Archivi giornalieri: 13/04/2015

Tattoos by C.Di Nardo, A.Šarkanj & M.Berndt

By Carlo Di Nardo

Carlo Di Nardo

By Alen Šarkanj

Alen Šarkanj

By Marvin Berndt

Marvin Berndt


    Let’s face it, Dr. Vegapunk is arguably one of the most mysterious characters in the One Piece universe, he is the official head scientist of the marines yet never hesitated to aid Kuma when he wanted to protect the Thousand Sunny, at the same time he created the war machines Pacifista and ships that are able to cross the calm belts using Kairoseki on the bottom of the ship to hide it from Sea Kings. Even Artificial Devil Fruits are not beyond his reach.

    Now, there are several things that are known about his personality- he seems to be a moral person, trying in his youth to be as benevolent as possible to the inhabitants of Karakuri, however unfortunately not finishing a lot of projects.
    His benevolence also continues to be presented, he highly opposed to Caesar Clown’s inhumane experiments, including his mass-destruction weapon Shinokuni and his experiments to turn children into giants.

    However what I found enigmatic is the fact that it really is incompatible with the fact that he created the Cyborg weapons – the Pacifista, and the even more bothering fact is that “Pacifista” seems to come from the word “Pacifism” or “Peace”.

    And then the final enigma- why would a terrifying Pirate (in fact a revolutionary) Bartholomew Kuma cooperate with the Marines and Vegapunk and allow them to create some fearsome human weapons?
    You could say that he had a change of heart and is now against the revolutionaries- but if so, why would he help the Strawhats that much? That obviously means that he didn’t have a change of heart and the fact that he went to Vegapunk voluntarily and the fact that Vegapunk granted his final human wish made me think about his true nature.
    At first I thought he might be apolitical, just doing scientific research and so on, but then I noticed something interesting: There is another great scientist in his island Karakuri- professor Tsukimi, now considering Vegapunk was described as “old”, and considering I don’t assume there are many inhabitants in the island he and Tsukimi might know each other or even be relatives!
    But what does it say? Well, in Enel’s Great Space Exploration he meet Tsukimi’s “Automata”, very advanced robots with artificial intelligence and emotions, they went to the moon after the Space Pirates’ explosion caused their creator’s death and they want to seek revenge, the Space Pirates are being punished by Enel, who later enter the ruin of an ancient Moon civilization called “Birka” who migrated to the “Blue Planet” due to lack of resources, but there’s more! In the ancient drawings of the Birka in chapters 470 and 472 we see creatures that look precisely like Tsukimi’s Automata! But how can he know? Well- that’s because he went there himself once!

    Tsukimi’s and Birka Automata side by side, he must have been there!


    Even thought to yourself how can Vegapunk be able to create such unbelievable technologies? Well, I think that he visited there too alongside with Tsukimi (Who might be his friend or even brother) and learned from the Birkans’ ancient and advanced technology!

    But what does it have to do with his political opinions? Well, according to my theory, the Birkans are the ancestors of the Ds, they migrated to Earth in the void century, but the natives feared them so 20 kings created an alliance to destroy the Great Kingdom, and erase any trace of them from history.

    So I think that Vegapunk, maybe due to his visit- might know what happened in the void century, and has decided to aid the revolutionaries even without them knowing it (Maybe except for Dragon, but Ivankov didn’t seem to know), Bartholomew offered himself to be researched on so Vegapunk could create the Pacifista, however I think that the real reason behind it is to be weapons of the revolutionaries, not the Kaigun! I think that at the final war the Pacifista would start attacking the Kaigun and help the Revolutionaires and Luffy, so they can change the world and carry the “Will of D”- to destroy the Red Line and have the Tenryubito and Gorosei lose their powers. That also matches the name “Pacifista”- the bringer of Peace, and with it Vegapunk attempts to indeed bring peace to the world by aiding the revolutionaries.

    *Theory by Jewish Kaizoku

      One Piece AMV – Diable Jambe Sanji

        Awesome Ace Cosplay!!!


          WILL OF NOSE :D


