Tag Archives: doflamingo


Doflamingo said that Luffy is bad at using his DF, so how would Luffy get better? Now before i go on, i am not going to say words like “awakening” however i can say that without a doubt, the what i am about to say next will probably be one of Luffy’s power ups.

Now what i believe Luffy needs is: 100% control of elasticity without with his DF alone(no haki should be needed).
Now there are a few things i want to say when talking about elasticity; first, what is elasticity? Well elasticity is the tendency of an object to return to it’s original state after deformation; so let me paint a picture for you

  • high elasticity- this is basically vulcanized rubber [​IMG] now, i’m not saying that Luffy will ever vulcanize his body(imo it’s unlikely); but i do believe he will be able to make is body as elastic as vulcanized rubber with his DF, and make his body as hard as vulcanized rubber with haki
  • low elasticity- when he stretches his body, instead of his body reshaping it just remains stretched at max potential, Luffy could become like slime. HOWEVER i highly highly highly highly highly highly(okay i think you get the point know) doubt that he will ever become a logia. I don’t believe he will become a liquid, but rather a a semi solid. He will not be able to detach parts of his body, however his body would be so stretched out that he would act like a liquid in almost every way apart from being able to separate his body(he cannot separate ). I believe Luffy needs to work more on being less elastic as it is a skill he seems to lack

But can’t Luffy already do this? Well he can control elasticity like this to a degree, however it is evident that he has not mastered this ability, he cannot use bounceman without haki.

What can Luffy do with this? Welll here’s just one technique i came up with that would really help Luffy out(forgive the bad art, i’m not good at drawing on my computer)
Gomu Gomu no Sword; with this technique, Luffy reduces the elasticity in his bones, he then reshapes his hand into a sword. Once the hand is reshaped, Luffy then uses haki on the hand to make it hard, he also increases elasticity so that his sword doesn’t change shape. This would be a very good technique as it would give him more options in battle, which is very good as it gives him ways to counter certain fighting styles and moves.

But what about the gear? Yes i’ll get to that next


Now i believe this gear will focus completely on manipulating elasticity. But first what will it be? Well i believe it will be skin balloon, now their is enough evidence to back this up so i won’t discuss it any further.


Well as i said; G5 will be haki, DF awakening, and skin balloon. But what techniques will luffy use with this? Well I believe their will be 2 forms to G5. Those being:

  • fatman
  • burnman

Allow me to explain


As we know, all of Luffy’s gears are based on things Luffy has encountered in his life. So what will G5 be based off of? I believe it will be based on the techniques of these 2 men
So here’s what I am thinking:

  • Luffy inflates his skin; and becomes as big as Sengoku
  • now he will control elasticity to control his shape
  • this form will give him insane defense as Luffy could control the elasticity in his skin to make him almost invulnerable to most(if not all) non DF/non sea stone attacks

Why use skin balloon when you can use bone and muscle? What’s the point of skin balloon? Well i think many of you believe that skin balloon is just Luffy enlarging his whole body, but i have a different idea. I believe fatman will be a lot like titan transformations in Attack on Titan

I believe fatman will look something like this

Luffy’s skin will be as big as Sengoku’s body; however Luffy’s organs, muscles, and bones will stay their regular size. Because of this, Luffy will be able to act a lot like Pica; if someone hit’s his skin balloon, he takes very little damage since he can freely move his real body around in the skin balloon. However he will take damage if his muscles, bones, and organs are damaged

I believe this form will be based on low elasticity. So how will this help him? Well here is just a thought on what i think controlling elasticity could do

So say this picture represents Luffy’s arm after he uses skin balloon, now by controlling elasticity i believe he will do something like this

Now if you are confused by my shitty drawing skills, this is basically what i am talking about

  • Luffy will decrease the elasticity in certain parts of his skin to reshape parts of his skin into new limbs

Now if Luffy uses this power at full potential, he would probably look a lot like this
Luffy would reshape the skin in his body into thousands of new arms. this could be used to defend against enemies that would use luffy’s huge size in fatman to outmaneuver him. Furthermore this could also be used to create the ultimate gatling; we all know that Luffy probably has a move called “kong gatling” which is a gatling version of kong gun that would deal massive damage to opponents. Now with fatman, Luffy could do a “thousand arm gatling” that would be him using kong gatling in each of his arms

This is a pic of how Luffy in fatman mode would use gatling

First he focuses all the air and into the skin near his fists; this means that he is no longer protected by his skin balloon, but rather he 2 huge skin balloons near his fists. He then reshapes all the skin near his fists into their own fists; this means that Luffy will have thousands of fists made of skin growing off his hands; when using gatling, he will make each and every one of these fists use kong gatling


As i said before; Luffy will have a problem with speed when he is using fatman. So how will he fix this? Well i believe he will take his body to the absolute limit. He will do this by using all of his haki, combined with his physical strength to compress the all the air inside of fatman into a body the size of Luffy. By doing this Luffy will have to go full body CoA; however his skin will actually begin tearing from the pressure, his skin would also be heated up to insanely high temperatures do to the cells in his skin overworking. This would cause parts of his skin to begin to burn up, making Luffy’s skin look something like this
So what will burnman be like:

  • Luffy will now be as tall as Doflamingo
  • his skin would be completely covered in armament; but of few of these spots on Luffy’s skin would be burning do to the heat
  • he would now be extremely heavy, but be small in comparison
  • Luffy will now be able to go fast, while keeping the same power as fatman
  • this form will be based on high elasticity; because of the insane elasticity Luffy’s body will be at, Luffy’s body would act almost as if he was vulcanized(he would not be vulcanized, but he would be as elastic as vulcanized rubber)

How would burnman fight? Well here’s what i am thinking:

  • he would do techniques like kong gun and leo bazooka still; however due to the insane amount of pressure Luffy would be containing, when he contracts his fist, the air would burn up almost instantly. When Luffy releases the punch, his attack would look almost like a hiken(but it would be stronger). Just one kong gun in burman-mode could potentially take out an island
  • Luffy would be fast and heavy at the same time; meaning he would have insane momentum with his punches
  • due to Luffy’s skin being full of highly compressed gasses, even someone like Zoro would have a hard time trying to cut Luffy

*Theory by Monkey D Theories

    The price list of the Human Auctioning House


    The Human Auctioning House is a center of slave trade and a bidding house for selling living beings as slaves. It is located on Sabaody Archipelago’s Grove 1. It was owned by Donquixote Doflamingo and like most of things affiliated with Doflamingo, it bears the Donquixote Pirates Jolly Roger — a smiley-face with the cancel symbol over it.

