Daily Archives: 17/11/2015


epic moment


    I think X Drake will get a new look. We’ve already seen him post-time skip but we haven’t seen him use his Df yet, so we can speculate that he has new feats. Much like most of the other Zoan users shown through out the series, this particular df can have more than one transformation.



    -Rob Lucci



    *X Drake so far (this is literally all we’ve seen)


    – I think X Drake will have a new transformation much like Lucci’s. It’s only a matter of time imo, his character would be limited (power wise) with just this standard transformation.

    – Also, I noticed on chapter 727 cover page, X Drake is seen with out his weapons.


    Pre-Time Skip X Drake

    – This could simply be because he didn’t use/need them against Caribou (which is understandable ) but I think he no longer uses them anymore because he has “mastered” his other transformations. I assume he has learned a new power from either Kaidou, Jack, or any other Zoan df user working for the Yonko (he could have learned it himself too). If this is true than X Drake could be a powerful ally or enemy for Luffy/Law in Zou. Yes, I do believe Drake will show up in Zou or he was there when Jack destroyed the minkmens town. His roll in this arc will be huge if he’s shown, and will give us new hype for post time skip supernovas.

    I picture something like this when I think of his other transformations

    Weapons or not I can see X Drake with this kind of upgrade. Especially since he’s working for Kaidou

    Let me know what you think or if you have any ideas for X Drake’s new feats for the NW

    *Theory by Swelligent661

      In The Name of Justice – One Piece Marines AMV ᴴᴰ

        Difference between Zoro and Sanji

        D: Oda sensei. I am currently faced with a big problem!!! My family just can’t understand the difference between Zoro and Sanji!!! 

        So that even people like them can understand, I’d like to request you to draw some impactful illustrations differentiating the two in a way that they will never forget again.


        O: This is Zoro. This is Sanji. Zoro. Sanji. Zoro. Sanji. Zoro. Sanji. Zoro. Sanji. Zoro. Sanji.


          Which is the most destructive power?

          destructive powers

            Shanks reacts to Luffy’s bounty: Do you remember this scene?

            Mihawk informs Shanks about Luffy’s first bounty poster and Shanks celebrates :)
            Don't tell me you didn't remember this moment