9 Things You Should Know About Tashigi

  • Tashigi’s character design has changed significantly during the series. In her first appearance, she looked like Kuina, but by the battle of Marineford, her design had become more distinct.


  • Tashigi was the second female Marine shown in the series, the retired and deceased Bell-mère being the first.
  • Along with Smoker, Tashigi has appeared in more sagas than any other characters outside the Straw Hat Pirates.
  • In One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3, Tashigi’s taunt action allows her to remove or put on her glasses. When her glasses are off, the screen becomes blurry with a heavy depth of field effect.
  • In the 4th Japanese Fan Poll, Tashigi was ranked the 42nd most popular character in One Piece.
  • In the 5th Japanese Fan Poll, towards the end of the Dressrosa Arc, Tashigi dropped to 64th place, sharing the spot with Emporio Ivankov.
  • A fan once inquired about Tashigi’s glasses, as she seems nearsighted but lifts her glasses to look closely at a sword and was seen running without glasses. The reader asked if the glasses were for show. Oda stated that she does need them.
  • In Japan, the act of taking another’s sword is seen as a strong statement that implies the wielder was not worthy of the blade, and Tashigi is doing this by taking the blades from criminals.
  • So far, Yamaoroshi and Kashu are the only swords known to have been taken from their previous owners by Tashigi.


    Lola’s Mother is the final Yonko – Myth & Fact

    Myth: Lola said that her mother is an incredibly powerful pirate, and that Nami should try to find her if she was in trouble. She’s probably the last Yonko, Big Mom! The Yonko are said to control the New World, where Lola comes from, and Big Mom’s jolly roger features stout red lips, a feature that Lola has.


    Fact: The final Yonko is revealed to be called Charlotte Linlin, but there is still no confirmation that she is Lola’s mother.

      One Piece x Toriko x Dragon Ball Z AMV


        Here’s another one for ya guys: Big Mom could have the Spider Spider Fruit.


        This whole Idea started from the fact that CHARLOTTE’S Web is about a spider that has the same name as BIG MOM. Then I started thinking and researching on spiders more and found some interesting connections. Let me show you them:

        Spiders can lay more than 500 eggs.
        -good reason why Big Mom has 35 daughters

        Spiders eat insects but do not eat plants
        -Big Mom, since she has massive power as a Yonko, might see humans as “insects”. And she doesnt eat “vegetables(plants)”, only sweets.

        Interesting enough, i found out that female spiders eat their mates even while mating.
        -It Explains why she eats her own kind. Humans.

        Spiders can use VENOM
        -Big Mom’s nasty ass saliva could be mixed with the venom and acid in her body. So that stuff is probably DEADLY. Watch out for the big mom. All she has to do is drool on you and you’re dead. A YONKO’s power.

        Now I didnt say anything about “webs”. I just said that she has the “spider” fruit because I really don’t want her to be another doflamingo.

        I don’t know much about card games, but everyone that has owned a windows xp should know the game, Spider Solitaire.
        -Oda seems to be using card games in the story now. Maybe Big Mom could’ve came from this. Who knows?

        Anyways, thanks for reading. Please tell me what you think down below.

        *Theory by Icecream001

          I wonder if Doflamingo is talking about the last unknown ‘Road Poneglyph’ here

          What do you think?


            When Nico Robin lets sprouts flowers…

            D: When Robin-chan lets sprouts flowers, blossoms scatter around her. Those are blossoms of what kind of flower?


            O: You spotted something interesting. Those blossoms that dance flufilly in the air, present the glory of Robin’s techniques. They are called “Fuwa* Flowers” and waft flufilly.

            • T/N note: Fuwa is a word used to describe fluffy things

              Did You Know? O.o

              How Kozuki Oden was executed was almost the same as how the Ninja Thief Ishikawa Goemon was executed as well.

                One Piece in Guardians of The Galaxy





                    We learned five things in the last chapter:

                    1) There are 4 Poneglyphs
                    2) The 4 Poneglyphs together shows the location to Raftel
                    2) Kaidou and Big Mam each has a poneglyph
                    3) The Kozuki clan created the Poneglyphs
                    4) Oden Kozuki, the father of Momonosuke, was a member of Gol D. Roger’s crew
                    5) Oden Kozuki was executed by Kaidou and the Shogun of Wano.

                    How is all of this connected? I’ll get straight to the point like I always do.

                    It was said that the 4 yonkou were the ones closest to One Piece and it seems that was stated in a literal sense. WB and Shanks knows how to get to Raftel so the Red Poneglyphs are “worthless” and Kaidou and Big Mam each has one. Shanks does NOT have a red poneglyph.

