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Luffy Power-Up

(you can send your theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])


We all know that Luffy needs a power up. Even with haki, gear second and gear third, he still doesn’t stand a chance against some of the persons in New World. He wants to become the pirate king, right? The strongest man in the world. How will he achive this power? I think that Blackbeard is not the only one that will have 2 devilfruits. The answer to Luffys power perhaps it’s nothing less than SMILE. How you ask? We know you can only eat 1 devil fruit or else you dies, but SMILE is not a natural devil fruit. It’s made by humans and perhaps a person that have already eating a devil fruit can eat 1 SMILE without dying. The strawhats takes 1 SMILE while destroying the SMILE factory and keeps it. Later on Luffy is in a situation when he needs to gain power really fast, perhaps to save his nakamas who are in danger and he eats the smile in a last resort. So far can Vegapunk only create SMILE that are zoan type. When a zoan devilfruit user transform to his zoan form his strengt and such increase radically, Lucci said that during the water 7 arc. So when luffy eats the SMILE he gain the power of zoan and ofcourse it must be the zoan type of monkey. He have the same body size but hair over his body, a tail and his face looks little more like a monkey. He can still use the gomu gomu no mi fruit when in this form but with more power. This makes Luffy more powerfull. For example, look at Lucci and the differences between when he was in human form and when he was in zoan form, both in strength and speed. He can also use his monkey tail to fight with, “Gomu Gomu no Tail whip” He can stretch out the tail and swing it lika a whip. He can even make the tail hardened with haki to do more damage. The zoan form can be gear fourth that everyone are waiting for.

*All rights go to the maker of this theory

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