Archivi giornalieri: 09/12/2015

When your grandson breaks into Impel Down!

when your grandson breaks into Impel Down


    Quick Reminders
    We all now from manga chapter 807 that Jack and crew attacked Zou 17 days ago, almost half a month ago. Also, Bepo and the rest of Law’s crew was already on Zou at that time.


    And we know that the Curly Hat crew arrived on Zou 10 days ago.


    But we know that Jacks crew was still there on Zou 10 days ago since we saw the Curly Hats confronting Sheepshead and Ginrummy in chapter 795.


    Also, we can confirm that Jacks crew left Zou because Ginrummy stated that they were leaving after Sheepshead was defeated by Sanji.


    Part 1

    I believe the Curly Hats all went up Zunisha into Zou together. They were probably able to get up Zunisha by using Momonosuke ability to create clouds in the air. Similar to how him and Luffy got out of the trash room at Punk Hazard (shown below) Or they got up there by Ceaser creating some gas balloon.

    When the Curly Hats got on Zou they met this deer mink girl


    She was offering to escort the Curly Hats out of the Whale Forest and into the part of Mokomo Dukeonm governed by Duke Inuarashi. I will explain why later!

    While escorting them out of the Whale Forest, Sheepshead and the other Gifters confronted them and the team got split up. That is when we see Nami Brook and Momonosuke running from them and the chapter ends where Sanji defeats Sheepshead and the other crew members left.

    Part 2:

    Ok so lets rewind!

    The deer mink girl was trying to escort the Curly Hats out of the Whale Forest and into the part of the country inhabited by the “Day Minks” which was ruled by Duke Inuarashi. And we can assume that it was day time because the opening for that flashback stated “The Following Day” when it transitioned from Dressrosa to Zou.


    But Why would the deer mink girl do that?!!

    Here is why

    First of all that deer mink girl is not a mink that is active during the day, but in the night!!
    Yes, that deer girl is actually a mink that usually goes to sleep from 6:00 in the morning to 6:00 at night! I will explain why she was awake during the day later!

    She tried to get them to where the “Day” minks were because if they stayed in the Whale Forest after 6 pm, they would have been attacked by King Nekomamushi and his mink troops!

    The deer mink girl actually told them about this and tried to get them there as fast as she can but Sheepshead and his crew attacked them causing them to get split up.

    That is why Nami said “Lets hurry. We’re running out of time.”!!!!


    You must be saying, Why would King Nekomamushi do such a thing? Don’t minks love humans?

    Thats the thing….. Duke Inuarashi and the minks that wake up during the day love humans or at least try to, But King Nekomamushi and the minks that wake up during the night DO NOT!

    You can see the contrast between the way Duke Inuarashi and King Nekomamushi act.

    Duke Inuarashi seems to be the one that that is more civilized and will try to come up with a peaceful compromise. As seen when Duke Inuarashi dropped his sword in an act of peace and tried to make peace with Jack and his crew.


    In contrast, we see King Nekomamushi immediately resorting to violence, and how savage and barbaric him and his troops look. [​IMG]
    With this being said, King Nekomamushi and Duke Inuarashi are totally different. No wonder they don’t get along! (although I know there is still more about their past)
    (Shown below where wanda talks about their relationship)


    This reinforces the fact that King Nekomamushi and the “Night” minks do not like humans.

    There is still more evidence that they don’t like humans.

    Here we see King Nekomamushi stated that he would have killed a Samurai that came into Zou.


    Do you think Duke Inuarashi would have killed a Samurai that came into Zou, based on their behaviors I just explained?

    Yeah I don’t think that Duke Inuarashi and the “Day” minks would outright kill the samurai, maybe be cautious and sternly question him, but not kill the samurai.

    Still don’t believe me that King Nekomamushi and the “Night” minks don’t like humans?

    Here is more proof.

    Remember what Wanda told Luffy at the Whale Forest after his encounter with the Guardians in manga chapter 805?!

    She said ” Just be thankful that the moon is isn’t out right now”!!!!! 


    In other translations she said “You should be thankful that it isn’t dark yet…”!

    Part 3

    Remember when Franky pointed out that Wanda had signs of recent injuries.


    Wanda seems as if she was going to tell them why she had recent injuries but as soon as she was expected to say something,a mink comes to tell everyone that the Duke is awake!!

    I always knew that Wanda was hiding something from the straw hats and it seems as if Oda is clearly setting the suspenseful mood to reveal it.

    Obviously, something important happened between the time the Curly Hats arrived on Zou to when luffy and the rest arrived on Zou. More importantly, something happened while Duke Inuarashi was in the coma!!

    And this is what I believe happened

    After Jacks crew left Zou (I will explain what really happened to sanji, ceaser jack and his crew later!)
    Duke Inuarashi was badly injured along with his army.
    I believe that King Nekomamushi saw this as an advantage to take over all of Mokomo Dukedom for himself and he also saw Duke and the “Day” minks as traitors for housing the Curly Hats!!!

