Tag Archives: zeff



It has been mentioned in the past that Sanji refuses to fight with his hands because he needs them for cooking and does not want to risk damaging them. However, I believe that there is a much deeper reason for this than what Sanji makes it seem. In Sanji’s original backstory, it makes sense that Zeff would teach Sanji how to cook since Sanji said he wanted to help Zeff with his restaurant. What isn’t clear is why Zeff would teach a young child how to fight. The story just skips a huge chunk of time and I think it is finally time for Oda to reveal the missing parts of Sanji’s story.

While stranded on the island, Sanji sees a bag beside Zeff and thinks it is filled with food so he runs towards Zeff with a knife in order to kill him for the food. Isn’t it a bit odd how a young child, despite being desperate, would have such murderous intent? It was recently revealed in the manga, the Sanji’s family, the Vinsmoke, is a family of assassins. I believe that at this point in Sanji’s life he had already been influenced greatly by his family even if it’s just through observation. I think Sanji witnessed many people fall victim to the Vinsmoke assassins so he probably learned at a young age that you have to kill in order to get what you want. This is the reason why Sanji wanted to kill Zeff. I believe that Sanji, when he was even younger, was ordered by his father to kill someone as some sort of initiation into the family business, but Sanji wasn’t able to do it. I also believe that this person was Sanji’s own mother. Perhaps Sanji’s mother betrayed the Vinsmoke family by leaking information or maybe Sanji’s father felt that by killing someone so close to Sanji’s heart, Sanji would easily be able to kill anyone without hesitation. I think the trauma from this event is what led to Sanji vowing never to hurt a woman so that he would never have to remember the pain of this event. As a result of disobeying his father, Sanji was banished from his home in the North Blue and this is how he eventually ended up in the East Blue where he met Zeff.

I believe that Zeff taught Sanji how to cook, not only so that Sanji could help out with his restaurant, but also as an attempt to help Sanji get over his childhood trauma. By teaching Sanji how to cook, Zeff wanted to show Sanji, that his hands could be used to make people happy as opposed to being tools of murder. On the island, Sanji learned how important food was for life so being able to make delicious food for people is a way for Sanji to give life in a way instead of taking it away. I think this reinforces why Sanji cherishes his hands so much. Finally, I believe that Zeff taught Sanji to fight using only his legs in order to separate the idea of his hands being used for killing. It somewhat serves as a renewal for Sanji since his trauma is associated with his hands only, not his legs. Zeff probably also understood that there would come a time when Sanji would have to face his family again and he need to be able to defend himself. Furthermore, I also believe that Zeff cutting of his own leg symbolizes the idea of Zeff taking Sanji’s burdens onto himself. By sacrificing his leg, it balances out with the sacrifice that Sanji failed to make; killing his mother.

*Theory by GreenTea

    Reasons why Caesar Clown will be the next Nakama! Theory


    -Most people hate Caesar Clown because he is evil, but I will explain why this is justified later on

    -He seems too obvious, since he’s been in plain sight. But this is hiding in plain sight. Oda also said @old Jump Fiesta interview (2009ish) that the next strawhat would be past enemy 

    -He is hated by some of the strawhats, especially Chopper (abusing medication)

    -Good reasons to dislike Caesar, but the question is “Can he be redeemed”. I think he definitely can. but before that…

    Reasons Caesar makes incredible sense

    -He has nowhere to go or be safe. He has nobody who trusts him, and all the Yonkou are after him and his weapons/chemicals. Can’t become ally member

    -Caesar has a dream, much like the other strawhats. He wants to surpass Vegapunk and become the best scientist. This is why he harms people carelessly

    -Was an enemy, like Robin, Nami, Franky, Usopp. Doubted them initially, but it reinforces how much we like them

    -He sort of fits in, and has shown a variety of other emotions aside from just being a psychopath. (Ex: embarrassed by chopper, play-fighting, sanji)

    -Strawhats do not have a scientist or logia yet

    -Caesar is a representation of Vegapunk (Luffy = Roger, Chopper = Hililuk and Crocus, Sanji = Zeff, Usopp = Yasopp)

    -Caesar connects everyone else’s abilites (missing piece to a puzzle)
    ~Finish Sunny with chemicals instead of Cola (Create pluton) sort of like Enel’s electricity
    ~Help Chopper with medication (with chemicals and drugs)
    ~Help Franky by replacing cola (Or can help make cola through sugar chemical) and Franky wants to follow Vegapunks dream
    ~Help Usopp make pesticides and growth hormones for plants
    ~Provide flames and gas for Sanji’s cooking
    ~Something stupid for Luffy, like fireworks or cooking meat with flames.

