Tag Archives: pluton


The Battle of Edd War was 27 years ago.


Roger was executed 24 years ago. Three years difference.


Doflamingo is 41 years old.

41 – 24 = 17

Doflamingo was around 17 when he witnessed Roger’s execution:


Doflamingo was 10 when he gained knowledge of the National Treasure and escaped from Mariejois.

At the time of the Battle of Edd War, he was around 14 (17 – 3).

Shiki claimed that Roger knew the location of the Ancient Weapon, but hadn’t said which one.

Roger doesn’t deny this and “I have no desire to rule, Shiki!” as well as “You can pressure me all you want,” implies that he can access it, because he rejects Shiki’s offer to use it to conquer the world.

Shiki was informed that Roger knew the location of one Ancient Weapon.
I believe that this Ancient Weapon was the Uranus.

Let me explain why this Ancient Weapon was the Uranus, instead of the Pluton or the Poseidon, through deduction:

– If Roger knew about the Pluton in Alabasta, then why didn’t Cobra mention Roger in the Tomb of the Kings?
Why did Cobra not have a saddened/noticeable expression when he read that Roger was executed?
Instead, he was more worried about the ‘terrible age’ that would begin.


Sure, Roger could’ve used the “voice of all things” to find and gain passage underneath the Tomb, and then used the same ability to learn the location of the Pluton from the poneglyph inside.

The Tomb Of The Kings


But this is highly unlikely and very far-fetched because he wouldn’t have known the secret entrance to the underground of the Tomb to start with; we also don’t know much about his VOAT ability – how he used it and such.

Robin Examining The Pluton Poneglpyh

  • If he read the blueprints of the ‘Second Pluton’, then he didn’t know the ‘location‘ of the Pluton, but the design of it from the blueprints.
Furthermore, it’s been hinted many times that the Pluton in Alabasta will be found and awakened by a group with bad intentions (WGor Blackbeard?), prompting the use of the ‘Second Pluton’ to counter it.
So Roger did not have a newly-created ‘Second Pluton’, as there was no need to build it at that time, so he couldn’t have known the ‘location‘ of it.

The Pluton’s Blueprint


This is all still debatable as Tom didn’t let just anyone examine it; but then again, Roger had befriended him, with Tom having built the Oro Jackson for him.


Thus it’s fair to say that Roger didn’t know the exact location of either of the Plutons.

– Roger probably knew the general location of the Poseidon from the poneglyph in Shandora, but he possibly knew that he couldn’t find it since it hadn’t been born yet, and thus he didn’t know the exact location of it, therefore I doubt it was this Ancient Weapon.

The Golden Belfry & Its Poneglyph


Robin Examining The Belfry’s Poneglyph

Roger’s Inscription Besides The Poneglyph


Perhaps when he went to Fishman Island he realised that the Poseidon wasn’t anywhere to be found.

The Oro Jackson Under The Ocean

Remember when Rayleigh said that “perhaps we […] were too impatient“.
It possibly meant that they were too early, one of the reasons being because:

The Battle of Edd War was 27 years ago.
Roger died 24 years ago.
Shirahoshi was born 16 years ago.

It’s impossible for Roger to have found the Poseidon – he was going to die from his disease soon and the Poseidon would be born 11 years later after the Battle of Edd War; he left this job to a pirate with his will (Luffy) who would be around when the Poseidon would.

Princess Shirahoshi: Poseidon


This leaves the Uranus.

People theorise that it’s the mysterious egg on Roger’s ship, which I strongly disagree with, and I’ll post all of the reasons why on another thread next time – there’s an interesting theory I have. It links with a Ghibli film.

The Egg On The Oro Jackson In The Episode


The Egg On The Oro Jackson In The Manga

For a start, Shiki and Roger spoke as if the latter knew the ‘location‘ of it, not as if he actually had it with him – the red-polka-dotted eggwas with Roger on the Oro Jackson, so it can’t be the Uranus.

But then again there were different translations – some say he found it, but most say that he knew the location. So we’ll go with the latter.

The Egg On The Oro Jackson In The Merchandise


People theorise that it’s the National Treasure located within Mariejois, which I also disagree with.

Considering that Roger had the location and (implied) access to the Uranus when Doflamingo was around 14, while he was still blackmailing the Celestial Dragons with the National Treasure, how could the Uranus be the National Treasure?

Roger and Shiki spoke as if the former could access it any time – wouldn’t that be difficult if the Uranus was in Mariejois?

Doflamingo informed the readers about the National Treasure at the age of 41, saying that he still used the knowledge of the NT to blackmail the CD, the WG and their affiliates.

