Archivi giornalieri: 23/09/2015


Ok here we go time for another long crazy one, as I attempt to predict the events of the Void Century

Part 1: Descent –

It’s a common theory that the supposed 4th moon race went on to become one of the founding members of the World Government, but how exactly did this all take place?

In the beginning, there were 6 moons


I believe there is a single inconsistency in this model of the world, created simply through the Oharans lacking information. That being, the presence of the Red Line. Following the destruction of 5 moons, the One Piece world looked like this

Note the absence of the Red Line. Now, that thing circling it, is not a moon track like on the Oharan globe, but a planetary ring of debris from the destruction, similar to that around several planets in our own Solar system. This is how the Red Line was formed. The entirety of this planetary ring fell to the Earth, maintaining it’s shape, forming the Red Line. It was highlighted regularly during Skypiea the importance the moon races place on solid ground, and seeing the vast blue expanse beneath them, they may have felt it necessary to bring more land with them when they eventually migrated due to lack of resources

They inevitably settled in what would eventually become Mariejois

Part 2: Alliance –

Now of course, to the primitive peoples of Earth, the descent of a highly advanced race from the sky could only mean one thing – That they were Gods. The moon people intended to be benevolent Gods, and proposed an alliance of various kingdoms from across the globe to work for the benefit and prosperity of all the world’s inhabitants. What they observed however, was that humanity are a cruel and selfish race who care only for their own greed. The 20 kingdoms that they allied with developed a God complex, and viewing those remaining on the blue sea as inferior, they began to treat them with cruelty. This went doubly so for non-human species

“Wait, the 20 kingdoms they allied with?” I hear you ask. That’s right, I believe that the 4th moon race, the Ancient Kingdom and the 21st member of the alliance are all in fact the same. It was said that the AK had advanced technology, and this would explain that as it is known that the moon people were also ahead of the surface dwellers technologically. I also believe that the reason their back isn’t shown in the panel from Eneru’s cover story is because their defining characteristic (as the other 3 races also possess one) is that they don’t have wings

Part 3: Genocide –

Has it ever seemed strange to anyone that non-human races seem to dwell exclusively within the Grand Line? Most people from the 4 blues consider things like giants to be mere myths. Luffy hadn’t even heard of Fishmen before setting off for Arlong Park. Why is this?

Owing to the fact that they were viewed as disgusting and inferior by the people of the World Government, the non-human races were eliminated in all 4 blues during the void century. The reason that the remainder of these species are unaware of these atrocities is simple – Because they are separated from them by the calm belts, they were unable to witness any of it, and likewise no one was able to bring them the information from outside

Those remaining in the Grand Line were spared for one unpleasant reason – Their usefulness as slaves. Kill enough that they have no chance at fighting back, leave enough to exploit

The purpose of Noah (which I also believe to either be or to contain Pluton) was not only to bring Fishmen to the surface but, as with Noah’s arc, to take in all of the species and protect them from “God”‘s wrath, until the end of the upcoming war

Part 4: War –

Seeing the disgusting acts committed by those who they viewed as allies, the people of the Ancient Kingdom separated themselves from the 21 kingdoms, and declared a war. With their advanced technology, they had at their disposal an immense military might – The ancient weapons. With these, they came very close to winning the war, until at some point the Devil Fruits were created from the fruit of life

With their new army of ability users, the 20 kingdoms quickly turned the tide of the war and overwhelmed the Ancient Kingdom, driving them back until they only had one island left as a base of operations


At this time they had realised that their defeat was inevitable, and so, to ensure that these events would eventually be uncovered, they forged the Poneglyphs. Many of them were then distributed to the territories of the non-human races, as seen throughout the series, as well as one to the only member nation of the 20 kingdoms who refused to take part in their actions – Alabasta. With the Ancient Weapons hidden and the knowledge of them detailed on indestructible stone tablets, preparations were complete and they resigned themselves to their fate

Part 5: Erasure –

In the closing days of the Void Century, after the Ancient Kingdom had already been defeated, the World Government went about the task of ensuring that all records of their existence, as well as the events that ended it, were destroyed. This included book burning and killing all witnesses

It is also at this time that Joyboy is imprisoned in the newly constructed Impel Down, as detailed in a previous theory

With this, the world was led to believe that all is as it has always been. There was always a Red Line. Non-human species were always in such dwindling numbers, and confined to so few places. There were only ever 20 kingdoms in the alliance. The world has always had a single moon

Theory by Go D. Usopp

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