    -Very powerful (Top 5 in strawhats) he has poison, flames, air, many other elements other logias are limited to loads of potential

    -Potential interest in ancient weapons, since he creates his own weapons
    -Foreshadowing: Got symbol of the Strawhats (Chinese Zodiac signs)

    -Connects to my next point: knows the secrets of SMILE and shinokuni/gas weapons. stopped gas on mink island

    If you are still mad about his evil acts, here’s how he can redeem himself:

    -If you supported Monet, then you should by default support Caesar cuz she was evil as well

    -Since his dream is to become the best scientist, he was doing it in a bad way due to bad influences (Doffy).

    -Never killed people for fun, he believed it was necessary for him dream, and only viewed people as test subjects

    -Luffy and the strawhats have brought him humility, like with Big Mom, so now he is beginning to know human emotions and fear.

    -Similar to other strawhats:
    ~Zoro cut down people for their bounties
    ~Robin betrayed many people and didn’t care if people died as long as she learned about history
    ~Nami stole from people to help her village
    ~Franky stole fortune from Luffy and beat up Usopp to build his dream ship
    Ultimately Luffy saved them and gave them a better way to achieve his dream, like he will do with Caesar.

    -Chopper seems most mad at him. But Chopper was the same, he experimented with monster point drugs and hurt people without realizing it, like Caesar

    -Caesar can help get rid of all the weapons he created, and eventually make the crew like him by changing as a person and achieving his dream in a dif way

    -Caesar never got a flashback, so he can have a very sad past that justifies his initial crazy nature.

    -He will achieve his dream just like the rest of the strawhats by becoming best scientist, stopping his chem weapons, and learning about ancient tech.

    *Theory by OneWorldHD


      This is a theory I have been working on since chapter 801 came out and I find really interesting. It is about Sanji somehow being Satan or Oda being inspired by Satan. Moreover I will talk about Sanji’s family, his will and his relationship with Kaido!
      Reasons why I believe Sanji is the “Satan” of One Piece/or his characteristics are inspired from Satan.
      It is a widely known fact that Satan in his animal state/version is a billy goat.
      Billy goats’ horns are spiral just like Sanji’s eyebrows. Moreover in some pictures and movies Satan is depicted with curly eyebrows just like Sanji. Still not convinced?Then what about this: Satan is the lord of hell-a place filled with fire right? Sanji’s diable jump is composed of fire and after the timeskip Sanji also has a new technique called Hell’s Memories. I believe Oda had been trying to foreshadow Sanji’s connection to hell. Some other facts that can be Oda foreshadowing what I said are: Sanji turning to Devil at Thriller Bark (although it is for fun reasons).
      There second foreshadow is Sanji being a cook. Yeah Sanji being a cook has a lot to do with fire. He has been seen using fire while cooking just like every cook and that’s why I think Oda did not make Sanji “Satan” since the beginning of the series but realised afterwards that his character/appearance would be really suitable for the role.
      Moving on to the second part of this theory/speculation I am going to talk about Sanji’s Will and its former owner. Furthermore,I will talk about Sanji’s family. If Sanji really does resemble Satan , I firmly believe that he is the son of a Tenryubito. To be more specific,I believe that when the Tenryubito saw Sanji’s eyebrows (some months after being born cause babys’ heads are not completely formed when they are born)and maybe a tendency of him liking fire and approaching it , they understood/thought it was a sign from above. As most of us know, Satan protested against God and is said to have fought with him. So what the Celestial Dragons actually thought was that Sanji was going to destroy them as they are considered Gods-they thought he was a threat. Actually I believe he inherited Don Quixote Homing’s (Doffy’s father)will.
      Just like Homing, Sanji would grow sick and tired of the Celestial Dragons and would punish them in a way more brutal way than Homing did (he actually did not have enough power to ruin the Celestial Dragons,but Sanji did!). So they CD wanted to kill Sanji desperately. This is the point where Sanji and Kaido are connected.
      Sanji’s And Kaido’s Relationship
      There is a big chance of Kaido having been a slave for the CD.I believe it too. So what actually connects Sanji and Kaido is this: Kaido overhearring that the CD wanted to kill Sanji, they hated him and they called him Devil. Think of it! Kaido actually  SAW HIMSELF IN SANJI. He has obviously been wanted dead by a lot of people, hated and called the Devil too. Then Fisher Tiger arrives at Mariejoa’s setting everyone free , along with Kaido taking the little “Satan” with him before him being executed. But Kaido would never be a fitting parent right? So what I believe is that he left Sanji at someone he trusted and never saw him again. But he cared so much for Sanji. However the sea is huge and Sanji hasn’t always been at the same ship nor at the same location. So Kaido has been looking for his lost “self” and that’s why he is depressed and wants to die! Because he can’t find the only creature that actually made him happy and did not make him seem like a brutal freak!

