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17 anime in 1 picture. Can you recognize them all?

17 anime in one picture can you recognize them all

    Enel and the Celestial Peoples, A Possible Past, A Hypothetical Future Theory

    This theory is divided into three parties : Enel and the Celestial Peoples (I), A Possible Past (II), A Hypothetical Future (III).

    I : Enel and the Celestial Peoples
    A : The established facts

    So, what do we know about the Celestial Peoples ? Firstly, they came from the Moon at some point in the past which predate the Void Century. We can assume that they had the technology to make such a travel possible, and their ruins of the Moon seems to go in this direction. Secondly, the city on the Moon was named Bilca… just like Enel’s birthplace, we will return to this soon. Lastly, the Celestial Peoples were divided into three casts : the would-be Skypieans, Bilcans and Shandia. All of them are easily identifiable on this drawing, with their wings and hair-styles :


    It appears that, once they settled on the One Piece world, those people separated to each go their own ways. Some settled in Skypiea, others in Bilca (which they renamed after their lost City on the Moon) in the Western Skies (as said by Captain McKinley in the chapter 279), and others on the Blue Sea, at Shandora. It must be noted that only the Bilcans appear to have kept at least some lore about their origins.
    Concerning Enel, we know next to nothing concerning his pasts, just like many enemies of Luffy in the first half of One Piece. At the very least, we know from where his prelates, his Holy Guard and himself came : Bilca, a Sky Island Ener supposedly destroyed 6 years before Luffy’s arrival at Skypiea.
    With Gan Forr, he is one of the two descendants of Celestial People who don’t have wings (since the inhabitants of Waetheria don’t strike me as being from this offshoot of the human race in One Piece, but that’s my personal feeling on that matter). Finally, Ener posses the most advanced Mantra seen so far, at least in term of space covered, a powerful Logia and an army of little robots from the Moon.

    B : My hypothesis
    Concerning the Celestial Peoples, I think that their society on the Moon was divided into strict castes, and members of each castes couldn’t marry members of another. The future Skypieans were probably the merchants and everyday people of their civilization, since their culture as nothing special which could denote some ancient specialization, except perhaps priests. To the contrary, the ancestors of the Shandia were probably warriors and engineers, tasked to defend the City of Bilca. Finally, the ancestors of the Bilcan were probably the nobles of the Moon.

    This idea is at the core of my reasoning, so I’ll explain it in detail. The basic idea is quite simple : the city on the Moon was called Bilca, and a Sky Island was named after it. For me, it is the sign that the inhabitants of this Sky Island didn’t want their ancient fame and glory to fade, but instead tried to recreate it on the One Piece world. The fact that the Legend of Fairy Vearth seems to be exclusive to Bilca would go in this direction.

    I think that the Celestial Peoples separated because they couldn’t agree to the future of their civilization. It is my belief that the Bilcans wanted to preserve their position of authority and power as nobles, but that the other castes refused, wishing to start anew on this new world. This sort of things happened in our History, after all. It must be said that the Shandia’s emphasis of preserving their past and traditions from Shandora could be an ironic twist of fate compared to the aspirations of their ancestors who founded Shandora.

    Anyway, the Bilcan probably turned to their past, hence why they have ancient dials and strange powers, like the one of Urouge.

    II : A Possible Past
    Here, there is no true evidence, and so it is only my speculation that I’ll put here. I think that on Bilca, the origins of one person were of utmost importance. That’s why I think that Enel was either a bastard, born from a Blue-Sea Father and a Bilcan mother (which is possible, since Bilca seems to be less isolated than Skypiea), or an abnormally weak descendant of an ancient lineage, especially compared to the “strong men of Bilca”. He was perhaps even an adopted orphan from the Blue Sea. This would explain the vast knowledge of Enel when it comes to technology : he compensated his lack of strength by delving into books. I also think that he had to endure bullying and a difficult childhood because of his differences. Another of my belief is that Enel was instructed into a Bilcan temple or monestary, under the tutelage of non other than Urouge. Finally, he probably took refuge in madness (as per his faces during the whole arc of Skypiea) to protect himself from some trauma.


    So, here is how I envision Enel’s past : he was weak and mocked because of this, being deemed unworthy of his lineage by most of the inhabitants of his native Bilca. He had then formed a gang with other peoples treated just like him, his future prelates. His mother tried to put him back on the right path, and because of his love for her, he obeyed her and entered into a temple under Urouge guidance. Sometimes before his arrival at Skypiea, he ate the Goro Goro no Mi, and it is there that drama occurred.

    Unable to control his own powers, Enel accidentally killed his (possibly adoptive) mother, one of the very few persons he actually cared for in this world. This action gnawed at him and, just like Smeagol in the Lord of the Rings, he used the legend of Fairy Vearth, the land where the Gods live, to try to accomodate his newfound power with the death of his mother by his hands. He then destroyed Bilca and came to Skypiea to put his plan into motion.
    III : A Hypothetical Future
    Oda has said that we will see Enel again in the New World. But what will be his role in this final sea ? I don’t see him being an antagonist again, since he was already defeated by Luffy once. At first, I believe that he would be a temporary ally during an arc, but now I believe he will either become a permanent Ally, or even a Commander in the Straw Hat Fleet. I don’t really see him joining the main crew (although I would like that) because his power is too similar to Nami’s.

