Daily Archives: 29/11/2015

Can’t wait to see Luffy kicks Doflamingo’s ass!

Can't wait to see Luffy kicks Mingo's ass in the anime!


    I’ve noticed a pattern here, I’ll just get to it.
    One of Kaido’s elite 3 executives (The Calamities, which there is a boardgame with the same name) is Jack, many of us theorized that Jack has a card theme, named after the card.

    But what about others? Well, Sheepshead is apparently also a card game, and his power is a pun of his name.

    Even Ginrummy is named after the card game of the same name.

    We’ve also seen other references, including Doflamingo, an ally of Kaido being called Joker (Because perhaps he is a key card of Kaido’s?).

    So due to that I think that the other 2 calamities will be “Queen” and “King”, even though it’s possible that Kaido himself is “King” due to his epithet.

    So that means that perhaps the third calamity would have a different name, that’s because I doubt “Ace” will be used.

    Among the interesting names that might be used by Oda (And therefore might dictate their characters) includes:
    *Napoleon (No need to explain)
    *Bacon (Perhaps a Pig Zoan fighting with a frying pan lol)

    But one of the most interesting details I’ve noticed is the game Pedro.
    So, will Pedro betray the Mink Tribe? Does he have anything to do with Kaido?
    Also, remember that somehow Jack knew Raizo was supposed to be in Zou and somehow got it it (Which is nearly impossible because no log pose points there), so is Pedro on Jack’s and Kaido’s side?
    He does seem to be particularly hostile towards the Strawhats so it’s not that farfetched in my opinion.

    So, what do you think?

    *Theory by Jewish Kaizoku

      AMV One Piece – Sanji Tribute ” The Way to the All Blue” HD

        They got same hair style, I think they went to the same hair salon! :D

        ..they got same hair style..

          Luffy’s G4/G5

          Luffy sure amazed us and looked so “hardo boildo” when he showed the G2 for the first time, it was a new power-up and it was the first time he showed how useful his Devil Fruit actually is. Right after that he exceeded all out expectations by showing G3. It was the best fight ever! Half giant Luffy and with the side affect (the side affect is that Luffy becomes small after it’s use) was going way over the top.

          Now on the current Dressrosa arc, we have seen the new power-up – G4(still only in manga version). It kinda looks like Nightmare Luffy.

          Luffy coats his arm in Busoshoku Haki before biting into his forearm. Similar to how he activates Gear Third, he blows an incredible amount of air into his body, but this time he inflates his muscular structure before distributing the air throughout his body, with emphasis on his upper half. Luffy’s proportions become warped and his body becomes much larger in size, with his arms, upper torso, and legs coated in Busoshoku Haki. The coating across his torso resemble the wispy ends made from flames, giving it the appearance of tattoos, and he also gains shading around the inner and outer edges of his eyes. He also physically grows taller, standing around 4 meters tall.

          Now will there even be a Gear 5? What could G5 be? Could it perhaps have something to do with Smoker? Jokes aside, I can’t wait to see that one day.
