I think a lot of people underrate Kid when they say he has absolutely no chance against Shanks; i personally believe that Kid is one of the strongest(if not the strongest) supernovas, and the only supernova who is currently qualified to beat Shanks.

I think Kid has the magnet magnet fruit; this gives him the power to create and manipulate electromagnetic fields. This may not seem very impressive, but i believe it is one of the strongest paramecias in OP. Let me explain

Objects attracted to magnets are known as paramagnetic. Objects that are not attracted by magnets are called diamagnetic. Diamagnetic objects are actually repelled by magnetic fields. If a magnetic field is strong enough, it can actually be used to levitate objects. Here are some powers Kid could use by creating powerful magnetic fields

  • flight, repels the ground by creating a powerful magnetic field
  • he could even coat his fists with a magnetic field. If Kid did a “magnet punch” by coating his fist with a magnetic field; it would repel the person hit, as organic matter is daimagnetic, however the iron in blood is paramagnetic and would be attracted to Kid’s fist. The result? Kid would be able to send enemies flying with just one punch, the magnetic field would attract the enemy’s blood, this means that they would be sent flying while their blood would go in the exact opposite direction, thereby causing them to bleed out
  • he could create massive, powerful fields; this would allow him to possibly levitate islands, then smash them into opponents. He could even manipulate water, as water is diamagnetic; this means kid would be a huge threat to DF users
  • he could even cover his body with a powerful magnetic field; this would basically be like a force-field which would repel any diamagnetic attack, so basically everything but metal would be repelled. However Kid can control metal as well, so even metal wouldn’t be effective. He could also cover other people’s bodies with magnetic fields, this would basically crush them

Now when a lot of people say that Kid doesn’t have a chance against Shanks, they seem to forget that KID IS A FRICKIN GENIUS

  • when he was a child, he was shown to know how to build robots
  • he even turned himself into a cyborg
  • Kid’s power requires knowledge of magnetic fields in order to be used at it’s full potential, Oda wouldn’t give Kid this power unless Kid had the knowledge to use it

So if Kid is as smart as he appears, then it’s likely that he has a plan; but what could that plan be?

I think it could revolve around pacifistas

Kid can completely manipulate metal, so a pacifista would stand no chance against him; that’s why i believe that kid has or is planning to steal a pacifista. Once Kid steals one, he can take it apart and learn how to make some of the pacifista’s technology

With Kid’s knowledge and power, i believe he could create a robot army to help defeat Shanks. With pacifista technology, Kid could equip his robots with lasers and durable metals for more power and durability. Kid could also use pacifista technology to enhance the bodies of him and his crew. What if Kid became like Franky? Under his skin he would have a coat of armor for better defense, he could replace his eye for a robot eye, and even equip his arm with lasers and possibly even sea stone.

Some of Kid’s crew already appear to be cyborgs, so having pacifista technology would be a big boost to their overall strength.

Now i know this is a big what if, but what if Kid figured out how to weaponize zoans? We know that Kid is well informed about underground deals, so what if Kid already made a deal for smiles? Kid could give a smile to his cyborg body parts to enhance them even further, i mean what if kid’s arm could turn into a dragon? I know it’s kinda unlikely as Kid didn’t even seem mad when he learned that doffy fell, but it would still be a cool power to see


Even though Kid may not necessarily defeat Shanks, due to his devil fruit and his intelligence, it is possible that Kid will have a chance to defeat Shanks.

*Theory by Monkey D Theories