      Other Thoughts: I believe Sanji will awaken CoC as the King of hell. And now something about Sanji’s character. Although it may seem crazy, Sanji being okay with being friend-zoned is like Baby-5’s character. I think that at the very depth of his mind he has memories (filled with “fog” and can’t really recall clearly) of being wanted dead and that’s why he is just okay with everything. That’s also why he respected and loved Zeff so much… because his is one of the few people that risked their life for Sanji!

      *Theory by Usopp Haoshoku Haki


        In this theory I’m going to compare the SH to some people in the old generation but are still active. Once these certain people die/quit/etc I believe the Straw Hat I describe will take something similar to their role. This will be very weird, trust me


        Monkey D Luffy is the new Roger, old Pirate king

        I think this because, well, you know of course. Luffy carries on Rogers will, and becomes the new Pirate King. No trouble there..


        Roronoa Zoro is the new ..Dracule Mihawk Silvers Rayleigh

        Mihawk because of the World’s greatest swordsman. Rayleigh cause he’ll be the pirate kings right hand man. Many think he’ll awaken CoC Haki once he opens his left eye. I think that could be a possibility. Most likely after beating Mihawk or Shiliew, he’ll become the WGS.


        Sanji could be the new .. Red Leg Zeff Monkey D. Dragon

        Yes, you saw it correctly. Monkey D Dragon. Now, put down your pitchforks. Remember this scene:


        Now I believe Oda put that for a reason. This could be major foreshadowing for around the end of the series. And Dragon is currently the most feared man, so Sanji taking his place is like being the new Dragon. Plus, many theories of Sanji being a Noble or a Celestial Dragon could affect the outcome of his future. Red Leg Zeff was put because, well, both cooks, same fighting style, the basic stuff. But I don’t think Sanji will have that revolutionary army and stuff like that. I think he’ll be feared for something.. Maybe his heritage?


        Franky, Cutty Flam as the new Dr. Vegapunk

        It was between Vegapunk or, Ceaser Clown. But CC is too much of a jerk and not at all like Franky. And Dr. Vegapunk is a similar scientist type engineer like Franky. This could be possible. But we don’t know much about Vegapunk and there could be some other people from Roger’s crew that could fit in. And Franky being the new Vegapunk would actually be really awesome.


        Nico Robin as the new Dr. Clover

        I chose this and not her mom because we don’t know much about Olivia, and I didn’t choose Kuma cause they’re nothing alike. Clover was the major archaelogist in Ohara, and Robin could carry on his will and surpass him, aiding the future Pirate King. A great fit.


        Brook as the new ..Brook

        Brook was already from the elder times, and is not really similar to anyone else. Brook will be his own man and continue on with his own goals. GO BROOK!


        Usopp as the new Shanks Noland Yasopp or Buggy

        Montblanc Usopp? Seems Plausible. Usopp is very similar to Noland, and his lies are all becoming true. He could actually be the Usoland. Shanks was just a cabin boy, but became a very strong person. Usopp could awaken CoC and become like Shanks. The usopp pirates and Usopp leaving them is similar to Shanks leaving Luffy and giving him his straw hat. Usopp and Yasopp are both excellent snipers; though Usopp will get stronger and surpass him. Buggy and Usopp both have great luck and have very similar personalities. Both make themselves seem super powerful, but actually aren’t as powerful as they boast. Lol.


        Tony Tony Chopper as the new Dr Hiluluk

        Chopper will carry his will of becoming an amazing doctor, who can cure any disease.


        Nami as the new Boa Hancock

        Both are pretty tough females and very pretty, and they do show off their body most of the time. Both have a deep love for something (Money, Luffy) and both are overall very similar. I don’t think Nami has CoC and will be a Warlord as well as an ex-slave, but might have a similar role at the EOS as Hancock does. Nami could become the most tough navigator and female in One Piece. I can see Nami becoming a queen-type person. Oh and if Nami becomes the head of Amazon Lily at sometime that’ll be hilarious.

        Law = Whitebeard
        Kid = Shiki
        Thousand Sunny = Oro Jackson
        Coby and Smoker are hard ones, but I think Smoker will join the SH.

        *Theory by Red Beard