Archivi giornalieri: 29/10/2015




    This is something that has been on my mind for a vast expanse of time, and has bugged me and had me irate at times at how every one assumes that Luffy will fight Sakazuki (and that he may be the end villain, even when it’s obvious that is Blackbeard), Zoro will fight Fujitora and Sanji will fight Borsalino. This is wrong. This is a certainty, and I will explain why in this thread.

    First, we have to consider two things:

    • The Logical Reasoning behind the final war, and how the Marines need to be able to stand up against tirades of Pirates and Revolutionaries, therefore meaning the Admirals will not be defeated until the Final War begins and they will be the opponents of some of the key players in the New World
    • The shortcomings of the arguments in favour of the Monster Trio fighting the Marine Admirals

    Thereafter, I will provide more logical and more likely opponents whom will fight the Marine Admirals, keeping in mind that the Marine Admirals will have changed their roster by the time of the war. These strongly tie into and are supported by my theories on two future Admirals. Shiroryuu and Orekani. To understand the rest of this thread you’ll need to familiarise yourself with the following summaries of my previous theories.

    Admiral Orekani ( or Orange Crab) is Coby. Sabo fights and is killed by Borsalino at some point in the future. Coby thereafter eats the Mera Mera no Mi and through eventual development of poor relations, Borsalino will abdicate his position and defect from the Marines. Coby will have the mission of inhibiting him from becoming a huge threat to the World Government and Marines, eventually, defeating him and having him imprisoned. Due to their past, Coby and Sakazuki will have a turtuous relationship. Coby will clash with Akainu about how the Marines operate and the code of justice that the Marines have to follow under Sakazuki’s orders (and the fact Akainu refuses to promote Coby to be an Admiral) , they will fight, the loser will have to leave the Marines. Coby wins in a Mera Mera vs Magu Magu Round II, he then becomes Orekani, leaving the Fleet Admiral position open for…..

    Smoker. Smoker will become the Fleet Admiral. However, before that, he will become Admiral Shiroryuu aka White Dragon. Smoker will fill the spot left vacant by a defective Borsalino, leaving Coby as a parallel to Garp as a monstrously strong Vice Admiral, this is because of Sakazuki’s obstinate and stern attitude towards Coby. Smoker, through natural development will become the strongest Marine (until Coby comes along) and will become very popular amongst his subordinates and across the world. Smoker will therefore become the popular choice to be the heir to Sakazuki’s position. This suits Smokers goals of changing the world while being just in his cause. After Sakazuki is defeated and resigns as a result, Smoker, the White Admiral will be promoted to Fleet Admiral

    Now that you’ve read the summaries, I will explain why this also makes sense in terms of colourschemes and mythology. As a result of Coby and Smoker filling in for Borsalino and Sakazuki: This fulfills the colourscheme Oda has been working towards. Notice that I say this as he has not completed his ultimate ‘Marine Project’. The pre timeskip Admirals (Red Dog- Akainu, Yellow Monkey- Kizaru and Blue Pheasant – Aokiji), have colours that can all be used to make the secondary colours, (Orange Crab- Orekani, Purple Tiger – Fujitora, Green Bull – Ryokugyu), all of these colours mixed together make White. Meaning that this entire time Oda has been working towards creating a pure Marine force. Keep in mind that in cultures across the world that white is seen as purity, and Smokers goal is no less than to purify the Marines and berid them of corruption. With a “White” Fleet Admiral and therefore Pure Marines, Oda will have completed his ‘Marine Project’. The Marine colours will be coherent to this as the Admirals, Orange, Purple and Green will mix and form a “white wash”, and serve under the White Dragon. The colours of Orange, Purple and Green all have greater connotations of passion, peace and purity than the primary colours, yet another symbolism. And keeping in mind we know two of these characters are incredibly moral figures – Issho and Coby, it’s unlikely that Ryokugyu will be corrupt.

