Archivi giornalieri: 06/08/2015




    I think Jinbe won’t join the straw hats. I have many reasons to back it up and I will sort it out evenly.
    I will have some reasons sorted out, and then I will have counter all the information people use for Jinbe joining.

    Now, many people think Jinbe is “100%” certain to be in the crew. He seems to fit perfectly and has every trait of a straw hat, however I strongly disagree.

    1st reason: His experience
    The straw hats are a fairly new group in the New World. However, Jinbe was a member AND was a leader of a very famous pirate group. And the straw hats weren’t. Most of them were new to piracy and others, say Brook, roamed around the sea and had a good time etc. Jinbe however, with his pirate crew, had an extreme goal and he visited the New World with Fisher Tiger and found out a lot about it. This ruins the adventure of the straw hats as they want to have fun and do new stuff. Jinbe already knows all about it, which would make it boring. Also due to this, he has achieved many bounty raises; as of today his bounty surpassed 400 million. We don’t know what it exactly is, but Luffy will have to get 500 million beris from Dressrosa to fully surpass Jinbes bounty. Which can’t happen because he didn’t do too much to get this kind of bounty. Alabasta is similar to Dressrosa and that gave him only a 70 million bounty increase. How can he get a higher bounty than that, plus how hard it is for his bounty to increase after 400 million????

    TL;DR: This guys been a pirate for so many years before Luffy. He even visited the new world, which would loose the adventure factor in the SH. Brook only looked around Paradise and had some fun in his journey. Jinbes journey was SERIOUS. His bounty is also really high, and he was a schichubakai even before the series started!!!

    2nd reason: His strength
    Jinbe is already shown to be a master of fishmen karate. How can he get stronger? The straw hats get stronger during their journey. Since Jinbe is already at the peak of his strength and will only get weaker as the time comes, this makes it seem like Rayleigh is joining the SH.

    3rd reason: It’s been 5 years
    Realize that it’s been atleast 5 years since Jinbe was invited to the Straw Hats, and he hasn’t joined since. If he were to join, why so late? And, go back to reading this



    I believe Oda had a reason for Jinbe to not join during that time. I believe Oda had a reason for Jinbe to say “I had things to do” and it makes it seem like he doesn’t want him to join. Plus, Jinbe said “Then please invite me to the straw hats” he didn’t say “I will join!” so HA.

    4th reason: Oda doesn’t do the obvious
    Let’s be honest here. It will be REALLY obvious for Jinbe to join the SH. A little ‘too’ obvious that it wouldn’t be fun. Having new straw hats should be cool, new, and surprising. The obvious is something that doesn’t come in one piece.

    Oda likes to surprise his readers and he looks for something else. I sorta doubt Jinbe joining is ‘surprising’ and ‘looking for something else’ :)

    *All rights reserved to Red Beard

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