Doflamingo’s Trump Card


So 41 – 10 = 31 –> for 31 years Doflamingo had been blackmailing the Celestial Dragons, even while the Battle of Edd War was raging, so the National Treasure is still within Mariejois.

If the National Treasure had to be something, it’d have to be something that they themselves created or stole long ago – what it could be:

  • Something, possibly a weapon, that the 19/20 Kings used to help them defeat the Ancient Kingdom, thus why it’s heralded by Doflamingoas the “national treasure” (implying that the Celestial Dragons do so too and thus take pride in it since it helped them defeat the AK)

Don’t trust me on this though, this is only a wild guess. I’m clueless.[A key to the Uranus? I disagree because there are no keys to activate Poseidon.] [Sure, the description that Doflamingo gives of the National Treasure reminds us of the description of the Ancient Weapons, but that still doesn’t prove anything except that all of these things share being able to ‘shake the public world’ in common.] [Before arguing that “After Roger died, the World Government took control of the Uranus from Roger, and that became the National Treasure.” notice that it’s obvious from this thread that the Celestial Dragons had the National Treasure long before the Battle of Edd War, asDoflamingo was 10 when he gained knowledge of it and the Battle of Edd War was when he was around 14.]

To conclude:

  • Roger had (implied) access to the Ancient Weapon, most likely Uranus, back when Doflamingo was still blackmailing the Celestial Dragons with the knowledge of the National Treasure hidden in Mariejois, and thus this proves that the Uranus and the National Treasure are two different things.
  • I believe that the egg on Roger’s ship wasn’t the Uranus either, as Roger supposedly only knew the location of it – like I said, I’ll expand on this in another thread later.

*Theory by Saffron Kaizoku

    The Three Great Weapons & One Piece Universe Theory


    We know the name of the three great weapons, and they are:

    1) Pluton 2) Poseidon 3) Uranus

    It’s been confirmed that Pluton is a ship and Poseidon is the Mermaid Princess, but Uranus is up-in-the-air as it were, and that is the main point I wanted to talk about.

    To give a brief history of these mythological gods:

    • Pluton (or Pluto) is the god of death. To traverse his domain, one needs to ride with Charon on the river Styx to get to the judgement place. He is one of the three great god brothers in Greek mythology.
    • Poseidon is the god of the sea. He rules all things in the water, can communicate with all forms of creatures there, and in general is just the most powerful being in the sea. He is one of the three great god brothers in Greek mythology.
    • Uranus, along with Gaea, is the creator of the world. He was overthrown by his children, the Titans (mostly because he hated them) in collusion with their other brothers, the Cyclops and the Hekatonkheires. After he was castrated, the world was filled with all manner of creatures, the Giants, the Furies, etc. He is NOT one of the three great god brothers, but their ancestor.

    Now, the last part should be a bit odd, because it doesn’t fit into the theme of the weapons being named after the god brothers and each having their own domain: Zeus controls the skies, Poseidon controls the seas, and Pluton controls the underworld. This is an important point, however, since the domains are STILL split up:

    • Uranus is the Sky
    • Poseidon rules the Seas
    • Pluton rules the Underworld

    And so, to connect this to One Piece, we have to consider certain aspects of this:

    • Pluton is a large Ship that can destroy Islands.
    • Poseidon is the Mermaid Princess who controls the Sea Kings and all creatures below it.
    • Uranus is ?

    Pluton and Poseidon have clear, direct parallels to their Greek roots, so on that basis I think Uranus must also have the same roots in Greek mythology.

    I also want to take note, that Pluton was essentially created on an island in the Grand Line and Poseidon was a power that manifested in the Mermaid Princess, and both of these are powers that existed in their respective realms (i.e. the realms Greek mythology would have them exist). On that important note, I think Uranus is in one of the Sky Islands.

    Another thing to note, is that Uranus mixing with Gaea lead to the creation of all the exotic creatures in the world. However, in the One Piece universe, we don’t have too many nuanced creatures besides Giants. Except, its not realistic for the power of Uranus to be “control the Giants” because that contradicts Uranus’ personality: he hated all his own offspring.

    So here’s my theory on Uranus, and in extension, where Raftel is, why no one has ever reached there besides Gol D Roger, and why the World Government was able to overthrow the previous civilization:

    DISCLAIMER: at a certain point, this will obviously become guesstimates because the future parts are contingent on the previous parts happening which could also not happen

    • Uranus is not a ship, or person, or anything like that, but is actually a tree in one of the Sky Islands which “drops” the Devil Fruits onto either the ground or on one of the lower Sky Islands. It is the highest Sky Island, from that logic, so it can “drop” its fruits anywhere. This is supported by a small point:

    All the devil fruits in the world have been accounted for.

