Reasons why Caesar Clown will be the next Nakama! Theory


-Most people hate Caesar Clown because he is evil, but I will explain why this is justified later on

-He seems too obvious, since he’s been in plain sight. But this is hiding in plain sight. Oda also said @old Jump Fiesta interview (2009ish) that the next strawhat would be past enemy 

-He is hated by some of the strawhats, especially Chopper (abusing medication)

-Good reasons to dislike Caesar, but the question is “Can he be redeemed”. I think he definitely can. but before that…

Reasons Caesar makes incredible sense

-He has nowhere to go or be safe. He has nobody who trusts him, and all the Yonkou are after him and his weapons/chemicals. Can’t become ally member

-Caesar has a dream, much like the other strawhats. He wants to surpass Vegapunk and become the best scientist. This is why he harms people carelessly

-Was an enemy, like Robin, Nami, Franky, Usopp. Doubted them initially, but it reinforces how much we like them

-He sort of fits in, and has shown a variety of other emotions aside from just being a psychopath. (Ex: embarrassed by chopper, play-fighting, sanji)

-Strawhats do not have a scientist or logia yet

-Caesar is a representation of Vegapunk (Luffy = Roger, Chopper = Hililuk and Crocus, Sanji = Zeff, Usopp = Yasopp)

-Caesar connects everyone else’s abilites (missing piece to a puzzle)
~Finish Sunny with chemicals instead of Cola (Create pluton) sort of like Enel’s electricity
~Help Chopper with medication (with chemicals and drugs)
~Help Franky by replacing cola (Or can help make cola through sugar chemical) and Franky wants to follow Vegapunks dream
~Help Usopp make pesticides and growth hormones for plants
~Provide flames and gas for Sanji’s cooking
~Something stupid for Luffy, like fireworks or cooking meat with flames.

-Very powerful (Top 5 in strawhats) he has poison, flames, air, many other elements other logias are limited to loads of potential

-Potential interest in ancient weapons, since he creates his own weapons
-Foreshadowing: Got symbol of the Strawhats (Chinese Zodiac signs)

-Connects to my next point: knows the secrets of SMILE and shinokuni/gas weapons. stopped gas on mink island

If you are still mad about his evil acts, here’s how he can redeem himself:

-If you supported Monet, then you should by default support Caesar cuz she was evil as well

-Since his dream is to become the best scientist, he was doing it in a bad way due to bad influences (Doffy).

-Never killed people for fun, he believed it was necessary for him dream, and only viewed people as test subjects

-Luffy and the strawhats have brought him humility, like with Big Mom, so now he is beginning to know human emotions and fear.

-Similar to other strawhats:
~Zoro cut down people for their bounties
~Robin betrayed many people and didn’t care if people died as long as she learned about history
~Nami stole from people to help her village
~Franky stole fortune from Luffy and beat up Usopp to build his dream ship
Ultimately Luffy saved them and gave them a better way to achieve his dream, like he will do with Caesar.

-Chopper seems most mad at him. But Chopper was the same, he experimented with monster point drugs and hurt people without realizing it, like Caesar

-Caesar can help get rid of all the weapons he created, and eventually make the crew like him by changing as a person and achieving his dream in a dif way

-Caesar never got a flashback, so he can have a very sad past that justifies his initial crazy nature.

-He will achieve his dream just like the rest of the strawhats by becoming best scientist, stopping his chem weapons, and learning about ancient tech.

*Theory by OneWorldHD


  1. Elias D machuca

    I think caesar first have to repent of all he did before joining the band

  2. Vonirb D. Artup

    So wrong

  3. i liked this theory .
    Caesar is very strong and he will be needed in the crew because he’s a scientist .

  4. yasopp is a friend of shanks not roger 😀 fail…

  5. Oscar Salto

    Estoy de acuerdo! Cesar seria un poderoso aliado sin embargo preferiria que el nuevo nakama fuera Barthoolomeo! 🙂 seria muy triste si no lo admitieran ya que su sueño es ser Luffy’Nakama.

  6. marc bitanga

    strawhats needs defensive power like a logia type. i was thinking of aokiji instead, but if ceasar i would be fine also

  7. Caesar Clown = Doctor ,,, mugiwara already have a doctor !

  8. sholololo, two thumbs up for this theory!

  9. Some of one interesting theory,. But, there’s so many past enemy,. How about Mr. 2?, What do you think of it?,

  10. I would like him as a member. He’s interesting and the Strawhats need more people. i mean just look at how big other crews are.

  11. Sting Eucliffe

    Next Strawhat is past enemy, huh?. And we need a Logia Type to fill in the DF-Ability-Line..How about Smoker?. After the Incident on Punk Hazard, he learned to question his sense and way of justice and got new sight on the World Governments / Marines Ways and Antics, Has a sad Past himself and a deep connection with Luffy.

  12. A lot of that makes sense. It’s a nice pattern for Oda to introduce new crew members that don’t fit the perfect, stable, and generic pirate group. In other words, Oda has always shown us through the new crew members on how diverse he can make the members’ histories and characters. Caesar will continue to diversify the crews dynamics, and forgiveness is a key attribute of Luffy’s personality (robin, frankly, usopp, and Nami have all partially joined this way). Caesars already saved an island (even though he wasn’t trying to) and there is a decent chance we may see him improve overtime. He is a far better choice than the ass kissing Bartolommeo, who while I like, his pick shows how desperate people can be to ask for crewmates that don’t contribute to the crew’s diversity and dynamics; they only want to see him cry and cheer over the crew forever…that’ll get tiring real fast. Good job on the theory!

  13. Yeah, he’s also a well known for his doings, might add some power to my strawhat crew… go mogi…

  14. Sholololo. I like this powers of yours. Theory theory e no mi. yes I hope Caesar will be their 10th nakanta tho

  15. He is crazy, like others. He somehow fits in. He has done crimes, but it’s not like others haven’t. He seems to like straw hats though he wouldn’t express it. He would even try to escape by hurting em. Hey wait, Nami did that same thing right? But he would do so without any purpose. Somehow he would end up being forced back to the crew he likes it or not, like he is now. He is stupid, crazy and dumb. He wouldn’t plot anything cruel against SH and they wouldn’t have to have their guards up around him. He could have stopped the oxygen supply around SHs and taken his heart and escaped in seconds, but he didn’t. Either he is so dumb to not even think about it, or he just likes it with the crew. I vote for the latter. Everybody in SHs are respected. Luffy San, Zoro San, Nami, Sanji, Chopper, Robin and Brook San. But Caeser wud be a black sheep. Thing is he doesn’t even hate it being disliked.

  16. DRosinante

    I think that nobody stated that there also is a possibility that SH takes him in because of all yonko and pirates who wants Caesar for his arms abilities. I think this theory is much stronger than any else, and also I don’t wanna Jimbe as the member, but instead as an ally.

  17. Apollo of the Waves

    It’s a cool theory, plus I think Caesar is hilarious! Hope the theory becomes true, it would definitely make things interesting.

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