Archivi giornalieri: 19/07/2015


D: I have a question. Is the character of Borsalino based on Kunie Tanaka’s role of “Borsalino 2″ from the Movie Truck Yaro: Bakuso Ichiban-boshi? –AkuaNoichigo


O: You saw that movie?! That’s fantastic. It’s quite an old film. I wonder if it’s out on DVD and Blu-ray now. I have the entire Truck Yaro series on VHS tapes. You are correct, Borsalino comes from that role. There’s an Alain Delon film called Borsalino as well, and I suspect that Kunie Tanaka’s character was named in homage to that movie. Alan Delon’s a super-cool actor too. His movies are older, so most people probably haven’t seen them. I don’t mind, though. I did this to satisfy myself. That’s all for this installment of the SBS! See you again soon!!


    Welcome back to a quick theory for your entertainment.

    Some time ago, I stumbled upon the 7 Seven Lucky Gods of Fortune and the Heavenly Kings. Surprisingly, they bare some similarities to One Piece characters and I believe they were one of the inspirations for the said characters.

    Hotei is the fat and happy god of abundance and good health.

    This is Monkey D. Garp

    Fukurokuji is the god of happiness, wealth and longevity.

    This is Don Chinjao and his design is even based off Fukurokuji.

    Jurojin is the god of long life. He is also known as the Old Man of the South Pole and is often mistaken as Fukurokuji.

    This is Dr. Vegapunk(Vegapunk is from a winter island and most likely has a long head…no jokes please)

    Benzaiten is the goddess knowledge, art and beauty.

    This is Tsuru.

    Daikokuten is the god of wealth, commerce and trade. He is also the god of thieves. Daikokuten is often paired with the lucky god Ebisu.

    This is Scopper Gaban. Gaban means “thief” or “to steal” and was shown with someone we all know.

    Ebisu is the god of fishers and merchants. He is often paired with the lucky god Daikokuten.

    This is Crocus.

    Bishamonten is the god of warriors. Bishamonten is also called Tamonten “listening to many teachings” because he is seen as the guardian of the places where the Buddha preaches. He was also a punisher of evildoers – a view that is at odds with the more pacifist Buddhist king.

    This is Silvers Rayleigh. In contrast to the lovable Roger(the people that knw him), Rayleigh was the more serious “Dark King” and “Lord of the Underworld.”

    Bishamonten was also one of the 4 Heavenly Kings.

    Bishamonten as a heavenly king is called “Virupaksa.”

    Virupaksa which means “he who sees all”, his symbolic weapon is a snake or red cord that is representative of a dragon. As the eye in the sky, he sees people who do not believe in Buddhism and converts them.

    This is 1oo Beast Kaidou.

    Vaisravana means “he who hears all.”

    This is Gol D. Roger.

    Virudhaka means “he who causes to grow” and causes the good growth of roots.

    This is Sengoku(praying to Buddha bring health and growth to crops).

    Dhrtarastra means “he who upholds the realm.” He is harmonious and compassionate and protects all beings. Uses his music to convert others to Buddhism.

    This is Edward Newgate.

    *Theory by Vandenreich

      “Red Haired” Shanks AMV



          Nico Robin

          D: Question. Robin always says frightening things in front of everyone. But in her own thoughts, she oftentimes thinks of fun stuff like “Cats” or “Dress-roba” (T.N. – Dress-roba is a pun on Dressrosa, meaning “Dress-Old Woman”). Why doesn’t Robin talk about these thoughts with her crew to make them laugh? I love how Robin is like this. P.N. Y.O122O: I see, that’s true. From what I think, from the Punk Hazard Arc when she told Franky (in Chopper’s body) not to ever make such a strange face in Chopper’s body again, Robin probably likes cute things. But even though she likes cute things, she’s a bit dark/creepy herself, so if she tries to put these cute thoughts to words there is a chance it may come out as scary/ominous. That’s the kind of woman that Robin is.

            Which type are You? :-)

            Which type are YOU