    From left to right :
    1 “In the end… This moronic rubber was saying the truth…”
    2 “In this world…There is a whole lot of guys…”
    3 “On the Blue Sea ! There is a whole lot of guys stronger than you !”
    4 “So… This is the true face of the Blue Sea…”
    5 “My army…destroyed…”
    6 “It is… over”

    So, in the future, I see Enel losing against a character who will be an enemy of the Mugiwara who would spare his life, just to show him that there is warriors far stronger than him. Then Luffy and his crew will stumble upon him and ask him why he is here, while they themselves are here to crush the one who defeated Enel. There, the Go of Lightning will tell them to shut up because he is the one who must defeat the enemy, because otherwise… [Enel’s Flashback] !

    Then, during the arc, Enel will be an ally and at the end of it, Franky will repair the small robots. Being grateful and finally able to truly live with his past (including the death of his mother), he will then become a full-fledged Ally of the Strawhat or even one of their Commanders.

    As I said at the beginning of this theory, I don’t see Enel joining the main crew. However, outside of the battles, he could have so importance for something which I hope will indeed happen : a Sunny-Go upgrade. Indeed, I feel that the Sunny itself has to be made stronger and more deadly to rule over all the seas. I believe that the wood of Eve will be combined with the wood of Adam to “birth” a new, more powerful type of wood, and that the Sunny will be remodelled at this moment. And here, Enel, with his knowledge, could be a boon, especially if the Sunny was repurposed to be fueled by both Cola and Lightning. But that’s a pet peeve of me.

    So, for the brave hearts having read the whole length of my theory… is it plausible, possible or insane whopping?

    *Theory by Sakura no Hiluluk

      One Piece AMV – E for Extinction

        A S L


          Luffy & Shanks :-)


            The Will of D.


              “CALICO” JACK AND SHANKS

              “Calico” John “Jack” Rackham is probably my favorite pirate, and one of those historical figure I know a lot about, from readings.

              So I’ll be making a lot of speculation (none of it might be true), but I see, in Red Hair Shanks, a lot of Calico Jack.


              First thing first, the Name!

              The Name, and the color red.

              The Nickname “Calico” comes from the pieces of clothing Jack Rackham was wearing. It was made out of roughly worked coton, called Calico Coth. However, many pirates wore these pieces of clothes, so why would this one get the nickname? Well, it was because of the colors. Jack Rackham wore colorful clothes, which marked the imagination. Many books, states he wore red calico coats and shirts. In even one the sources I found, the pirate legend saying the “capitain” wore red cloth to hide his wound to keep the men’s spirit came from him (though I doubt that). Still; Calico Jack inspired Tintin Rackham the Red, for his red clothing and his extravagant ways.

              So Calico Jack, wore red, which would implement the first thought on “RED HAIR” Shanks.

              The Character

              Like stated above, Rackham was an Extravagant pirate, with ways different of other, and a feeling for justice. Still, like many pirates, he was greedy (which is probably what led him to his execution…). Neverthless, he was different. He was renown for his confidence, his speaking manners (which was more refined than many pirates), and his sens of justice. At first, he worked for a very famous pirate (Known has Charles Vane), which acted has a mentor. But eventually, Rackham became Capitain of his own crew. Legend says, he never killed anyone without any motives. He made duels, with capitains, and was always caring for his crew. When attacking a ship, he would ask: “You might join me if you’d like”. He would not respond to provocation, and, was a charming man. Moreover, he was not active in piracy for a long time, but he still became one of the most NOTORIOUS and famous pirate in the whole history of piracy. Back in the days, he was a very influent pirate.
              Sounds a bit like Shanks to me.

              The Flag


              Rackham’s Flag was famous for the crossed swords under the skull, instead of the two classic crossbones (Used in many pirate movies… and many books). I won’t go back on the symbolism of the skull (See Chris Condent thread…), which meant death and fear. I will stop on the crossed swords. Two swords, crossing each other may mean 3 things. I do not know which one it is, but… here are the 2 probabilities I consider.
              1. The duel of Honor. Two swords crossing each other means HONORABLE ways. Honor was often, back in Renaissance, used to deal with justice manners (and unfortunatly vengeance sometimes). Honor was also attributed to the passion of family.
              2. War or immnent battle. Two swords crossing might have meant war. War to injustice? The meaning of a battle. Under the skull would fit though… Two swords crossin and point to the sky = ready to kill /fight/ battle
              3. With the skull, it might mean the beheading, or the grave of a proud warrior… but this one doesn’t fit at all :p

              So if you look at all the flags seen so far in One Piece, none of them is seen with crossed swords, except one…


              Yup… Shank’s flag…
              Only flag with crossing swords.

              Still, It might not be true at all, but I see Rackham in Shanks

              *Theory by -H-

                One Piece AMV – Get Scared

                  Zoan Types… Which one do you prefer?


                    AMV Zoro x Robin – “Right Here”