to had a big mustache, red hat and red coat and was tall


“He could turn into some sort of demon“-Garp… Hodekin and most of Kobolds are known to be childish which Roger is as said by Garp and Kobolds always took form of a human.. but almost never their real form in front of somebody.. and their real form is a demon..a nd whoever saw their real form would die – this would explain why mostly no one ever saw his true form – because everyone who fought him either died or Roger didn’t have to use his final form

Hodekin also seems like a helpful spirit, but in the end, he turns out to be DEVIL..or D like Roger


You probably remember this scene.. and you know that either Garp or Roger turned off the lamp that was shining there.. but after it turned off, how did it turn back on?

Well this is where Roger’s devil fruit comes in.. Kobalds are known to be sometimes good and sometimes bad – some say they can be Light in the darkness and Darkness in the light (i think he could turn invisible by taking out the light..which would also explain why no one ever saw his true form)
Also i believe that Roger didn’t rely on this powers very much, except when he is really angry or when he is 1 v infinite enemies – so his crew wouldn’t see him

I think this was shown to be a little foreshadow for his full potential haki(that picture up there).. i think that full potential haki will be in combination with devil fruit(it can be achieved even without devil fruit).. so i think Roger used “small” conqueror haki on Garp so he could push him over the edge so Garp will keep his child safe – even though Garp was already going to do that..

You remember that Roger said to Rayleigh “I’m not dying,partner”.. i believe he is still alive as a spirit and he is at the Raftel.. now i always go between Joy Boy’s brother ,Gaban(i will explain at the end) or Roger to be on last island.. but in this theory i will go with Roger, because of few reasons – first i will tell you that Oda is fan of Jules Verne who wrote book “20,000 thousand leagues under the sea” – fishman island..and i think he will use other 3 books i mentioned in my last theories.. but for Roger he will use “A mysterious island”
In that book, main characters meet Captain Nemo, who reveals them his identity.. at the end, captain Nemo dies.. i believe that Roger still lives and waits for that someone(as Whitebeard said – and that one is not Blackbeard) on the last island.. and when that someone comes to Roger..Roger will give him something – either ancient weapon,his ship or some parts for Pluton.. but the thing i believe that Roger will give is that.. he will teach Luffy how to Conquer Darkness and Light – Roger knew how to conquer his devil fruit and with that to conquer light and darkness.. why i believe it ?

Because Luffy who is based on Sun Wukong – he pulled staff that no one else could EVER.. Luffy will pull off something that no one ever could(will learn 2 conqueror hakis).. he will be able to use two or maybe even three(Monkey D. Dragon’s) conqueror haki’s at the same time.. so Luffy vs Blackbeard will be ultimate battle 3 conqueror haki’s vs 3 devil fruits.. but Luffy can conquer darkness so he will in the end barely win – i think Luffy will be able to conquer his darkness and Blackbeard will consume himself with his darkness

At the end i said i will explain why i think Gaban will be at last island – in book Journey to the Center of the Earth,main characters meet one guy at the entrance to the center of the earth and when main characters go up from center to the Earth through volcano – reverse mountain,one guy return to his home,which is close to North pole – in one piece it will be south pole which is last island of one piece)

Hope you liked it and that this makes sense

*Theory by Cleveland


    (you can send your argumented theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])


    So in light of the recent chapter of One Piece, we have learned that those who are considered “D”s are the “Natural Enemies of Gods”. Now as we all know, within One Piece the Celestial Dragons consider themselves Gods, among the human race. When you take the context of what Corazon said about the “D”s being the natural enemies of the “Gods”, one would assume that this means, the “D”s take on the role of the Devils.

    I know, I know, it sounds crazy right, especially considering that in most religions and Mythology, the Devil, is undoubtably an evil entity, and just doesn’t seem to fit the persona of all the “D”s we have seen so far within the series of One Piece…. Well I decided to do some digging, and I found something very very interesting. In some religions, the Devils were known as “Tricksters”, and these beings, although sometimes were considered evil, were far from the “Devils” I had grown up reading about. And the more I read up on them, the more and more I saw the similarities between “Tricksters” and “D”s.

    *In mainstream Islam and Christianity, God and the Devil are usually portrayed as fighting over the souls of humans. The Devil commands a force of evil spirits, commonly known as demons.[2] The Hebrew Bible (or Old Testament) describes the Adversary (ha-satan) as an angel who instigates tests upon humankind.[3][4] Many other religions have a trickster or tempter figure that is similar to the Devil. Modern conceptions of the Devil include the concept that it symbolizes humans’ own lower nature or sinfulness..

    **The trickster deity breaks the rules of the gods or nature, sometimes maliciously (for example, Loki) but usually with ultimately positive effects (though the trickster’s initial intentions may have been either positive or negative).

    ***Operating outside the framework of right and wrong, tricksters do not recognize the rules of society. Their characters and actions are far from simple, however. Often childish, greedy, lustful, and even nasty, tricksters can also be friendly, helpful, clever, and wise. Sometimes they appear to be clownish, clumsy, or foolish, although they usually possess amazing powers of survival. A trickster may come to a sorry end in one story but then, after being miraculously brought back to life, reappear in other tales.

    ****Sometimes a trickster is a creator or culture hero whose activities explain how some aspect of the world came into being. In northeastern America, for example, myths of the Algonquian-speaking people tell of a trickster named Gluskap. Gluskap lived in the cold north, but during a journey to the warm south, he tricked Summer, a beautiful female chieftain, into returning north with him. After she melted the cold of Winter, Gluskap let her return to her home. Maui, the trickster hero of the Polynesian Islands in the Pacific Ocean, created the world while he was fishing. He let out a long fishing line and reeled in island after island from the bottom of the ocean. Later, Maui stole fire from the underworld and gave it to humans.

    This is just some of the Information that I have found on Trickster, and trust me, I could quote a whole lot more. But as you can see, the trickster, is neither good nor evil. They live their life the way they want to, and depending on the circumstances, tend to bring some type of positive effect around them, regardless of their intentions in the first place. If you look at if from the standpoint of of the “D”s we’ve seen so far in the series, from the M0nkeys to the Marshalls, it basically covers both sides of the spectrum pertaining to Tricksters.

    So what do you guys think, are the “D”s ultimately the “Tricksers/Devils” of the One Piece World, or do you believe that the “D”s hide a deeper meaning? If so, what do you believe they are?

    *All rights go to Celestial D. Dragon