    This is, from a logical perspective, an impossible thing to catalog. Even if you got all the devil fruit users named, how do you know that there aren’t other devil fruits available that no one has ever been able to arrive at? The only way to do that is if you knew the total amount of fruits a priori (before the fact).

    • And this is the part where I guess that the Sky Island Uranus is on is actually called Raftel.

    This might seem totally random, but I actually have a reason for this:

    Sky Islands are remarkably hard to arrive at, not just for the route to get there but because even getting the Sky Island on your map requires A LOT OF LUCK. Think about Luffy getting on Skypiea: this feat was just pure luck that his compass started to point up. This normally never happens, which is why we didn’t see other pirates on Skypiea besides the people who already lived there, because it just so hard to get there. If Raftel was on the sea, then why wouldn’t some person just randomly get Raftel as their next destination point? It only seems logical that when people normally do get Raftel in their destination point, it seems like their compass is just dead.

    Which, also being a pure guess, gets me the next point:

    • Raftel is an Island that moves.

    If Raftel were just a Sky Island that stayed put, it would be easy for some people who did get Raftel on their maps to consider Raftel a Sky Island and go there and find Gol D Roger’s treasure. This hasn’t happened, so Raftel must have another layer of complexity the likes which has never been seen. Additionally, because Devil Fruits can be found anywhere, Raftel must be floating if Uranus is on it so that Devil Fruits can be found anywhere.

    Additionally, from all this, the treasure that Gol D Roger held was not a huge pile of booty. I can only assume this, because no major pirate or the Marines (who have the infrastructure) have been randomly digging in any of the islands. Not a single person, in fact, has been shown “treasure hunting.” For instance, what if Luffy found out that One Piece, the treasure, was in Log Town? That would be crazy stupid, because you actually would never have had to cross the Grand Line to find One Piece. People assume that One Piece should be very difficult to get to, but what if it was just a simple place to be? Additionally, how much wealth would really be in One Piece? Let’s say One Piece was worth 10 Billion Beri. Well, who wouldn’t have noticed Gol D Roger depositing large amounts of treasure onto an island that he stayed on for a while? Shanks and Buggy would surely have known about the treasure of One Piece and Buggy would definitely have taken a part of the treasure for himself after Roger died. But Buggy didn’t, in fact, Buggy doesn’t give two shits about finding One Piece, and I can only find a reason for that if:

    • One Piece isn’t the name of the treasure he had, but it is the name of the PAST CIVILIZATION found in the poneglyphs.

    That’s the only sensible way that Gol D Roger would have found both the True History and also One Piece on the same journey.

    • This next prediction has no rhyme or reason, but it is my guess as to how the World Government toppled “One Piece”: the World Government used Haki to defend against the Devil Fruit Users, they sent Posiedon to the seas also through Haki and Devil Fruits they had, and forced Pluton away by using a combination of Devil Fruits and Haki users.

    *Theory by Manlymysteriousman

      Ancient Weapons – Uranus and the Tree of Devil Fruits

      (you can send your theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])

      Let’s start a theory about the famous 3 Ancient Weapons (From here on “AW”), trying to figure out what Uranus is.
      We have Pluton, a ship as weapon of mass destruction, Poseidon, the ability to control the Sea Kings becoming manifest in the Mermaid Princess (once 800 years ago, and now again in Shirahoshi), and Uranus, a yet completely unknown weapon.

      The AWs have one big inspiration: Mythology!

      “Each of the Ancient Weapons is named after a Greco-Roman god affiliated with the earth, sea, and sky respectively: Pluto ruled the underworld, which was believed to be underground and all mineral wealth within the earth belonged to him; Poseidon was the ruler of the sea; and Uranus was the personification of the sky.” – OP Wiki

      Poseidon was the ruler of the sea -> The AW Poseidon is the Sea King controlling Mermaid Princess
      All mineral wealth within the earth belonged to Pluton -> The AW Poseidon is a ship, something tangible, probably out of wood (or steel?), in any case out of a material, something “from earth”.
      Uranus was the personification of the sky. -> The AW Uranus is related to the sky? Probably.
      Now the 3 Ancient Weapons have this pattern a lot:

      1. God of the sea, God of mineral wealth (earth), God of the sky
      2. A mermaid, a ship, something in the sky
      3. 1 weapon under water, 1 weapon on the water, 1 weapon above the water

      So I say Uranus is something connected to the sky, maybe to wind and weather, there is no doubt for me.

