Archivi giornalieri: 28/10/2015


As we all know Whitebeard had CoC but why didn’t he ever use it? I mean Luffy was a complete novice in CoC but when he used it he knocked at least half the people in Marineford out; if WB had decided to use CoC at that exact time, i’m certain he would be able to knock out anyone below vice-admiral level. But why didn’t he use it?I believe that he was using CoC the entire time. Why didn’t he knock anyone out? I believe that is because Whitebeard was using it to conquer his own death; i believe that the wound Squardo gave to WB was actual fatal and WB was actually using his haki the whole war to delay his death. Now this may seem a bit far fetched but it actually makes a lot of sense; i mean Ace’s mom could hold in a pregnancy with haki so why couldn’t WB conquer death? This can also prove why he didn’t use haki to knock anyone out, as doing something like conquering death must be insanely difficult and would probably require a lot concentration. Also, there were many times during Marineford where WB actually said that he planned to die in Marineford

-why would WB allow buggy to kill him?
Not to mention this

Finally, this theory would explain how WB survived things that would kill any normal person

*Theory by Monkey D Theories

    One Piece AMV – The Tale That Has Not Been Told Yet ᴴᴰ

      What is Sugar’s true age?!

      D: Odacchi, nice to meet you! So getting right to the point! What is Sugar’s true age?!

      It bothers me so much that Sugar was the only thing I could think of during exams! Even though I have to get into college…

      Thanks to you, my scores were absolute crap♡                P.N. Gahara

      O: So they were absolute crap. Well that’s absolutely crappy (ba dum tss).

      So, there’s more background to this, but in a nutshell if you think about all the present facts that I have to take into consideration, she’s actually not that much of an old hag after all.

      At the moment, her outer appearance has stopped at the age of 10, but her true age is 22 years old. That would be 2 years younger than Baby 5. —–in fact, let me just reveal the entire family’s ages right here.

      SBS75 6 Donquixote Family Ages

      With ages ranging from the 10s to the 70s, they’re really just like a big, big family.

      Alright, and that’ll be my time. SBS ends here! However, at the end of the volume, there will be a notice about the first character popularity poll in 6 whole years!! The popularity poll that, so far, only Shonen Jump readers were given voting ballots to! We’ve decided that the Comics readers should also be allowed to participate, so if you’re interested, make sure to read the end of this volume! Now then, see you in the next volume for more SBS!

        Luffy and his mad drawing skills! :D

        Do you remember this scene? 😀


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