    After the timeskip, the Human Auctioning House has fallen into disrepair and its owner, Disco, is now a vagrant. Although as easily surmised and then directly cited by Caribou the slave trade lives on, insinuating that this is not the only auction house.

    According to the price list of the Human Auctioning House, the average starting prices for each races are as followed:

    • Humans: Beli500,000
    • Longarm Tribe: Beli700,000
    • Longleg Tribe: Beli700,000
    • Snakeneck Tribe: Beli700,000
    • Minkmen: Beli700,000
    • Dwarves: Beli700,000
    • Fishmen: Beli1,000,000
    • Giants:
      • Male: Beli50,000,000
      • Female: Beli10,000,000
    • Merfolk:
      • Male: Beli1,000,000
      • Female under 30 years old (unsplit tail): Beli70,000,000
      • Female over 30 years old (split tail): Beli10,000,000
    • Devil Fruit users: market rates.



      I think everyone knows the answer to this one. Yes, obviously. He disappeared from Doflamingo’s sight when he was about to kill him. Obvious Absalom intervention is obvious. Just for the sake of completeness, I will put the particular manga panel that describes the event here.

      Moria vanished

      Oda also basically confirmed this in the SBS, so it’s just a matter of when Moria returns.

      Just to make a point, about the not-so-subtle foreshadowing by Doflamingo of Moria resurrecting himself somehow AS a Zombie. It could happen, but I’m not that worried about it because I don’t think it influences his impact on the story much, just a new powerup. Now unto why I made this thread.


      Theoretically, he could be anywhere, but this is where I think Moria is.

      Hiding in and out of Plain sight

      Yes, I believe Moria managed to hide himself by turning a portion of an island invisible. And yes, the implication I’m making is that Absalom, somehow awakened after his defeat by Sanji and is now capable of turning much larger areas invisible with his fruit and maybe even leaving them invisible whether he is there or not. He is sheltering Moria and working alongside him.



      Before, Moria was making a zombie army with the intention to use their power to take over the New World. But really, Moria’s army was pretty weak. Dead bodies, just don’t hack it. What if Moria, found a way to use shadows to push into a living person AND take over their consciousness at the same time. Almost like rewriting who they are as people. Then Moria could take strong people, make augmentations on them and control them. The first victim of this has been revealed. He is…

      Moria’s first calamity.

      Now notably about Edward Weevil, he does share a lot of prominent similarities to a zombie, namely the visible stitch marks. A full ring around his neck and left arm, make me believe that he has been in some kind of body augmentation surgery recently. However, Moria isn’t making his new army out of dead bodies. Rotting muscles and flesh are limited in what they can do and I believe Moria realizes this now.

      I believe Edward Weevil is just as he seems. A retard, with a really strong body who through a Shadow possession and Hogback surgery, Moria has made strong enough to earn 480 million bounty. In other words, Edward Weevil is one of Moria’s new weapons and the world doesn’t know it. And I don’t think Weevil knows it either. It’s probably easier to control the person if their willpower or general cognitive function is highly impaired. It can’t be perfect though because their soul is still inside which is why we have Miss Bakkin.


      Her job is to reinforce the brain washing and keep the living zombie on mission and not let the old personality resurface. In other words, these beings will move in pairs. One for power, one for guidance.
      The clue comes from Miss Bakkin’. Money. You need funds to secure infantry, weaponry and supplies. I believe Moria created Weevil but he’s also not foolish enough this time to think one secret weapon will take over the world. He needs an army of super powerful individuals and he’s building towards that. The remnants of the Whitebeard pirates are easy pickings comparatively speaking to an active Younkou’s ally. Not speaking of course about Marco as they are gonna be difficult, but the many allied crew, all 47 of them, should be significantly more exposed. But I think there is another reason why Weevil is “Whitebeard’s son”.I believe that is the personality that was put into him. Yes, Weevil was possessed by the shadow of the REAL Son of Whitebeard, who Moria has managed to capture and keep prisoner while he uses his zombie to wreak havoc on the New World.
      Now there are some interesting similarities between another characters just introduced. Namely Weevil and Jack. I believe this is intentional. We know Moria is connected to Kaidou. He lost against him and he definitely must know who Jack and the other calamities are. Basically, I believe Weeble’s body structure is based on Jack’s. Moria is basically creating his own group of disasters like Kaidou has.
      The whole point of this strategy is to keep the Government and the other NW Pirates off Moria’s scent. By constantly revealing big information of the movement of pirates around the NW, he makes sure everyone’s attention is focused on the latest big thing that happened, not on what he might be doing. A genius idea really.

      I also believe with Absalom’s awakening, he might have an army of people armed with invisible cloaks or something he created that allows them to shadow the movements of the big pirates. It’s how he managed to get info on the PH alliance so easily. As for the Kidd Alliance, I believe Kidd’s alliance has a mole, who is already working with Moria.


      His name is Scratchmen Apoo. I believe Apoo will play a big role in the Return of Moria arc. For two reason. It was he after all who was seen coming across that invisible island. But also, Brooke is heavily tied to Moria. He was introduced there so if we have a return of Moria arc, it would make sense for Brooke to have his time to shine during that arc, and what better way than to put music based antagonists in Brooke’s way.

      Kidd wanted to know how the information leaked. Recall this panel.

      Moria’s moves

      Now we see the dialogue boxes pointing to the island and not the ship, so what random ship is that? It’s a Thriller Bark ship, leaving Kidd’s hideout. With Absa and his followers behind, after gathering information. It was Apoo who led them to Kidd’s base. He’s working with Moria, I assume to eventually double cross them if they do succeed in taking down Shanks. That’s the idea anyways.

      What’s more important is Absalom is probably using his articles to get a little closer to the government. And get more information on them as well. I’m sure Moria isn’t pleased they tried to kill him. He’d be after them too.


      Moria, in a stroke of genius, has erased himself from the world, while simultaneously pulling strings and making moves. And he’s only just beginning. When we see Moria again, he will have a formidable fighting unit and tonnes of information on both the New World and the Government to help him.

      You ask the question, who is most poised to take over the Black Market after Doflamingo’s defeat? Buggy? Or has Moria already made the moves and no one has realized yet. Wouldn’t that be something for Moria to rise to such power?

      *Theory by TheConqueror


        The Battle of Edd War was 27 years ago.


        Roger was executed 24 years ago. Three years difference.


        Doflamingo is 41 years old.

        41 – 24 = 17

        Doflamingo was around 17 when he witnessed Roger’s execution:


        Doflamingo was 10 when he gained knowledge of the National Treasure and escaped from Mariejois.

