Archivio per il tag: donquixote

One Piece: Age of Doflamingo (Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer Parody)

    Can’t wait to see Luffy kicks Doflamingo’s ass!

    Can't wait to see Luffy kicks Mingo's ass in the anime!

      [One Piece AMV] – Change My Life


        Law and Cora-san


          Bentō :3

          Perona9722892fad4994dcfb1d3887a8a1bf60Namione-piece-nami-bento-rinkya-japanLaw & Corazonbento

            Law & Doflamingo Cosplayers


              One Piece MMV – Tribute to Corazon (Ch. 761 to 767)

              It’s a really touching MMV, don’t you agree? :'(

                New Dressrosa Poster and the Character Model for Corazon revealed


                The official One Piece website also revealed the character model for “Corazon” Rocinante and the Op-Op Devil Fruit.


                  Donquixote Rosinante’s References

                  Corazon’s mouth tattoo(or make-up) resembles the one sported by the Joker from DC Comics in The Dark Knight movies, which is also the alias of his brother.


                  In the movie the Joker burned down a hospital while walking away, similar to Rosinante burning one of the hospitals he sent Law to, even though the Joker did it because of his madness and Rosinante did it because of his hate towards the doctors who didn’t want to treat Law.


                  The tattoo under his right eye resembles that of Alex from the 1971 film A Clockwork Orange.
