In this theory I will try to explain everything considering Laffite’s feats and express my opinion on his possible fighting style.

So Lafitte has shown plenty of impressive feats that gave me a variety of information in order to make this theory. First of all , I will start with his past (not any connection with the theory) for those who do not know it.It is said that he was a policeman long ago , but due to his extremely brutal methods he was fired. That’s why he is nicknamed “Demon Sheriff”.

I do believe Lafitte’s character and feats are based on the widely known fairy tale “Pied Piper of Hamelin”, that is about a guy who was hired by the citizens of a town to hypnotize and send the mice away. However the villagers didn’t pay him for his services and the guy hypnotizes their children and made them follow him out of the town.
Just like the guy with the flute in the picture , Lafitte masters in hypnotizing people as it was mentioned that he hypnotized the Impel Down guards to open the Gates of Justice. But how is Lafitte able to hypnotize? I really think that the answer lies in his weapon and most specifically his cane.
I think that it opens just like Brook’s but instead of becoming a sword it turns into a Flute – similiar to that of the fairy tale enabling him to hypnotize people. I also believe that his Tap-Dancing shoes help him play Rhythms whose purposes aren’t only hypnotizing but for example making illusions or a very irritating noise , abilities that are definitely dangerous in a fight.
However there is another thing that bothers me. At Marineford Lafitte appeared with 2 large wings.
At first I thought that they were proof that he is a Birkan and then I read theories about him being a Siren Zoan (please don’t mention the Siren Zoan in the comments because my previous theory was filled with such comments ). However , I think that the wings are a result of another Zoan Devil Fruit. The Devil Fruit I think he consumed is the Owl Devil Fruit. This could not only explain his wings , but also his Owl-like legs as seen in this picture.

Here we got a White Owl.

Owl’s mastery isn’t only extreme vision but also stealthiness. This way , we can explain how nobody noticed him during the Shichibukai meeting.
So I think that in general his fighting style is composed of extreme speed , abilities to hypnotize and manipulate , flight and of course extreme stealthiness making it very hard for his opponent to locate him.

So guys I hope you enjoyed this theory !

*Theory by Usopp Haoshoku Haki