    The Animals are also coherent in the myth of Momotaro as I’m sure I’ve emphasised heavily in the theories I had shared. To summarise, the Marine Admirals have a colour relating to their behaviour and features as well as their powers. They also have Animals, forming the second half of their nicknames. These Animals have similar connotations to their colours with regards to their character. These serve as a zeugma to hint at what a character will be like. The Animals and the Admirals are perfectly aligned and have the same dynamic to the order of introduction and interactions of the Animals in Momotaro. To explain this more clearly, I will simply list them all below:

    • Luffy = Momotaro, the adventurer
    • Crab = Coby, Debuts in Chapter 2, the first to be introduced in Momotaro, albeit only making brief but regular appearances. The crab has fights with the Monkey and Dog (Kizaru and Akainu)
    • Dragon = Smoker, Debuts in Chapter 97, although never materialising fully until the end of the story, he is technically the second animal to make an appearance in the story. The Dragon is a popular simile or metaphor and comparison used in the story. The Dragon reigns over all other animals.
    • Pheasant = Kuzan, Debuts in Chapter 303, third to be introduced in Momotaro. The Pheasant had especially bad relations with the Dog (Akainu), this is seen in the Manga as they fought.
    • Dog = Sakazuki, Debuts in Chapter 397, fourth to be introduced in Momotaro, the Dog was particularly unpopular, having fought the Pheasant and Crab (Aokiji and Orekani), this was also Momotaro’s least favorite Animal companion in the story. The Dog also attacks the Oni disguised as a Tiger (Fujitora), this is seen in their argument during the Dressrosa arc.
    • Monkey = Borsalino, Debuts in Chapter 504, fifth to be introduced in Momotaro, the Monkey was aggressive towards the Crab (Orekani)
    • Tiger = Issho, Debuts in Chapter 701, sixth to be introduced into Momotaro, the Oni disguises itself as a Tiger and fights with the Dog (Akainu)
    • Bull = ?????, yet to Debut. The same Oni that pretended to be a Tiger also pretended to be a Bull, obviously, the Oni and therefore Ryokugyu will likely dislike the Dog (Akainu)

    It’s impossible to rationally argue against two vivid and inextricable sources of evidence and information, and it’s clear to see that Oda has carefully and meticulously constructed the themes within the Marine Admirals. Thereafter it’s clear to me at least that Shiroryuu and Orekani will replace Akainu and Kizaru, and I am an extremely strong believer in this, it’s an attitude and no longer an opinion for me, and I hope this now makes sense, because the juicy part is yet to begin!

    “Why do people think that the Monster Trio will fight the Marine Admirals and why is this idiot saying it makes no sense?” is probably something a lot of you are thinking right now, even if you agree about the changing roster of Admirals, I still haven’t given clarity on why they won’t fight Zoro and Sanji. Of course, the arguments are roughly defined as the following:

    Zoro vs Fujitora:
    – Both are Swordsmen
    – They’ve already clashed before, possible foreshadowing from Oda

    Sanji vs Kizaru:
    – Both mostly fight with kicking
    – Both are indefinitely the fastest in their respective groups

    Luffy vs Akainu:
    – Akainu killed Ace, so Luffy wants to get vengeance for that
    – The strongest against the strongest

    But there are inconsistencies. Many of them. Of course there are more points than just the two for each match up, but I can address any queries later, should you have any as I’m sure many will. Firstly, the fact both Zoro and Issho are swordsmen is not a credible reason, as there are many other swordsmen whom either could fight, also, the fact they previously clashed means very little. For instance, the entire crew clashed with Aokiji, it doesn’t mean they’re all going to fight him! Fujitora has far more and much stronger links to Trafalgar D. Water Law.

    Sanji and Kizaru, although they both mainly kick, again, the fighting style doesn’t really mean anything. Especially in the case of Sanji who has only ever fought one opponent who mostly uses kicks, this being Bentham/Bon Kurei. Speed again means very little. The only speed based opponent Sanji has ever fought was… ah wait, nobody. Stealthy opponents are those Sanji fights, not necessarily the fastest. And shining like a beacon isn’t stealthy. It’s another mismatch and in actuality both X Drake and Eustas Kid have stronger links to Borsalino. Whichever one doesn’t fight Borsalino will be the one to fight Ryokugyu. This is entirely besides the point as Borsalino will not be around, making all arguments null and void. However, given how matchups will work out in this theory at least, Eustass Kid will fight Ryokugyu.

