Archivi giornalieri: 04/08/2015


Edward Newgate White Beard One Piece


    Kaido: Vegapunk’s Perfect Creation
    From what we can come up with the latest chapter, there’s only a thing that stands out the most and that’s the fact that Kaido is invincible. Literally speaking, there’s nothing ever created in OPverse that can harm him at this moment not even the combined efforts of the Navy. But he got this prominent scar from his right ribcage extending down to his lower abdomen which is totally odd for a person defeated 7 times, captured by Marines 18 times, and tortured several times to only incur just one scar at all. Oda isn’t some drunken mangaka that will just name a guy that inflicted that scar on him despite the fact that it surely a fatal blow (Luffy almost died from his scar he incurred from Akainu) that made a scar that big which is totally counter-intuitive. Therefore, he incurred that scar before he enters the “invincible mode” of giantification (genetically human but humongous in size and strength). Let me quote Law’s statement:

    “The ‘giantification’ of humans is something the World Government has been researching for hundreds of years… For soldiers probably…. If they could turn any soldier they wanted into a giant, they’d be invincible.”


    From what we can see from the imagination bubble of Law, it resembles Kaido destroying some buildings and I come up with this hypothetical idea:

    Kaido lived his life as a criminal(based on the latest chapter) so obviously he was captured by the Marines as a test subject for the giantification project of the World Government. Lots of failure and dead test subjects until they finally come across with Kaido and miraculously come up with the optimal solution and procedures for the operation. It worked well on Kaido and it spontaneously affected his physiology turning him into an aggressive juggernaut that destroys everything on his path (based on Law’s imagination bubble on manga). He destroyed everything on the laboratory, every record, and turned Vegapunk back to square one again as he left the ruined laboratory.

    This is a total failure for Vegapunk. As usual it was all covered up by the World Government. But the research team is still recovering the perfect formula for giantification. The same reason why Caesar Clown is so eager to perfect the art of making human giants and eventually gain his lost reputation and become the greatest scientist. But Caesar Clown is a bit different this time; he got this wonderful idea that can possibly tame a beast like Kaido if he gradually ingests some addictive drug known as NCH10. This way, Caesar Clown is certain that his human giants will be obedient and come back for more without taking it by force just like what Marines are doing.

    It also explains why Kaido is captured by the Marines 18 times and sunken 9 mammoth prison ships, Marines are trying hard to retrieve back Kaido on Vegapunk’s lab. Unfortunately, none of it worked. He’s completely unstoppable. This is evident from the test subjects of Caesar Clown on Punk Hazard that human giants are extremely destructive when infuriated.

    As of this moment, I’m absolutely skeptical that Luffy will beat that caliber on monstrousness Kaido has. Obviously, they got 0% of winning from Kaido. But Law said they’ve got 30% if they follow the plan “step by step”. And I’m optimistic that Law somehow knows how to counter the invincibility of giantification.
    He went all the trouble and inconveniences to make it on Punk Hazard for two major things:
    1. To destroy the SAD Factory
    2. To learn more and investigate about World Government’s research on giantification

    Luckily, Caesar Clown is conducting the experiment too and he gains an access to walk through his laboratory without any trouble. It wouldn’t be a surprise if he got tons of knowledge about the subject. This is the same reason why he wants to take down Kaido first, since he knows something about Kaido’s weakness as compared to other Emperors he had no idea about and it gives their alliance enough marginal chance to win against him despite what we’ve seen from the latest chapter.

    Law’s medical prowess and Ope Ope no mi will surely counter the giantification effect on Kaido’s body making him vulnerable again from attacks and Luffy will take advantage of it and his G4.

    *Theory by PascualPaulAlfonso

      AMV One Piece – The Invincible Bartholomew Kuma

        Straw Hats Trivia

        D: Oda-sensei! Please tell me the order in which the members of the Straw Hat Pirates joined the crew! I’m really grateful! P.N. Yoshikawa

        O: New readers!! Yep, that’s right. I didn’t realize. One Piece has been going for 15 years already. P.N. Maaa-kun is 10 years old. Then I’ll tell you. When you grow up, try reading about the origins of the Straw Hat Pirates. The inset numbers are the order in which the crew members joined. This is the first time that the heights of the crew members two years later have been released in the volumes. By the way, before the Thousand Sunny, the ship they sailed in was the Going Merry .


          This is Amazing!!

          Hundred Beast Kaido by BozZSai
