Tag Archives: elephant

Zou at night

In chapter 805 Wanda says to Luffy that he should be thankful that he didn’t get lost when the “moon is out” (nighttime).

So, what do I think it is? Well, first of all as we all know Zou is an animal, an elephant (A giant one but still), therefore like any animal it must sleep, now before you say “maybe it sleeps standing like a giraffe”, well no- this is a sleeping elephant:

So now although it’s not the same with animals inherently, night is associated with sleep and elephants are day-creatures and not night-creatures so it should be assumed that if Zou sleeps, he does so at night.
But wait- if he lies down it means that the whole place will be flooded, he will be sleeping on the ocean floor!

This is exactly why I think it will happen, something that usually happens in One Piece Arcs is a certain “time limit” or a “race against time” before something bad happens- in the recent arc Dressrosa it was the birdcage, before that the Shinokuni, before that the Noah and so on.

So basically I think that the conflict that will happen in this arc will reach a climax at about nightime- if the SH and friends won’t defeat the enemies and get to safety they will drown- and let’s not forget the fact that Luffy, Chopper, Robin and Brook (Which might or might not still be in Zou) and DF users.

And now you might say “Well, maybe Zou is STANDING ON THE WATER and not the ocean floor”, well in the recent chaptr we’ve seen Robin’s thoughts regarding the “Water eruption”:

In it Zou is clearly not standing on the water but the ocean floor, although it’s her imagination we must all realize that when going up to Zou, they first confronted the foot, so Robin has seen the foot from close distance and it doesn’t walk on the water, and of course although it’s cartoonish, remember that it’s Oda’s drawing after all, and he knows all about Zou already, and if Zou walks on water he would draw Zou walking on water.

So now, how can Zou breath underwater? It can use it’s trunk of course!
But is it long enough? Well, have you thought to yourself how is it possible that Zou, a giant animal that constantly moves still remained close to Punk Hazard and Dressrosa after all the time Law has been there? Well, perhaps Zou has a “usual route” and at night time he stops at *relatively* shallow waters which allow him to keep his trunk out while he sleeps.

So yeah, what do you think?

*Theory by Jewish Kaizoku



      Have you noticed this?

      Chapter 569/Chapter 802
      have you notced this oppure did you noticed this

      I have a feeling that Oda has sat down and mapped out the entire world of One Piece a while ago otherwise he wouldn’t be able to leave clever messages like this so far back 🙂

        Chapter 802 Review: ZOU

        ***SPOILER ALERT***

        This chapter was pretty epic and brought in two major surprises.

        The first was the real structure of the Zuo Island and the second was the revelation of Whitebeard Edward Newgate’s alleged son.

        1-ZUO ISLAND

        We discover Zou, the island… Except it’s not an island. Well, firstly… it moves. And secondly … It’s an ancient elephant that walks the see’s, never stopping in one place and he’s covered in fog and Zou just happens to be on top of him, an inhabitable land on top of this 1000 year old elephant.


        This guy actually believes he is Whitebeard’s son and he’s even got a little shrivelled up mom with him who claims to be Whitebeard’s lover. jiuyh

        WHAT THE F*CK??? O.o

        Other than that though, I loved the rest of the chapter on the ship. Gambia’s grandma, Franky continuing his jealousy and Barto continuing to snub Law.
        Nice to see Kizaru, it’s been a while.
        Hopefully with the mention of Marco we will see him and some of the other commanders again (especially Vista!). I’m excited for the Minkmen.

        Can’t wait to see what happens this arc hopefully we see Sanji and co soon as well since they should be on Zou now.