    Luffy and Akainu, as I said before, will not happen. Regardless of the fact that everyone’s out to get him, including Kuzan, Garp, the Whitebeard Pirates to name just a few. So why should Luffy get vengeance? Especially when Aces will (i.e. Aces revenge) is passed on in his Mera Mera no Mi, as explicitly stated on multiple occasions during the earlier chapters in Dressrosa. It is the owner of the Mera Mera no Mi who defeats him and that is Coby, and prior to the events I am theorising. However, Monkey D. Luffy will fight the strongest Admiral, this being Coby (Orekani) himself. Some might question why Luffy as Pirate King wouldn’t fight Shiroryuu, which is a good point, however, due to reasons later explained and the fact that Shiroryuu’s opponent is in my opinion the leading cause against the World Government, Luffy, like his Worst Generation counterparts, will fight the regular Admirals.

    1. Monkey D. Dragon vs White Dragon Smoker
    2. Monkey D. Luffy vs Orange Crab Coby
    3. Trafalgar D. Water Law vs Purple Tiger Issho
    4. Eustass Kid vs Green Bull Ryokugyu

    1. Why Monkey D. Dragon will fight Smoker:

    • Both of them are Dragons.
    • Both of them are the two leading figures in the war and the main reasons for the war. The Revolutionary Army against the Marines (and therefore World Government), represented by the two Dragons.
    • The symbolisms of the Red Dragon (impure in colour, a revolutionary, causer of chaos and destruction) and the White Dragon (pure, justified, protector of liberty and the face of government, the necessary evil) are reflected in several Asian mythological tales
    • The two of them have a history, and this was shown all the way back in Loguetown
    • Both Dragons, palinoding in colour and sides are coherent in their goals to make the world just and rid of corruption. Monkey D. wants to overthrow the World Government in a revolution and White wants to progressively change the system from the top down
    • The latter point parallels several real world political ideologies and thinkers or events:
      – The final Bolshevik and Menshevik Conference in Russia, where the Mensheviks dubbed Bolsheviks as bloodthirstly reds and themselves as pure and civil whites
      – The Cold War, a clash of ideologies, Communism (a belief in revolution and removing powers to create a egalitarian utopia i.e. Exactly what the Revolutionaries want) and Conservatism in conjunction with Capitalism (a belief in progressive change over time, upholding powers to secure the rights of the people, peaceful coexistence and allow meritocracy in economic form i.e. what the World Government and Smoker want)
      – The French and American Revolutions, in which the people overthrow the Monarchy and Imperialist rulers respectively corresponded and formed by the people themselves in an attempt to seek out a better societyNote: The fact these two are in higher positions doesn’t change the fact Luffy and Coby will be stronger than the Dragons by the end of the Manga

    2. Why Monkey D. Luffy will fight Coby

    • These two figures parallel previous generation figures, Gol D. Roger and Monkey D. Garp. This is seen in Luffy’s hat, and has been acknowledged by Smoker, Rayleigh, Shakki and Whitebeard for his similarities with the Pirate King and embodied in the fact that Coby is under Garps direct tutelage and currently fights with the same style and vows to seek out and capture Luffy. Coby also has Helmeppo, a sidekick, likewise Garp had Bogart
      [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • The symbolism behind the fight is immense. Luffy will be fighting against both a great friend, comrade and enemy all the while facing an opponent with the abilities of his late deceased brothers Ace and Sabo. Luffy however, will not mind Coby having the fruit due to their friendship and the just cause Coby fights for. And no guys… Coby will be strong enough to fight Luffy, he’s growing quicker and the Mera Mera no Mi will boost his strength exponentially
    • Luffy and Coby promised to fight at the summit of strength, and what better than the strongest Admiral and the Pirate King during the final war?
    • The fight is an amalgamation and a pleonasm to express the achievements of the two individuals and a great way to show how far they’ve come, both achieving their goals of becoming the Pirate King and a Marine Admiral. Both characters have been around since the very beginning and is a fitting way to conclude the very end
    • The fight has been clearly foreshadowed. Unlike those convinced by one sword slash between Zoro and Issho, there is far more to go by and a much stronger case here. Afterall, Luffy and Coby have fought in the Romance Dawn Arc, the Post Ennies Lobby Arc and the Marineford War Arc, it would be stupid to say they won’t fight again in the future
    • Similar personalities in a seek for freedom, friendly and obsessive, while being dedicated to their cause, both will, (as a result of the Mera Mera no Mi’s consumption) possess a similar will as well

