Archivi giornalieri: 06/04/2015

Bartolomeo :D



    The future admirals will be Coby, Sentomaru and Smoker. These three all have one thing in common. They have some similarities to the 3 strongest marines in Roger’s era i.e. Garp, Sengoku and Zerphy.

    1.Garp e Coby:


    -Base of operation: Both are located at the hq.
    -Fighting style: Hand to hand combat. Some elements of their fighting styles are similar since Coby is Garp’s apprentice
    -Partners: Garp had Bogard while Coby has Helmeppo. Both partners carry a bladed weapon.


    -Both have a deep trust with their pirate rival: Garp with Roger, Coby with Luffy
    -Sense of justice: Their sense of justice is the same. They will sit and drink with pirates they consider as friends but when the tym comes they will hunt them down without holding back.

    Coby will surpass Garp and inherit his will. He will also inherit part of Garps nickname just like Sanji inherited the “leg” from Zeref.

    2. Sengoku and Sentomaru:


    -Appearance: When Sengoku is using his df he turns into a Buddha giant. He looks similar to a sumo wrestler which is similar to Sentomaru.
    -Fighting style:

    -Both use their palms to fight. Both their palms release energy blasts. Sengokus is a shockwave while Sentomaru is a CoA haki blast.
    -Sense of justice:Both follow a similar sense of justice. They have respect for pirates who they feel deserve respect. They both are disgusted with pirates who are not worthy of their respect. They will fight them without holding back. They don’t hate pirates but they feel that it is their duty as marines to stop them.

    Sentomaru will surpass Sengoku and will inherit his will.

    3. Zerphy and Smoker:


    -Base of operation: Both are stationed at G-5 in New world.
    -Weapons: Both use kairoseki weapons. Smoker with his Jutte and Zerphy with his arm.


    -Nicknames: Both their nicknames have a colour theme. Zerphy is black while Smoker is white
    -DF: Zerphy has no df while Smoker has a df.
    -Sense of justice: They both believe in the same justice. Pirates are evil while marines are good. They live in a black and white world. Both are strong believers of justice
    -Both their beliefs in the marines and WG change over time. Zerphy left the marines as a result.
    -Their character themes are opposite in some aspects. One has a df with a white color theme while the other has no df with a black color theme

    Smoker will surpass Zerphy and inherit his will. Since they are opposite to each other, Smoker will be able to do what Zerphy could not. that is to change the marines and to change his mentality from a black and white one to a gray one.

    That is why I believe these 3 people will be the admirals in the future.
    Thanks for reading. All feedback is welcome. Be it good or bad.

    *Theory made by BossYimz

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