Archivi giornalieri: 20/06/2015




    Here today, i want to talk about one of my favorite characters, Monkey D Dragon. Now many people have been speculating about Monkey D Dragon and what his power could be, i believe that he is using haki rather than a DF. This is evident as Monkey D Garp didn’t have a DF and rather used haki, i believe that Dragon was most likely trained by Garp and therefore used haki rather than a DF. Now i have seen many theories about haki and controlling the wind, however i believe that their is something that none of these theories have addressed. Most theories i have read say that controlling the wind is it’s own stage/power; i believe that controlling the wind is only a small part of a huge power. Here is just a few images/videos on what i believe CoC can do:


    ^^ace put out fire


    ^^usopp basically confirms that CoC can cause earthquakes

    Now think about these things that CoC has supposedly done

    • conquered the sky
    • conquered ice and snow
    • conquered fire
    • conquered the land

    Now what do all of these things have in common?…..NATURE. I believe this is the true extent of Monkey D Dragon’s power, his power is not limited to the wind; Dragon’s haki is so strong that when used to it’s full extend DRAGON CAN CONQUER NATURE ITSELF. This is basically what he can conquer/control

    • any element that a logia can create(yes even darkness and light)
    • the sky
    • the ground(his haki is so strong he basically can use the powers of the gura gura no mi)
    • water(bye bye DF users)

    When this power is used to it’s full extent, i believe that Dragon can literally destroy the world with his strength of will alone

    One more thing, there are 2 things associated with dragon:

    • Monkeys-his surname
    • Dragons-his first name

    Both monkeys and dragons are animals, and animals are associated with nature so…

    *Theory by knaal

      One Piece AMV: Untraveled Road

        ZORO – MIHAWK


          Do you remember this scene? :’D

          lol do youremember this scene

            Which one looks better? :-)