        At the time of the Battle of Edd War, he was around 14 (17 – 3).

        Shiki claimed that Roger knew the location of the Ancient Weapon, but hadn’t said which one.

        Roger doesn’t deny this and “I have no desire to rule, Shiki!” as well as “You can pressure me all you want,” implies that he can access it, because he rejects Shiki’s offer to use it to conquer the world.

        Shiki was informed that Roger knew the location of one Ancient Weapon.
        I believe that this Ancient Weapon was the Uranus.

        Let me explain why this Ancient Weapon was the Uranus, instead of the Pluton or the Poseidon, through deduction:

        – If Roger knew about the Pluton in Alabasta, then why didn’t Cobra mention Roger in the Tomb of the Kings?
        Why did Cobra not have a saddened/noticeable expression when he read that Roger was executed?
        Instead, he was more worried about the ‘terrible age’ that would begin.


        Sure, Roger could’ve used the “voice of all things” to find and gain passage underneath the Tomb, and then used the same ability to learn the location of the Pluton from the poneglyph inside.

        The Tomb Of The Kings


        But this is highly unlikely and very far-fetched because he wouldn’t have known the secret entrance to the underground of the Tomb to start with; we also don’t know much about his VOAT ability – how he used it and such.

        Robin Examining The Pluton Poneglpyh

        • If he read the blueprints of the ‘Second Pluton’, then he didn’t know the ‘location‘ of the Pluton, but the design of it from the blueprints.
        Furthermore, it’s been hinted many times that the Pluton in Alabasta will be found and awakened by a group with bad intentions (WGor Blackbeard?), prompting the use of the ‘Second Pluton’ to counter it.
        So Roger did not have a newly-created ‘Second Pluton’, as there was no need to build it at that time, so he couldn’t have known the ‘location‘ of it.

        The Pluton’s Blueprint


        This is all still debatable as Tom didn’t let just anyone examine it; but then again, Roger had befriended him, with Tom having built the Oro Jackson for him.


        Thus it’s fair to say that Roger didn’t know the exact location of either of the Plutons.

        – Roger probably knew the general location of the Poseidon from the poneglyph in Shandora, but he possibly knew that he couldn’t find it since it hadn’t been born yet, and thus he didn’t know the exact location of it, therefore I doubt it was this Ancient Weapon.

        The Golden Belfry & Its Poneglyph


        Robin Examining The Belfry’s Poneglyph

        Roger’s Inscription Besides The Poneglyph


        Perhaps when he went to Fishman Island he realised that the Poseidon wasn’t anywhere to be found.

        The Oro Jackson Under The Ocean

        Remember when Rayleigh said that “perhaps we […] were too impatient“.
        It possibly meant that they were too early, one of the reasons being because:

        The Battle of Edd War was 27 years ago.
        Roger died 24 years ago.
        Shirahoshi was born 16 years ago.

        It’s impossible for Roger to have found the Poseidon – he was going to die from his disease soon and the Poseidon would be born 11 years later after the Battle of Edd War; he left this job to a pirate with his will (Luffy) who would be around when the Poseidon would.

        Princess Shirahoshi: Poseidon


        This leaves the Uranus.

        People theorise that it’s the mysterious egg on Roger’s ship, which I strongly disagree with, and I’ll post all of the reasons why on another thread next time – there’s an interesting theory I have. It links with a Ghibli film.

        The Egg On The Oro Jackson In The Episode


        The Egg On The Oro Jackson In The Manga

        For a start, Shiki and Roger spoke as if the latter knew the ‘location‘ of it, not as if he actually had it with him – the red-polka-dotted eggwas with Roger on the Oro Jackson, so it can’t be the Uranus.

        But then again there were different translations – some say he found it, but most say that he knew the location. So we’ll go with the latter.

        The Egg On The Oro Jackson In The Merchandise


        People theorise that it’s the National Treasure located within Mariejois, which I also disagree with.

        Considering that Roger had the location and (implied) access to the Uranus when Doflamingo was around 14, while he was still blackmailing the Celestial Dragons with the National Treasure, how could the Uranus be the National Treasure?

        Roger and Shiki spoke as if the former could access it any time – wouldn’t that be difficult if the Uranus was in Mariejois?

        Doflamingo informed the readers about the National Treasure at the age of 41, saying that he still used the knowledge of the NT to blackmail the CD, the WG and their affiliates.

        Doflamingo’s Trump Card


        So 41 – 10 = 31 –> for 31 years Doflamingo had been blackmailing the Celestial Dragons, even while the Battle of Edd War was raging, so the National Treasure is still within Mariejois.

        If the National Treasure had to be something, it’d have to be something that they themselves created or stole long ago – what it could be:

        • Something, possibly a weapon, that the 19/20 Kings used to help them defeat the Ancient Kingdom, thus why it’s heralded by Doflamingoas the “national treasure” (implying that the Celestial Dragons do so too and thus take pride in it since it helped them defeat the AK)

        Don’t trust me on this though, this is only a wild guess. I’m clueless.[A key to the Uranus? I disagree because there are no keys to activate Poseidon.] [Sure, the description that Doflamingo gives of the National Treasure reminds us of the description of the Ancient Weapons, but that still doesn’t prove anything except that all of these things share being able to ‘shake the public world’ in common.] [Before arguing that “After Roger died, the World Government took control of the Uranus from Roger, and that became the National Treasure.” notice that it’s obvious from this thread that the Celestial Dragons had the National Treasure long before the Battle of Edd War, asDoflamingo was 10 when he gained knowledge of it and the Battle of Edd War was when he was around 14.]

        To conclude:

        • Roger had (implied) access to the Ancient Weapon, most likely Uranus, back when Doflamingo was still blackmailing the Celestial Dragons with the knowledge of the National Treasure hidden in Mariejois, and thus this proves that the Uranus and the National Treasure are two different things.
        • I believe that the egg on Roger’s ship wasn’t the Uranus either, as Roger supposedly only knew the location of it – like I said, I’ll expand on this in another thread later.

        *Theory by Saffron Kaizoku

          Oda revealed the inspirations on which Dressrosa is based

          D: Hello, Mr. Oda! I noticed that Dressrosa was based on our home in Spain, so I decided to send you this letter as the speaker of our group. Why did you choose Spain? If you ever have reason to visit Spain, I hope you visit Barcelona’s Saló del Manga (a Catalan manga/anime convention). Nothing to be afraid of! Our women don’t stab you! P.N. Voice of the Pirate King


          O: This is a condensed version of a letter I received from Spain. The Japanese was strange in a few places, so I think that must have come from one of those auto-translation sites. Thanks for the letter. You’re right about Dressrosa. It’s based on Spain, and Ancient Greece for the Colosseum parts.

