Archivi giornalieri: 08/12/2015


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    Jack has now a bounty of 1,000,000,000B which is ridiculously high but that made me think- those bounties completely make bounty hunters worthless, because not even a single bounty hunter seen throughout the series can get even close to defeating someone of that level, so why would the world government post such ridiculous bounties?

    Well, first of all the Yonko are one of the Three Great Powers alongside the Shichibukai and the Kaigun- so this basically means that the WG actually wants the Yonko to exist, as they keep the balance, so basically they in fact they help them.
    In the eyes of the people, of course the WG which should keep them safe must fight all criminals, because this is the “reason they exist” however the WG itself must always have a “strong opposing force” to pose as “a threat to the whole world”- it is quite known that nearly every tyranny throughout history always targeted some sort of “villain” to fight against, so the populace would be united against that “force of evil” and follow the government’s laws.
    So my point is that, the Yonko are pretty much the WG’s Emmanuel Goldstein, just like Oceania from 1984 needed to have Emmanuel Goldstein as an enemy for the people to hate, so does the WG need to have the Yonko.

    So what do they do? So this is what I think: The Yonkos’ bounties are “Only Alive” so they would be able to constantly miraculously survive any attempt to execute them and they’ll be able to keep “being a threat”, just like Kaido managed to somehow survive this whole time.

    Those “Only Alive” bounties would prevent people from trying to kill the Yonkos’ if they somehow got the chance because if they would kill them they would not receive the huge bounty on their heads which the WG would on purpose decide would be so non-proportionally huge so they’ll both be seen as massive threats to the public AND that people would prevent themselves from attempting to kill them so they can receive the money from the bounty.
    At the beginning I thought that perhaps they would not even have bounties but the WG needs them for propaganda purposes and the purposes I mentioned to indeed the Yonko would have massive bounties just because they got to this amount of power, the bounties help them preserve that power and keep the balance.

    So what about Dragon? Well he probably has a higher bounty (“The most wanted man in the world”) than the Yonko but unlike them it’s for real because unlike the Yonko which help the WG keep the balance the revolutionaries fight the WG so it wouldn’t surprise me if the top revolutionaries have “Only Dead” bounties.

    *Theory by Jewish Kaizoku

      One Piece AMV -Luffy The King HD

        LAW’S FLAG

        The Heart Pirates’ flag actually represent Corazon’s smile at the end of chapter 766 and the lines around it may be either Law’s room ability or Corazon’s sound bubble.


          NO FEAR

          That’s why he’s my favorite antagonist in One Piece!

          NO FEAR That's why he's my fav. Antagonist in OP