Tag Archives: Wano prediction/Jinbe Cover Story theory

Wano Prediction/Jinbe Cover Story Theory

Short theory I have that ties in with the One Piece Project/All Blue Theory. There practically little evidence for this so don’t be too harsh.

We know very little about Wano expect it is a country Oda has based off Japan. The women don’t dress scandalous and the men are powerful samurai warriors.

Wano_Country_InfoboxOne thing I found interesting is that the World Government stays away from them out of fear.

I predict that Wano has a specific code built into their law to stay away from the World Government and to be aggressive against them. Why? Joy Boy told them to.

Joy Boy obviously had ties to the ancient kingdom and was some sort of leader to them if he specifically wrote letters to all of Fishman Island in poneglyph form. I believe Joy Boy had allies all over the New World and when the Ancient Kingdom was destroyed He was able to send messages to them. The people may have forgotten about the Ancient Kingdom after they were destroyed just like the Fishman did, but a secret message remained for their leaders and the tradition carried on. Just like King Neptune protect Noah out of tradition, the Shonen or Feudal Lord of Wano knows that his kingdom shouldn’t have ties to the World Government.

Fast foreward to Jinbe’s cover story, Jinbe gets a poneglyph. The island he gets it from has some Japanese style architecture? Seen here: http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Solo_Journey_of_Jinbe,_Knight_of_the_Sea?file=Chapter_762.png

I think the poneglyph will have ties to Wano Country and include something similar to what I have described above.

The fortune teller on Fishman Island predicted that Luffy would destroy Fishman Island one day. The One Piece Project theory says that Luffy will destroy Fishman Island in order to create the All Blue and start a massive world war. The people of Wano will be another one of Luffy’s allies to the final war because of the poneglyph and their customs. Their people will join Luffy in defeating the World Government.

TL;DR A Wano Poneglyph written by Joy Boy told the people of Wano to be hostile against the World Government. Wano will join Luffy’s final war against the WG once he is pirate king.

*Theory by OptFire