          SBS72 5 Doflamingo

          When I took a close look at Doflamingo and tried to think of what country is suited him. I arrived at the conclusion of Spain. I’ve mentioned the lands of One Piece being inspired by real-life countries in the SBS before, but it’s the first time I got feedback from the residents of the country. I can’t be irresponsible in the way I draw, but if you do see anything that seems like a half-baked version of your culture or buildings, please forgive me. Remember, it’s just a manga.


            Marshall D. Teach is my favorite character in all of One Piece and the BB pirates are by far my favorite pirate crew. I’ve been gathering info on these guys like a madman for over a month now and I’m finally done and the things I’ve found were VERY satisfying. Now my fellow crew members, join me on a voyage of darkness as we dive into the past, abilities and future of the most mysterious pirate crew in One Piece; The Blackbeard Pirates. Be warned. This is LONG as I’m going into detail with all the BBs.

            Teach is currently 40 years old. He was 38 before the time skip. Teach was on WB’s ship for 25 years which means he was 13 years old when he first joined WB. Until then, Teach already had his plan in motion. Teach had already made his crew and the original members are Jesus Burgess, Van Auger, Lafitte, Doc Q and Avalo Pizzaro. Yes Avalo. I’ll get to him later. The original BB pirates are HEAVY believers in fate and there is a reason for that. Also, each BB pirate represents something negative or sinister. I’ll explain everything in a timeline scenario to better organize things.

            The Ancient Kingdom(who are all Ds) was defeated by the 20 Kingdoms. One of the things that led to the D Kingdom of Ancient’s downfall was the betrayal of the Marshall D family. They feared the D kingdom would lose the war so they stole the ancient weapon Uranus and gave it to the men who would later become the Gorosei. They wanted to remain wealthy but instead of being rewarded for their help, the Marshall D family were killed off to near extinction. One of the killed Marshall Ds was the most evil and its soul forced its way inside the wand of Uranus and when the Gorosei transferred harvested souls into fruits, the Marshall D soul moved on its own and possessed a fruit, becoming the first and most powerful Devil Fruit; The Yami Yami no mi. This action was most secretly witnessed by one or more Marshall Ds, and he(they) memorized the fruit’s pattern and the Yami fruit awaiting the day when the rightful Marshall D. comes to claim it. The Marshall D family passed this information from generation to generation hoping a Marshall D will find the Yami fruit and fulfill their will of taking their world back.

            Generations passed on and eventually, fate had an eye out for someone

            Kid Teach looks miserable by why? Because he was an outcast. Teach was born with a birth defect called Chimera Disease. He has twins living inside his stomach like a parasite which technically means he has 3 souls. This caused him to have a bloated stomach and toss in his large nose and face, he looks like an ogre. Teach was probably teased by the other kids for looking like a freak. Not only that, Teach had a DF. Mythical Zoan: Model Oni. Oni are fat, has 3 fingered claws, has 3 eyes and their teeth fall out a lot. Fate is cruel. However, it was Teach’s time to learn about the truth of his family. His guardian told him the truth and Teach realized that is curse was actually a blessing. Instead of aimlessly hunting down the Yami fruit like his ancestors, Teach was smart. He thought of a long, clever and calculating plan for becoming the strongest. The first step is building a crew.

            “Champion” Jesus Burgess
            No Restraint/Self Control, Show Off, Overconfidence

            I’m assuming Burgess was Teach’s first recruit since he is currently the 1st Division commander of BB’s fleet. Burgess’ epithet is “Champion”, he is a show off, wears a championship-like belt and is very muscular. No doubt he reminds people of a professional wrestler but I more so think Burgess is more a no holds barred type of fighter. Burgess fought in underground fighting arenas but due to his brutality and tendency to get the crowd involved, he was blacklisted because fighters were too scared to face him and fans were worried about their own safety. Fate is cruel. Burgess loved to shoe off his strength but he an’t do it anymore. However, he meet Marshall D. Teach who was impressed by Burgess’ strength. Teach recruited Teach with the promise of being able to show off and give the world an unforgettable show. Burgess accepted the offer after Teach told him his plans.

            Also, his size? His super strength? Him dressing like a Gladiator? Burgess is almost a mirror reflection of Hercules in Greek Mythology. Hercules was a wrrior who killed anyone who disrespected the gods and Burgess was said to “someone who would silence even crying babies.”

            “Supersonic” Van Auger
            No Attachments

            The most bland BB member. His origins are completely unknown to for me, his name and attire are giveaways. Van Augur’s name and the way he was introduced point to Roman mythology. An augur was a type of omen reader who read the future by interpreting the flight patterns of birds, much like how Augur was shooting seagulls to see which ones were fated to die painlessly. In both his appearance and abilities, Van Augur bears a number of similarities to the character Adolphus from Terry Gilliam’s film “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”. Adolphus is one of the eponymous Baron’s henchmen, and has incredible eyesight and amazing shooting skills, able to detach an apple from a tree about nine hundred miles away. Van Augur’s hat, glasses, hair, cape and rifle all contribute to this resemblance. The film is set in 1700s Britain and Auger’s attire is that of a typical French explorer. However, Auger was intrigued by the world despite his position. Fate is cruel. BB meet Auger by chance and gave him an invite by promising him amusement and Auger accepted. “Supersonic” refers to Auger’s incredible foot speed and reaction time.


            Lafitte was a policeman in West Blue who was exiled for being too cruel. Question is, was he so cruel because he enjoyed it? Or because he was frustrated? I believe in the latter. From his slim build to his tap dance shoes, its easy to assume that Laffitte was atleast an entertainer and that he enjoyed being able to entertain. However, his abilities were more suited for combat and so the leader of his kingdom forced him to become a police officer instead. Fate is cruel. It was hard for me to figure out what his abilities were until I read a series called Rosario+Vampire. One of the creatures in that series is called a Siren. Sirens are female humanoid like creatures with a large wing span and a hypnotic voice that leads gullible sailors to their doom. Laffitte is a mythical Siren zoan. Its the reason why Laffitee looks feminine. Teach ran into an exiled Laffitte, who developed navigational skills from being on his own, and offered him a place on his ship as an entertainer. Of course, Lafitte couldn’t refuse.

            “God of Death” Doc Q
            Death, Pain, Fear

            Probably the funniest and creepiest BB member. Everything about Doc Q screams death. Doc Q’s epithet “God of Death” also means Grim Reaper. The grim reaper’s purpose is to reap souls and spread death. Doc Q looks eerily similar to an undertaker whose job is to cremate dead bodies. Doc Q has the Death Death no mi. Doc Q can control the aspects of death. By touching you, he can infect you with a way of death but each death is ineffective against someone strong so he has to stack it overtime.

