Archivi giornalieri: 30/10/2015

Why Luffy doesn’t want to kill his enemy?



    Hello once again everyone and welcome back to yet another short theory for your entertainment. This time I shall be talking about the return of Enel in the Kaidou arc.

    Enel draws references from Zeus, the God of the sky, law n’ order, thunder and lightning in Greek Mythology and Raijin, the god of thunder and lightning from Japanese Shintoism.




    Kaidou draws reference from the Typhon, the Father of monsters in Greek Mythology and the Khan Clan of the Mongol Empire(or a mongol in general).

    The Typhon

    The Typhon was created out of hatred for Zeus and was offspring of Cronus, the father of Zeus(and a reference to the elephant zou). Typhon was terrible, outrageous and lawless and on his shoulders were one hundred snake heads that emitted fire.
    Zeus defeated the Typhon and cast it into Tartarus. Don’t you find it too coincedental that the first time we saw Kaidou he was jumping from a Sk Island with Urouge, a birkan, praying for him?

    The Mongolian empire attempted two invasions on Japan(think this is Kaidou’s second attempt at Wano) but failed both times because a storm blew away their fleet. It is recorded as on of the strangest coincidences in history but Shintoist believe that it was the god Raijin protecting them.

    Enel and Kaidou also seem to have a connection to the WG.

    Enel has the same tomoe symbol as Sentomaru, who is a member of the science unit and Vegapunk’s bodyguard(they are the only characters with that symbol). Btw, Vega is the most important star after the sun.

    Enel now has an army of automatas serving him.

    We’ve seen Dr. Tsukimi(Moon Viewing) build automatas himself, and I believe he is related to Vegapunk as they are from the same island, Karakuri(means Future Island).

    Kaidou may very well be an Oars giant experiment of Vegapunk and the WG.

    Oars Jr’s jolly roger
    Kaidou’s jolly roger
    The Oars giant symbol on a WG testing facility
    Kaidou himself

    Smoker and Tashigi were to visit Vegapunk in order to reverse the giantification of the kids. In OP time, Smoker and Tashgi should’ve dropped off the kids a few days ago.

    Since Vegapunk can now study how giantification works, maybe he’ll play a role in reversing Kaidou’s condition? What about him breaking down SMILE?

    I’ve always had this thought in the back of my head that Enel will kidnap Vegapunk…..anyways, what do you hope to for Enel to do when he returns during the Kaidou arc with his dangly earlobes? I hope he gets a new hair style at least….
    Yes….that’s his real hair…….

    *Theory by Vandenreich

      Roronoa Zoro | One Piece [AMV] – Indestructible

        Gender-swapped versions of The Worst Generation

        D: I’ve been wondering for ages—would you draw gender-swapped versions of The Worst Generation for us? In face, please do!!! P.N. Momokichi

        O: I got so many requests for this. I mean, I’ll do it, but it’s creepy, okay? I haven’t shown Blackbeard since the timeskip yet, so he’s not included. That’s all for the SBS. See you next volume!


        • Hawkins: “What’s your sign? I’ll read your daily love horoscope”
        • Law: “How many people did you kill, Drakey?”
        • Bege: “I told you, my military force and cosmetics are on a different level!”
        • Kidd: “Wanna form a ladies night alliance?”
        • Drake: “I have no interest… in Pacifistas.”
        • Killer: “I bought pancakes and macaroons, so can we all get along?”
        • Bonney: “Donburi! One more donburi!”
        • Apoo: “Apyapya! Don’t you know how cute I am!?”


          NEW Cover Page Series! From The Decks: The 500 Million Man Arc! This is exciting! It looks like we’ll get to see Luffy’s bounty news spread to EVERY CORNER we’ve been too across the entire series!


          Starting off from the continuation of last weeks chapter, we’re greeted to Zoro and Carrots scuffle and its still great to see that he’s intrigued by the electricity. Robin never ceases to amaze me with her comedy as she calls them cannibals out loud haha, her comedy this arc has been absolutely incredible so far, I love it! Carrot true to her mink form as a Rabbit JUMPS! SHE HAS LEAPS! She can hop! THE SKILL IS INCREDIBLE!

          Later Wanda, the Canine Mink, says that there comrades are dead, and where too find them. I highly highly doubt Sanji’s group is dead but I am interested in seeing what happened. They also know who they’re already, which we assume they had interactions with them, possibly even attacked them, who knows.

          Usopp thinks they’re dead (as usual lol).

          ABSOLUTE RESPECT for Zoro, he did something I’d never see, he acknowledged Sanji… something that he would NEVER do in his sight…. THEY HAVE that RESPECT for each other but you will NEVER see it because it HAS to be this way! They belittle each other because they’re RIVALS but they know just how powerful they are against each other! This is the type of way its always been.. there is no one being better than the other, both are equals here…. Zoro knows Sanji’s strength, and Sanji knows Zoro’s. GREAT GREAT development from Zoro and Sanji on their respect for each other, we know they do deep down, but actually hearing it is AMAZING!


          Bepo is confirmed a Minkman, Bepo isn’t familiar with Zou as he left as a small child, and has been Law’s comrade for 10 years… their bond is powerful, it could be that Bepo was very much the first mate of the Heart Pirates, which I wouldn’t doubt as he was the navigator of the crew. BUT WAIT THE RUMBLE IN THE WHALE FOREST!! LOOK WHO IT IS!!!!!!!!!!! OUR FAVORITE POLAR BEAR!! HE’S FINALLY BACK! YES BEPO! WE HAVE WAITED YEARS!! YEARS FOR HIM!!! And he’s trying his damnedest to stop the brawl between Luffy and the Bull Mink RODY!! The ELECTRO SHOCK! It can’t effect Luffy! He’s immune! Which yet again is great to see, that was a great intense moment there.

          BUT LOOK WHO IT IS, THE MAN I WAS WAITING TO SEE JEAN BART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M SO GLAD TO FINALLY SEE HIM BECAUSE ODA NEVER DREW HIS POST TIME SKIP DESIGN!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!! BUT EVEN JEAN BART CANNOT STOP THE MINKMEN!!!!!! Jean Bart gets bodied by BlackBack!! He CANNOT STOP HIM! SACHI AND PENGUIN ARE THERE TOO!! Finally! We finally get the HEART PIRATES!!! THE EXCITEMENT!!! It’s incredible! They’re all attempting to stop the Mink’s but cannot stop them!

          Back to Franky, Robin, and Usopp searching for the rest of the crew, love Robin’s intuition here, great to see that she used the cooking to tell if Sanji was there recently or not. But… the claw marks and that LARGE footprint… I have no clue what to even expect… that could be anything or anyone… the animals could be in a large scuffle or get into a huge fight… we find out two weeks ago that the country was still in tact but it was ravaged who was none other destroyed by that man….. JACK! CAPTAIN JACK! Who we last saw attempting to rescue Doflamingo against Sengoku and Tsuru…. I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THIS MAN IN ACTION! But trouble hits soon, the Eruption Rain is coming from Zou, and it’s now yet again time for the crew to depart to find the rest of the Straw Hats, can’t wait to finally see the crew back together!