                    Kaidou stole a red poneglyph and Big Mam was ENTRUSTED with another by Roger himself. I’m not joking.

                    The 4 Red Poneglyphs

                    Oden Kozuki was a member of the Roger Pirates so of course he knows the history of the Void Century. With the new info that it was the Kozuki who made the Poneglyphs, it is blatantly apparent that Wano fought along side the Ancient Kingdom.

                    As we know, the AK, which includes Wano, was defeated with Wano itself being split in two and half of it siding with the 20 Kingdoms, giving rise to the marines’ swordsmanship training and the Bald Gorosei.

                    Being one of the AK’s strongest allies, Wano or just the Kouzuki clan, made the poneglyphs and 4 red ones detailing how to get to Raftel and they were given to 4 ally nations: Elbaf, an unknown place, Zou and of course Wano. I think the last red poneglyph is in Elbaf.

                    The 4 red poneglyphs show the location to Raftel when the 4 of them are deciphered meaning, Gol D Roger used the Voice of All Things to follow its guidance leading him to Raftel, implying that the red poneglyphs are not in the WG’s hands.

                    Roger’s crew scattered after Raftel was discovered and one of the red poneglyphs ending up in the protection a former Roger Pirate or ally: Big Mam.

                    Kaidou, Wano and the Red Poneglyph

                    Why would the Shogun of Wano joined Kaidou and murder Oden Kozuki? Because Oden was deemed a traitor.

                    Wano used to be under the protection of WB(after he saved it from Kaidou) but after the death of WB, Kaidou returned. This time however, things would be different. Why? Because Oden Kozuki told the Wano Shogun some info of the Void Century and I believe they were trusted friends.

                    Like the other Roger pirates, Oden was awaiting Roger’s successor but when Oden told his friend the Shogun about the history, the Shogun was pissed. Not only was the pissed upset at what he heard, he was filled with greed and wanted to more. The Shogun of Wano wanted a war; a war where Wano can get its revenge on this world of lies and a sense of greed for getting ultimate power.

                    Oden was of course against the Shogun’s irrational behavior but there was someone invading them that shared the shogun’s ideals:

                    100 Beast Kaidou

                    Kaidou thinks the world is hollow and should perish. He wants to engulf the world in the greatest war ever and the Shogun had similar motives(also, Kaidou’s wanting to commit suicide for his failures is similar to samurai committing suicide when shamed). Things got worse when the Shogun sided with Kaidou and told the beast what he knew. Yes people…Kaidou knows some of the history too. He knows what the Shogun knows. This made Kaidou want the Red Poneglyph by any means thanks to Whitebeard himself.

                    Kaidou recalled that WB said that whoever finds the OP would cause the world to be engulfed in a war and with the Red Poneglyph that is a key to Raftel’s location is in his possession, he goal is one step closer.

                    However, Kaidou can’t do a thing with the Kozuki clan. The Shogun and Kaidou thinks the members of the Kozuki clan(Momo, Kinemon, Kajnuro and Raizou) can somehow decipher the red poneglyph. This is one for the reasons the fled Wano for Zou and also how Kaidou knew to send Jack specifically to Zou. Both Kaiodu and the Shogun want to know what the red poneglyphs says.

                    For a second scenario, the shogun could just be a coward and decided to join the winning side.

                    Big Mam, Roger and the Red Poneglyph

                    First of all, how does Nekomunashi know that Big Mam has a red poneglyph?

                    I think Big Mam was a former member or at least an ally of the Roger Pirates. Why? A few reasons…

                    In previous theories, I came to the conclusion that the Ancient Kingdom and the D clan is based off South America or at least, the mythical cities of South America.

                    Big Mam also has connections to WB who was a friend of Zou and Wano.

                    Nothing concrete, I this is the reason why I think Big Mam was either entrusted with or was able to get her hands a Red Poneglyph. I also think that this is the reason Germa 66 are going business with her; they want that poneglyph. It also increase the chances of Big Mam becoming an ally of Luffy since he seemingly has Kaidou AND half of Wano after his head.

                    -Roger dies
                    -Kaidou invades Wano
                    -WB(who Roger told everything about Raftel), chased Kaidou away to Wano his territory.
                    -Big Mam gets her hands on a Ted Poneglyph
                    -WB dies and Kaidou returns to Wano
                    -Big Mam makes deals with Germa 66 over the Red Poneglyph
                    -The Shogun sides with Kaidou and tries to froce the Kozuki to decipher the red poneglyph
                    -Oden dies(with a smile? a ‘D’)? to let his son and retainers escape
                    -The Kozuki clan flee to Zou for assistance and shelter
                    -Jack arrives at Zou to retrieve Raizou

                    *Theory by Vandenreich