            In this scan, Doc Q was referring to Luffy not being blown up by his explosive apples(death by explosion). That rope around his neck is a noose which is “death by hanging/suffication.” He can also cause “death by disease.” The reason Doc Q is so sick is because of the side effect of eating the Death Death no mi. He feels all the ways of death the fruit allows and he can’t die from it. His horse Stronger is always sick because Q is always touching him.

            Because of the side effects, Doc Q became a doctor so he can ease his own pain but it was ineffective. Or you can say Doc Q was already a doctor(who’s purpose to save lives) and eating the Death Death no mi permanently made him sick and a being who’s purpose is to take lives. Either way, Fate is cruel. Teach was impressed by Q’s strength and medical skills and invited him with the promise of relieving Q of his pain. Like the others, Teach told Q of his plans to unlock the secrets of DFs which would help Q’s condition. With that, Q was able to get used to his condition and joined the BB pirates.

            Avalo Pizarro “The Corrupt King”
            Corruption, Arrogance

            Avalo is a special case. Unlike the other original BBs, Avalo Pizzaro probably doesn’t think too much about fate but his strength more than impressed Teach. Avalo Pizzaro has the Drill Drill fruit. He can turn his hands into drills and those gauntlets? They work as generators to increase heat and piercing power. We know Pizzaro was a Impel Down prisoner and that someone dug Level 5.5. Also, Pizarro was never wearing priosn rags. As I said earlier, Pizarro has always been a BB pirate. I’m assuming Pizzaro was literally a king running his kingdom into the ground. Drills are used to stab, skewer and impale and Pizzaro’s epithet is Corrupt King.” Avalo Pizzaro reminds me of the brutal and corrupted Vlad The Impaler. I don’t how exactly BB convinced Pizzaro, but Teach told Pizzaro his plans after defeating him and Pizzaro agreed. Pizzaro took his corruption to the seas but hid his DF ability. He needed to into Impel Down to confim the existence of a Level 6 via dendenmushi.

            The BB pirate’s plan was now in motion. They temporarly disbanded and Teach set his sights on joining WB’s ship to increase his chances of finding the Yami Yami no mi. Everything was up to fate. Will it be cruel? Or will be lucky?

            Before he could join WB joined though, Teach ran into a man well know very well; Shanks(22). Shanks tired to test Teach to see if he was “The One” but Teach’s turned out to be treacherous and attacked Shanks with his Mythical Oni zona which gave Shanks his scar. Many people think it was because of Teach’s claws, but not only does the claw has 4 blades, blades scars leave thin scars.

            As your know, fate was looking out for Teach yet again. He has done it. Teach has done what his predecessors couldn’t and found the Yami Yami no m

            The first and most powerful DF there is and what luck. He runs into the 2nd division commander of the WB pirates when he wants to become a shichibukai and take WB’s powers.

            The Yami Yami no mi is the strongest shield. When mastered, Blackbeard can have the footing around him covered in darkness as well as have a cloud of darkness covering his body. Any attack coming at him will get sucked into empty space but there will be gaps in the darkness clouds of course.

            The Yami fruit also has a great radius. BB can send a hurtling mass of darkness flying at his enemies.


            Blackbeard became a shichibukai and set the next step of his plan in motion; breaking into Impel Down and recruiting the strongest people in Level 6. Once again however, Blackbead was in luck. Monkey D. Luffy did all the work for him and out of all the people in the Impel Down arc, Blackbeard was the true winner.

            Shiryu “of the Rain”
            Bloodlust, Curses

            Shiryu wields a sword called the cursed Kusenagi which means “Grass Cutter Sword.” Those who wields the Kusenagi blade are cursed to always have it in their position, for getting into a battle without the blade means certain doom. It is unknown why he became a jailer, but its most likely to satisfy his bloodlust. His epithet “Of the Rain” is quite suspicious. We have “Foxfire” Kinemon and Jigoro “Of the Wind” who both are samurais from Wano. Could Shiryu be from Wano? Could these elemental epithets represent villages in Wano?

            Catarina Devon “The Crescent Moon Hunter”
            Denial, Judgment, Bewitchment

            Her epithet “Cresent Moon Hunter” speaks volumes for Ms. Devon. In Marineford, she said “You’ve all been bad boys *heart*” and attacked WB with a spear. Its like she’s delivering judgment on those she deemed have sinned. The cresent moon(left) represent the maiden turning inot a woman. The cresent moon(right) represent the mother becoming one with death. Is this foreshadowing of Big Mam dying and her DF going to Catarina Devon? Not good enough? Well then, you all should know about Witch Hunts right? In witch folklore, it was believed that witches are at their most powerful during a full moon and at their weakest during a crescent moon.

            “Heavy Drinker” Vasco Shot

            This drunken bastard doesn”t look human…like at all. He is a fishman. Those piercings are conveniently placed on his neck where his gills would be. As a fishman, he must know fishman karate but he uses alcohol instead of water and has a Drunken Fist-like style. The drunker he gest, the more powerful Vasco becomes. When the BB pirates were first shown in the NW, all Vasco thought about was booze. He is addicted to the stuff and would kill anyone to get his hands on some more.

            San Juan Wolf “The Great Battleship”

            The largest creature in the world.

            Honestly, I have no idea what Wolf is. I can’t say where he came from without it being 90% speculation. A special Elbaf giant perhaps? Bah. What I do know is that San Juan Wolf represents the Titans in Greek Mythology and the titans were the God’s greatest enemy. Maybe Saul is an extremely rare giant that is born with Titan proportions once every couple generations.

            With his newly improved crew, Blackbeard kill Whitebeard…..

            …and pulled off the most insane stunt in the history of the world. He has 2 DFs(3) and the 2nd major point of his plan was now complete. With his defect, the soul of the Gura would naturally nest inside the remaining parasitic twin and it did. But do to the Yami fruit being able to claim dominance over any other DF souls, it allowed Teach to use the Gura power.

            Two years past and the world is now in the dawn of the Worst Generation era with Blackbeard as the forerunner and he is currently on a DF hunt.

            Did you guys know that the original 4 Yonkou WB, Shanks, Big Mam and Kaidou are represented by the 4 Holy Beast of Japan?