      Now to the question: What could Uranus be? And where is it?

      1. Location:

      Judging by the story, Pluton was first mentioned in Alabasta, a normal island in Paradise.
      Poseidon: Fishman Island, deep under the sea below the Red Line.
      That leaves? The New World! Uranus’ location/introduction in the story will be connected to the New World. Where in the New World? Well, there is 1 fact we know from Chapter 0: Gol D. Roger was in possession of an Ancient Weapon. I say he possessed Uranus, which would reveal us the location: Raftel!

      2. Identity:

      Let’s continue our way of thinking in patterns: So far we have one weapon as a person or animal, in general a living being (Poseidon), one weapon as a ship (Pluton).

      That means Uranus is neither a person, nor a ship. What is left? And what of the things that are left is actually in the sky?

      Some ideas: A flying animal? An airplane? A cloud? A sky island? A moon? If you count Shirahoshi as animal, then maybe Uranus is in fact a person? Or a Devil Fruit?

      Let’s test these ideas:

      1. A flying animal? – I count Poseidon already as an animal, so no.
      2. An airplane? – Well that would also be a tangible weapon, just like a ship, so no.
      3. A cloud? – A little hard to imagine how a cloud could have/be a weapon, so no.
      4. A sky island? – Possible, but we already know that there are a lot of sky islands, and one of them being an Ancient Weapon wouldnt be very special anymore, so no.
      5. A moon? – There are 6 moons in One Piece, Enel being on one of them, and we know people lived on the moon. Kinda heard to imagine that one of those 6 would be a weapon, so no.
      6. A person? – I think Shirahoshi counts as a person (living being), so no.
      7. A Devil Fruit? – There are so many, many Devil Fruits, it would be kinda lame if Uranus is just one special Devil Fruit, so no.

      Many believe that Monkey D. Dragon himself is Uranus, or that his Devil Fruit is Uranus, but that would be like a copy of Shirahoshi just with a human, right? It wouldnt quite fit the pattern.

      Hmm, so nothing really fits? That’s disappointing. What is left then? Let’s gather some more info:



      In this picture, we see the 3 races from the moon, the Birkans, Skypieans and Shandorians, travelling from the moon down to the earth, this was long before the Void Century. The 3 races are symbolized by 3 different hats: 1 antenna, 1 helmet, and 1 fish-head -> Uranus, Pluton and Poseidon.

      We see that the leader of this journey is in fact the character with the antenna hat: Uranus. This makes perfect sense, because in Greco-Roman mythology, Uranus is the grandfather of Zeus, Pluton (Hades) and Poseidon!

      That means the Ancient Weapon Uranus should be of much greater magnitude than Poseidon and Pluton.

      I also think that the 3 races from the moon were the founders of the Ancient Kingdom, as well as their weapons: Poseidon, Pluton and Uranus. This would fit 2 patterns:

      1. Mythology: God is “not from the earth”, God created the earth, and the human race with Adam & Eve (more about them later), just like the 3 races came “down to earth”.
      2. US Forces: Navy, Army and Air Force as “weapons” for the USA, just like Poseidon, Pluton and Uranus as weapons for the Ancient Kingdom.

      Adam & Eve

      I already stated, that Pluton is a ship, and that Poseidon is the Mermaid Princess, and I also stated their positions, Paradise (Pluton) and Fishman Island (Poseidon). We know two “holy” trees in One Piece: The Treasure Tree Adam and the Sunlight Tree Eve. How are these all connected?


      • Poseidon is an AW related to the sea, it’s a mermaid – The Sunlight Tree Eve was mentioned on Fishman Island, because there was a huge tree giving sunlight 10,000 meters beneath the surface. I believe that was in fact the Sunlight Tree Eve, and the location fits perfectly: Fishman Island!
      • Pluton is an Ancient Weapon related to earth/wood, it’s a ship – Franky mentioned the Treasure Tree Adam, because Roger’s ship the Oro Jackson was built out of that special wood, just like Sunny. He even went to a neighbour island of Water 7 to buy pieces of that wood. So again, the location fits perfectly: Paradise!

      Now what about Uranus? I said the location of Uranus was Raftel. I will now explain this further:
      Raftel is the place where both trees are connected. Like Uranus is the grandfather of Pluton and Poseidon, on Raftel both trees (connected to Pluton and Poseidon) will combine/connect. We already have 2 trees for the other Ancient Weapons, so I wouldnt be surprised if the remaining weapon is connected to the remaining tree, the Tree of Devil Fruits!

