Tag Archives: Rokushiki

Theory on the most possible “Power-Ups” Straw Hat Crew can get..

(you can send your argumented theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])


SH crew might have reached their DF power limits but, there’s a set of Techniques which will make them more Powerful and also Aid their DF Abilities.
I think you all know it already.. it’s Rokushiki!
With Sanji and Luffy having already mastered a few of them, it’s most plausible most of the SH crew will learn them and Master them.
Here’s who will master in what [Note: Luffy and Sanji have already mastered..]:

Luffy: Soru.
Sanji: Geppo and Rankyaku.
Zoro: Tekkai.
Robin: Shigan [Just think about it, she could literally pop out two hands on her opponents and perform shigan out of no-where.. too OP].
Nami and Ussop: Kami-e. Why? They are the ones who try avoiding the Fight. This technique specializes in dodging and running away.
Chopper: Maybe Tekkai/Kami-e.. don’t know.. Rankyaku/Geppo is also a strong possiblity with Jump Point and all..

Rokuogan: Don’t think anyone would be actually able to pull this one off as it requires a lot of Practice[Maybe Robin after she learned all of the Techniques, highly unlikely though..]

I think Soru can be learned by all of them(except Franky as he is heavy and all..)

I am betting on them learning the Rokushiki sooner or later. It’s the only Type of “Power-Up” besides Haki and DFs.

What do you think, possible or not?

*All rights go to DarkBlaze99