Archivi giornalieri: 26/09/2015

Impressionist Luffy

Awesome Drawing! :3
Impressionist Luffy

    Each Straw Hat will have an Arc strongly revolving around them and their development.

    Hi guys, quick fire theory here based upon what we know about Wanokuni and Dressrosa; in which I explore the ideas of separate arcs themed for each Strawhat currently within the crew.

    As is common knowledge to most people here, the Wano arc is highly likely (although not confirmed) to give Zoro the spotlight at some point in some way, shape or form. There is a lot of evidence that points towards this, which is as follows:

    • Wano is the country of Samurai, indicating the Arc will have a lot of swordsmen and swordswomen, Zoro is also a swordsman, unsurprisingly
    • Zoro is the current owner of Shusui, the Katana of former Wanokuni national hero Ryuuma. Shusui is regarded by Wano residents to be a national treasure
    • Zoro is to duel with Kin’emon over the fate of Shusui
    • There are many parallels between Ryuuma himself and Zoro
    • Roronoa-San is also dressed in a similar fashion to stereotypical Samurai and wields Katana, his appearance is semi-coherent and he follows his own strong code, he’d very much fit in at Wano
      [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • It’s possible Zoro will learn to cut fire and potentially fight with fire too, in fact he will probably come into possession of new Katana

    There is also another arc in the New World that has been themed on a Strawhat, this arc is Dressrosa and Usopp. Again there are a lot of things that show this, as I’m sure we’re all aware, but for the sake of memory I will list only a few ways in which the Dressrosa Arc was very much Usopps own:

    • God Usopp, the 5* wanted man
    • God Usopp the saviour of 8,000 + warriors
    • Usopp unlocks or comes to the realization of Kenbunshoku Haki
    • Usopp’s bounty increases by over 660% , the largest bounty increase every in One Piece to date
    • Usopp is based upon Pinocchio, the Dressrosa arc has parallels to the Pinocchio story

      Pinnocchio the liar:


      Charles Judels:


      Jiminy Cricket:








    • CP0-Aegis using Sogeking’s mask or something similar, throwback to Lucci and CP9 as well
      [​IMG] [​IMG]

    It’s not just a coincidence that these two had arcs that were very coherent to themselves and their character development, giving them the spotlight, there are a few more pieces of evidence to suggest others will have their own arcs, but most notably Chopper and Zou:

    • Chopper is a Zoan user, and Kaidou’s crew is likely to be exclusively Zoan, they were introduced to us on Zou
    • Zou means Zoo and Elephant, both are references to animals, Chopper is an animal
    • We saw this girl, who looks like the antithesis and palinode of chopper as a female Deer Minkman or something along those lines, point is they’re linked

    Other arcs will include:
    -Sanji and Kanokuni, the country of martial arts, where we will see Ideo, Gilly, Abdullah and Jeet
    -Franky and the Vegapunk arc for very obvious cyborg and technology reasons
    -Robin and CP0 as we know Lucci, her old enemy is in CP0, it’s likely to involve Poneglyphs
    -Nami and a sky island due to weather links, or space (if it happens) as she can see the world from there
    -Brook and an arc involving the undead or Laboon, maybe Moriah will be involved?
    -Luffy and Raftel, finding the One Piece and becoming Pirate King

    So, concluding this theory; simply each Strawhat will have an arc strongly revolving around them and their development in terms of character, progress towards goals and increasing strength. Choppers turn is next in Zou.

    *Theory by L o g i a

      [One Piece Motivational AMV] – Luffy’s Determination|The Path Of King

        Such an Epic Scene! Do You Remember this Episode?



          The Straw Hats’ wanted posters are updated with new Bounties and images from after the time skip.

          • Luffy: Beli500,000,000
            • Luffy’s bounty is tied with Law’s for highest of The Worst Generation.
            • His new bounty image looks almost identical to his previous one.
          • Zoro: Beli320,000,000
            • Zoro’s bounty is now tied with that of Basil Hawkins.
          • Robin: Beli130,000,000
          • Usopp: Beli200,000,000
            • Usopp’s bounty is now tied with those of Killer and Bartolomeo.
            • This poster shows Usopp’s name and face instead of Sogeking, and uses the nickname “God Usopp”.
          • Franky: Beli94,000,000
            • The Franky Shogun is used for the photo.
          • Sanji: Beli177,000,000
            • This time, Sanji’s poster is no longer sketched.
            • The poster has an “Only Alive” subtitle on it.
          • Nami: Beli66,000,000
          • Brook: Beli83,000,000
            • His concert poster is used in this poster.
            • His epithet is now officially “Soul King” instead of “Humming”.
          • Chopper: Beli100

          *Note: Law’s bounty has increased to Beli500,000,000.
