Chapter 802 Review: ZOU


This chapter was pretty epic and brought in two major surprises.

The first was the real structure of the Zuo Island and the second was the revelation of Whitebeard Edward Newgate’s alleged son.


We discover Zou, the island… Except it’s not an island. Well, firstly… it moves. And secondly … It’s an ancient elephant that walks the see’s, never stopping in one place and he’s covered in fog and Zou just happens to be on top of him, an inhabitable land on top of this 1000 year old elephant.


This guy actually believes he is Whitebeard’s son and he’s even got a little shrivelled up mom with him who claims to be Whitebeard’s lover. jiuyh


Other than that though, I loved the rest of the chapter on the ship. Gambia’s grandma, Franky continuing his jealousy and Barto continuing to snub Law.
Nice to see Kizaru, it’s been a while.
Hopefully with the mention of Marco we will see him and some of the other commanders again (especially Vista!). I’m excited for the Minkmen.

Can’t wait to see what happens this arc hopefully we see Sanji and co soon as well since they should be on Zou now.

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