            Whitebeard-Byakko-White Tiger
            Shanks-Suzaku-Red Phoniex
            Big Mam-Genbu-Black Tortoise
            Kaidou-Seiryu-Blue/Azure Dragon

            The 4 Holy Beast govern the east, west, north and south seas and in the center, there is no holy beast. Only darkness, voidness and emptiness. BB has already replaced Byakko and will eventually replace them all. The first of which will be “Hundred Beast” Kaidou.
            Once again, Luffy will do all the dirty work for Blackbeard and BB will be the real winner. Big Mam will suffer the same fate. Luffy n’ company will do all the work and BB will claim her DF.

            In Dressrosa, while Luffy n’ company dealt with Doflamingo, Jesus Burgess has already stole all the SMILE which makes Blackbeard the real winner of that arc.

            Against Shanks however, it won’t be easy but the Blackbeard pirates will emerge victorious with Shanks being killed by Blackbeard himself.

            Before anyone starts talking about SH vs BB match ups, please know that battles are never completely 1v1. Match ups gets switched around and enemies are usually beaten before the final decisive battle. In Alabasta, Mr.3, 5 and below were already beaten before the final battle with Bargoue Worls. In Enies Lobby, Blueno was beaten before the SHs got inside the Judicial Tower.
            Blackbeard Will Be The Final Villain

            All main villains in One Pece are portrayed as Luffy’s opposite but at the same time, a mirror reflection. Teach however is different. He is Luffy’s “foil”. In literary terms. a foil a character that has many similarities with the main character but differs in one critical way. While Luffy gets stronger by surpassing his limits, Teach gest stronger through theft, deception and murder.

            Blackbeard as a villans is so human in nature. Most villains in mangas(and One Piece) are these unflinching assholes that do everything right and never seem to struggle, show signs of fear, or be in pain until the moment the protagonist beats him/her. Blackbeard ain’t like that. He gets what he wants through blood, sweat, and sorrow. He isn’t afraid to be afraid and just keeps getting stronger. Out of the entire series, Blackbeard fits the pirate archetype the most. Blackbeard is a true pirate. Both Luffy and Teach have big dreams and are fulfilling the Will of D in their own unigue way/

            Remember what I said about BB coming out as the true winner? Well once again, Luffy will do all the work for BB. Luffy will find One Piece and destroy the WG. All BB has to do is kill Luffy and he’ll have everything. The question is, who’s fate will be cruel? Who’s fate will be defied?

            Luffy and Teach are at a crossroads. One will fulfill his dream and the other will perish. The fate of the world, the fight for freedom, the Will of D, it will be decided in this final climatic encounter beneath the terrible storm of an eclipse. ‘D’ will forever bring a storm.

            *Theory by Vandenreich

              DONQUIXOTE SANJI Theory

              This is a theory about Sanji being Donquixote.

              • he called himself Mr. Prince
              • was called Prince of dumbass kingdom
              • he has an RH- bloodtype; it is theorized that those with RH- blood are actually world leaders who are aliens in disguise

              Here is the timeline..don’t bother watching it

              Trafalgar’s age is “26”, but he tells Doflamingo that he’ll pay for what he did 13 yrs ago, alluding to Rocinante’s death when Trafalgar was 10, and when we flash back 16 yrs ago Trafalgar was 7yrs 7 months, making him about 23 right now (chap.724 pg.19, chap.761. pg 13).

              Age inconsistencies happen all the time in One Piece so it’s no big deal. Honestly, I would say all ages are approximate and have some wiggle room. I think it would make sense if Sanji was a little bit younger as well.

              -Both blonde, and Sanji has those prize winning Donquixote family legs
              -Sanji was born in the North Blue but grew up in the East Blue (chap. 227 pg. 7)
              -Sanji has an unusually rare blood type, maybe it’s because he’s from an unusually rare bloodline?
              -Only crew member who hasn’t lost a named loved one, and Oda wouldn’t miss a chance to kill off some kid’s family unless he had something bigger planned.
              -Both hard smokers
              -Rocinante caught himself on fire..just like Sanji’s leg xD – don’t take this seriously
              -Sanji’s coat in Film Z is very similar to Rocinante’s

              Why was Sanji working on The Orbit?

              -Rocinante doesn’t want Doflamingo to find out about him, because Doflamingo has a habit of killing everyone. If things go sour and Rocinante is revealed as a marine, he would want his kid as underground as possible.

              -Rocinante doesn’t want people to know Sanji is related to the Donquixote family because of their heritage. People hated and attacked them when they found out about their connection to the Celestial Dragons.

              -He just wanted them to have a normal life and maybe that’s what Rocinante wants for his son too.

              Or maybe it’s none of these, but one way or another he gets on that boat.

              Rocinante’s personality suggests he may be a father. He loves kids, which is why he tries so hard to discourage Baby 5, Buffalo, and Law from joining the crew. He doesn’t want to see them get killed/arrested. On their quest for a cure, Rocinante treats Law like a son. Is it because he misses his own son?

              You may say now that Sanji would know if he is Donquixote..no he wouldn’t know,simple because he doesn’t remember his father,he was still kid when guy left him

              He tried to see Sanji for one last time before leaving – he got on fire Ch. 49 page 5

              And by all this, Sanji will be king of Dressrosa.. someone made a theory that Zoro will be king of Wano Kuni.

              *Theory by Bepo


                Others have tried to crack the seventh Shichibukai for awhile. Now it’s my turn. Who is the seventh Shichibukai? Many believe he is a brand new character, however, I only half agree. While the seventh character is new to the manga, he isn’t new to the OP universe. I’m talking about Shiki.

                I mentioned Shiki’s return in another theory before, so I’ll transfer info here.

                So first thing is first, why did Oda bothered mentioning Shiki? It doesn’t make any since for useless info to be added. Knowing Oda, he just doesn’t add unnecessary info to his story. Shiki has some kind of significant purpose outside his feat of breaking out of Impel Down.

                We know Shiki is cannon thanks to Oda and that the early events before the story started actually occurred. The movie Strong World on the other hand is not cannon and should be completely disregarded. We also know Zephyr as a character is cannon, with his Z movie also not considered cannon like Strong World. Zephyr was an Admiral for the Marines until he left after losing his men to the very person who became the seventh Shichibukai.

                Now look right here:
                Now look here:

                Shiki the Golden Lion has been around for a long time. Zephyr in the movie died at 74. He was an admiral at 38 and an instructor at 41. That’s a 36 year gap to be filled.

                Now Shiki competed with Roger during his days of piracy. Considering how he talks to Whitebeard (example shown below) and the fact that he fought Roger on equal grounds comes to tell you that Shiki is no pushover. But what if Shiki was responsible for causing the incident to Zephyr and was the one who cut his arm off? Shiki is a swordsman after all, though now his swords are his legs.