      Now what is the connection to the sky?

      Sky does not only have to mean the physical sky, like “the place where all the clouds are”. Sky can also be understood in a spiritual way, like heaven. Poseidon is a living being, Pluton is a weapon/ship, like a huge item.
      So we have a living being, and an item, what is left? -> Something neither living, nor tangible! Uranus is something spiritual!

      First of all, nobody ever reached Raftel but Gold Roger, and we already know that he was in possession of an AW. Evertyhing is connected, the trees, the Poneglyphs and Rio-Poneglyphs, it all is “One Piece”. Second of all, the physical appearance of that tree must be huge, reaching far up into the sky, “godlike”. And lastly, the power of that tree to “give live”, to give power, and to unite all Devil Fruits is something spiritual.


      I’m not sure how exactly all this works out, but the simple idea is clear:
      The Adam and Eve Trees are connected to the Ancient Weapons Pluton and Poseidon, and mythology tells us that Uranus stands above those two.
      That’s why I think the combination of Adam & Eve is the Tree of Devil Fruits, which is nothing else than Uranus.

      Think about it: We have a tree that generates sunlight, or energy, we have a tree that generates the matter/material, now all we need is the soul/spirit, right?
      Uranus, the Tree of Devil Fruits, is a tree that generates spirit! Namely in form of devils inside the fruits. It brings “life” to those fruits, as well as supernatural powers.

      I might be wrong about Uranus being somethign “spiritual”, it could also be the staff we see the Birkan holding (in the cover picture with Enel), like a magic staff. But what Im sure about is, that Uranus generates life, like I already explained.

      • Eve generates sunlight, to those living under water -> Shirahoshi
      • Adam generates a special material (wood of the Adam’s tree) to build objects that can withstand anything -> Ships
      • The Devil Fruit Tree generates spiritual energy/the devil’s soul/ki (however you wanna call it^^), like a god creating a form of life -> The ability to generate spiritual engery, e.g. control of the sky/weather/elements.

      Whether or not all Devil Fruits can/will be combined to form the One Piece, or if the Devils will be combined to form the original Devil is a different question. In another theory I also mentioned that the D. characters are the descendants of the Ancient Kingdom, and the Guradian of the Devil Fruits, which would fit if my statement, that the Ancient Weapons belonged to the Ancient Kingdom, is true. Uranus is a weapon of the Ancient Kingdom, the Tree of Devil Fruits, therefore the descendants of that Kingdom are the guardians.

      -> Uranus is the Tree of Devil Fruits.

      What do you guys think?

      *All rights go to Gobee129

        Ancient Weapons Theory


        *Theory by Αλφα ΩμεγαSkypiea_Poneglyph

        After a hard research of Pluton, Poseidon and Uranus ancient weapons i have developed a theory. First of all, as we all know, Oda loves mythology. Now, we know that Uranus, in Greek means Sky(Ουρανός), was the son and the husband of the Gaia, that in Greek means Earth(Γή). Uranus and Gaia were the parents of the first generation of Titans and the ancestors of most of the Greek gods as Poseidon and Pluton(Hades). After all this we can understand that if you have the Uranus you can change the weather including the sky.

        Poseidon was the God of Seas, he dominated the ocean and he was referred to as “Earth-Shaker”, so with this ability he also could make Storms.. and in his benign aspect, Poseidon was seen as creating new islands and offering calm seas(Raftel was the secret island where Gol D Roger left One Piece) then if you have the Poseidon you can make big earthquakes and storms and..  you can create islands. If you have Poseidon you can reach One Piece. Gol D Roger had the Poseidon if we see his fight with Shiki the Golden Lion in Strong World Movie.

        And the last ancient weapon called Pluton, in Greek Plouton(Πλούτων), was the ruler of the underworld. As we all known when a man dies also his fruit separates from his body and goes to an other destination. Pluton represents a more positive concept of the God who presides over the afterlife. Devil Fruits are alive according to this fact. So as we see Doflamingo took Ace fruit after his death for one and only reason to catch Monkey D Luffy, his crew and the other valuable pirates. Doflamingo maybe doesn’t have Pluton but as we know he is ally with Kaido the hundred beast(Typhon- a monstrous immortal storm-giant who was defeated and imprisoned by Zeus under Mt. Etna. He is the husband of Echidna and with her they are known as the “Parents of all monsters”) and he has created an army over 500 Artificial Zoan-class Devil Fruit users.

        I don’t know if they have Pluton but i’m sure they know who have it.

        (you can send your theory about  everything related to OnePiece via email at [email protected])