    I believe that after 6 pm, King Nekomamushi and other minks would become aggressive and try to attack or threaten Wanda and the rest of the musketeers!!

    Maybe the reason why Wanda has injuries is because she was fighting off some of King Nekomamushi’s army. But the fact that they only attack at night reduces suspicion from other musketeers or “day” minks.

    With that being said, I believe that the Strawhats are going to have to confront King Nekomamushi and his army! Also, Kanjuroo and Kinemon will probably be attacked when they arrive on Zou land because it is 6pm already and I already explained that King Nekomamushi and the “Night” minks don’t like humans, much less samurais!

    Also, I believe that Chopper will possibly be captured by some of King Nekomamushi’s men and force him to heal his wounds.

    Also, going back to the deer mink girl. I believe that she is not like other “Night” minks that have a hostility towards humans. I believe she is the type of mink that wants peace between Duke Inuarashi and King Nekomamushi!

    Part 4

    Now for what I believe happened to Sanji, Raizo, Ceaser, Jack and his crew.

    I noticed something weird in manga chapter 795. Where was Ceaser Clown in the last panels of this page?


    I believe Ceaser Clown may have ran off and gotten himself captured by Jack and hus crew as they were leaving Zou.
    Ceaser probably pleaded that Sanji had his heart but Jack and his crew probably didn’t understand or care that he did and hastily left Zou.

    I believe that Sanji wanted to get back Ceaser so he maybe infiltrated Jacks ship to get Ceaser back!!

    I believe that Jack and his crew found out that Doffy was in the hands of the marines and decided to get him back.

    I honestly don’t know what may have happened to make Sanji wanted alive at that point or what happened to him but I believe that Sanji got caught up in Jacks battle with the marines while he was on Jacks ship!!
    And Sanji could not have been caught because the poster that they wanted him alive, so the marines still have not captured him. (Again I could be horribly wrong)

    Because Wanda stated that they did not confrim tat Jack died, this leads me to believe that Jack survived and is on his way back to Zou in a pit of rage!! (Wanda says that shown below)


    Plus she says that it happened the other day, so Jack was with ginrummy, which was after ginrummy decided to leave Zou, which happened 10 days ago!

    I also believe that Jack will go back to Zou because of what his crewmate said when they were about to attack the four marine ships


    One of the crewmates said “….Do we return?”!

    I believe he meant return to Zou!

    As for Raizo, I believe the reason why the minks are so bewildered by Jack and his crew demanding to have Raizo is because Raizo is probably hiding amongst the “Night” minks or in King Nekomamushi’s army. This could explain why Wanda and the minks we have seen don’t know about Raizo! Maybe King Nekomamushi does not know about this.
    And it makes sense because Raizo is a ninja and is probably an expert at stealth and hiding his presence in the dark. Again I could be horribly worng. (Or maybe a mink is helping Raizo hide….)

    *Theory by Primordial Sky

      One Piece: Age of Doflamingo (Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer Parody)

        Straw Hat Pirates’ Dreams

        Monkey D. Luffy
        – Luffy`s dream is to become the Pirate King like Gol D Roger. He started dreaming when he was a child in the East Blue which is his home town. His idol is pirate Shanks which eventually became one of the pirate’s Emperor.
        Roronoa Zoro
        – Zoro’s dream is to become the world’s greatest swordsman. His dream started when he was a child where he can’t beat his childhood rival opponent. In order to achieve it he needs to compete to all swordsman in the world and beat them all. He is also dreaming to defeat the Swordsman king Dracule Mihawk in order to become the world’s greatest swordsman. 
        Black Leg Sanji
        – Sanji’s dream is to find the legendary place All Blue. In this place all the fishes and ocean creatures have gathered. His dream started when he was a child and trapped in a huge stone in the middle of the ocean.
        Cat Burglar Nami
        – Nami’s dream is to create the map of the whole world. In order to fulfill her dream she needs to travel in the whole world with his nakama(friends).
        Sniper King Sogeking (Ussop)
        – Ussop’s dream is to become a brave warrior of the sea like his father and to become the Sniper King of the world in order to help his captain to achieve his dream. 
        Devil Child Nico Robin
        – Robin’s dream is to find the Rio Poneglyph which tells the true history of the One Piece world including the void century(900 years from now). She is also continuing the research of her teacher Clover from his hometown.
        Tony Tony Chopper
        – Chopper’s dream is to become a great doctor that can cure and heal any diseases in the world and to travel with his friend around the world.
        Cyborg Franky
        -Franky’s dream is to build his dream ship and travel until the end of the Grand Line. His dream ship can overcome any battles and adventure where ever they are. 
        Humming Brook
        -Brooks ambition is to help his captain achieve his dream and to return in his hometown to meet his pet Laboon which is a whale. 
        Credits : TWG

          Straw Hats’ Adventure, so much Epicness!