                Shiki marched straight into the former Marine HQ and slaughtered a mountain of marines. It took Sengoku and Garp to bring him down, and he still escaped after being thrown into the impenetrable fortress that is the Impel Down. So this doesn’t surprise me if Shiki toppled Zephyr in a fight.

                Let’s continue about Shiki. Last time we saw him, he was on a jungle island somewhere in the Grand Line, it could be Paradise or the New World, it never mentioned which.
                But what if this island was actually Zou.

                Yes, the mountains look slightly different with the 785 chapter showing an unusual tree species than the Strong World chapter. But also look here:

                Who is he/she? (Looks like a she to me) She may be a result of Shiki’s planning.

                Note a lot could change, and the mountain could have suffered physical alterations (highly doubt it), but keep Zou in mind. Say Shiki is on Zou, the seventh Shichibukai is yet to be fully revealed. Based on how Oda is introducing these new characters, I am expecting the seventh Shichibukai and third Admiral within the next two-to-four arcs.

                Look here:
                okAll these characters are only being shown their heads, not their full bodies. Notice what is under Buggy’s head, we have something “furry” of some sort shown. Some are saying that it’s part of Buggy’s shoulder wear. Others claim its Doflamingo’s coat. I say it is neither, it is the seventh Shichibukai. Let’s do an elimination, don’t we?
                The marines and revolutionaries have their own panels, so I will eliminate any possibility of them being that “fur” thing. Here are the Yonko:
                • Shanks
                • Big Mam
                • Kaido
                • Blackbeard
                • Doflamingo Donquixote
                • Dracule Mihawk
                • Boa Hancock
                • Bartholomew Kuma
                • Trafalgar Law
                • Buggy
                • Unknown Shichibukai
                Worst Generation:
                • Monkey D Luffy
                • Roronoa Zoro
                • Eustass Kidd
                • Killer
                • Basil Hawkins
                • Scratchmen Apoo
                • Trafalgar Law
                • X Drake
                • Urouge
                • Jewelry Bonney
                • Capone Bege

                As you see, everyone above except the seventh and Doflamingo has their face shown. But that “furry” thing isn’t Doflamingo specifically because the pattern of Doflamingo’s coat and the “fur” object are different. It isn’t Jack either because he shares the same pattern as Doflamingo.

                Notice how in both pictures, the coats appear more feather-like rather than a downward spike pattern. But look at Shiki’s hair:

                A perfect match from a cone top to a spread as the pattern descends.

                With the text bubble in the way, likely on purpose, any evidence of a steering wheel lodged in the way is none. This is likely as Oda doesn’t want us to guess who the last Shichibukai really is, and Shiki’s twenty year old plan will finally come to play during Luffy’s era.

                An extra side note, unrelated to the theory, look at the head underneath Akainu next to Fujitora and Kizaru. No doubt that is the thrid Admiral. Keep your eyes out for character with curly dark hair.

                Anyway, back to topic, Zephyr left the marines because of the injustice of allowing the seventh Shichibukai to join the ranks of exempt pirates. To be a Shichibukai you have to be well-known with a threat that can put fear among other pirates. But why would Shiki want to join the very group of people that were responsible for Roger’s death. Well he has something planned, and he means to show the world the true terror of a pirate. If you ask me, he will play a significant role in the initiation of the Throne Wars described by Doflamingo, and against the Worst Generation, the Yonko, and the Shichibukai, he will open a wrath unlike any other seen in One Piece. What is he planning? Whatever it is, he is likely pulling a Blackbeard in using his special status.

                Before I end this, there begs one last question. Why would the WG allow Shiki to join the Shichibukai? Well he does meet the qualifications to become one, he is also on par with the Yonko as far as strength goes. If anything, the WG were probably desperate for the power needed to fill in the missing strength gap that Aokoji, Blackbeard, Gecko Moriah and Crocodile left vacant. This leaves the WG bouncing back from an almost ruptured power-struggle.

                To rap things up:
                • Shiki is back
                • Shiki is the seventh Shichibukai
                • Shiki is responsible for cutting Zephyr’s arm
                • Shiki may be on Zou
                • Shiki will be revealed in the next arc or two

                And done…

                *Theory by Phi

                  MEANING OF THE “D”/IT’S NOT THE DEVIL

                  We all know that D’s are the enemies of the God by what Corazon said


                  From this,many people say that “D” stands for Devil…well,Devil is not God’s enemy,he is just opposite of him.
                  Devil was supposed to be the first angel,the one who will resemble the God,but he was too selfish and wanted to be God and later he was banished…it doesn’t fit D characters to be the Devil.

                  Just like Shicibukai(warlords),yonkou (4 emperors),”D” will be a word on JAPANESE !!
                  DEVIL is read in Japaneses AS AKUMA… :arghh:/=A
                  Meanwhile DAEMON is read as Dēmon :arghh:D – read the rest

                  Real enemy of the Gods are Demons(Daemon – is just good version,turned bad,demons were always bad)…but there is more to it

                  “Daemons were created by the will of Zeus,from the people of Golden Age,to serve mortals as guardian spirits,they remain low in number,invisible,but only known for their acts.They offer good fortune to those who respect them”… – this sounds like what D is…
                  Let me explain
                  Golden age is the period where the humans didn’t have to work or do anything..they were the first humans ever..this will be mentioned later in this theory…

                  D’s are known to be very low in number,they also are very lucky,which brings them good fortune,but only those who are with them..enemies better run.

                  Daimons/Daimonic – as a literary term, it can mean the dynamic unrest that exists in us all that forces us into the unknown,be it tragic or discovery path.

                  This also sounds like D…they don’t know what is up ahead of them..it’s unknown..
                  But D’s always had a tragic past,which would lead them to some kind of journey they would go on – discovery
                  Self destruction –>>> Self discovery

                  You know – D’s are natural enemies of the God..but why ?
                  Daemon has another meaning

                  DAEMON MEANS GOD

                  I believe the current World Government that call themselves Gods..aren’t real Gods,they took the throne from D’s..you know how i said about Golden Age – where people lived peacefully,no one ever worked..but Daemons had to serve people…well,this is where it all went to hell…

                  It’s said that Daemons are very similar(again sounds like D’s)..but different..there are Evil and Good ones

                  But Daemons are supposed to be protectors of mortals..well
                  Deity’s started calling Daemons evil,dangerous and lesser spirits..
                  This sounds like something WG and Celestial Dragons would do..they would take throne from Gods and they would pronounce themselves gods..and others who were helping “lower” kind and those who know what kind of people D’s are,would be called evil and dangerous.

