Archivi giornalieri: 17/01/2016


Alright, so there have been many theories on CoC, conquerors haki.

The definition of Conqueror’s haki by the One Piece Wiki:

Here is some Haki in action:

So far haki has been generally thought of as Fodder control, until Dragon:

Many have speculated that the sudden change in weather was caused by two things: A devil fruit, OR Haki.

There have already been many theories on the devil fruit side. Such as wind logias, mystical/legendary zoans, weather paramecias. But let’s explore the side of Haki theories.


So then let’s explore the idea that Dragon’s haki was in fact the source of the weather change.

What do we know about Conqueror’s haki? We know that only one in a million power. According to Rayleigh, simply explained it’s intimidation as explained here:

When Shanks visits Whitebeard, his haki put cracks into the actual ship. He broke the ship with intimidation. Almost like a sudden release of energy caused the ship to break.

So if Haki can affect other objects, then this opens up a whole new world of understanding.

If Dragon used Haki to control the weather, Shanks used haki to break a boat, and Luffy made hundreds of people fall unconscious to this power, then what is it really?

I believe that conqueror’s haki is the ability to release one’s inner flame. The ability to release the energy, the power, of one’s own will into the physical realm. It affects everything, people, elements, and even objects. It is the true sign of a king. It announces the presence of a king, and it also carries the power behind him. It can be used to directly manipulate/bend anything to the king’s will. Turning the tides of war, stopping time for a split second, controlling the elements, bending the will and soul of the world and snuffing out the weak’s spirit. Born in the souls of people destined to become kings. In short it is the ability to overwhelm.


So then what does that mean? What can we expect from this awesome power if what I believe is true? If CoC is so much more than fodder control, what kind of powers could be unlocked from this?

  • Direct manipulation of the elements. Notice I say manipulation and not control? Luffy is not going to become the last airbender. But rather I believe with strong enough haki, a King could yes, control the weather. But also I imagine them walking through fire unscathed.
  • The ability to completely crush the spirit of one’s enemy. I believe the power of CoC is directly proportionate to the user’s willpower. If that’s the case, with strong enough willpower, a king could overwhelm his enemy, breaking his spirit, and weakening him beyond the point of recovery. Imagine Luffy fighting and beating an enemy without ever touching him. The “death stare”.
  • Direct damage to surrounding objects. The ability to release a King’s energy in such a destructive force that a King could shatter mountains with a single glance. This could also be used as a form of offensive power. We see Shanks crack the side of the Moby Dick with a completely relaxed state of his haki. Imagine what would happen if he focused his CoC to a direct pinpoint position?
  • The weakening and total intimidation to the point of rendering an attack void and useless. Not only immobilizing an enemy, but removing the force behind an attack. As if the King is telling the sword to stand down, and bending it’s will and soul to the king’s desire.

CoC suddenly became much more badass. Now, I’ll admit that there is little evidence supporting my theory. We have yet to see CoC used in such a powerful way. But I can’t just think that CoC, conqueror’s haki, the haki of kings, is simply fodder control.

So what do you guys think?

*Theory by 4xdblack

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    Gear 4 Revealed!!! *-*

    Gomu Gomu no Kong Gun!

      Anybody ever wondered what Straw Hats smell like?

      In an SBS question, a fan asked Oda that since Chopper had such an amazing blue nose that allows him to identify his fellow crewmates, what do they all smell like. When this question was first asked, the Straw Hats only had 6 members. At a later SBS, Oda provided the other smells for the remaining crew members. All but Chopper’s smell were identified as Chopper cannot tell what he himself smells like.


      -MONKEY D. LUFFY Smells like Meat

      -RORONOA ZORO Smells like Steel

      -NAMI Smells like Mikan and Money

      -USOPP Smells like Gunpowder

      -SANJ Smells like Cigarettes and Seafood

      -NICO ROBIN Smells like Flowers

      -FRANKY Smells like Cola

      -BROOK Smells like Tea

        Clash of Haki
