Archivi giornalieri: 22/07/2015

Guns in One Piece

D: What is the name for the guns in One Piece? Looks like it’s not a type that uses rope.

O: They are “flintlock” type, because of the stone called flint; just consider this type one level higher than the type that uses rope.

Flintlock Infobox


    I think Doflamingo was involved in WhiteBeard’s illness. Indeed, the first time we saw WB, it was in chapter 234. It was a double page. And as usual when a new character is depicted, we don’t really put enough attention in the details! But in the top left corner, we can see what looks like Doflamingo’s Jolly Roger, at the exception of the eye patch. I wondered why this symbol was on pharmaceutical products. Thus I wanted to know if Doflamingo was involve in some sort of poisoning WB.

    The other thing that can be noticed is that in chapter 682, when we finally have the proper introduction for Doflamingo in a double page, we can see a woman behind him. It is remarkable that she looks quite like the nurse that was on WB’s ship near to 450 chapters before.

    The fact that she is behind Doflamingo, not serving him, gives her credibility and maybe a real task in the family. We didn’t see her in the entire Arc though… She seems to be a particular nurse on WB’s ship, as she is the one who talks to WB, giving him advice and replacing his bandages. If she actually is one of Donquixote Family member, then it is obvious Doflamingo played a part in the death of WB.

    Marco himself was chocked (back in Marine Ford) that WB couldn’t dodge Squardo’s attack. He was old and weaker than usual, but he should have been able to dodge that! It means his condition worsened seriously. And it could not just be because of age, but in fact due to Doflamingo.

    We know that Ceasar was already working for Doffy back then (as SMILEs already existed), thus it should have been possible for him to create some kind of poison..

    Now, what could be the purpose for Doflamingo to poison WB?

    I guess Doflamingo wants to control the world. Then it is a normal thing for him to weaken his enemies. But on the other hand he is dealing with Kaidou, providing him SMILEs and giving him astonishing powers.

    That’s why I thought of two possibilities for Doflamingo :

    – First, I thought it could be another deal with Kaidou. But I don’t see Kaidou as one of those using that kind of sneaky way to fight!

    – Thus I finally believe that Doflamingo did the exact same thing to everyone. If he weakened WB by himself, he should have done the same thing with the others.
    Then maybe SMILEs have some kind of “switch” for him to turn on and control the zoan user…

    *Theory by Abou

      Monkey D. Dragon – Luffy’s Father [One Piece – HD]

        Gear Fourth Fanart


          Luffy doesn’t age :-)