                  This is what was wrong..after this,D’s were the bad guys and CD and WG were good guys..so world needed to get rid of D’s..but their will still lives on

                  “A special being watches over each individual, a daimon who has obtained the person at his birth”
                  This sounds like D’s will is being passed on..Roger’s will to Luffy..and Ace’s to Sabo – when he ate DF,it’s like he was reborn,he ate Ace’s soul – this sounds stupid,but he took over his will

                  As i said,there are good and evil Daemons – Luffy/Blackbeard…let’s see characteristics of Good and Evil D
                  Good-good, brave, noble, moral, lucky, useful – sounds like Luffy,he is good,brave,always lucky and useful when he wants to be
                  Evil-malevolent,bad,evil – nothing much,but this pretty much sums up Blackbeard

                  Daemon comes from the word DAIO which means “To share destiny”..
                  Almost every “D” shares same destiny – tragic past(as mentioned),adventure,dream.

                  As written,Daemon’s are very similar in everything,except there are good and evil.

                  Daemon has another meaning except God..it’s FATE..which again is similar to D’s..they all have same fate..

                  Now for those who said,that D will be something on Japanese,just like yonkou(4 emperors)…

                  Daemon in Japanese is read as Dēmon,while Devil is read as Akuma..
                  Will of Daemons lives on..or the Will of Fate,Destiny and Gods
                  CONCLUSION: DAEMON=GOD

                  *Theory by Doctor Room

                    BIG MOM THE POWERFUL ALLY

                    Here I will propose why I think Big Mom will be a helpful ally to the Strawhats. You probably heard lots of theories about Lola being Big Mom daughter, I don’t know whether this is true or not (but if it turns to be true, it will only strengthen my theory). Here I will take another approach as to why I think Big Mom will be a formidable ally.
                    Let’s start with some known facts before going to the theory.

                    Big Mom Appearance:
                    Big Mom has only been partially seen from the shadows, but it is clear that she is an incredibly large and obese woman whose face appears to be larger than her body. She also seems to have a heart shaped lipstick under her nose
                    Doesn’t this description also fit this character?

                    Big Mom personality:
                    Big Mom likes sweets and tea party. She appears to be quite ruthless, burning down a country when they failed to make their payment, disregarding any reason for the failure and rationalizing that she hates people who cannot keep their promises.

                    Tea party and sweets, where have we seen this before? :

                    Some of Big Mom crewmembers:
                    Tamago (which literally means grilled egg), He is polite and negotiable, as well as rather intelligent, as he saw exchanging the treasure for some extra time to make more candy to be perfectly acceptable. Tamago even offered to give the citizens more time until they could accomplish the task:

                    What about this guy:

                    Pekoms (His name may come from “pekopeko” (ペコペコ), which means to “be very hungry” in Japanese), Pekoms has a short temper, as seen as when he was in a fit of rage when he was first introduced. He carries around a list of bounties on wanted people such as pirates and takes note of the people he has seen on bounty posters, as seen when he took the time to look up Caribou:

                    In Alice universe, The Mock Turtle’s name is a pun on the name of the soup is incomplete. The Mock Turtle specifically depicts a collection of creatures that make up the ingredients of mock turtle soup; they are not random. The pun is not only of the name, but of the nature of the soup itself. Meaning an unfinished soup, so you can never eat and therefore you are always very very hungry. And looks like a Turtle hybrid:

                    Bobbin (his name may be reference to “bobbing head dolls”), Not much is known about Bobbin’s personality, but so far he has been shown to be quite ruthless. This is shown when he reported to Big Mom after burning down an entire country and seemed pleased with himself for doing so.

                    Do you know who is directing Alice Through the Looking Glass adaption? James Bobin. Also look at this smile (and compare to Bobbin smile):

                    Ok you guessed it, I think that Big Mom was inspired by the universe of Alice in Wonderland adaption of Tim Burton (witch in fact is a retell of both Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass).

                    Why is this important? Because not only Big Mom appearance is that of Red Queen, but also her personality and this will play a major role in the Strawhats progression.

                    Who is the Red Queen (a.k.a Big Mom)?

                    The Red Queen is the bloodthirsty ruler of Wonderland. Her solution to every problem is to order a beheading before the day is out. Her most famous line, one which she repeats often, is “Off with their heads!” (Remember Big Mom solution to the candy problems is: “Off with their Islands”).

                    The Queen is identified by the color red, which is symbolic of her anger and fury, in fact most of her subjects are scared of her (Big Mom is also identified with the color red, we have seen her angry and fury over the missed candies; and also most of her crewmembers seems scared of her).

                    The Red Queen is one of the chess pieces in the grand game of chess that Alice plays in Looking-Glass World. Because Alice is a White Pawn, you might expect her to regard the Red Queen as an enemy. (We got here the analogy of Big Mom being the Queen of the new world and Luffy being a pawn, since he just started his journey into the New World. Also after their first encounter, we all expect them to be enemies).

                    Throughout the history, the Red Queen is overbearing, but she’s trying to help Alice if she can. The Red Queen’s pragmatism about the battle being fought between the chess pieces reminds us that all conflicts are somewhat arbitrary. (This reminds us the randomness of Luffy conflicts, first he got entangled with Big Mom because of the Candies, then with Kaido because of his encounter with Law in Punk Hazard.

                    Finally, although the Red Queen can be bossy, she actually gives Alice a lot of helpful advice and arranges for Alice to take part in the game, at the end of the book, she is actually responsible for the fact that Alice went from a pawn to a Queen (Once again our parallel holds, much like Alice, Luffy got all the great qualities to become the King; but in a complex game, you cannot rely only on your qualities, you need the help of powerful allies if you wish to be a King, especially if you start at the bottom).

                    The precious helping hand Big Mom:
                    We now know this:

                    that’s right, an spectacular war is coming; this war will make the battle of the best at Marineford look like a tuggle between Nami and Ussop.

                    What could this War be, I don’t exactly but lots of major characters will be there. And we know that is coming soon. Not only Kaido is a suicidal maniac, but also he is depressed by the death of White Beard and he will be enraged once he found out the Doffy situation, so I think is pretty safe to assume he will make his move really soon.

                    We also know that somehow our favorite Baka will be caught in between, in fact much like Marineford, he will be an important player. But also much like Marineford, Luffy is not quite ready yet (he is powerful, but it’s been less than a week since he entered the new world).

                    Enters Big Mom, much like the Red Queen, despite being angry and Luffy’s antagonist at first, she will come to this rookie aid and help him on his path to become the King.

                    Hope you enjoyed the read 🙂

                    *Theory by Suuuuper