    3. Why Trafalgar D. Water Law will fight Issho

    • Fujitora means Whisteria Tiger (shade of purple). All Shichibukai have Animal themes and Law was no different. Being called Torao translates directly to ‘Tiger guy’. These two, in the same way Dragon and Smoker are Dragons, parallel as two Tigers. Their movesets also portray this as Issho used an attack called “ferocious tiger”. Laws “gamma knife” resembled claws due to the number of cuts across Trebols body
    • I will avoid the fact they are both swordsmen, although it’s true it’s not the most compelling reason as to why they will fight
    • Both of these characters have large scale Paramecia Devil Fruits that technically oppose eachother completely. Issho’s Devil Fruit controls forces, not just Gravity, as Gravity can only pull objects towards mass, yet Issho has shown he is capable of Levitating objects, using Thrust and Electromagnetism. These are the Four Fundamental Forces of the universe. Laws fruit on the otherhand, within his room allows him to defy Gravity, use Levitation, Thrust and Electromagnetism as well, albeit in the opposite fashion, this match up is too good to be true
      [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • Issho wishes to remove the Shichibukai system, which Law has been a part of previously. Although only minor, it still reflects a clash of political views, although this reason too is unconvincing
    • To once and for all put the “Zoro already fought with him, foreshadowing!” argument to bed, while Zoro has clashed with Issho in one move, Law has in fact done the same. In conjunction and addition to the fact Law also fought against him in a full scale battle already and attacked his ship, meaning law is favoured three to one based upon those grounds
    • Both are calculating and strategising, and although reputed as monsters, are actually very good people with immense breadth in knowledge and wisdom

    4. Why Eustass Kid will fight Ryokugyu

    • This was the most challenging section of the thread. Of course, we know little about Ryokugyu other than his name and what it symbolises. This being said, Green in Japan is seen as a sinister colour (albeit also representative of infectious intent and passion for justice). Therefore, we know Ryokugyu is passionate about killing Pirates and is a sinister enemy. This sounds like a very close relation with Kid
    • Bulls have sporadic tempers, stereotypically, so it’s likely that, again, similar to Kid, Ryokugyu will share the same personality trait of a short temper
    • Bulls also stereotypically rage when they see red (although this is only a myth and actually untrue), due to the Dogs fight with the Oni (which disguises itself as a tiger and a bull) in Momotaro, this likely remains true given the “Dog” has a red colourscheme. Eustass Kid also has a red based colourscheme i.e. Hair, Cloak, Scars all being vibrant red in colour, which is coherent to what Oda has inadvertedly told us so far
    • Besides this, given the convincing arguments of the other matches, this is the only logical option of whom Kid will fight in the Final War

    So there we are, this is why I see the matches as this and not the traditional view of the majority of One Piece fans. Neither Sanji nor Zoro will fight a Marine Admiral. Lastly, a logical ploy which will throw the supports out of balance on the issue is the fact that, if the Marine Admirals are defeated, what is the point in them even attending the Final War? What I mean is; if they are recuperating from fights with the Strawhat crew, they will not be able to fight during the war and the World Government would be royally screwed as they would have the three most prominent figures in Piracy (excluding Blackbeard who will fight Commander-In-Chief Kong if he’s even still alive and kicking in the war, depending on whether the Strawhats fight his crew before or after) who would be way too strong for anyone other than the Admirals to contest in a fight. Also, if we saw the Admirals fight all guns blazing before the war, what reason is there for their involvement? Again, this is simple logic for a writer myself as the scale of the final war, the crux of the Manga itself and its potentially 1000+ chapter long story would simply be disappointing, there will be nothing new or exciting to discuss and the arc wouldn’t live up to the hype Oda has given it. The last enemies should be the most impressive, and losing to people who aren’t even Yonkou would completely undermine their purpose in the Manga, and would therefore undermine Odas project altogether in its entirety.

    *Theory by L o g i a

      One Piece [AMV] – Senor Pink’s Past

        The ages of the members of CP9

        D: Question for Oda-sensei! Tell us the ages of the members of CP9. Please, Shigan! (I’m sorry! Don’t dodge, Sensei!) P.N. No. 1


        O: Yow! … whew, that was close. Good thing I dodged, wahaha!! You can’t touch this!!

          Luffy and Garp
