As you know, Vegapunk is the genius scientist of the WG, but could he possibly have a devil fruit? Well i believe so, i believe that Vegapunk has the chemical-chemical fruit which is a logia that allows him to turn into various chemicals. Why do i think he has this? Well mostly from this

Here we see Vegapunk talk to Caesar, moments later caesar causes the giant explosion. Now, HOW DID VEGAPUNK SURVIVE THAT EXPLOSION????

We know Caesar most likely survived due to his gas-gas fruit, so how did Vegapunk survive? The only reasonable conclusion is that he has some sort of DF that allowed him to survive and being as he is a scientist, i think it is very possible for him to have a chemical-related logia.
I think Vegapunk’s power could be similar to Dr. Indigo’s chemical juggling.

Anyways this is just a quick mini-theory i thought off, please tell me your thoughts below. Do you think Vegapunk has a devil fruit? If not, then how did he survive?

*Theory by Monkey D Theories